- 6 - 4 , . Case; 1. Ii In the case Of a library that ,does not use' Library 1 . made to,descripl of tongr9ss,..ciall numbers, it would be appropriate.to request.a unit card from OCLC at the time the book record las a not that the LC card-number began send Wily the b: was oraered,,prb'viding to be part of ti with a "7"1- If the LC card number Coes'not have- an -1- the box in the : initial P7", the book would te ocesSed according. card (Fig,. 8):. to 'the 'library's present cataloging procedures. r Case 2. IJ PermanentRecOr'ds at CrIC modifications t( Information received on punch cards from Members' 'ion into the uf will be stored in the.00LC master A record wi,1-1, u-se the brgwn 'be kept kqd.lolding library -of each "book cataloged; 4 -Case3. WI these records to include the additions or changes holdings statemo requested by a Member. Therefore,;libraries need tc Call numPer,,tho report an addition or change. -to ULC only Once. card as Fell" as t Four Requisition Procedures . -Case-4. Member library-1 ioned above, there are four basic call As holdings as- not= number %stems, each fiaving different request procItiures. lib& an will As eachf these procedures is explained, certain options . card-a ell as will be discussed. These op, -ons'permit each klember to alter the cataloging and ,c 11 number to satisfy its Usesof LI .own requirements. class mb r,su: the,altern to c: ,On unit Ards, as acted in .Figure if, LC call labeled "LITERA' numbers or Dewey classtimbersare located in a 22-position area on the bottom g that is called the "user's option arlea"iVlibrary- ay-insert information in this- space on cards*Tn catalog packs. For-example, an accession - number could be 'plac d in the useroption argg., , .., 1 , . For each set of'procedureithere 4)a-corresponding flowchart (Figures 2, 3,5,, 6). ThesdTlowchartsg resent thevarious options available to a Mdmber when reques -qatalogcar_dS in accordance with one of the four basic procedures. Users of.LC Call Number (Fig. 2) J TheseNMembers will request catalog cardsvlagoompletfng blue punch _card, which requests production of complete packs. There.are four options in making this type of request .1 1 - DOCENT REgtea r FD 080 118 / LI 004 423. '11 *FOR Kilgour, Frederick Coip.; Davis; Hillis D,.. C comp." . , -The Development of A Computerised RegiontiLibrary Systeil..Appendices 1-4.:rinal Report. C INSTITUTION- Ohi6 library-.Center, colgmbus._ C , . SPOfi AGENCY. Office of-Education r(DREW) Washingtoni BURgAU,NO BR-9-0554 .TUB DATE: Jun 73 4 CONTRACT_ IMW-0,p70-2289(506) *TOTE 228p.; 0 References) EDRS PRICE, MP-80.65 RC-119.87 - ---DESCRIPTORS *Cataloging; Catalogs; college Libraries; Expenditure Per Student; Library Automation; *Library . Expenditures; *Library Networks; Library Technical I Processes;Manualsr *On Line Systems; Regional ti PrOgrams;.Union Catilogs*UniArsity Libratles IDENTIFIERS -Cathode Ray Tubes-OCLC; *Ohio College Library Center ABSTRACT , , The purpose of the 0 ib College Library Center (OCLC) computerized regional library sy itt to provide,ah ow-line-system that *alma available to_faculty and stu4ents in. individual. colleges and _universities the 1 nary resources, throughout' a_region,,_while, at the tame-tike_dece/era gAhe.rate per - student - library costs. The. - fesearch and developme t culminated in the successful =lmplementation_,- of an on -line, union ca_alogand shared cattlagiqg stew. ,The final reports of the project is f,I 04 422._Tbis-document contains appendices one through four:(1) Inetruticin Manual tot Catalog Production' msnuS1 for OCLC Catalog. Card PrOduction, (3) Creation of.kathine Readable Catalog Entried..An Adaptation of the 1Data _Treparation Manual:' MARC Editors," and.