This Sutiday, Thotii ('hi I/;inih(la ('hi Alpha to (letiMiiiim' th(> winiu'r of the (lold Lea.mu'. Tlu> wiiuier of this game will uo oti to face Tail Kappa Kpsilon for the ohuinpioi\ship gaiiie iu two weeks. VC Tonight niuht the 26th Annual Pi Kap V , “The Emperor Wore Bermu- drunkoii soldier. Sam Wilson, is crn- select their sweetheart who is. by ,i, will be presented here in the stantly a thorn in the side of liis tradition, a fresliman. Out' of tiie p ,1 Aiiclitorium. According to ('aptain. highlights of th(' evening will lie a,-, nice reviews from prominent The production includes four tine the gl('*> chorus singing. “’I'he U»)se <lway critics, the show will be dances, the ciioreograpliy beinu of Pi Kappa Phi” to tlu'ir freshman till, d with action, frivolity, suspense done by .Aeiinchen of New York; Sweetheart. ami < xtremely entertaining dances. assisted hy Bob “Fred Astaire" Si:me of the men l)ehind the scenes , he Emperor Wore Bermudas” Swavely. One of the danct's tak(> who have coopt>rat(‘d to put "'I'iJe taK. - us back to the days of Julius place during one of (’'a.esar’s "wom­ Emperor Wore Bermudas” on stage ■ jiilie" Caesar, who is portrayed by an’s lottery,” with the better U)ok- are: Sam Wilson, Show ('hairman; T^ni isdaner. and is the Roman ing half of the dancing I'liorus this ■Mario lavicoli. Script Director; , . .iinterpart of “Lucky” Luciano. His year including (lay Ferguson. Bar Walt Zalaman. and .Ian Ludwig, rarkets are endless, including a bara Eckardt. Sally Faber, .loan Production; Bob Swavely, Danci' Schlegel. Peggy ('ooper. Ann Ort- w (iiiaii lottery, real live orgies, and Director; St(>ve DeVel)er. Financt*; lipp. Anne Murpliy, Bonnie San .lule. making book on Christian versus and Denny Ilelmer, I’rogram. Kathy Dugan. Lady I)i lenno. Dottie IJnii tights. He is kept on his -Ml in all. “'I'he Emperor Wor«‘ Cleary. ,lac(iuie Najjar, Mary Lovt> Bermudas” promises to be a great Allard by his lovely, deceiving wife Van Inwaegen, Eva Schmergel, Xo- show, ('V('u better than the oi\»'s pnitrayed by Marianne Soponis. reen Kelly, and Anno Mansfh'ld. given in the past. S > pn( away your His loyal staff of oflficers include U a v r l '"to the evenings will make this Two of the other dances take place studies, grab your best gal and make ■•('aptain Luigi.” Gordon “Clod” nara rraciices years pi k a p s h o w one of the best. in (''aesar’s Party Hoom during one th(' scene at Drext'l’s rt'novaf('d .\u Lindhlom, and “Mark Anthony.” of life throughout many homes and they don’t want to gain control of of his orgies. Let your imagination ditorium tonight and tomorrow •luhn Knoll. Captain Luigi is the castles. his empire, only his rackets. The be your guide and you have the key night, till' ISth and l!)th of Nov(<m dashing young hero who falls mad­ There is never a powerful govern­ old “soothsayer,” Pete Liwski. fore­ to the type of dances performed. ht'r at S:;{() p.m. Ti<’k('ts «‘an be ly in love with the poor, but beau­ ment without opposition, and the tells many of the events leading to The men get their chance to out­ purchased from any Pi Kap. show­ tiful “fair maiden.” Madeline reign of “Julie” is no exception as Caesar’s downfall. Humor is sup­ shine the girls as Lee Mercy. Fred girl. or from tiie lickt'l booth in the Kudgers. Mark Anthony is a lob­ “A1 Brutone,” Jack Parrish, and plied by Caesar’s two servants. Clark, and Mickey Schlegt'l, to name center of the Court for the nominal ster. “a cool cat,” and a real ladies’ “Lucky Cassiano,” Bill Moore are “Snowball." Mario lavicoli. and a few. take to the stage. fee of $0.!tr) for Friday night and man. who has spread his philosophy the “baddies.” There is one catch; “Snowflake.” Joan Beach. The Each Fall term, the IM Kaps :|!l.3ij for Saturday. Varsity Singers To Begin D r e x e / s Cooperative Educational Program ; Schmidt^s O f Philadelphia^ A n Ideal Exam ple Fall Tour This Thursday Since its adoption by Drexel In­ tions. dustrial nuiiuigement and market­ stitute of Technology in 1919, the ing research. Thursday and Friday, November from the Hurlock area, has been Many corporations and companies cooperative plan of education has in the Philadelphia area are cur­ At present there are !."