Vol. XI1 APRIL, 1934 No. 4 (COI(I.~CRU,Spvi?~gfielrl Cl~nlnber of Co~umerec) AN AIRPLANE VIEW OF THE FRISCO'S WEST SHOPS AT SPRINGFIELD, MO. R. H. CARR MRS. R. F. CAKR T. E. CARR AMERICAN HANDLE COMPANY Mannfacturers of High-grade Hickory, Axe, Adze, Pick. SIedge. Hatchet. Hammer R. H. CARR LUMBER CO. and RaiIroad Tool HandIes JASPER, ALABAMA JONESBORO - ARKANSAS "STRONG AS EVER FOR THE FRISCO" Dense Timbers-Car Decking-Siding-Finish-Framing CHAS. R. LONG, JR. RAILROAD MATERIAL OUR SPECIALTY COMPANY LOUISVILLE CHICAGO C. W Booth & Co. "AB". THE SEW FREIGHT URAKE-Through new features Railway Szipplies in design and mechanism, pro- RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. vides effjc*iency and economy CHICAGO, ILL. heretofore in~possible. THE NEW YORK AIR BRAKE COMPANY Lopn Iron and Steel Cu. 420 Lexington Avenue All kinds of Railway and 111- Genuine Wrozrght Iron NEW YORK CITY dustrial Paints. Varnishes and Lacquers. WORKS: BURNHAM, PA. Plant-Watertown, N. Y. Magnus Company INCORPORATED JOURNAL BEARINGS and BRONZE ENGINE CASTINGS NEW YORK CHICAGO meFRISCO EMPLOYES' MAGAZINE ROOM 8 3 5 FRISCO BUILDING .. ST. LOUIS JOHN U'. NOURSE, General Passenger Agent In Charge MARTHA C. MOORE, Editor I APRIL, 1934 No. 4 OLD TIME PAPERS FOUND Two relics of the days of long ago Permission is given to reprint with or without credit. reached the desk of the Editor of the in part or in full, any article appearing in this Magazine Frisco Magazine during February. One is an expense bill issued by the agent at Neosho in November, 1897, and the second is a letter "To Whom Concerned", advising that C. W. Johnston had been granted a leave Contents of This Issue of absence for fifteen days. The latter document is dated July 7, 188.4. Pages The old expense bill covers groceries, spice and paper shipped Eighth International Petroleum Exposition and #Congress in Tulsa, May 12-19 from Kansas City to Neosho, and the ..............................................3 bill totals $1.75. The agent at that Agent Sponsors Unique Trip...................................................... 4 time was T. S. Morrow. Whet a Loyal Employe Means, by 0. L. Young ....................5 The leave of absence shows a fancy letterhead, with the information of Why I Am Interested in Upbuilding Frisco the mileage of the "Frisco Line" at Business, by Key Browning ................................................ 5 that time. The mileage totaled 904 Bowling Tournament Planned for April 7-5............................ 6 miles and is shown as follows: St. Louis to Halstead, Veterans to Pensacola .................................................................. 7 Kans. .............................. 531 News of the Frisco Clubs........................................................ 8-11 Peirce City, Mo., to Red Fork, I. T .......................142 1934-1935 Conventions .............................................................. 10 Plymouth, Mo., to Ft. The Pension Roll .................... .................................................... 12 Smith, Ark .....................134 Joplin, Mo., to Girard, In Memoriam ............................................................................. 13 Kans. .............................. 38 The Merrimen,t Page ..................................................................14 Springfield. Mo., to Chadwick, Mo. .............. 35 News From the Mechanical Department.......................... 15-18 Oronogo; Mo., to Galena, Frisco Family News ................................................................ 19-32 Kans. ............................. 20 Carbon Branch .................. 4 Total.................... 904 miles MEMBER I THE FRISCO EMPLOYES* MAGAZINE The hlseo Employes' Magazlne Is a monthly publlcatlon devoted prlmarlly to the Interests of the actlre and retlred employes of the Frlsco Lines. It contalns storles. Items Of cur- rent news, personal notes about employes and thelr famllles, artlcles deallng with varlous phase8 of rallrond work, poems. cartoons and notlces regarding the service. Good clear photographs sultable for reproduction are especially deslred, and will be returned only when requested. All cartoons and drawings must be In black India Ink. Employes are lnvlted to wrlte artlcles for the ma~zlne. Contrlbutlons should be type- wrltten, on one slde oP the sheet only, and should be addressed to the Editor, filsco Building, St. Louls, hio. Dlstrlbuted free among hlsco Employes. To others, prlce 15 cents a copy; subacrlptlon ratn. $1.50 a year. Advertlslng rate wlll be made known upon appllcatlon. 