THE TEESDALE MERCURY—WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1905 X An. Rio FEATS OF ENDURANCE. BELFAST BIGAMY CH/VKGK. MADMAN KILLS PATIENT. EPITOME OF NEWS. Playing with a halfpenny, a Hull boy v.EWS NOTES. Mr. Tom Burrows, by whirling hie silver clubs Thomas Webster swallowed It. The iufirmart HER V for forty-six hours without a moment's respite, has SENSATIONAL DEVELOPMENT FORE­ doctor succeeded in extracting tbe ooln from tta We dc not necessarily endorse the eptelons of 0«r TERRIBLE STRUGGLE IN AN ASYLUM. Four s.-boolboys ^ere at CtTentry o?*errd to N> child's throat. eorrenpooilents in the following notes riven another striking Illustration of the range of SHADOWED. lumen endurance. It is not many weeks, one birched f.r stealing three pigeon-, value 50 . Tee Bishop of Southampton has gone to lh« EDITH A paruHge'k i est, conteiaina 12 eg?*, was dis­ Caanuei I lands, » here he is undertaking a rcunj remembers, smoe Jalee Coben and Pierre Janssaud Much excitement has been oansed In the Exeter Author ot " Vhu-k i SfANien MABBIAGB QUESTION. "So far as the police have ascertained, the neighbourhood by a tragic incident at the County covered in a fk-l'i vu trio botdurs cf Caarawood of confirmations MM! various special strvioea aal walked round a billiard-table in Paria for twenty- Forest, Leicestershire, on Saturday. meetings. *J M. Brother,' " 21 The SpauUh marriage question is brought for­ four oonseouttve hours, scoring, together 6,434 accused has gone through one lawful, and four Aeyluro, which formed the subjeot of a coroners ward once more in Berlin Court eirolea in connec­ unlawful marriages. The ladles concerned belong Inquiry. An ewe belo-.pi.-,' to Mr. John Dullam, cf H-!« Gorleston iifeboatmen are on strike, being dia points and waHlng elxty miles ; a band of obanne- Farm, Barnstaple, has given birth to a lamb with tion «i'.h the visit cf Priuoe Charles of Bourbon, Ingers recently rang the bells oi St. Martin's, to Bath, Liverpool, and London," said the Crown Joseph M >rgao, twenty-five, an Inmate of the satisfied with the Lifeboat last! ution award Infant of Spain. Of course the Prim»ry*objeot of Solicitor, opening a prosecution for bigamy against asylum, is »*id to have been the victim of a terrible six leg*. Tbo lamb Is living and doing well. their ftervioea on the recent strandi g of the four, Birmingham, for eight hours without a second's Oo Lord Goildfoid's new estate at Sandwich-on- taw visit was to present to the German Emperor pause; and at Deeeronto, in Canada, two athlttio Frederick Woolfries, and electrical engineer, who struggle between himself and another patient, masted vessel Opt ma, claim abo; t £170. Taj IN T MM uniform (he latest addition to the proverbial is also known as Russell and Wool ward, at Belfast, John Coffin. Sea, a residential hotel, costing about £15,000, Is institution sent them £23. teams tugged against each other for two bours<and to be built, and additiooal golf links kid out. .«How sweet the ISO representing the Imperial outfit) of the 8pani6h ten minutes without once relaxing a muscle ; while on Friday. Dr. Divl* gave evldenoe that Morgan, who came Holding a child by tbe legs head downwards, t beautiful! Ie= Dsagoons, of which his Majesty has reoently be- we Ioarn that a' Helmetta, New Jersey, a light- •It is just possible," went on Mr. Carr, "that from Torrlngton Union on February 7, had been Canada will take over from the Impetial Govern­ •nan said that he waa taking it to the theatrt. enrobing plant, cl sosue au honorary cMof. But when the Emperor footed lady, one Mrs. Bevolinskl, has broken all a more serious charge—a more terrible charge in becile from birtb, and was in poor health. ment the maintenance of the Halifax acd Bsqu!- At the London South Western Polioe-ooort, he w* lv«ts «• child, and n •at aside the etiquette according to whioh he only the world's records by walking for thirty six will be brought against the prisoner. , Owing, .Times C. Teague, asylum attendant, said Coffin malt defences on Julv 1. It will ooat the Dominion fbed 5«. for benig drnr.k in charge of tbe ohlld. j.ouse completely. receives crowned heads at the station, hours and reducing a dozen male partners to however, to the absence of a detective in England ard Morgan occupied separate rooms in his ward. £400 000 a rear. T.-.o Venerable Frederick W. Bdmoodee, Ares, Jessiei18 leaning whan tbey come to visit "Brother William,' physical wrecks. I cannot at present say anything further on the Going Into Morgan's room he found him in bed, Snowstorms which have been raging in the Great deacon of Llandaff, has declined the offer of «nder the.