JUNE- 1955 shield and diamond OF THE PI KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY • • No. I on the professional basketball teams' list - Buzz Wilkinson, Alpha (Virginia). drives for a goal against Duke. FRATERNITY BADGES OF QUALITY -BY EHCO Order Your Badge From the Following List BADGE PRICE LIST Pi Kapp a Alpha No. 0 No.2 No. l Plain Bevel Border .................................................................................. $5 .25 $6 .75 s 9.00 Nuggett, Chased or Engraved Border ............................................ 5.75 7.25 10.50 CROWN SET JEWELED BADGES No. 0 No.2 No . 2112 No. l All Pearl ........................................................................................ $13.00 $ 17 .50 $ 21 .00 $ 24.0C Pearl, Ruby or Sapphire Po ints .............................................. 14 .00 19.00 23.00 2o .OO Pearl, Emerald Points .............................................................. 16 .00 21.50 26.00 30.00 Pearl, Diamond Points .............................................................. 27 .50 45 .75 59 .75 72.75 Pearl and Ruby or Sapphire Alternating .......................... 15.00 20 .75 25 .00 2UO Pearl and Emerald Alternating ............................................ 19.00 25.50 31.00 36.00 Pearl and Diamond Alternating ............................................ 41.50 72.75 97 .75 120.75 Diamond and Ruby or Sapphire Alternating .................... 43 .50 76.00 101.75 124.7~ Diamond and Emerald Alternating .................................... 47 .50 80 .75 107 .75 132 . 7~ All Ruby or Sapphire ................................................................ 17 .00 24 .00 29.00 32.0C Ruby or Sapphire with Diamond Po ints ............................ 30 .50 50 .75 65.75 78 .7S All Emerald .................................................................................. 25.00 33 .50 41.00 48.00 Emerald with Diamond Po ints ................................................ 36.50 57 .75 74.75 90.7S All Diamond ................................................................................ 69.50 126.75 173.75 216.7S Diamond, Ruby or Sapphire Points ...................................... 56 .50 101 .50 137.75 170.75 Diamond, Emerald Points ........................................................ 58 .50 103.75 140.75 174 . 7~ SMC Key-IOK Gold .................................................................................................... $9.00 Pledge Button ....................................... :........................................................................ .50 Offical Recognition Button- IOK Gold ................................................................ .75 Monogram Recognition Button, yellow gold filled .......................................... 1.50 All Pri ces Are Sub ject to 10% Fede ra l Tax IIKA OFFICIAL RING (Il lustration twice actual size) GUARD PINS One Letter Two Letter Plain .............................................................................. $2 .25 $ 3.50 5546 IOK Gold, Synthetic Ruby, encrusted gold letters .............................. - ........ $34.50 Close Set, Half Pearl ................................................ 4.50 7.25 5546-1 Sa me only sterling silver ......................................................, ....... .......................... 18 .75 Crown Set, Whole Pearl .......................................... 6.50 11.50 5546-2 IOK Gold, no stone , raised letters .................................................: ........ .............. 28.00 All Prices Subject to 10% Federal Ta x 5546-3 Same only sterling silver -·--·························································-····-···········- 10.00 (P lease give name of cha pter or coll ege when ordering ) Plus Federal Tax WRITE FOR YOUR FREE COPY OF OUR BOOK OF TREASURES FINE FRATER NITY RI NGS COAT OF ARMS JEWELRY AND NOVELTIES Edwal'ds, Haldeman and Company P. 0 . BOX 123 Official Jewelers to Pi Kappa Alpha DETROIT 32, MICHIGAN lli: r- EDWARDS, HALDEMAN & CO. Name ............................................................................................................ .. P. 0 . Box 123 Street.. .......................................................................................................... .. Detroit 32, Michiga n City ............................................................................................................... .. Send for free copy of the BOOK OF TREA SU RES to Fraternity ...................................................................................................... rm ~HI~1n AND nIAM~Nn OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE PI KAPPA ALPHA FRATERNITY Dr. Founded at the University of Virginia, March I, 1868, hy Julian Edward u. s. Wood, Liuleton Waller Tazewell, James Benjamin Sclater, Jr., Frederick