Pee and poopClimate summit The hare A feast for algae | p.9 | Wageningers off to Paris | p.14 | Students learn to skin game | p.16 | RESOURCE For students and employees of Wageningen UR no 8 – 26 November 2015 – 10th Volume Where are we better off ? University might switch ministries | p.4 and 12 2 >> labour of love >> JAN + BAARTMANS Jan Schakel, teacher of Rural Sociology ‘There is an element of nostalgia in it’ It all started with a painting that hung over the sofa in his parents’ house. A work by the little-known expressionist Jan Baartmans (1898-1968). Now Jan Schakel owns 23 of them himself. His house is full of them. ‘I wasn’t intending to create a collection. It clearly got out of hand.’ One thing followed another. ‘I just think they’re beautiful. That rural life, those skies. I love those low horizons.’ RK / Foto: Guy Ackermans RESOURCE — 26 November 2015 PHOTO COVER: DAVID VAN DAM, HOLLANDSE HOOGTE >>CONTENTS no 8 – 10th volume >> 9 >> 22 >> 26 FALLOW DEER ASPHALT QUIDDITCH ‘Shooting is the only option’ Mixed feelings about the campus PVC tubing between your legs SLEEP ON IT Parliament thinks the university should come under the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW) from now on. A move from Economic Aff airs (EZ). You might think it makes no diff erence. But that’s not true. The complexity of Wagen- ingen UR, with its combination of university and DLO research institutes, does not always fi t decisionmaking structures in The Hague. This makes for a dilem- ma. It boils down to this: the university has been growing for years now and whereas AND MORE... OCW allocates funding per student, EZ provides a maximum which has not been 5 Visser is new dean keeping up with the growth. That is an argument for shifting to OCW. On the oth- 6 A CAO at last er hand, Wageningen UR is based on the triangle of the business world, the gov- 8 Banana disease still rages ernment and education. Splitting it up and putting one part under a diff erent 11 ‘Failed minute’s silence for ministry could amount to placing a bomb under Wageningen UR as we know it. Paris’ So it’s a dilemma – and I haven’t even mentioned all the political games and 18 Run on EU research funding power struggles between ministries. If I were one of the ministers in question I 27 More students consulting would take my time before making a decision. psychologist 29 Meanwhile in Suriname Edwin van Laar >> Eel only goes into puberty after world trip | p.10 26 November 2015 — RESOURCE 4 >> news UNIVERSITY DOES NOT WANT MOVE TO MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Economic Affairs can’t deal prop- ganization is worried that the ter of Agriculture and the man be- • Lower House motion: move erly with the growth in green edu- Ministry of Education knows less hind Wageningen UR, also thinks ‘green’ education cation. There are no longer any about green education. It would a transfer to the Education minis- • Wageningen sees mainly good reasons for treating green also cost a lot of money to adapt try would not be wise. ‘The sub- disadvantages education as a special case.’ all the systems and the education stantive guidance from the Minis- The VVD (conservative) party, funding problems would still not try of Economic Affairs regarding which helped the motion achieve be solved. Spokesman Simon agriculture and nature has deteri- If the Dutch Parliament has any- a majority, agrees. ‘In the past, Vink: ‘Given the current funding orated in recent years. A transfer thing to do with it, ‘green’ (agri- the ministry had a lot of agricul- conditions, the university would to the Ministry of Education cultural) education will move tural expertise, but the added val- move to the Ministry of Education would not be a good idea as that from the Ministry of Economic Af- ue provided by its civil servants in with a shortfall. More money is would only erode the agricultural fairs to the Ministry of Education. the collaboration between educa- needed for green education, re- expertise further still.’ He is call- On 17 November, a majority voted tion, research and the private sec- gardless of where it comes from. ing on the Prime Minister, Mr in favour of a motion proposing tor has become much less in re- And to achieve that, you need to Rutte, to prevent the move. this. However, Wageningen Uni- cent years,’ claims MP Anne-Wil change the funding conditions. The Cabinet now has to say versity hopes the government will Lucas. That is the real problem.’ The uni- what it will do with the motion. It reject the idea. But Wageningen UR continues versity thinks that it would be eas- may do so in early December when Paul van Meenen, the D66 (lib- to think ‘that the current system iest if Economic Affairs were to the Lower House debates the agri- eral) MP who submitted the mo- offers the best basis for further use the same system for direct cultural budget for 2016. AS/HOP tion, thinks the Education minis- improving green education and government funding as the Edu- try would solve Wageningen’s research,’ according to the Execu- cation ministry. See too the background article on funding issues. ‘The Ministry of tive Board in a statement. The or- Cees Veerman, a former minis- page 12 CLIMATE MARCH TO PARIS CANCELLED • Disappointing for 87 Wageningen students • UN conference is going on A big group of Wageningen students were ready to join a big climate march this weekend, on the eve of the 21st UN climate change conference. However, following the attacks of 13 November France has cancelled all demonstrations. The bus from Wageningen to Paris was already booked and all 87 seats were tak- en. There was even a waiting list of 30 stu- dents who also wanted to join ‘WU’R going to Paris,’ the initiative of Environmental Studies student Femke Lootens. It is dis- THANK-YOU RECEPTION FOR ANDRÉ appointing that it has all been called off, PHOTO: AART-JAN VAN DE GLIND VAN AART-JAN PHOTO: says Lootens, but it is understandable. ‘We met as a group and decided that we’ll ar- He was Teacher of the Year in 2010, was nomi- lecturer, says Lisa Nieuwboer of B.V.W. Biologi- range for speakers in Wageningen on Sat- nated for the award on several other occasions ca study association, which organized the party. urday 28 November, and that we’ll join the and has been one of Wageningen UR’s best ‘He’s a fantastic teacher always so enthusias- climate parade in Amsterdam on Sunday teachers for years. And now, after 40 years, plant tic, whatever he’s teaching. He talks about the 29 November. cell biology lecturer André van Lammeren is re- plants as if they were his own children.’ The offi cial climate conference in Paris, tiring. Reason enough for students to put on a Van Lammeren will continue to work for the COP21, is going ahead. A few tens of Wage- celebration for their cherished teacher. So they university for a while on ongoing research pro- ningen researchers and students will be held a thank-you reception in Annie’s Kroeg, jects and courses. Thank goodness for that, says going. You can read about what they will the Asserpark fl ats pub. one of the students. ‘Every time I see him, he be doing in Paris on page 14. KG The students will ‘really miss’ their favourite says hello and gives me a smile.’ TvdS RESOURCE — 26 November 2015 news << 5 VISSER APPOINTED DEAN AT UNIVERSITY OLUMN|KEES Where Van Arendonk was © • Succeeding Johan van Dean of Sciences, Visser will Arendonk now be Dean of Research. The • New name: Dean of post is part-time, and Visser Ground rules Research will also continue to lead the My mobile phone lights Plant Breeding group made up up. ‘This is Rob,’ says of plant breeding researchers the caller. ‘I am an or- Richard Visser, professor of from both the university and dinary dairy farmer Plant Breeding, will be the new DLO. Visser (1957) has more with 70 cows and I am Dean of Research at the uni- than 400 publications to his sick of the rat race. I’ve versity. As of 1 January he suc- name. just read Mark Shep- ceeds Johan van Arendonk. The current dean, Professor ard’s book Restoration As Dean of Research Viss- PhD research in the universi- Johan van Arendonk, leaves Agriculture: Real-world er’s tasks are to implement the ty’s six graduate schools. early next year to join animal Permaculture for Farm- university’s PhD policy and As Visser takes offi ce the breeding company Hendrix ers. Brilliant! I have safeguard the quality of the name of the position changes. Genetics. AS started by writing some new ground rules for my farm. Because it starts in the ground. And with a closed regional mineral cycle. To me, NPK doesn’t stand for “nitrogen, phosphate in brief and potassium” but for “naturally producing cows” [koeien in Dutch, ed]. I’m very close to town so an outlet is no problem. I am think- >> WOMEN 1 >> BEANS ing about a closed regional economic cycle as Fewest professors The Year of Pulses well. And…’ Of all the Dutch universities, Wageningen has The United Nations has declared 2016 the Year It’s not easy to interrupt his fl ood of enthusi- the lowest proportion of women full professors. of Pulses. Kidney beans, chick peas, soya astic words.
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