(4)- `Cataloging op a Cathode .Ray Tube:*rminal..(Other appendices are LI 004 424 through'Ll 004 428.) (AUttxT/S.7).. S. V c V 0 4 iv C V . ti fDEREISTMENIOR HEALTH, ' 'EDUCATION 1WELFARE - STITIJTE OF ASOMUIL. EOUCATI HAS SEENREPRO - THJS DOCUMENT RECEIVED FROM OuCeD 0AciLyORGANIZATION AS ORIGIN THETERiON OR OF VIEWORCIPINIONS ATiNG IT POINTSNECESSARILY REPRE STATED 00 NOT INSTITUTE OF NATIONAL SENT OFFICIAL OR POLICY EDUCATION POSITION LIBRARY SYSTEM THEDEVELOPMENT.OFACOMPUTERTZED-REC7014AL \` -Frederick G.Kilgour - College*Library Center t The Ohio K 114 WestHenderson Road, Columbus, Ohio.43220 , R Hillis D.-,Davis CooperativeCO/lege Library 159 ForrestAvenue N.E.. Atlanta, Georgia30303 1e I A. A P P D S r ... 1. ,Instruction Manual forCatatt'PridUction. (Li004 423T . td.c. II. Manual for oco Catalog Card Production; (Revisedievised and Enlarged. Judith Hopkins. \ (LI 004- 423) . '., III. Creation of Machine Readable Cata log.Entries;'An Adaptation of the "Data 4 %. .., % . Preparation Manual: MAN Editors." (LI 004 423) A o / * % t IV. Cataloging on a. Cathode Ray Tube Terminal. i(LI 004' 3) . ., 1 '-'. , 4' O. Brief Descriptroncof-the Serials Control. System:It Preliminary Report. (LI 004 424) 4 VI. A PreliininaryDescriptionV the OCLC Serials Control System. (LI 004 424)--- VII. Manual for Checking-In, Binding, and Claiming of Serials on a CRT Teritinal - -- --Drat of Preliminary Procedures.. (1,1'004 424) ' % . - I ft 11 '- . VIII., Suggested 'Minimum Requirementd,for Serials Cataloging. (LI 004 44) IX. OCLC Technical erotessing System - A Preliminary Outline: (LI 004 424) . 1 X. The'Technical ProceSsing Sistem,VMay 1972. (Li 004 424), - -\- XI. Recommended Standards for the Cataloging of Serials. (LI 004 424) * .., . _. +- .... XII. Standards for InlmitCl.taloging: (LI 004 424) . - Thee lechnical Processing Syst'em, Augus*t (LI 004 4 24) XIV. Ohio College Library Center Annual Report 1971/1972. ''(LI `00471g.4) ;4 T. XV. tLarg On-Line-Files of Bibliographic Data: An EfficientDesign and a Mathematical Predictor of, Retrieval- Behavior.P.L. Rastcgi, J.E. RUsh and U,A. Wyckoff. (Not Available EDRS), k -. XVI. OCLC Systems: ,'technical Aspi4s. Phillip Long. and OhiorSXate.Univers0.4 Libraries Systems Gerry D. Guthrie. (Not Available'EDRS) '1., 4. XVII; Name-Title Entry Rptrieval frjik-a MARC File. Philip-L. Long and Frgderick G. _ , KilgdUr. (Note Available EDRS) . t. 1 , XVIII, A Truncated Search Key Title Index. Philip L. Long and Frederick-G.-Kilgour. (Not Available EDRS) XIX. Title-Only Entries Retrieved by Use of Truncated Search Keys. -Ftederick G. 4. Long, Eugene B. Leiderman and Alan L.,Landgraf.