47.1° N 5 9 . 2 ° W Alder Point Sackville-Beaver Bank µ Middle Sackville Windsor Junction Florence Bras d'Or Bay St. Lawrence Meat Cove Capstick New Waterford Sackville-Cobequid Waverley Lower Sackville Waverley- Sydney Mines Aspy Bay North Preston Lingan Fall River- Dingwall Cape North White Point Hammonds Plains- Beaver Bank Lake Echo South Harbour Red River Big Intervale Lucasville Dartmouth Cape North Bedford Pleasant Bay Preston-Dartmouth East North Neils Harbour Hammonds Plains Sydney Bedford Gardiner Mines Glace Bay Preston South Bar Ingonish Dartmouth North Cape Breton Centre Glace Bay Ingonish Beach Petit Burnside Étang Ingonish Chéticamp Ferry Minesville Reserve Mines La Pointe Belle-Marche Upper Point Cross Clayton Lawrencetown Marconi Towers Grand Étang Wreck Cove Park Cole St. Joseph du Moine Victoria-The Lakes Whitney Pier West Dartmouth Harbour- French River Halifax Northside- Cap Le Moine Portland Valley Grand Lake Road Needham Eastern Shore Sydney- Victoria- Breton Cove Timberlea Fairview- Dartmouth Westmount Leitches Creek Kingross Whitney Belle Côte The Lakes Clayton South Cole Margaree Harbour Westmount North Shore Harbour Portree Park Pier Margaree Halifax ^ Balls Creek Birch Grove Chimney Corner Indian Brook Chebucto Halifax Sydney Margaree Valley Tarbotvale Margaree Centre St. Rose River Bennet Cape Dauphin Point Aconi Egypt Road Beechville Margaree Forks Halifax Citadel- North River Bridge Jersey Cove Alder Point North East Margaree Halifax Armdale Cole Harbour-Eastern Passage Dunvegan Sable Island Englishtown Big Bras d'Or Florence Cow Bay Quarry St. Anns South West Margaree Broad Cove Sydney New Waterford Bras d'Or Chapel MacLeods Point Mines Lingan Gold Brook St. Anns Eastern Passage Inverness Inverness North Gardiner Mines Glace Bay Sydney South Bar Sydney River Sydney River-Mira-Louisbourg Upper Margaree Mira Road Reserve Donkin Timberlea-Prospect Scotsville Boularderie Leitches Mines Upper Middle River Sight Point Strathlorne West Creek Whitney Pier Forks Baddeck Big Hill Boularderie Marconi Towers Fergusons Balls Westmount Grand Lake Middle River Creek Big Harbour Barrachois Road Port Morien Cove MacKinnons Glenville Big Baddeck Birch Grove µ Brook Lower Middle River Ross Ferry Sydney Riverville Baddeck Bridge Baddeck Bay Mira Road Halifax Atlantic Mabou Mines Yankee Line Morrison Road Sydney River HRM Inset CBRM Inset Baddeck Kempt Head Boisdale Homeville 1:100,000 1:100,000 Nyanza Big Farm CBRM Inset Mabou Harbou East Lake Ainslie Hawleys Hill West Lake Ainslie Dutch Brook Mouth Howie Centre Hornes Road Mabou Beaver Cove Howie Centre Mira Gut West Mabou Brook Village Rear Boisdale Sydney Forks Harbour Washabuck Centre Bucklaw Rocky Ridge Skye Glen Hillside Marble Hill South Lake Ainslie East Bay Albert Bridge Shunacadie Port Hood Catalone Southwest Mabou Main-à-Dieu Aberdeen Little Lorraine Churchview Marion Bridge Little Narrows Ben Eoin Tidnish Glencoe Station Whycocomagh Christmas Island Harbourview Glencoe Mills Lorneville Northumberland McKinnons Iona Harbour Grand Narrows Eskasoni Louisbourg Tidnish Bridge Amherst Shore Iron Mines Benacadie Sydney River- Hillsdale West Strait Maryville Blues Mills Estmere Chapman Settlement Big Pond Salmon River Road Mira-Louisbourg Northport West Alba Grand Mira South Cumberland North Orangedale Shinimicas Big Marsh South Side Basin Big Harbour Middle Cape Bridge Linden Melford Judique of River Denys Island Fort Amherst Heather Livingstone Upper Gulf Shore Lawrence Head Beach Cove Malagawatch Port Howe Fox Harbour Ballantynes Big Glen Warren Pugwash Truemanville Cove Valley Mills Victoria Bridge Gabarus Amherst Port Philip Irish Cove Glendale River Denys Wallace Bay Cape George Enon Mansfield Georgeville Marble Mountain Hastings Long Point Johnstown Gabarus Lake Mount Pictou Island Head of Wallace Bay North Shore Brookdale Pleasant Pugwash River Wallace Big Brook Red Islands Minudie Amherst Upper Malagash DISTRIBUTION OF SEATS BY Wallace River East Wallace Kingsville Point Nappan Point Lime Hill West Leicester Pugwash Junction Wallace Ridge Cape John Malignant Cove Lochside Loch Lomond Lakevale Roberta Salem Kolbec Seafoam Craigmore Nappan Wallace Station Malagash Malagash The Points Hay Cove Little River Conns Mills Middleboro Doctors Brook Fenwick Station Brule Toney River West Bay Framboise Caribou Island Stirling Richmond Point Arisaig Morristown Sand Marshville River John Big Marsh Creignish West Bay Road Oban Fourchu POLITICAL PARTY Barronsfield Chignecto Bayhead Caribou River Maryvale Head of Loch Lomond Oxford Point Queensville St. Georges Little Hansford Hodson Caribou Brule Welsford McArras Brook Channel French Cove Forks Streets Ridge Tatamagouche West Bay Maccan Sundridge Three Brooks Braeshore Knoydart Barra Head Soldiers Cove Barren