-TWO MONDAY. FEBRUARY 10. Avoraca Dally Nat Pmgi Rob The Weather Vernon ■W The W e* Baded ^^boiit Town College Presents Increasing cloudiness, tonight daawsry 86, 1668 with light snow late and eeriy iM'jiiiflrt U N iiy IBww^ tt , Play by Moliere morning. Low In 20s. ’Tomorrow *■ 'Vlilla « l» la «oti- Drifts of Up to 7 Feet The Natlmial Theatre Co. will Choicest Meats In Town! iianrli^ater lEueninn BFraHi partly cloudy, breezy, cooler. 4M kt a ttaoUBr - praaiMnc stage "The Miser,” by the 17th 15,436 High SO to M.^ ■MttMT at at Maqr** SpOoapal century Franch playwright Mo- Manchetter—~A City of Village Charm * i Tie Up Traffic and Police Klwaala Uere, Tuesday at 8 p.m. in Bai­ s . TVESeAY ONLY SPEOtAL! f Mk a aaaattaK U tt ley Auditorium, Manchester MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1969 (CtaesIflBd Adveritakig «n Flsgd M ) PRICE TEN CENTS Oittb KaaolMatar Drifta o( up to aarea^eet The Vernon police cruiaera VOL. LXXXVm, NO. 112 (SDTTEEN., RAGES) 9t High School. Manchester Com­ at U :U at H M Chaatar Oountry Idoehed the roada In both rural aren xumlng a taxi servloe S f AIMI OBOTJND ■■■■ dk hot ntflit tranqxntlng penona munity College is p<meorlng the rBi^h and elty araaa at the town, ae- who had to report for work auoh production. carOtog to PubMc Worka direo- The public is invited. Tickets •HAMBURG IS C IC t lha Rar. Dr. Bhnar Dooglaa aa mmea' and other hospital tor Andrew Tticarioo who call­ peraomri. may be purchased at the door. i Key Shaw Trial Witness Service Expert a mlaaoHBiy trota Bbtupon, MCC students will be admitted a S IIm . 8 ^ 7 5 Venezuelan a lw apoke jaMavdajr at Saath ed it the wont atorm he’d aeen WHh the cruiaera so tmey do­ Despite Storm In 10 yeatra. ing eme^pency worlr the anew free. Xattaodlrt Chareli, irtll be (u eA Moliere relentleedy attacked (fi lA . Limit Far Caatoniar) T— at a meaHnc at the He aaid that aeoondary voada bound otneera could not be NEW YORK (AP)— An ex­ the foibles of man: Religious Jet Hijacked Rotary Ouh_ tomor-____ w a n open by the middle o< the transported and the idght crew Russo *Didn%Hear pectant mother, prevented hypocrisy, quack medicine, and rmr at 6:10 p-m. at 1—- aMcnlnp atad bopefuHy all had to stay on for the moming from getting to a hospital by MIAMI (AP) — A Veneauelan atreeta would be paaaable by lUft. social climbing. "The Miser” : HIBHUWD PARK MARKCT1 the Northeast snowstorm, ter Oountry CSub. represents him at the height of DC9 government-owned Jetliner lata thio afternoon. DuilBg the evening houra yes­ V/ 817 ] I fit.,: Agreement in Plot was rushed to the dispensary with 74 people reported aboard. his creative powers with all the The RodntUe EmWem CSub The bigseat problem here aa terday and the early morning of Floyd Bennett Field. She Including' two officers of the wit, precloion, and satiric im­ tiaew hen waa ataUed aad houra today, police repotted walked the last 300 feet will bold tta moRtUy maatlm pact that marks hla comedies. Ne w ORliEANS (AP)—'A key state witness at Clay Venezuelan Army, was hijacked Wedneaday at 8 p.m. at the EUa ca n , and Ttloailco jjj^y Inveatigat- B ebeit B. ek Bdwatd W. large v' through four-foot drifts, then to Cuba today—reportedly by a had rough words for the many In this play he satirizes the Shaw’s conspiracy trial who testified earlier he over­ gave birth to a son. Honie cm Park 8t, RodcvOie. Ing many minor accidents, band of fiv e , armed individuals. motorists who ventured out Into lieing, money-conociotu midAe heard Shaw and others plot to kill President John P. Sailors at the mllttary air stating stranded motorists and The