Graded-In Textiles For a list of each of our partner commpany’s patterns with Boss • Indicate GRADED-IN TEXTILE on your order and Boss Design Design Grades visit www.bossdesign.com. To order memo will order the fabric and produce the specified furniture. samples visit the websites or call the numbers listed below. • Boss Design reserves the right to adjust grades to accommodate price changes received from our suppliers. • Refer to our website www.bossdesign.com for complete pattern memo samples: www.arc-com.com or 800-223-5466 lists with corresponding Boss Design grades. Fabrics priced above our grade levels and those with exceptionally large repeats are indicated with “CALL”. Please contact Customer Service for pricing. • Orders are subject to availability of the fabric from the supplier . • Furniture specified using multi-fabric applications or contrasting welts be up charged. memo samples: www.architex-ljh.com or 800-621-0827 may • Textiles offered in the Graded-in Textiles program are non- standard materials and are considered Customer’s Own Materials (COM). Because COMs are selected by and used at the request of a user, they are not warranted. It is the responsibility of the purchaser to determine the suitability of a fabric for its end use. memos: www.paulbraytondesigns.com or 800-882-4720 • In the absence of specific application instructions, Boss Design will apply the fabric as it is sampled by the source and as it is displayed on their website. memo samples: www.camirafabrics.com or 616 288 0655 • MEMO SAMPLES MUST BE ORDERED DIRECTLY FROM THE FABRIC SUPPLIER. • NOTE: Backing may be required on some materials for proper tailoring on Boss Design furniture. Additional backing charges may be incurred and will be the responsibility of the customer. memo samples: www.cfstinson.com or 800-841-6279 • NOTE: Cancellation of an order requiring Graded In fabric will be determined by our ability to cancel any fabric ordered. Customer will be responsible for restocking fees and any shipping costs incurred. memo samples: www.designtex.com or 800-221-1540 • NOTE: Within the Graded In program, not every fabric is approved for every style of Boss Design furniture. Please contact customer service for confirmation that your selected fabric is approved for use on the intended product. memo samples: www.maharam.com or 800-645-3943 SPECIFY ON ORDER: INDICATE GRADED-IN TEXTILE ON ORDER • Boss Design Furniture Item number, quantities and options • Fabric Source memo samples: www.themomgroup.com or 800-366-6839 • Fabric Name/Number and Color Name • Include specific instructions for the application of the fabric on the furniture to indicate pattern/stripe direction, right side of reversible fabrics, etc. In the memo samples: www.pallas.com or 616 288 0655 absence of specific instructions, Boss Design will apply the fabric as it is sampled by the supplier. memo samples: www.ultrafabricsinc.com or 877-309-66648 Updated January 2021 Pattern Grade Dakota 4 Highlands 7 Aberdeen 10 Dakota 2 4 Hush 5 Allegra 5 Daytona 8 Illusion 3 Alpha 5 Dazzle 8 Illusion 2 3 Ambiance 4 Delphi 4 Infrastructure 10 Apex 8 Delta 4 Insight 3 Arabesque 7 Drifter 4 Intaglio 6 Apollo 5 Durango 3 Intaglio 2 6 