634 STAFFORDSHIRE GENERAL INFIRMARY, Stafford.-This tropical1 or subtropical country. The examinations for the hospital has 77 beds. Honorary Consulting Physician : Dr. diploma,( which will embrace all the foregoing subjects, are G. Reid. Physicians : Dr. C. Reid and Dr. W. F. Annand. heldl in December and July of each year. Surgeons: Mr. F. M. Blumer and Mr. F. H. Marson. Before commencing his medical studies each student must Assistant Honorary Surgeon: Mr. F. N. Cookson. Oph- ]pass a preliminary examination in (1) English, (2) Latin, thalmic Surgeon : Mr. A B Cridland. Surgeon Dentist :(3)i Elementary Mathematics, and (4) Greek or French or Mr. W. H. Ridge. Secretary: Mr. R. Battle. In-patients,German:I provided always that, in the case of a candidate 898; out-patients, 4126. whose native language is not English, an examination in ROYAL HANTS COUNTY HOSPITAL, Winchester.—Thisthe native language of the candidate may be substituted hospital has 108 beds. Honorary Consulting Physicians : Dr. for one in either French or German, and an examina- W. M. Harman and Dr. H. E. Wingfield. Physicians : Dr. tion in any other classical language for one in Latin or G. F. A. England Dr. A. E. Bodington. and Dr. G. A. Tullis. Greek. Surgeons : Mr. C. Wace, Mr. H. J. Godwin, and Mr. F. J. No one is admitted to the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine Child. Honorary Ophthalmic Surgeon : Mr. J. F. Bullar. and Bachelor of Surgery who has not been engaged Honorary Dental Surgeon : Mr. L. M. Balding. Honorary in Medical and Surgical study for five years. No course Secretary: Captain W. Casey, R.N. Assistant Secretary : of lectures will be allowed to qualify unless the lecturer Mr. A. D. White. certifies that it has embraced at least 100 lectures, or 50 lectures, as may be required by the regulations, WOLVERHAMPTON AND STAFFORDSHIRE GENERAL Hos- and that the student has also duly performed the work PITAL, Wolverhampton.—There are 200 beds. Specialdepart- of the class. ments for Children, Gynaecology, Ear, Throat, and Nose Candidates for the degrees of M.B. and Ch.B. must have and X Diseases, Electro-therapeutic ray departments. There attended for at least three academic years the medical and is an excellent The resident officers are a resident library. surgical practice either of the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, or a resident medical and two house surgical officer, offi-,er, of a general hospital elsewhere which accommodates not are allowed to witness the whole of the surgeons. Pupils fewer than 80 patients and possesses a distinct staff of of the and to be at and practice hospital present operations physicians and surgeons. They must have attended Clinical have of a every opportunity acquiring practical knowledge Surgery during a course or courses extending over not less of their Fees: .63 a .f.10 the profession. 3s. quarter, 10s. than nine months. These courses may be conducted by the first and 95 5s. A course of year, subsequent years. professor of clinical surgery, or by professors or lecturers Practical is the Fee .63 3s. Pharmacy given by dispenser. appointed for the purpose by the University Court, or by for three months. should be made to the Applications the ordinary surgeons of the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, of the Medical Committee. Secretary or of a general hospital defined and recognised as herein- Staff.-Consulting Physician : Dr. W. Millington. Con- before provided, and shall consist of regular instruction at Mr. W. H. T. Winter. Dr. sulting Surgeon: Physicians: the bedside, along with clinical lectures. A similar course H. Malet and Dr. J. A. Codd. Mr. E. Surgeons: Deanesly, of clinical medicine during a course or courses extending Mr. A. H. and Mr. W. F. Assistant Hunt, Cholmeley. over not less than nine months is required. The candidate Physicians: Dr. A. H. Carter, Dr. E. H. Coleman, and must have attended a course of instruction in Mental Diseases Dr. T. H. Galbraith. Assistant Mr. H. Dent. Surgeon : given by the University Lecturer, or by a recognised WORCESTER GENERAL INFIRMARY, Worcester.-This Teacher, consisting of not less than six Class-room hospital has 132 beds. Consulting Physician : Dr. E. H. W. meetings for lectures and demonstrations and ten Swete. Physicians: Dr. G. W. Crowe, Dr. M. Read, and meetings in the Wards of a recognised Asylum for the Dr. H. A. Watson. Consulting Surgeon : Mr. G. E. Hyde. insane. The candidate must have attended a coarse of Surgeons: Mr. T. Bates, Mr. T. P. Gostling, and Mr. C. 25 meetings on Practical Pharmacy in a university Pollard. Secretary : Mr. W. Stallard. In-patients, 1339; or recognised school of medicine, or have dispensed drugs for a of three months in a or or out-patients, 6501. , period hospital dispensary, YORK COUNTY York.