Official Optimistic On-call Inside Bishop Donald W. Wuerl an­ Duquesne's President Dr. John Betty Butela of Shaler says she is .......... Page 4 nounces he will All two posts with Murray Is upbeat about the univer­ answering God's call in her work as .......... Page 5 local clergy in diocesan secondary sity's future. an Emergency Medical Technician Catholic Life .......... ..........Page 7 schools.................................Page 4 helping others. Around Diocese Page 2 ............................................ Page 7 ..........Page 10 Page 11 Entertainment..... ..........P age 12 tn <N H* UJ r—< UJ Of. < > ►- Û . ►— tn PITTSBURGH* * tn ►— c c or U J UJ •r> :> co O —1 Z U sO _ J o X o O U J O c : >0 Z O tn b- r c O U J ^ tn ZD ZD ►— 3 ►— ZD C c a t h o l 1 C Q - J CL 144 Year. CXUV No. 18 Established ln 1M4: America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper tot Continuous Publication Friday. August 26,1968 Hom osexuality Catholic Church’s teaching concerned with activity EDITOR S NOTE: The following can they change it at will. or by one's own prejudices and Is part one of a three-part series Consequently, neither praise disordered desires. In the present exploring “Homosexuality and nor blame properly is attached to cultural setting of our lives there the Catholic Church". one's sexual orientation. While it are few areas in which we are is not yet fully clear how or when more likely to be led astray than By JAMES P. HANIGAN a person's sexual orientation is the sexual area. Professor of Theology determined, the most likely ex­ The 2.000 year old tradition of Duquesne University planation is that it is determined, the Church on sexual matters can in part, before birth and has be summarized in some dear Homosexuality may refer to something to do with the way cer­ ways. Sexuality and sex are good sexual activity engaged in by two tain bio-chemical events in pre­ gifts of a loving God to people. or more persons of the same sex. natal life affect development. There is nothing dirty or It also may refer not to the actions of persons, but to their sexual “A person's sexual orientation is not a orientation. This orientation, manifested in cause for moral approval or moral a person's sexual feelings, fan­ tasies and experiences of sexual censure. ” attraction to others, is homosex­ Whatever the case, a person's shameful or sinful about sex ual when the others to whom one sexual orientation is not a cause itself. The purpose human sex­ i s sexually drawn are for moral approval or moral uality is intended by God to serve censure. is a humanizing one, for our sex­ The issue, then, for morality is uality is indispensable to our Part one of the use people make of their sex­ ability to love and care for others. uality and the sexual behaviors in Sexuality is intended to draw us which they engage. The Church's out of ourselves, to help us attend three parts teaching on these matters is to and value the other person and rooted in Scripture as read and so learn to respect the other and predominantly persons of one's understood in the long tradition of serve the other in appropriate own biological sex. While many a living faith community guided ways. This is true for all human people may have no experience at and inspired by the Holy Spirit. beings whether they engage tn ex­ all of homosexual behavior, most That teaching emerges from plicit sexual behavior or not. Ex­ people do have some occasional that community's effort to be plicit sexual behavior should also experience of homosexual attrac­ faithful to the God who has serve this purpose, but has a more tion or desire. created them as sexual creatures, specific, two-fold purpose which For a person's sexual orienta­ redeemed them from sin and call­ Church teaching has come to ex­ tion is not often entirely and ex­ ed them to a new life in Christ. press as the unitlve and pro- clusively towards members of the How does this community of faith creative purposes of sex. same or the opposite sex, but falls graced by God live out its life as The deepest meaning of sex. ex­ somewhere along a line between sexual creatures in holy and pressed in genital acts of inter­ the two extremes. responsible ways? course. is that it makes the man This difference in the meanings While the answer to that ques­ and the woman two-ln-one-flesh of homosexuality is vitally impor­ tion will have to be given by the in imitation and sacramental tant in understanding the moral conscience of each individual, realization of the unity of Christ teaching of the Church in regard conscience itself demands that it and the Church. It also makes to homosexuality. That teaching be informed by and be faithful to them two-in-one-flesh in the crea­ is concerned with people's activi­ the community o f faith and the of­ tion of a new life, a child, in im ita­ ty and not with their sexual ficial