May 8, 2001 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 7439 Given the significance of the day, it is per- pedition and the Long Expedition visited the been able to re-establish contact with the haps fitting that we are considering the budget Fort in 1819. The Long Expedition brought the Kalmyk people in the Russian Federation. For conference report. That package includes first steamboat, Western Engineer. Only years the past ten years, a wide exchange has been $1.35 trillion in tax relief for all American tax- later, William Becknell arrived at Fort Osage, developed between relatives, students and payers. With this tax relief, they can begin to using the site as mile marker ‘‘0’’ for the Santa professionals. earn for themselves a little sooner, and to plan Fe trail, again distinguishing the importance of Mr. Speaker, our country is so much richer for their priorities and their needs a little ear- the Fort in relation to commerce in the west. for the presence of our Kalmyk-American citi- lier. Due to the area’s historical significance, the zens. I urge my colleagues to join me and my In fact, current forecasts—under the as- Fort Osage Education Center was proposed colleagues Mr. HOYER, Mr. PITTS, Mr. CARDIN, sumption that there are no changes in the tax as part of the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Mr. WAMP, and Mr. HASTINGS, in congratu- laws—have National Tax Freedom Day in Commemoration. The Education Center was lating the Kalmyk-American community on the 2011 falling on May 10. But, if the Bush tax recently recognized by the Lewis and Clark Bi- fiftieth anniversary of their settlement in the relief package were passed, that date would centennial Commission as the priority project United States by cosponsoring and supporting be pulled back to May 5. In Washington terms, in Missouri and I am honored to have this his- this resolution. where we throw around numbers in the mil- torical site in my district. I look forward to the f lions, billions, and trillions everyday, five days events surrounding the bicentennial com- memoration at Fort Osage and in other areas IN HONOR OF THE MEMBERS OF may not seem like much. But, to the family liv- THE STRATEGIC TECHNICAL DI- ing paycheck to paycheck or trying to set of the 6th District of Missouri. I join the Mis- souri Bicentennial Commission, the Missouri RECTORATE COMMANDOS FAM- aside a little bit in personal savings for the fu- ILY TORRANCE, CA ture, it means a lot. Department of Conservation and the United It is in their honor, Mr. Speaker, that I am States Geological Survey in full support of the pleased to support efforts to let them keep proposed Fort Osage Education Center. HON. LORETTA SANCHEZ OF CALIFORNIA more of their hard-earned money in their own f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES homes, and to support the $1.35 trillion in tax RESOLUTION ON KALMYK Tuesday, May 8, 2001 relief in our Fiscal Year 2002 budget. SETTLEMENT IN AMERICA f Ms. SANCHEZ. Mr. Speaker, today, I rise to HON. CHRISTOPHER H. SMITH pay tribute to a very extraordinary group of FORT OSAGE members who are being commemorated for OF NEW JERSEY the Presidential Unit Citation. These heroic IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. SAM GRAVES members of the Strategic Technical Direc- OF MISSOURI Tuesday, May 8, 2001 torate Commandos Family passionately and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, diligently sacrificed their lives for ‘‘life, liberty, Tuesday, May 8, 2001 today I am introducing a resolution congratu- and the pursuit of happiness’’ for the people of lating the Kalmyk people in the United States Southeast Asia. Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to on the fiftieth anniversary of their settlement in During the Vietnam War, the people of recognize the importance of Fort Osage as a this country. The resolution also encourages Southeast Asia and the fighting soldiers of the landmark identified and later developed by continuing scholarly and educational ex- United States faced many challenges that Meriwether Lewis and William Clark during the changes between the Russian Federation and jeopardized their lives. But in 1964, the Stra- voyage of the Corps of Discovery. the United States to encourage better under- tegic Technical Directorate (the U.S. joint serv- In June of 1804, the Corps of Discovery standing and appreciation of the Kalmyk peo- ices command) was created to help the U.S. passed a high bluff on the Missouri River— ple and their contributions to the history and and Southeastern Asian soldiers to fight for which would later