-This contains in an establishment recognised by the Pharmaceutical HOSPITAL, hospital The must have for least six 150 beds. Physician : Dr. Richard Petch. Society. candidate attended at Consulting Phy- or the of a sicians : Dr. Richard Turner, Dr. William A. Evelyn, and months, by apprenticeship otherwise, out-practice Dr. J. S. Gayner. Surgeons : Mr William H. Jalland, Mr. hospital, or the practice of a dispensary, or of a physician or or of a member of the London or Dublin Frederick Shann, Mr. G. Wilfred Gostling and Dr. Noel L. surgeon, Society Hood. Consulting Dr. of Apothecaries. He must have acted as clerk in the Ophthalmic ’Surgeon : Tempest wards and dresser in wards a Anderson. Dr. Peter Macdonald. medical the surgical of public Ophthalmic Surgeon : for a of six months in each and must Electro therapeutic Department : Mr. Hinton E. Bateman. hospital period case ; Anaestbetist: Mr. Gerald S. Dental Mr. also have availed himself, to such an extent as may be Hughes. Surgeons : the the of the Walter Glaisbv and Mr. Leonard A. Glaisbv. required by Senatus, with approval University Court, of opportunities of studying at a hospital or dispensary, Post-mortem Examinations, Fevers, Diseases of the Eye, Operative Surgery, and one of the three following- II.—SCOTLAND. viz. : Diseases of Children; Diseases of the Larynx, Ear, THE UNIVERSITIES. and Nose; and Diseases of the Skin, or such other special departments as may from time to time be determined. The candidate must have attended, under the superintendence of UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. a registered medical practitioner, 25 cases of labour, or Four Degrees in Medicine and Surgery are conferred by such additional number as the Senatus, with the sanction the University of Edinburgh-viz., Bachelor of Medicine of the University Court, may from time to time determine; (M.B.), Bachelor of Surgery (Ch.B.), Doctor of Medicine or have attended for three months the practice of a lying- (M.D.), and Master of r3urgery (Ch.M.). The degree of in hospital, or of the maternity department of a general Bachelor of Surgery cannot be conferred on any person hospital or other public charitable institution and have con- who does not at the same time obtain the degree of Bachelor ducted personally 12 or such an additional number of cases of Medicine, and similarly the degree of Bachelor of Medicine of labour as the Senatus, with the approval of the University is not conferred on any person who does not at the same Court, may from time to time determine. The candidate time obtain the degree of Bachelor of Surgery. must have ’been properly instructed in Vaccination at a A diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (D.T.M. and public vaccination station, by a public vaccinator, authorised H.) is granted to graduates in Medicine and Surgery of the by the proper Government authority to grant certificates of University of not less than six months’ standing. The course proficiency in vaccination. of study includes (1) Practical Bacteriology ; (2) Diseases of With respect to the places and institutions at which the Tropical Climates ; (3) Tropical Hygiene ; (4) a Practical studies of the candidate may be prosecuted the following Course in Medical Entomology and Protozoology and regulations have effect :-Two of the five years of medical Venomous Animals; and (5) a Course of Clinical Instruc- study must be spent in the University of Edinburgh. The tion in Tropical Diseases. Any two of these courses remaining three years may be spent in any University of may be taken under Extra-academical Teachers and ex- the United Kingdom, or in any Indian, Colonial, or Foreign emption from the latter course may be granted to those university recognised for the purpose by the University graduates who have been engaged for a period of at least Court, or in such medical schools or under such teachers 12 months in the treatment of Tropical Diseases in any as may be recognised for the purpose by the University 635 Court. Of the subjects of study, 16 in number-viz., Clinical Medicine, Midwifery, Clinical Gynaecology, and Anatomy, Practical Anatomy, Chemistry, Practical Che- Forensic Medicine and Public Health), L7 7s. mistry, Materia Medica, Physiology, Practical Physiology, Baohelo’fs of Medicine and Bachelo’f8 of Surgery may Practice of Medicine, Surgery, Midwifery and Diseases of proceed to the degrees of -Doctor of Medioine and Master Women, Pathology, Practical Pathology, Physics, Botany, of Surgery after they have spent one year in the medical Zoology, Medical Jurisprudence, and Public Health-not less or surgical wards respectively of a hospital, or the Military than eight must be taken in the University of Edinburgh, or Naval Medical Services, or in scientific work bearing which corresponds to the two years above referred to. directly on their profession, or two years in practice. In Women are admitted to graduation in medicine under each case an examination must be passed and a thesis practically the same conditions as men, excepting that, until submitted for approval of the Faculty.
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