COMPLETE PROGRAMS FOR WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 16 E8B7DC OCTOBER 16, 1937 10 CENTS Edgar Bergen & Charlie McCarthy On NBC Sunday Night AMOS AND ANDY ARE THE LUCKIEST GUYS IN THE WORLD-PICTURES PROVE IT ALL THE WEEK'S PREMIERES AND GUESTS-SHOWN IN STORIES AND PICTURES RADIO Vol. 6. No. 52 IN THIS IS SU E WEEK ENDING OCTOBER 16, 1937 CURTIS GU I DE MITCHELL • M. L. ANNENBERG Editor PUBLISHER Smash Features Hollywood-Blenlng or Menaee? What is Hollywood doing to radio? By JACK JAMISON 4 On the Operatic Front All experiment ill Leml'eramen', Medal of Merit By JAMES H. STIlf.ET 7 A Weekly Aw~rd for Excellence in Broo!ldclIstin9 Seven Day' to Live An8WeTS to a drammic {1111's/ion By Hr.I.f.N HOVER 10 AWARDED TO THE ZENITH FOUNDATION Personalities Lucruia Borl Having a wonder/Ill time! 6 HERE ..... ,)5 Edison and his electric. have an opportunity to hear more. Amos 'n' Andy Tli9ht. Just recently, it has been our priv. The luckiest gUll' ill tile world! 24 Belland his telephone. ilege to get a peek into the future Vlrqinia Verrill The girl wllo brokE' lIE'r bark 21 The Wrighh and their flying ma­ of this program. Not through telep­ chine. athy, certainly. but by looking at Marconi and his wireless. cold facts now in possession of News and Views There may be mor.. Th.re may the Zenith Foundation which would Thia Week! be " mysterio"" power in man', appear to be mirades .... ere they Noteworthy p-rogram3 3 mind which today is hardly more not supported by sober proof, and Storin of the Week', Big Broadcnt, 8 than suspected. At '.ast, so believe by hearing the plans which have Hollywood Showdown certain scientids. They believe that the little­ been made to permit us listeners to help get By EVANS PI.UM MEI{ 12 understood power of telepathy win one day to the boHom of the truth regarding this Airialto Lowdown be released and made to work for menkind. mysterious gift which some people afe said By MAI{TIN L.:wIg 13 To that end. one of the year', mod astonish. to have. Musie of the Matter, By CARLETON SMITII 20 ing radio programs is dedicated. Immediately, no startling results are ex· Short Wave, Command.r E. F. McDonald. builder of pected, of that we are certain. Possibly By CUARLES A. MORRISON' 46 Zenith radios .,nd head of the Zenith Founda. these tests may result in no great increase tion, is responsible for this unusual series of of our kno .... ledge of how telepathy may be broadcasts. Interestingly enough, it is said harnessed or developed. But they do repre­ Pictorial Features his a»ention was directed to telepathy by sent the scientific method of trial and error. The Photo Week Picture lIew, 0/ Ihe alar, 14 his mother. All of us have known of some They do represent an aHack on a stubborn A Viait '0 a Seagoing Cellar one who has had the e~periertce of knowing problem in the grend and limitless fashion Tom HowaTd', basement IlObby 26 of a thing happening in a distant city or part that could be made possible only by radio. Pickpocket Plcturn Secrets 0/ Alice Faue', fmue 28 of a city, of knowing it positively and in his Because this series of broadcasts brings mind without being told of it. Mrs. Mc· us a new kind of enjoyment, because it prods Donald had e~periences like that; in ...__ ... our senses, and permih us to share Departments fact, many. So her son, whose ca- in the exploration of an alluring. Stories of Near·by Station, 16 feer in the U. S. Navy and in science provocative scientific mystery, we Radio Guide', X·Word Punle 19 had trained him to accept nothing give to the Zenith Foundation and Contests on the Air 33 without proof, began to inquire into its radio programs Radio Guide's Short· Wave Program. 47 Your Instant Program Locator 17 the possibility of certain persons Medal of Merit. To the millions possessing the strange power of te- whose listening hours are filled usu- lepathy. His investigations uncov- ally with music and jest, we suggest Programs ered a series of remarkable stories. that you pause at ten p.m. EST Sunday, October 10 29 Some of these we have heard on the this Sunday night, to tune to one Monday, Oetober . 