» ■. SAYS SWOPE VISCERA SAYS THAW LAWYER BELATED WINTER IS TURK-BALKAN WAR LLOYD-GEORGE'S HOME WAS TAMPERED WITH OFFERED HIM BRIBE UPON MIDDLE WEST LOSS OVER 200,000 IS WRECKEi BY BOMB Defense Springs Sensation in Superintendent Russell, of Mat- General Snow and Sleet Storm Ac. Statisticians in Casting Up Two Broken and Pres* of hatpins Trial of Dr. Hyde, teawan, Says He Rejected Severs Communication With counts Estimate This Num- ence of Women Indicate Kansas City. $20,000 Boodle. Best of the World. ber Have Perished. Suffragets Did Work. Kansas City. Mo., Fob. 24.—The bit- Albany, N. Y„ Feb. 24.—Dr. John U. Kansas Feb. 22.-—The mid- a ■ City, Mo., London, Feb, 22.—With what Is be- terest of the third trial of Russell, of the Mattea- dle west today was cut ott from com- Feb. 21.—An explosion early wrangle superintendent of the London, munication with the rest of the coun- lieved to be the heaviest fighting B. Clarke Hyde for the murder of wan state hospital for the criminal In- today partially wrecked a country try. A series of snow, sleet and rain Balkan war already recorded, Kuropean Col. Thomas H. Swope took place to- sane. testified before Governor Sulzer'ii residence In course of construction for storms prevailed, trains were delayed statisticians have been busily engaged day when attorneys for the defense committee of inquiry that he had beer chancellor of the exchequer, David and telegraph and telephone wires de- In to the loss of life and complained that they had been de offered $20,000 if he would release moralized. trying figure Lloyd George at Walton Heath, near entailed the campaign up nied the right to examine the Swope Harry K. Thaw. The offer, he said In Kansas, Nebraska and South Da- money by London. a one to three In- to the viscera through their own experts. was made during the latter part of kota, snow of from present day; A bomb had been placed In one of ches was the International conference John Lucas, of the the 1912 a whose name he could general. Iowa, Missouri, During the rooms of the residence which 1* defense, made by lawyer Arkansas and northern Texas experi- between the envoys of the rival fight- assertion that the viscera had been not remember, in an hotel" a modest one the links “uptown enced general rains, which at many adjoining golf forces here, however, enough facts ‘‘tampered with.” in New York city and refused. points turned to sleet, while Illinois ing on which Lloyd George plays. The were to warrant the assertion A Prosecutor This testimony was developed during a of sleet and snow. gleaned that proposition made by reported blending conflict has been one infernal machine was so powerful an of that Wil- that the present Jacobs that the viscera be submitted investigation reports In the the thick walls of the house In liam F. of the com- of the mast bloody and costly spilt Clark, secretary CHICAGO DEMORALIZED for examination to a commission oi mittee. recently had requested Dr. Rus- hlstery of modern warfare. all directions and most of the rooms BY RAIN experts, to be appointed by the court, sell to release Thaw on the grounds AND SLEET Conservative estimates have placed were wrecked. Feb. 22.—Rain number of dead In the larger bat- was rejected by the defense after the thftt such an action was desired by Chicago, and Bleet the Two seven-pound cans of black Governor Sulzer. The governor him- practically paralyzed street and ele- tles of the early campaign as follows: also had been placed In two court had offered to appoint such a powder he had au- vated line traffic In for a time Turks. Allies. rooms of wood commission. self stated previously that Chicago separate among heaps thorized no one to make such a re- today, the Ice coating of the streets Kirk Klllsseh and which had been saturated The wrangle started when the prose- shavings later melting into a disagreeable slush. Adrlaneple .26,000 7,000 with oil and In the center of which cutor stated angrily at the repeated quest. Dr. James V. May, chairman of the Hundreds of telegraph and telephone Lule Burgas.40,000 26,000 candles had been inquiries Attorney Walsh as to burning placed. by commission, another wires were reported not In At Kumanova 7,000 6,000 The clues obtained the 'what became of the Swope liver.” state hospital down, only only by po- told of been this city, but in the coun- Around Scutari. 