become Fort Osage in Jack- culture of both countries. freedom. The Strategic Technical Directorate son County, Missouri. Only four years later, The Kalmyks were originally an ethnic Mon- included the best selected group of officers. Clark returned to initiate construction on a Fort golian nomadic people who have inhabited the The members showed their intelligence, com- and trading-house under the direction of the Russian steppes for around 400 years. The mitment, and bravery in combat. They self- War Department. Clark noted ‘‘The River present Kalmyk Republic of the Russian Fed- lessly risked their own lives in hopeless situa- could be completely defended’’ and he eration is located north of the Caspian sea in tions to save others. For example, in 1974, the deemed the ‘‘situation elegant.’’ southern Russia. During World War II, the North Vietnamese Army attacked the city of Fort Osage (or Fort Clark as it was originally Kalmyk people were one of the seven ‘‘pun- Phuoc Long. 250 Airborne Rangers came to named) played an important role in the explo- ished peoples’’ exiled en masse by Stalin to the rescue, but they faced brutal assaults from ration and development of the West. Goods ‘‘special settlements’’ in Siberia and Central the North Vietnamese Army and lost contact were traded with the Osage, Ayauway and Asia for allegedly collaborating with the Nazis. with the Strategic Technical Directorate. After Kansas tribes at this site for years to come. There were about 170,000 deportees. After a four-day search, the Strategic Technical Di- Fort Osage proved to be the single most prof- World War II, several hundred Kalmyks who rectorate found only 50 percent of their sur- itable trading post of its kind in the United managed to escape the Soviet Union were viving members in the city. Another example is States and the territories. We are indebted to held in Displaced Persons camps in Germany. during April 1975. The Strategic Technical Di- the legacy of the Fort and the people who For several years, they were not allowed to rectorate’s Special Missions Services went to lived, worked and defended the Fort. Their emigrate to the United States because of prej- the city of Phan Rang, where the North Viet- courage had a profound effect on the evo- udice against their Mongolian ethnicity. namese were attacking the city. 100 of their lution of our nation. However, on July 28, 1951, the Attorney additional commandos were captured by the As part of the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial General of the United States issued a ruling North Vietnamese Army. Then the remaining Commemoration, Jackson County Parks and which cleared the way for the Kalmyk people Strategic Technical Directorate units went to Recreation is proposing an innovative edu- in the Displaced Persons camps in Germany defend Saigon. By the final days of April, the cation center. The education center would to enter the United States. In the fifty years North Vietnamese Army surrounded the cap- showcase artifacts and exhibit the significance since their arrival, the Kalmyk emigres and ital. The Strategic Technical Directorate did of the Missouri River. I believe this education their descendants have survived and pros- not give up. 500 SMS commandos, the head- center is a wonderful addition to the com- pered. Moreover, they are the first community quarters personnel, and the Liaison Service memoration and will help visitors understand of Tibetan Buddhists to settle in the United barged in and fought until capitulation on April the significance of Fort Osage. It is the only States. While adapting to much of America’s 30. These two examples prove how the mem- site along the trail where Clark returned to de- diverse and modern culture, the Kalmyk have bers of STD risked their lives and put 100 per- velop a facility that fulfilled the goals of Presi- also sought to preserve their own unique tradi- cent of their diligence and commitment in win- dent Thomas Jefferson’s dream of commerce tions. Many continue to practice the Tibetan ning the freedom for Southeast Asia. and development with the west. Buddhist religion. The members of the Strategic Technical Di- The significance of Fort Osage is not limited Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the rectorate Commandos Family will not be for- to Lewis and Clark. Both the Yellowstone Ex- Kalmyk community of the United States has gotten, but be remembered and honored, for VerDate Aug 04 2004 09:59 Feb 28, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR01\E08MY1.000 E08MY1.
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