Around 6 Dynasty 6 Intersect 6 Arashi 8 Eden 8 Interstate 6 Astor 5 Elementary 9 Iona 5 Astral 7 Elevado 5 Isabella 4 Atmosphere 2 Emerson 3 Itajime 8 Atomic 8 Empress 4 Jive 7 Axis 7 Encore 4 Journey 6 Bali 9 Engrave 5 Kaolin 5 Block Petal 8 Etch 5 Katano 7 Boardwalk 5 Evolution 7 Key 7 Brayer Flower 10 Facet 10 Kinetic 8 Bronco 5 Fiji 5 Kirigami 6 Burkina 8 Fragment 9 Kuba 8 Cadence 6 Francesca Kumo 7 Wool 8 Candy Land 8 Legacy 5 Francesca Carnival 5 Wool II 8 Legend 5 Cascade 7 Frontier 3 Linea 5 Cassio 5 Galaxy 7 Loara 8 Cavo 7 Gamma 5 Lore 6 Centring Stripe 7 Gardenia 7 Lunette 10 Channel 5 Gatsby 5 Luxe 6 Chroma 5 Gem 5 Lyre 5 Cirque 8 Geostitch 8 Lyric 8 Coastline 5 Gianni 8 Majorca 7 Column 5 Glam 5 Marathon 5 Compass 9 Glinda 10 Marquee 8 Constantine 9 Glo 5 Mason 8 Contour 6 Great Wall 7 Mason Stripe 7 Cosmos 7 Grid 7 Meadow 8 Crescendo 8 Hanji 9 Mesa 4 Crossroads 5 Harlequin 8 Mirror Mirror 7 Crystal 6 High Rise 10 Montage 10 Cutting Edge 4 Moon Beam 6 1 Updated January 2021 Moon Beam II 6 Shift 10 Vineyard 7 Morgan 6 Shimmer 4 Vivo 5 Morocco 7 Shimmer 2 4 Volt CALL Nahouri 8 Silverado 4 Wanderer 8 Navigator 6 Silverado 2 4 Watson 2 Network 9 Skye 7 Windlass 9 Niagra 7 Soho 3 Yoyo 9 Oculus 6 Solitude 7 Zip Line 8 Odyssey 5 Sonata Stripe 7 Ombre Petal 8 Sonic 9 Omega 5 Spectrum 4 Orion 5 Speedway 7 Palatine 5 Spin 8 Palatine II 5 Spinnaker 8 Paragon 9 Spirit 4 Paxton 7 Square One 9 Perspective 7 Staccato 9 Plateau 4 Stallion 2 Polished 5 Strata 4 Polo 7 Streamline 6 Posh 7 Sukhala 8 Primevera 6 Sundial 8 Prism 3 Sync 5 Provence CALL Tailored 6 Quest 8 Talavera 10 Radius 8 Tally 5 Raya 6 Tectonic 6 Reality Check 6 The Plaid 10 Riviera 8 Theory 2 Rodeo 3 Tick-Tock 6 Rodeo 2 3 Tiebele 10 Rogue 6 Top Notch CALL Roundabout 6 Transform 2 Sagrada 10 Traverse 6 Santa Fe 6 Tritik 8 Santorini 7 Urban 8 Saxon 7 Vanderbilt 6 Sea Willow 10 Vault 8 Sector 7 Velocity 9 Sherlock 4 Venture 8 Sherlock 2 4 Victoria 7 2 PATTERN GRADE Beachcomb 9 Cancan 7 45 RPM 5 Bedrock 6 Cape Town 6 57 Chevron CALL Beehive 6 Caracas 8 78 RPM 6 Bellevue CALL Carat 8 Aberdeen CALL Belsize CALL Cardiff 6 Adare Manor 5 Ben Day 5 Cardigan 6 Adlon 10 Bergerac 7 Carnegie Hill 4 After Party 5 Berkshire 6 Casco 9 Alcantara CALL Bermuda 7 CatchMeIfYouCan 8 Aldgate CALL Biarritz 5 Catwalk 7 Algonquin 5 Bibury CALL Cetus 7 Allure 9 Big Bird 6 Chain Link 5 Althrop CALL Big Game 6 Chaise 6 Amagansett 8 Big Sur 10 Chambray 8 Andromeda 7 Billow 9 Champagne 7 Anemone 9 Bittersweet 9 Charleston 6 Angora Mohair CALL Bloom 10 Charlotte 5 Animal 6 Bluff 10 Charted CALL Annual 10 Boardwalk 8 Charted Reverse CALL Anodized 7 Bobbin 3 Chatterbox 8 Antico 8 Born and Bred 4 Chaucer CALL Aphrodisiac 7 Boston 7 Check Out 6 Aquarius 5 Boucle 9 Chelsea 5 Array 8 Boudoir 5 Chenille Waistcoat 5 Artesima 10 Boulevard 6 Chesham CALL Askrigg CALL Boyle CALL Chetlenham CALL Astronomy 9 Brick and Mortar 6 Chronicle 10 Athena 7 Britches 4 Cirrus 8 Atherton 8 Brixton CALL Classic 9 Aura 6 Brompton 4 Clique 7 Autobahn 5 Brook 9 Coalesce 10 Aventura 9 Brookz 9 Coconut Grove 9 Aventura 9 Brushed Metallic 5 Code 6 Avenue 6 Bryn Mawr 10 Coexist 8 Avion 7 Buenos Aires 6 Collins Ave CALL B and B 5 Burlington 6 Columbus Circle 4 Baby