—Fred Deer wants to re- —Seems a queer way to mind you, when you're start a New Year — by shooting out the old year murdering For Auld —the deer season is over. The Glengarry New Lang Syne. ONE OF CANADA’S AWARD-WINNING WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS rOL. LXII—No. 53 * * * ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31st, 1953 * * * SINGLE COPY 7c Lancaster Meets Maxville Want A TV ? Funeral Today Of Fewer Fatalities, Progress In Public Building Hire A DP W. J. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mc- Dominated The News In Our 1953 Files In Season Opener Of C.O.V.H.L. Donell, 29-2nd Lochiel, are en- William J. Kennedy died Monday joying television in their home at his farm home, just west of (A Review of Events Important in Glengarry in the Past Year) Natural Ice At Maxville, Yankleek Hill since Christmas; and it didn’t Alexandria, following a lengthy cost them a cent. Their farm- period of ill health: A widely known Ready But Games Here Will Be hand, a DP in Canada only and highly esteemed resident of the A drop in our traffic toll and a September 30th, from wounds suf- 23rd. Delayed Two Weeks For Artificial Ice since March, bought it and in- district through most of his life- busy year of public building high- fered in Korea. Arthur Craig, 24, of Ruthilda, stalled it in their home. time, Mr. Kennedy was aged 84. light a review of the news of Glen- Highways Toll Sask., died under his overturned Lajos Feher, 46, a Yugoslavian garry in our file for 1953. There (Lancaster Rainbows journey to Maxville, Saturday night, to in- He was born in Victoria County, Eight traffic accidents brought tractor, July 23rd, while his mother who has been employed with the a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wil- were fewer fatalities recorded in our death to nine people, though only was visiting Dunvegan relatives. augurate the new hockey season in the OOVHL. Ice has been in use in McDonells since reaching Can- liam Kennedy. He came to lot 10 headlines and Alexandria, especial- four of the fatalities were recorded Rev. Robert Hodges, 36, whose Jubilee Rink, Maxville, all week and we understand Vankleek Hill arena, ada, knew that they were plan- in the Third of Kenyon when a ly, saw much improvement in its In Glengarry. mother haled from Glen Nevis, was too, has its sheet of natural ice. Alexandria plays at the Hill on Sunday ning to buy a TV set but had young man and farmed there since. public facilities. Two new primary Albert Vaillancourt, 43, of Alex- murdered by a hitch-hiker at Kan- afternoon to open the season there. decided to wait until next year. He was married in 1902 at St. Fin- ‘schools were occupied, the new area andria, died May 5tb, when his car sas City, Mo., July 16th. Home games of Alexandria and Lancaster are being delayed by the So he quietly arranged pur- nan’s to Flora McDonald. She pre- high school was nearing completion rammed a freight train at the local Gerald Curran, 43, of Chesterville, fact the new artificial ice plant at* chase of a 17-inch-screen Mar- deceased him two years ago. at year’s end, as was our new water CJN.R. crossing. a former Alexandrian, was struck by coni from J. E. Ranger. Mrs. Glengarry Gardens will not be He leaves six sons and two daugh- filtration plant; the new P.U.C. Mrs. Antoine Sauve, 34, of a train, September 14th, while work- ready before January 11th. These McDonell knew nothing about it ters: Angus at Kirkland Lake; building, housing town and utilities HaWkesbury, formerly of Dunvegan, ing with a C.P.R. section near Pem- Purse Snatched until the men came on the eve two teams will meet at the Gardens William and Lloyd, at home; John, administration, was in use. ihet death May 15th, when the car broke. of Christmas to install the on Wednesday, the 13th, and again Christmas Eve Montreal; Austin, a constable at the The accidental death toll of 17 In which she was driving was Donald Alex Macdonell, 70, died on Saturday, the 16th. aerial. House of Commons, and Howard of was down seven from the 1952 total in a dynamite explosion on his farm Feher, who has a son in ditched on the McCrimmon curve. Jubilee Rink ice was ready for Christmas Eve brought something the Ottawa Hydro. His daughters of 24. Highway accidents took the Francis and Elie Boisvenue, 08- at Green Valley, November 28th. Yugoslavia he is trying to bring skating Christmas Day, but further new in petty larceny to Alexandria, are Miss May Kennedy, at home, lives of seven Glengarrians and two and 17-year-old Maxville brothers, A natural death, yet tragic, too, to Canada, figures the TV set activity was