e CaliforniaTech Volume LVII Pasadena, Califomia, Thursday, January 19, 1956 Number 13 Tech 10 gel new lab by '57 Spalding-financed structure designated for engineering Work on the Eudora Hull Spalding Laboratory of Engineer­ ing will begin as soon as the spring term ends. The planned building is to occupy the area north of the Chemical Engineer­ ing Building where the Hydraulic Model Basin and the Internal Combustion Laboratory now stand. It is to border San Pasqual Street between Throop Hall and the dormitory driveway, and will have an extrance on the west, taking a small part of the present Dabney garden as its forecourt. Funds for the new AUFS staffer lab are to come from the Spald­ ing Trust Fund. E. A. Bayne The new structure, which will be 210 feet long and 58 feet wide, will enclose 60,000 square feet of floor space in five stories, to visit Tech three above, two below ground. Mr. E. A. Bayne, the second Building and Grounds expects it member of the American Uni­ to take about three months to versities Field Staff to visit the tear down the Hydraulic Model Caltech campus, will be here Basin and Internal Combustion from January 23 to February 1. Engineering Building, and to Mr. Bayne is an economic ad­ An architect's sketch of the new Eudora Hull Spalding Laboratory of Engineering looking east prepare for the erection of the ministrator and Near East ex­ on San Pasqual Street. Work will start when spring term ends and be completed in 1957. structure. The building itself pert who joined the AUFS in should take about 12 months. 1953. slates B&G expects to have the build­ During his stay on the cam­ Conover, Ingram compete ASCIT ing ready for occupancy in the pus, Mr. Bayne will talk to sev­ fall of 1957. eral classes as well as other Paul Smith for The Spalding Lab will be used groups. On Wednesday, January for frosh class presidency by chemical and electrical engi­ 25, he will talk to the History 5 neers, the chern engineers tak­ class on the topic of "I,srael­ The freshman class will meet today to elect its class officers. Winter Formal ing the west half, the electrical Temporary officers were appointed during frosh camp to serve Her Problems and Policies," The annual ASCIT Winter engineers the east. Work in and at noon he will talk to the until the class members got to know each other better. The both of these divisions is to be newly elected officers will serve until the end of the school Formal will be held January 28 at the Altadena Country Club, expanded and the equipment year, re-elections being held in May. they presently have scattered Nominations we reopened according to first representative about the campus will be two weeks ago. By the close of Jon Harford. Harford is in charge of all arrangements for brought to the new bUilding. All i nominations last Friday, these of the chern engineering work Delegates chosen thirty-four freshmen had be€n the function. Flowers and tuxe­ dos or dark suits are in order and equipment in building T-3 nominated: will be moved to the new struc­ will take Turkish President: John Conover, Bob for the affair, which will last from 9:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. ture, as will the analog com­ Ingram. puter from the West Bridge Lab­ Harford has engaged Paul Vice-president: W a II y Baer, oratory of Physics and the EE role at Model UN Smith and his six-piece band for Frank Cormia, Dave Gardner, equipment in Kellog Laboratory. Caltech will send ten delegates Bob Lange, Russ Pitzer. the occasion. Many Techmen to the Model United Nations will recall this group, which A new Datatron Computer has Secretary: Dave Allen, Neal been ordered by the Institute Conference to be held April 4-7 de Gaston, Dick Montgomery, has also appeared as part of the at Corvallis, Oregon. Last Mon­ and will be installed in the new Dave Spencer. Dave Pell octet at the ASCIT day the Board of Directors se­ lab. The Internal Combustion Treasurer: Frank Childs, Ar­ Christmas dance. lected ten delegates and two Engine Lab and the Mechanical nold Goldford, John Kelley, Paul Smith was the piano play· alternates to represent Tech at Engineering Shop will be moved ~orge er in the well-known Dave Pell the conference. Delegates will Tony Leonard, Loge­ into the sub-basement of the Octet before he organized his meet this evening to discuss mann, Bob Pailthorpe, Jim Wil· new structure. present band. This versatile plans for the trip. kinson. Like the present Engineering Athletic Manager: Brent Ban­ group has several albums on BUilding, the new lab will be E. A. Bayne