teachers of that community. tion and sacramental realization orientation. The Church teaches on sexual of God's own creative love. There is a good reason for that matters in specific ways. then, Hence, the Church teaches that concern. Only a person's attitudes precisely so that each member of sexual activity should find its and actions are a matter of free the Church may inform his or her divinely intended and humanly choice and human responsibility. conscience and make judgments proper context in marriage, a sex­ People do not and cannot choose according to the norm that is ual relationship between a their sexual orientation, be it Christ and not be led astray by biological male and a biological Heavenly reminder homosexual or heterosexual, nor views of one's culture or society. female, a relationship committed to sexual fidelity and exclusivity, Timothy Aguglla of S t Athanasius Parish, West in the project were George Sprys, Chris Trumps to personal indissolubility, and View, fastens a wooden sign of a guardian angel and Ean Ky. open to the procreation of new above Rochester Road near North Hills High life. School. The sign Is a reminder to motorists that — Photo by Sr. Sue Ann Orange, CSJ (Continued on page 3) angels guide and protect us each day. Assisting ---------------------------- Diocesan vocations — — Sisters adapt to changing needs of Church By PATRICIA BARTOS move, in entering Religious number, lay people can take hospitable group of women Religious communities of life, they face the future with their place rightfully in the who offer a very strong sense of women today are adapting to faith and hope, according to work of the Church, work they support for one another.” she meet the needs of a changing the Sisters. And. in some cases, are called to d o." said of the Vincentians. Church. they are doing it without As to the morale of Sisters to­ The new members, too, As the population of elderly parental support for their day, she added, “ most women “ take very seriously the call to nuns continues to grow and decision. in communities are here call others to community life the numbers of incoming because they see some pro­ when they express interest. members remains low. many gress. It's not where they There is a real sense o f co- orders have undertaken would like it to be, but they see responsibility to grow to new studies reviewing their Final part progress." life in the congregation.'' she membership, charlsm and "Women entering tod ay added. future role in the Church. of series have more of a sense of com­ The order is taking the voca­ "Diversity" is the word they mitment. They know what tions initiative seriously. They use to describe the focus of "One of the reasons there are they want. That's important." are making contact with parish Religious women today, accor­ fewer vocations is that many she said. groups, speaking in the ding to Sisters at w ork in voca­ women have found they can Sr. Janet Mathias, director of parishes and working to tions locally. This diversity of work in the Church with more initial formation for the establish a "network o f work opportunities and will­ options today. Lay involve­ Vincentian Sisters and a prayer” in the parishes. The ingness to serve the Church are ment is more accepted." said member o f the Pittsburgh- Sisters feel they are "standing attractions to the women who Sr. Catherine Fedewa of the Greensburg Vocation Council, alongside lay people, as part of currently are choosing Holy Family of Nazareth reported her order has four them" in their work with the Religious life, according to the Sisters, a member of the Tri- women in the initial stages of Church, she said. Sisters in vocations work. Diocesan Religious Leadership formation and five in tem­ The order also is studying af­ The number of new Sisters is Conference. porary profession. filiate and associate member low compared to those of past She added that, on the other She said the women, age 21 programs to “ widen our circle decades, but the quality is im­ hand, "a lot of women who to 30s, see much value to the of contact." pressive. their view of became involved in Church order's ties to St. Vincent de The order is “ feeling the ef­ Religious life is realistic and Issues found that by entering Paul and his call to charity, to fects” of an aging membership Finishing touch the professional background or Religious life, they can do it work with the poor and needy and the Vincentians are in the training they bring to their new more fully.'* a n d t h e “ breadth o f midst of taking a long-range Timothy Gardner, who Is going into his senior year at Centred life is of real value to the com­ She sees another side to the possibilities'' of such a view of personnel, ministry Catholic High School tn Oakland, puts a shine on the school munity.
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