curtailed until Tuesday when Mrs. S. A. Kennedy had her and Mrs. James F. Weir (Ann) of former residents. The ‘cold war’ were killed May 31st, as their car was that of Aimer Seguin, 42, of, the will help him master English night when the Maxville team had purse snatched' as she returned Alexandria. He is the last surviving took its toll, too, as two airmen met was ditched on the curve south of Glen Robertson area, /who died while faster, and he knows the Mc- a workout. They practised again home from a shopping trip down- member of his family. death in training mishaps; a soldier Alexandria. Another Maxville youth, making hay in the intense heat of Wednesday and Coach Don Gamble town. Donells will enjoy it, too. The funeral will be held from met accidental death in Japan, an- July 16th. He left five young sons. Even before this Christmas Girard Guindon, 22, is still in hos- will have a clearer picture of his Marcoux and Morris Funeral Home other was drowned, and two others pital. Natural death also claimed many Mrs. Kennedy had turned from gesture, Mr. and Mrs. McDonell line-up before Saturday. Kight at 10 o’clock this morning to St. died, one in Germany, and the other Leo Ladouceur, 40, of Glen Walter, valued residents of the county and Main onto Kenyon street east, about would have told you they like Cornwall men are trying for five 5:30 pm. She heafd footsteps be- Finnan’s Cathedral and vault. as the result of Korean war wounds. a native of Alexandria, died in a car former Glengarrians whose passing import places on th<3 team and Don the type of farm help they are As the year opened), ' L/Cpl. John crash, June 15th, on the Boulanges was recorded in these pages. There hind her but was totally unprepared getting from Europe. Feher is has two or three newcomers trying for the rush of a youth who Sauve, 19, formerly of Apple Hill, canal section of Highway 2. were three instances of near fatali- the third DP they have had and was killed in an accident in Japan, out besides many of last year’s snatched her purse and sped down Garry Theatre Changes Gaston Ranger, 24, of Alexandria, ties by drowning when quick-think- they liked them all. January 14th. locals. Dominion street. Her impression drowned June 28th, near St. Poly- ing and action saved a life. S/Sgt. Claude M. Cameron, 39, a A draw for turkeys being con- was of a boy about 15 who was not Hands Tomorrow carpe when trapped in the car which New Building Greenfield native, died in a plane ducted by the Maxville club will be wearing an overcoat. crashed' into the river. The new Glengarry Gardens, here, 'held at the January 8th game when J. L. Murphy of Calgary, Alta., crash in Florida, in early February, iSome $12 in cash was in the purse Robert G. Williamson of Van- was officially opened on January Alexandria goes to Jubilee Rink. Quiet Time For who opened the Garry Theatre here while serving with the U.S, Army but other articles she valued more couver, a native of Glengarry, died 26th and was later to figure in the Officers of the Maxville club are: 12 years ago, bows out of local busi- Air Corps. were in the purse. in a car crash in that city, Septem- news when taken over by seven President, Bill MacEwen; vice- ness life tomorrow, when Paul E. Pte. Gerald Edward Coleman, 17, Local police are investigating. Police At Christmas ber 1st. sportsminded citizens who are now president, Gerald M. Blair; coach, Viau takes possession of the theatre of Cornwall, a native of Moose o William J. MdDonald, 58, formerly installing artificial ice. Don Gamble; assistant coach, Don. Christmas week-end was a very he purchased earlier in the fall. Mr. Creek, drowned in the Welland Artificial ice is already a reality Viau closes his general store on of Green Valley, father of eight, was Munroe; secretary, Barrie Fitz- quiet time for local police, as motor- river, June 29tb, while swimming. at Maxville Curling Club which gerald; treasurer, Eddie Leblanc. ■ Monday and it will be occupied soon killed at Brockville, September 11th, ists evidently drove with care under F/O Allan B. MacGregor, 23, of earlier this month marked the ac- Lancaster Rainbows, last. year’s A. D. Stewart by its new owners, Stedman’s 5 when struck by a car. slippery road conditions. The only Moose Creek, was killed July 16th, complishment with a big bonsipiel. league champs, are reported set for cents to $1.00 store^ Alterations are Fred Cousineau of Dalkeith,’ killed accident occurred Boxing Day after- in the crash of a training plane in A new $80,000 three-room publie the season With many of their already started.
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