This is Caltech's second year the market, including "Liquid ta, Dave Meese, Norm Velinty. built of concrete and stucco Y Graduate Faculty Luncheon of participation in the program. Sound." plaster, and will be of simple Board of Control: K e i t h Forum on the same subject. Last year Techmen carried the design. It will be larger than Brown, Doug Carmichael, Jim The location of the Altadena On Thursday, Mr. Bay n e banner of the Ukranian SSR; the present building (60,000 as Crihbs. Clint F l' a s i e r, Dave Country Club will be posted on plans to attend the Y Graduate this year they will play the part compared to 50,000 square feet) Gibon. Mike Godfrey, Bob Hue­ the bulletin boards of the stu­ Luncheon Forum and on the of Turkey. and more of its outside wall area hotter. Dick Long, Bill McClure, dent houses soon. Admission is following Tuesday he will talk Delegates will be absent from will be windows. The bUilding Kirk Polson, Gene Rob kin, free to Caltech undergrads and Tech for a little less than a i'" unique on campus because a to the Undergraduate Luncheon Mike Talcott. James Tate. gra~luate ASCIT members. week of third term. Costs ~will (Continued on pa.~e 4) Club at the training table. The be divided hetween the students last day of his stay he will agClin and the Institute. address the History 5 cla"s on the subject, "Some Italian Com­ At the conference Caltech stu­ dents will argue international (ultech Management Club provides closer munists." questions from the Turkish Before Mr. Bayne joined the point of view. following Turkish AFUS, he was for many years personal contact among supervisory groups closely associated with interna­ policies particularly in the Near East. Turkey is the leader of B;v Stu Richert ant social capacity. Before the the Caltech staff and give talks tional development progams. the MEATO pact nations and One of the important organ­ formation of the club, supervis­ on the activities in their parti­ After joining, he revisited Iran, holds a key position in the Near izations of Caltech, but one ors in different departments cula depatments. This helps to then participated in the 1953­ Eastern struggle between East which is practically unknown often had no opportunities to give the administrative em­ 54 program of visits to colleges. and \Vest. to its stUdents, is the Caltech meet; often in inter-department­ ployees an over-all view of He has published material in The Turkish delegation will 7\Ianagement Club. This club is al telephone communications what's going on at Caltech. such magazines as "Foreign Af­ prepare for the program by oc­ an organization of about 245 "telephone acquaintances" had Others of the monthly speakers fairs," and "The Reporter." casional m('ctings before the trip employees of CaItech who are been formed, but the parties in­ are administrative experts who give talks on management sub­ and h~r talking with Richard engaged in supervisory and volved had never seen each Interhouse Sing to Rohinson, AUFS representative management activities; super­ other. In the monthly dinner jects that might be useful to the from Turkey. vL.;ors of campus employees and meetings of the club in the members in their work. In ad­ take place Feb.. 13 also from the Jet Propulsion .\thenaeum, 11 0 w eve r, these dition to listening to speakers, The delei!r~tes selected by the Th' Interhouse Sing, planned Lab and the Cooperative ''lind management employees get an the me111bers of the Manage­ ROGJrd of Directors are Tom by tC:c' Caltech Glee Club, will Tunnel are included in the cluh. excellent opportlwity to meet ment ClUb occasionally hoI d RN",gernall. delegation chairlnan; t'l.ke place on :\fonday, Fe1'ruary SPHT31 professors also helong e"~C;1 other and become ac~ (1i,;cll'~..;ions in which thpy ex- Dick A"hbv. Mike Bleicher. Ii', a\ 7:45 p.m. in the gyJD. The to tlw cluh. ide"" on management K"ith Brown. Doug Carmichael. Cjc'ainte:J. cont"e~~t. songs to he >':ll~-' '~. "ucle I'll(' .\ra~ngement Cluh was !)rol)len1s. and m;]ke decisions ,Tc\hn L'tJ1~o, Joe Lin:l;eJ'felt. >n(~ r .\1\;0, at each of the"e mon~h- the (. '" l\f;ltc':'" an : '"rt, '<..-' - of Yl1~('C Ta~{l()]". 1'011 Deled h J!! is in responsc~ to a o',~ 1 D:ck Kirk. and 1 1e :,lGJn,lgeme'lt policy of \.J:,-~ ,(:'(f:..~1." Th0 11Yd~'i(' f(I":" 1 'i '32 net\~l for het~cr peso~1~1l contacts ly ~-lle<:.~tin~·,~ ,'-)dt"')i~ \:nt'dkcr j,-~ CJ;, -k" Rces. t:-!t, ins~iL'Jte, J-"> J~l; ~ ,~_\~"-' '.Vpl be h~ ,Jdcc: uut aruong n.l}XT\~isory personnel.
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