(Not Available EDRS) ; XX. Ohio College Library Center Systems. Frederia Kilgour. (Not Available EDRS) XXI. -Evolving, Co4uterizing, Personalizing. Frederick Kilgour. (Not Available EDRS) A 4. XII. The Shared Cataloging System of the Ohio College Library Center. Frederick C. Kilgour, Philip L. Long, Alan L. Landgraf, and John W. Wyckoff. Available ED11) ; , . pkrns. XXIII. Cataloging with akComputa - OCLC Comes to Pennsylvania. Robert C. Stew (Not Available EDRS) . XXIV._The &do cottege Library Center Program/Subroutine Documentation; .Ease,Update (M1=6). (LI 004 425) XXV. The Ohio C011ege Library1 Center Program/Subroutine Documentation; Call Number (CNVTi (LI 004 426) XXVI. The Ohio college tibtary Center lorhgram/SubroutineDocumentation; Generate , Pack DefinitionTabls (GEgPDTS). (LI 004 427) 4 The Ohio College-Library Center Program/Subroutine Documentation; Card Format Zrogram,(CCFP). (LI 004 427) , XXVIII. The Ohio College Library Center Program /Subroutine Documentation; Tape (BPT). (LI 004 428) G. ur. vailable' DRi) e EDRS) 4 4. , .... edericit jNot- .. venerate, l'ts .... :atalog s s - -.4 Wild. Print I- - 4. sl .4, ' Ohicr_College'LibraryCenter. 1314 Kinnear Road Columbus, Ohio 43212 February, 1970 .. , - t 41111 r a TABLE OF CONTENTS Defining the Pack. Purpose of the Catalog Profild;Questionpaire Ty?es Entries .Completing the Catalog Profile,Questionnaire II 'Request PrOedures When to Request Permanent Records at OCL9 .Four Requisition Procedures Users LC Call Number Users of LC Class Number Users of Dewey Class umb,er Users of Local Call Number Modifications and Multiple Holdings ,16 III Description of Precoded Punch Cards 16 Blue -Punch Card 16 Green Punch Card 19 Red Punch Card f ielloW Punch ard . 20, Brown Punch -Card Orange.PunchiCard 11. .LIST OF FIGURES Page Number -1 Catalog Profile Questiohnaire 2 Flowchart; Library Using'LC Call Number . _ tire 1 Flowchart; Library Using LC Class Number 3 .. f. Unit Card " tire 1 . V . Flowchart; Lib4ry Using Local 5 Blue Card 17 6. Blue Cards; Multiple dokiest ls- 6 Green Caid 2? 6 .Creen "Literature" Card 20 9 21 12 21 22 ,16 23 16 26 16 L 19 , 20. 23 25 t The purpose of this Ihstruction Manualis three - fold. objectives of . Page ' Section I, DEFINING THE PACK, delineates the the.gatalog Profile Questionnaireand'describes how to 4 . complete it. Section II, REQUESTPROCEDURES, provides Membership with various procedures to follow whenaski'hg 8 . for catalog Cards from OCLC. Sectidn III,TESCRIPTION OF PRECODED PUNCH CARDS, contains a detailedexplanation for 10 completing pi,ecnde'd punch cards.. ti r , 11 The,Ohio College Library Center will producecards weekly when each new MARC tape isreceived. riber 13 )er DEFINING THE PACK 7 A' '"NSECTION I: 17 .- Purpose' Of the Catal gPrOfile Questionnaire 14- The Ohio College Library Center biasdeveloped a Catalog Production Syster4 Capable of handling theindividual needs likely to have a number of 2p . .of a*MenOuer library, which-is receivirig catalogs, such a public catalog; official catalog, 20 or shelf 'list withinits s tem. To secure from theMembership information about catalogards to be trbduced for each t 21 catalog, op...Chas devi-qd a CatalogProfile Questpmnaire. A 21 Questionnaire must be completed . A separate Catalog P"ofile for'each receivingicatalo since types of cards will 'vary 22 ,-for each catalpg. Catalo cards produced for any onereceiving tatalog are called a pack' When a Member library hat more 23 ,than one receiving catalop the entriesproduced for,all of its ricelving cataloes.arp referred to ascomplete packs. 26 / Types of Entries Catalog cards ising a pack can be ninedifferent types.
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