1 31 Commander Me· Zenith Foundation's program these of the NBC-Red dations. Your Tuesday, October 12 34 Donald. aponsor of Wednesday, Oetober 13 36 last two Sunday nights. We shall Zenith Foundation reward will be great. Thur,day, October 14 39 Friday, October 15 .. Saturday, October 16 .. Cotler by ChaTiE', E. RlIbino - • 2 , Previews of Some of the Better Programs !lUNDA Y Nino Martini. , . return Formerly featured soloist on the Lucrezia Bori ... rarity Chesterfield P]'ograms with Andre Rctired Spnnish Soprano Lucreziu Kostelanet~' orchestra, Martini re­ Bori returns to the n~w series of turns to the new series as guest. the FOl'd Sund:\y Evening Hour CBS, Wednesday, 9 p.m. EST. [or a guest appearancc. CBS, Sun­ M'1J'Iini's tenor voiec covers more than day, !l p.m. EST. two and a half octaves; he sings F Fifty years old and at Iilst awny from above high C in full voice. He WilS the hustle of her cureel", Bori spends the fir~t singer to reccive the Colum­ much of her lime helping young sing­ bia Medal fOr Din,~tinguislted Contri­ el'S. Her work is limited to suell rare bution txt Radio. concert or l'adio nppcar,ll1ces as she makes this evening. Hildegarde, .. secret songs .....•• , ""n" ",m ',,"m.'. ,. " ...... ,''''',."''.n to,. ""'"O";'Y"' M; •• Hildegal'de, who left Milwaukee to find fume lIbJ'oad, guests on Sunday Night Party. , . finis "Your Hit Parade" with Mark Jilmes Melton, Tom Howard. W;ll"now's orche~tra, Stuart Allen. George Shelton. Robert Dolan's Freddie Gibson. NBC, Wednesday. orchestra nnd the New Yorkers 10 p.m. EST. ChOl'US close thc Sunday Nighl In her second radio appearance since Party. NBC, Sundny, 10 p.m. EST. a summer at London's Ritz Hotel (first Melton's first scmlOn 'IS a big-timc was with Vallee, Sept. 30). America's singer, tulker, all-around mastel' of Cinderella girl will introduce two ceremonies winds up in a b!a7.c. of songs never heilrd bcfore in this coun­ glory. He promises to sing the songs try. Until then she's hiding the songs' he has wanted to sing all season. II tities, melodies. certainly should be 11 ]'ough ,md rol­ licking evening's entcrtUinment. THURSDA Y MONDAY Charlie McCarthy, , . and godfather Churlic McCarthy. chaperoned by Court of Heirs ... cash Edgar Bel'gcn, of coul'se, returns to be interviewed by Rudy Vallee, The "Comt of Missing Heirs" will who discovered the dummy-and­ attcmpt to fmd J'ightful claimants mouthpiece puir. NBC, ThursdllY, to estntes tied up in bunks, A new In " Stella Dallas" on the screen, Barbara Stanwyck made movie·goers 9 p.m. EST. sel"ies, on CBS, Monday, 7 p.m. cry; she'll do it to listeners Monday night on the Lux Radio The,.ter EST, Bergen hesitoted to sign <l radio con­ Dramntizing the livcs of l)ersons who tract after appcuring on Vollee's show died without oppal"ent heirs. Writers TUESDAY POl"kyakarkus. Tuesday, CBS, 8:30 once because he didn't want to use up p.m. EST. For the West, 9: 30 p,m. his few routines on the radio. Tonight Al Shebel, James Waters hope to help "Dear Teacher" ... kid quiz MST, 8:30 PST, locatc relatives to take some of the Vallee lInd Bergen will recall that in­ Fay left Bl'oudway to become 0 hit as dead-men's treasure. A children's program, "Dcm' cident and otheL's in ventriloquism's Teacher," with unannounced tnl­ a long-run guest of Rudy Vallee, but comebnck under Edgar Bel·gen. ent, applies the "Prof, Quiz" tech­ flopped on his own show for the same nique to juveniles. CBS, Tues., sponsor. He has since been on the air Thurs., SaL, 5: 45 p.m. EST. FRIDAY Bob Burns ... pinch-hitter only on occasional guest spots_ Hardest problem confronting "Prof. Bob joins Tony Marlin, Ray No­ Dr. D<llmrosch , .. appreciation ble's orchestra on the Gt'ape Nuts Quiz" (Croig Earl) is "cold Ccct," OJ' show as George BmM, Gl'acie Al­ Dr. Walter Daml"osch inaugurates mike fright, in his contestants for $25 Amos 'n' Andy, , . on Mardi Gras thc tenth season of his Music Ap­ Ien go vacationing. NBC, Monday. prizes. "Dear Teacher" buckers hopc 8 p.m. EST. Fo]' the West, 8: 30 The blackface boys, who tried preciation Hour, an educational p.m. MST, 7:30 p.m. PST. -although they can hardly believe­ another type of comedy on the and eultul'al feature. NBC, Fri­ Hollywood Mardi Gras premiere, duy, 2 p,m, EST. "Names made news." This week Bob their young charges may be less self­ return by request of listeners for The premio:.'l"e progrum finds Dr. Dam­ Burns is thc name, There's no rela­ conscious than their elders, more of the same. Tuesday, NBC, I'Os<:\1 in his seventy-fifth year, but tionship between Bob and George, but 9:30 p.m. EST. still able to interest well over six mil­ Gracie decided thcl'e's nothing like a Erno Rapee .. , little man Listeners were omazed to hear Amos lion people a week in what he is doing.
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