Corti on Southgate Taylor, Robertson Howard, and William Alexander. This magazine is printed by Democrat Printing & Litho Co., 114 East Second St., Little Rock, Arkansas Life subscriptions are $10 .00 for members initiated before September I, 1927. Subscription rate per year for these alumni is 1.00, for non­ members, $2.00. All members initiated since September I, 1927, have life June, 1955 subscriptions. Please promptly report changes of address-include both old and new addresses. Articles and photographs (black and white glossy To Thi Year's Graduates: prints) are cordiall y invited. You will be aying "goodbye" soon to Address all communications to: Robert D. Lynn, Editor, the ca mpus, it friend hips a nd activities, The Shield and Diamond Magazine, 577 University, Memphis 12, Tennessee which to many of you has been home for Volume LXIV, No. 4 J UNE, 1955 the pa t four yea r . To a considerable degree the way a ma n pend hi time THE SHIELD A D DIAMOND is published four times a year at 11 4 East Second St., Little Rock, a nd live hi life in coll ege is propheti c Ark., in September, December, March and June by the Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity. Entered of his success or fai lure fa rther on. Each as second clas matter, Oct. 14, 1937, at the Post Office at Little Rock, Ark., under Act of o ne starts out wi th hi own particular March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of Oct. 3, 1917, authorized June 16, 1918. gi ft o[ mind and body and per onality. Each has his own li mitations. H appines a nd uc es come from taking and u ing CONTENTS our g ift for what they arc worth, not in Page clay dreaming or e nvying the sk ills of the Eye On The Buzzer-Buzz Wilkinson, Basketball Star_________________________________ 2 more gifted . Make up your own mind what values yo u will put first and what Epsilon-Delta Chapter In tailed at lorth Texas State.___________________________________ 6 goals you wi ll eek. R elate yo urself in a Pi Kappa Alpha-Yesterday a nd Tomorrow__________________________________________________ 9 u eful way to yo ur community, yo ur Loui ia na Tech D edicates New H o use _________________________________________________________________ 12 church, a nd your fellow beings. o one in the stream of society can be a miser Okla homa Loves " Country Boy"------------------------------------------------------ 16 or a hermit. Each individual li fe must Macfarlane Addresse Oklahoma Founders' Day ____________________________________________ 17 combine a nd coopera te with other hu­ ma n li ve to achieve a common purpose. The National Rush Director 's Page _________________________________________________________________ 22 If yo ur career is to be business or poli­ Is Your Son Entering College?________________________________________________________________________ 23 tic , educa tion or medicine, each will be a disa ppointme nt a nd a delusion with­ Paris-Sum mer Tourist Mecca___________________________________________________________________ 26 o ut hone ty a nd integrity of character. Memoria I H eadquarter Guest Book·----------------------------------------------------- 30 Being somebod y is more importa nt Chapter Eternal ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- 24 tha n doing something. If one m eans to li ve a great life, he will tart out now to Perma n en tl y Pin ned ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 eli cipline his emotions a nd whims and Precious Packages--------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- 29 to curb his impulses. A ll life is a grow­ ing process with rewards and compensa­ tion at every stage of the game, in young CHAPTER NEWS manhood a nd ma turity and old age. Be Alpha 2, 32; Delta 37, Zeta 40, Xi 32, Alpha-Eta 28, Alpha- u 38, lpha-Xi true to your dream a nd your ideals in 18, Beta-Iota 13, Beta-Mu 4, Be ta-Xi 40, Beta-Phi 8, Gamma-A lpha 37, Gamma­ the years ahead for they will not let you down nor fai l you. D elta 19, Gamma-Eta 37, Gamma-Theta 5, Ga mma-Lambda 36, Gamma-Xi 37, Gamma-Pi 8, Ga mma- igma 38, Gamma-Tau 32, Gamma-Phi 33, Ga mma-Chi 33, Your Chaplain, Gamma-Psi 12, D elta- lpha 36, D elta-Beta 4 1, D elta-Zeta 15, D elta-Theta 19, Dr. " Preacher" Gordo n D elta-Kappa 13, Delta-Pi 18, D elta-Si gma 34, Delta-Up ilon 38, D elta-Chi 35, --IlK .\ -- D elta-Psi 38, D elta-Omega 39, E psilo n- lpha 13, Epsilon-Beta 29, Epsilon­ The U11ited fat es ews for D ecember Gamma 36, and Ep ilo n-Delta 6. 17, I 954 , quote orne figures from the I n titute of Life Insura nce o n the va lue of education. The In titute say tha t the average co ll ege graduate can expect to Cove,. ea rn about 300,000 during hi li fe spa n ; Richard (Buzz) Wilkinson i a plendid repre
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