™/, the goselp fcmcercirg a posslbla alliance with the subjeot." breathing with difficulty, and Coffin was sitting on 8;. Bernard P ,-s have o mptlled the dogs of the Bishopric of L'snuaff. Jrattrarit whit* it Reman Ctthclio branch line of the grand ducal The aooused man Woolfries is a man of rather his heels in a oorner. hospice to remain ndoors. It is feared many lives David Pearce, a collier, was fined 10s. fceTbrother, who house of Mecklenburg-Sohwerin was again passed prepossessing appearance, apparently about 35 There were bloodstains on the sheet, and hav been lost Rbondda on Monday for conducting an open-a|| if ber blind is u through. Whether there Is any truth in the TRAGIC END or FAMOUS HORSBS. years of sge. Morgan's face. •x-Presldent and Me. Steyn and the MUsee revival s -rvice which impeded the truafio. looking loudly rumour will appear before long. Meanwhile, there The sudden death of the King's steeplechaser The prosecution has been undertaken at the Witness knew of no malice hetween the pair, Bteyn arrived at Capetown from Antwerp on Mr. Horaos White, writing from the Badmlntoj inaluss a pretty U no doubt that it is not easy to find a bride for and Grand National wlnnor, Am bash II., reminds direotion of the Attorney-General. and tbey had not quarrelled. Saturday, and were welcomed by Mr. Hofmeyr and Ciub, states that at Cvmbe, near Wimbledoa overhang" roof, King Alfonso, unless he goes a-wooing to the of many another fanv.ua horse whose days " The first oase to which I wi'l refer," said Mr. Similar evldenoe *« given by other attendants, the leading Dutch reaidente. within seven miles of Whitehall, woodooek "ovely face framed Boerbous or the Hapsburgo. Suoh an alliance, have olosed in tragedy. It is but a short time Carr, " is the marriage of Mi.-s Ethel Mary Bolster one saying that vicious patients were not kept The A^ro C'ub of F,aoce has ordered special ahot every year. " And the sw however, is to be avoided, since both these families since the "peerless Donovan," who won more at Bath on August 29, 1901. nnder jock and key. medals to be struck in honour of the recent balloon So conscientious is Mr. Justice Walton that —Jessie," dec! have intermarried again and again with the than hie weight in gold for the Dake of Portland, "In 1902 Wolfriee went through the form of Dr. A. Roid said he found Morgan voyage of M. J icques Faure aud Mr. Hubert Intends to spend his Easter holidays In finishing *nd I often call J Spanish Royal House, and the Processes whose dashe;: bis head agiinst a tree while running loose marriage in Belfast with a M.es Annie Gamble; bleeding from mouth and nose. His lower Latham from London to Paris. the civil business whioh he left behind at U* "Dout, dear! age would make them suitable are all near relatives ia his paddook.and had to be destroyed; paralysis while In 1904, in Monaghan, Ireland, he was con­ and upper jaw.; and right cheek-bone were As a party of men who had been plgoon shooting M ncheeler Assises in order to sit at Liverpool i l,er f»ce is over of the youi g King of Spain. and a merciful bullet, ended the career of the victed either before the judge of Assica—or it may broken. He was i-ffl.cted with pneumonia. were returning home along the railway at Stilllng- Monday. fierald Harcourt popular Idol Viotor Wild not a year ago ; L&rrakin have been the oounty court judge at Quarter He had severe bruises behind the ear and the ton, Stockton on-Tees, on Saturday, they were run The Pacific Steam Navigation Company ha Jessamine. Tu I ell and broke his neck in the Grand National, and Sessions—of having made a false declaration re Injuries might have been Inflicted by several heavy Into. Q.ie man was kllied and three others injured. been advised that their steamer Orizaba, why shim she was. KOSSUTH AKD FRANCIS JOSEPH. was carried Off piecemeal by his admirers before he ga'rding an intended marriage with another young blows from the lid of a pan In the room. The A seaman nam<-d Laneo, tbe sole survivor of the was wrecked on the West Coast of Australia, tii •jessamine, which Franc's Kossuth, whose Interview with the was cold ; and Holocauste, while racing, broke the woman. brain on the right side was congested, C ffi i had British barque Brier Holme, which was wrecked total loss. fUcustodf. No Xmpeior Francis Joseph has been the sensation in large pastern bone of his off foreleg Into thirteen " I believe we shall be able to establish a mar­ shown no homicidal tendencies.
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