176 W. Adam8 St.. Chlcaao, 111. April, 1934 Page Eighth Int. Petroleum Exposition and Congress in Tulsa May 12-19 HE oil industry will celebrate its sentation will be in attendance again Exposition To Be start toward recovery when it this year. T holds its eighth International "The United States Government has Largest of Its Kind Petroleum Exposition and Congress in approved the exposition under a reso- in the World Tulsa, Oklahoma, May 12 to 19, ac- lution passed by Congress and is send- cording to William G. Skelly, presi- ing out official government invitations dent of the Skelly Oil Con~pany,and to more than flfty countries of the tion- is prevailing in the industry president of the exposition. world and to each of the 45 states which mill see many producers and "This exposition, which is the of the United States inviting them to refiners planning for improvement of largest industrial show of any one in- exhibit samples of fabricated and raw their properties and extensive con- dustry in the world," said Mr. Skelly, products of all countries used in the struction work and additions to equip- "will have exhibits valued at more petroleum industry and bringing to- ment. than ten million dollars re~resentina- gether buyers and sellers for promo- "This means that now is the oppor- the producing, tefining transportation tion of trade and comm,erce in such tune time for manufacturers to dis- and marketing- divisions. products. play new machinery and inventions "At the last exposition, held in "With the increased price of oil and 1930, exhibits and delegations in at- a partial balance between supply and tendance represented 21 nations Prom demand a general wave of reconstruc- five continents and 38 states of the Pogc whicl1 have been perfected by engi- neers and scientists over the past Agent Sponsors Unique Trip , three years and which, due to de- pressed business conditlon, have not as yi?t been generally introduced to the i~idustry. "Tt ie expositlon has a permanent plant site east of the City of Tulsa on a 20-acre plot of ground. Fifteen acres of this is given over to the ex- hibits. There are Ave large build- ings 'with 4 and one-half acres of ex- hibit space and open air space for derricks and pumphg stations, etc., amounts to approximately 10 acres. "At the tast show there was a eom- plete sellout of space and there has been old to date over 80 per cent of the booth space. "The exposition has been endorsed by the American Petroleum Institute, Independent Petroleum Association of America, Western Petroleum Refiners Association, Natural Gasoline Manu- facturers Association, American Asso- ciation of Petroleum Geologists, Mid- Continent Oil & Gas Association, United States Congress, United States OMEBODY once made the apt Cracker Company, where they were S t a t e Department, United States statement that if there were no given a souvenir package of choice Sopportunities, he made them. crackers and cookies. Bureau of Mines, U. S. Geological Survey, and the governments of many That is exactly what T. W. Man- "Then the children were taken for a foreign oil producing countries who ning, agent at Haverhill, ICans., did at rIde on Riverside Drive to the Zoo. have sent official representations to his station, and for which he is to be where they aaw the animals, thence to the exposition and congress. heartily commended. Here is the lit- the depot, where they boarded Frisco "Readjustment of foreign exchange, tle story in brief: No. 310 for home. On the return trip. Russian recognitlon, and other factors Agent Manning was installed at Frisco brakeman. Mr. 13inghan1, ex- will make it much easier for foreign Haverhill on November 16, 1933, and plained to them all about the train and operators to buy the American petro- was told that there was very little its operation. Over half of these chil- leum industry equipment they have business there In the way of passen- dren had never ridden on a train, and. always preferred. There is every rea- ger traffic. In an effort to advertise needless to say, they enjoyed every son to beIieve that foreign buyers the low fares which became effective minute of the trip and reported It to will be present at the 1934 exposition on December 1, 1933, he worked out a be one of the best vacations they had in even greater numbers than in the plan to advertise rail transportation ever taken. past. at the reduced rates through the "Since that time I have had some "A scientific and technical com- school children. splendid ticket sales to points In 1111- mittee under the direction of W. A. And so he worked up an excursioil nois and Indiana, and look for a big Schlueter of the Refinery Supply and took 68 school children, Haver- increase in business at this point." Company Is preparing an elaborate hill to Wichita, Kansas, where they A copy of this issue of the Magadne exhibit of the latest in scientific ap- had a glorious day. Here is what he will be given to each of the children paratus. One entire building is being has to say of the trip: who took the trip, Haverhill to Wich- devoted to these exhibits which are "On February 20 the Prisco fur- lta, and Mr. Manning feels that it will free and which will be accepted only nished an extra coach for this excur- be a reminder to them of their first after careful consideration by the sion and this station sold 68 round train ride. committee." trip fares, Wichita and return, leav- The idea of selling short trips, The importance of the show and the ing here on Frisco No. 309 and re- which are of untold educational value value of everyone even remotely con- turning on No.
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