> co-ops 17 and 18. the Drexel Varsity most helpful in arranging the tour. grown and expanded greatly. This rently participating in the Drexel emi>loyed in these departnuMits. Singers will tour through the The Varsity Singers will include unique system of working part of co-op plan of education. Among Among those working in C’ontrol states of Delaw'are and Maryland, in their repertoire, religious music, the year and spending the remainder these are such well known com­ Labs are Louis Softer, Patricia Bar- visiting the cities and tow'ns of folk songs, and selections from mu­ in the classroom has many specific panies as Abbotts Dairies, Allied bera, Joan Shodder and Susie Miller. Dover, Harrington, Hurlock, Cam­ sical comedies. The choir will leave advantages over the normal nine- Chemical and Dye Corp., American In Transi)()rtation are co-ops Tom Drexel at 7:45 Thursday morning, bridge and Easton. In each of month college educational program. Stores, Armstrong Cork Co., Camp­ .McMonigle and Glen Wood. Tony these tow'ns the choir will appear returning at 5 o’clock Friday af­ bell Soup, Chrysler Corp., Du Pont, Visco works in Purchasing witile ternoon. Some of the features of the “co­ in high school assembly programs General Electric, R.C.A., C. Schmidt Phil Paino and (Jharlie John work and in Hurlock, Maryland, will The tour will be under the di­ op” program are that it offers the student practical industrial expe­ and Sons, Inc., U.S. Steel, aiul in (Jeneral Ofllce. A1 Salotfi is in present an evening concert open to rection of Dr. Wallace Heaton, Westinghouse. the Brewing department, Alan Splet the general public. Anne Boyer with Mr. Clyde S. Shive as as­ rience which, when integrated with classroom instruction, produces a Of all the companies and corpora­ in Accounting anti Allan Brown in will be featured soloist for the sistant director and accompanist. well-informed and experience-tested tions participating in the plan, (’. I.B.M. Sian Lane assists the nuin- tour. Seward Buckley, a member Mrs. Evelyn Y. O’Neill will ac­ individual. Not only does the stu­ Schmidt and Sons of Philadelphia ager of marketing research. (Jordan of the Varsity Singers, who comes company the group as a chaperone. dent gain practical industrial expe­ l)oasts a co-op personnel list wiiich Westdahl is in the ('amden Bran(;h rience but he also obtains an under­ the co-ordinators of the co-op de­ and Fred Johnson i.s employed at standing of and familiarity with the partment look at with pride. C. Norristown. problems and the viewpoints of Schmidt and Sons, the largest brew'- As one can see, C. Schmidt and ony Visco Elected Next working men and women. ery in both Philadelphia and Penn­ Sons serves as an ideal cooi)erative company offering practical experi­ The program benefits both the sylvania, employs more Business ence to students in many various employer and the student. The em­ Administration co-ops year-round departments while benefiting great­ ployer through his cooperation with than any other company. ly from their services. iditor-ln-Chief O f Triang e this plan of education has obtained Schmidt’s is typical of nuiny Phil­ adelphia concerns participating in It would indeed benefit other Tony Visco will assume the posi­ Tony has varied experience on a “high value—low cost” training program. Co-op students can be the Drexel co-op plan. The com­ growing Philadelphia industries to the Triangle staff. In the past he tion of Editor-in-Chief for the com­ trained at a much lower cost than pany offers jobs to co-ops in many consider Schmidt’s approach to the ing year. He will assume the post has served in such positions as re­ college graduates. The employer al­ departments of the company such program as an ideal design and in the winter term. Fred HarZer porter, news editor and layout ways has an annual source of well- as Accounting, Purchasing, Trans­ blueprint for planning ahead for portation, Quality Control Lab w'ork. administrative jjcrsonnel in the fu­ made the announcement after a staff; presently he is the managing trained college graduates to assist him in his future planning. The I.B.M. work, General Office work, in­ ture. Decial election meeting held by editor. co-op program serve as a “goodwill 'be editorial and business staff. As a member of Lambda Chi ambassador” for the company, ac­ Alpha Fraternity Tony has put quainting other students with the specific industry. much time in at 35 0 7 Baring Advantages to the student result Street and Lambda Chi is all the from his on-the-job training. He better for his drive and spirit. He can select his desired type of work, has served his fraternity as Rush­ based on actual experience, rather ing Chairman, Correspondent, and than book knowiedge. By his work­ Chairman of the Winter Warm Up. ing on different jobs wiiile in col­ lege, he can decide wiiat he likes Presently he is the coach of their and dislikes, thereby avoiding a “bad I.F.
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