Hill Springhill Fairmont Dundee South Victoria Mountain Mahoneys (as of October 1, 2019) Junction Denmark Meadowville North Grant Oxford Road Lismore Beach Crandall Road Cleveland Thomson Lower Junction Scotch Hill Sporting Mountain Cape Breton-Richmond River Hebert Athol Station Pictou St. Peter's St. Esprit Joggins Salt Springs Mahoneys Corner Lyons Brook Lower Baileys Havre Pictou Chance Southside Linwood Boucher Grantville St. Esprit River Philip Wentworth Oliver Pictou West Barneys River Brook Port Hastings The distribution of seats in the House of Assembly is based on the results of provincial general elections and by-elections. As well, Landing Harbour Clydesdale Antigonish Grand River Centre Balmoral East Scotsburn Aulds MacIntyre Grande Anse L'Archeveque Springhill Mills West Branch River John Loch Harbour Frankville Grande Greve West New Annan The Falls Earltown Elmfield Cove Port Lake River Bourgeois one or more members may change their party affiliation. The information presented on this map represents the results of the Greenville Station Wentworth BroPoicmtou Inset Little Harbour Avondale Bayfield Evanston Merigomish Tracadie L'Ardoise East Pomquet Cumberland South Rodney Afton Hawkesbury Grandique May 30, 2017 Provincial General Election, all by-elections since the 2017 general election, and any change in party affiliation by Wentworth Central New Annan Loganville Durham Barneys Antigonish Lower Louisdale Westchester Station North Earltown Granton Ferry Shulie Williamsdale Trenton River Station Monastery Mulgrave River Point Southampton Rose Wentworth Sylvester Egerton Piedmont Mattie Port Little a member to October 1, 2019. Collingwood Corner Four Mile Brook Mount Inhabitants D'Escousse Michaud Valley East New Annan Kenzieville Settlement Malcolm Lennox Passage Harbour Mapleton William New Glasgow James Lower South River Heatherton Merland Point Sutherlands Salt Springs Cap La Ronde Farmington Westchester Earltown Marshy River Tupper www.electionsnovascotia.ca Greenhill River Hope East Mapleton Wyvern Mountain Thorburn Addington Forks Upper Big Tracadie French River Janvrin West Brook St. Andrews Black Avon Sand River South Brook Stellarton St. Joseph Glen Road Harbour Westville Laggan West Harrison Settlement Plymouth Middle Melford Nuttby Salt Springs McPhersons Mills Ashdale Marydale Arichat Arichat Petit-de-Grat Folly Lake Kirkmount Halfway River New Canaan Mount Thom Union Centre Riverton Ohio Lincolnville Sand Point Millbrook Churchville Middle Barneys Little Castlereagh River Antigonish Rocklin Cape Anse Watervale Eureka Caledonia Alder River Auguet Colchester North Frasers Mills Mills Apple River McCallum Settlement New Gairloch Pictou East Lynn Folly Mountain West Lornevale Kemptown Hopewell Websters Corner Glen Alpine Lakelands Apple River Londonderry Blue Mountain Springville Upper South River Boylston St. Francis Harbour Moose River East Mines Station West River Station Moose River Ireland Fox River West Intervale Kirkhill Debert New Lairg Lorne Port Shoreham Port Five Islands Montrose Belmont North River Elgin Garden of Eden Glencoe New Salem Greville Carrs Riversdale Greens Brook South River Brookville Diligent River Parrsboro Brook Great East Mountain Glencoe Lake Portapique Upper Economy Bass River Village Sunny Brae East River Lochaber Fraserville Lower Economy Upper Brookside Giants Lake Sunnyville Greenhill Truro Inset Kerrowgare St. Marys New West Bay Cove Road Glenholme Glengarry Onslow Union Goshen Yarmouth Station Guysborough Masstown Valley Rocky Mountain Erinville Economy Lower Bible Hill Roachvale West Onslow Greenfield Philips Fox Island Spencers Newtown Cooks Cove Advocate Truro Harbour Main Island Eight Island Lake Truro Ogden Halfway Cove Queensport Canso Advocate Heights Millbrook Old Barns Denver Salmon River Lake Hazel Hill Harbour Harmony Selma Clifton Burnside Scots Bay Camden Country Harbour Lake Burntcoat Noel Shore Black Rock Aspen Maitland Beaver Brook Hilden Trafalgar Noel Minasville Densmores Mills Princeport Caledonia Lundy Dover Moose Springside Lower Caledonia Smithfield Cross Roads Country Harbour Lower Cole Harbour Brook Melrose Port Felix Gormanville Pleasant Northfield Green Oaks Brookfield Charlos Cove Tennycape Maple Grove Valley Cameron Settlement Glenelg Country Harbour Mines Latties Brook Pleasant Stewiacke Cross Roads Stormont Larrys River Lower Baxters Blomidon South Maitland Valley Otter Brook Newton Mills Whitehead North Noel Road White Settlement Brentwood µ Harbour Pembroke Green Creek Guysborough-Eastern Shore-Tracadie The Lookoff Noel Road Georgefield Middle Stewiacke Chaplin Waternish Isaacs Harbour North Halls Urbania Tor Bay Harbour Glenmont Cambridge Forest Glen Upper Stewiacke Dean Chipman
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