I Am a Star 6 Cabin 9 Communtity 9 Badlands 7 Cabriolet 6 Composed 9 Bal Harbour 7 Cadillac 6 Cool Comfort 6 Balcony 8 Calabasas 6 Cooper 4 Bamboozled 6 Calf 10 Coral Gables 9 Barnard 9 Calyx CALL Corddry 7 Bayside 8 Cambric 7 Core 7 1 Corinthian 5 English Suede 6 Glazed N Confused 4 Court 7 Enthusiast 8 Glint 6 Cowboy 5 Epingle 5 Glitz 6 Crazy Horse 5 Equestrian 7 Gloucester CALL Crew 5 Equus 9 Good 2 Crinkle Cut 3 Estoile 8 Good Day Croc 7 Etienne 5 Sunshine 8 Crossover 7 Evolution 7 Grafton 6 Cruise 9 Excursion 8 Great Dane 8 Cupertino 9 Fashionista 6 Great Pretender 5 Cupid 6 Fedora 6 Haberdasher 4 Cutting Edge 9 Fibonacci CALL Hampstead 5 Dakar 5 Filly 6 Happy 9 Dakota 6 Fine Gauge 8 Hardwick CALL Damen 4 Fine Point Velvet 9 Harmony 7 Dance Party 6 First Class 7 Hashtag 9 Dapple 9 Fit 6 Hathaway 6 Dash 8 Fixie 5 Haute Seat 9 Daydream 6 Flagship 7 Havana 8 Debonair 3 Flannela 8 Haven 5 Deco District 10 Flatiron 4 Hawes CALL Deepdale CALL Flights of Fancy 10 Headliner 6 Déjà vu Florida 7 Healthy 9 Digital 10 Flourish CALL Heritage 6 District 4 Flower Market 8 Reed 4 Division 9 Foiled 5 Hidden Hills 7 Doric 6 Folio 4 High Line 4 Dragon 10 Follow The Leader 7 High Noon 4 Draper 7 Free Hand 9 Highway 6 Dream Weaver 6 Fridays 6 Himalayan 8 Drizzle 5 Friendship 8 Hint 7 Dublin 4 Frond 10 Hit Parade 6 Dumbo 4 Front Desk 6 Hive 10 Duomo 9 Gaia 8 Holloway CALL Duotone 8 Gala CALL Holmes 9 Dupioni 5 Gallon 7 Holstein 7 East Village 6 Ganesha 10 Holyoke 9 Eclectic 5 Gargrave CALL Homespun 7 Editor 10 Gate House 4 Honeycomb 10 Elvis 6 Gecko 9 Hook 4 Emergent 10 Getaway 9 Hoop 7 Enamored 4 Gilligan 6 Hopsack 5 English Leather 6 Glamis CALL How Dashing 6 2 Hudson Yard 4 Liege 6 Minimal 9 Hush 3 Line Dance 6 Missing Link 7 Chenille Waist 4 Line Drive 5 Missonly 6 East Village 5 Linea 6 Modena 6 Just Dandy 4 Locker Room 6 Monarchy 8 Shabby n Chic 5 Lodge 5 Monolith 6 Soho 6 Logoro 8 Montauk 9 Tapatio 5 Lombard 5 Montecito 7 Hyde 7 Long Play 6 Montreux 3 Icon 8 Loom 4 Moonglow 9 In Rio 5 Loose Ends 9 Moors 7 Inline 6 Los Altos 9 Mortaio 7 Insideout 10 Lounge 4 Motive 6 Inspire 9 Lucy In The Sky 9 Mount McKinley 6 Intricato 8 Lusso 7 Mountaineer 6 Irrestible 9 Luster 5 Mr Eddie 9 Irving 4 Mademoiselle 8 Nakoda 5 Isle 9 Malham CALL Nebbia 7 Islington CALL Mammoth 7 Nest 10 Jackpot 6 Manhattan Valley New Deal 6 CAP 4 Javelin 4 Night Code 8 Mantle 6 Juliet 5 Nili 9 Manzanita 10 Jump For Joy 10 No Strings Marquisette 6 Attached 6 Just Dandy 4 Marylebone CALL Nonchalant 6 Kainai 6 Masonry 5 Midlands 5 Kensington CALL McQueen 6 Glazed N Kent 8 Confused 5 Meadow 6 Kettering 8 Ocean Drive 8 Meander 7 Kindred 9 Off The Grid 10 Membership 6 Kingham CALL Officine 8 Merchant 6 Kips Bay 6 Olympus 6 Merrill 9 Knowledge 10 Oops a Daisy 7 Metal Flake 8 Koi Lily 9 Orchestra 10 Metallurgic 6 Laceum CALL Organza 6 Mic Mac 5 Lake Como 6 Orion 8 Mid Century 7 Lakota 5 Otto 9 Midday 8 Lambeth CALL Outfit 4 Middleton 6 Leatheretta 5 Oxide 8 Midlands 6 Legacy 5 Paddle Leaf 9 Midtown 4 Legend 7 Pagoda 7 Milano 8 Leisure 6 Pastimes 4 Mineral 7 Lennon CALL Patent 7 Mingle 7 Lex 5 Pathway 10 3 Pelle 9 Purepoint 7 Sequence 7 Pendlesome 10 Pureshimmer
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