8,000 6,000 lice are two broken hat which This is ,i to the shouted witness, having approached surrounding pins play jury.” with the Railroad Prosecutor Jacobs "The defense well l«y Clark several days ago try. trains had hard going were found among the wreckage. When L 43.UUU | same Dr. said he told over rails and In conse- Total .78,000 Is that an f knows that the liver was reduced in request. May glassy mails, It declared by neighbors Sulzer of the incident, and were for hours. are automobile several women I examination to make the slides used Governor quence, delayed These figures, however, regarded containing I he would not inter- Buying by the toxicologists." the governor said as conservative and only- cover the im- passed through the village In the early Thaw case and had not * When, after defense attorneys had fere in the portant battles of the campaign before hours. Baking to he would. to f made further, complaint at being de- authorized anybody say the truce was called. In addition Nobody was Injured by the explosion. Turk- was Powder nied the viscera. Prosecutor Jacobs them it is estimated that 60,000 The house not yet occupied. I CHILDREN SWITCHED as a result of | sprang to his feet and made the offer ish soldiers perished which For this is the to submit to a commission what was minor engagements and cholera, ,( g ranks on the re- * a left of the viscera. Attorney Walsh ravaged the Ottoman baking powder TWO DEATHS CLEARED thou- E that“makesthe ■ made the counter charge that the pros- WHILE IN HOSPITAL treat to Constantinople. Thirty ecution was to the and 4 sand men are also said to have been AWARD CONTRACT FOR ■ better.” ‘playing jury” _____ baking g rejected the proposal. lost by the allies through the same It leavens the % BY NEAR TRAGEDY Parents Go to Institution to See causes. ThlH brings the estimated g UP men and the I food evenly Turkish loss up to 126,000 BATTLESHIP g Child and Find Another estimated loss to the fighting forces of FINEST ■ puffs throughout; g the allies to 78,000, a total loss of * i'i S of Demise of Sweet- up S it np to airy light- MARRIES Mystery in Her Place. which be said to in- WOMAN, 105, 199,000 men, may Pennsylvania Will Be Con- M ness, makes it de- g hearts on Wedding Eve clude the thousands who fell victims to B lightfully appetiz- a wounds, sickness, sudden death on the structed at Cost of $14,173,- 2 ing and wholesome. 5 YOUNG STRIPLING 86 Solved By Gas Discovery. Philadelphia, Feb. 22.—The authori- field or were listed as missing. ties at the municipal hospital for con- These figures, of course, like all oth- 000—Weighs 31,000 Tons. Remember, Calu- B tagious diseases are trying to learn ers that have been compiled, are based met is moderate in B the of the believed Add to Merriment of Cumberland, Md„ Feb. 24.—The mys- Identity 3-year-old girl they only on conjecture and are by in Couple was Beatrice and too conservative. B price—highest g tery of the death of Charles Twigg and supposed Kaufman, many experts to be Washington, Feb. 21.—The Newport a at the same time discover what has be- The actual losses of the campaign will Nows Building company’s bid ot quality. Festivities, Then Leave on Grace Elosser, in a room of the Elosser Ship come of the real Beatrice, who was ad- not be known probably for year* after $7,235,000 for construction of the new for! home on the last day of December, to your grocer Honeymoon Jaunt. mitted the institution six weeks ago peace has been restored. dreadnaught Pennsylvania, with Curtis of the »AskCalumet. Don't take a B 1910, which was the eve pro- suffering from scarlet fever, Beatrice's Money Lots Hard to Figure. turbine engines, was the lowest of all is be- father, Iaadore Kaufman, a raincoat at the depart- g substitute. g posed marriage of the couple, The monetary loss is incalculable. proposals opened navy Los Feb. 24.—Pleasanton manufacturer, received reports from ment today. RECEIVED HIOHEST AWARDS. ■ Angeles. lieved to have been solved. Mrs. Aside from the vast amount of money Leon. 86 and his bride, who the hospital every day telling him the The Pennsylvania, officially known • World’s War* Wood Exposition. • years old. Marshall Willison and her sister, Mrs. required to carry on the actual opera- I was Mrs. Marselina Elisalda. said little girl was recovering. ts No. 38, will not only be the biggest Chicago. Illinois. Psrls Exposition by the tions in the field, there is the destruc- Franca, March, IMS. 1 her Pearl Mangold, present occupants Yesterday he was notified to com* In the American navy, but so far family to be 105 years old. entered tion of property, the Injury to com- ship of the house In which the Twigg- and take her home.
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