U.S. Federal Aviation Ad­ the storm after repeated wam- class, the generation gap, and Kennedy said today ha never heard an actual “afirree- field in Brooklyn dubbed die Thmpla CSutpter, OBB, will correcting traffic tie-ups. ministration said in Miami the Inga to stay home. These cars, excessive control of 17th century ment” to carry out the plot. Infant "M r. Floyd.” ’The meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at Sbe out-cf-etate college stu­ Aeropostal fllgnt landed at San­ many of which were still blodc- Beach to Head UAC children by their parents. Perry Raymond Ruszo, u n d e r -------------------------------------------------- mother, Mrs. Frederick the Meannlp Temple. The de­ dents wmw housed at the'pdioe tiago In extreme eastern Cu'be ing roads by late tMa morning, Harpagaon, the miser of the croas-examinatlon for the sec- station, cmd that then I had seen George, neuned him Rod gree of IMttatlbn will be con­ station overnight after their at 8:28 a.m., BST. have to be towed out of the way title, wiahee to marry hla ond day, tertified he overheard him at Ferrie’s apartment," the Thomas George. Dr. Cecil ferred on oandidatea. I t a . Rob­ oar became stuck in the heavy The FAA identified the plane of plows. Washington Office daughter to a rich, elderly Shaw, Lee Harvey Oswald and dark-haired book salesman said. Grimes, assisted by three ert BeOa la chatrman of the enow at the Vernon Clrde. Flight 806 but aviation offi­ Trioarlco estimated that there gentleman, but she haa other Dfeivld W. Ferrle plotting but "I Sciambra’a 3,500-wortl memo­ other snow-stranded sur­ SB refreahment conunittee. At one point during the storm cials at (Caracas said tt was were about 100 abandoned ideas. don’t know If they agreed.” randum to Dlst. Atty. Jim Gcu^ geons, performed the deliv­ It was neceasary to transport ^oiroeriy of Manchester, will head OF FUght 619. vrtiioles, aad aa a result parts police officeis in a Rodcviue '' Russo, 27, a dark-haired New rison on his talk with Russo ery. The Army - Navy Club will a U nlt^Aircraft Corporation's Washinsrton office on the HOLD TOUR SHIRT AMdOATNIM Among the 60 passengers end of Rt. 80, one of the main routes fire iTupk so they could report retirement next fall of Joseph M. Barr, vice president, Orleans book salesman, said he made no mention of the party "This was better service honor its AuxHary at a Aimer through town, was still dosed RICHMOND, Ky. (AP) — than I expected,” said Mrs. five crew members reported by to emoigency calls. M any His new assijfnment from his present positions of vice HAVE YOU EVBl 1H0MHT WlUiT iMMtl was in and oiit of the room dm> where Russo said he overheard Wednesday. IBardi 6, at 7:80 this morning. Vernon Circle was Former Gov. Keen Johnson, HAITB4 TO YOMR FfT F YOU A VplNl IRT Ing the party at Ferrle’s sqMtrt- Shaw, Lee Harvey Oswald and George, “but I don’t expect Aeropostal were two Venezuelan p.m. at the dubiiouse. Reserva­ atranded motorists were assist­ president end oorporaUon ooim' while visiting In Wyoming, no- Army majors identified as Lute a aoUd ring of ataUed vehidea sel of UAC ware announced by meitt where he aaid the assaasi- David W. Ferrle plot to kill Ken- to be back.” tions dose Saturday, Bet>. U, ed at the poHce staiUon wiwre ■ECAME MVOLVB) M A CAIlA iO CW N T RB Saules and Humberto Villa. The during the storm. Arthur B. Smith of Manches­ N.J., Large graduated cum Uoed this sign over a hotel reg­ natton was discussed In Septem- nedy. and may be made with ICis. they were given coffee and laude from MiarrtiaU Unlveral- istration desk; "After 10 a.m. YOUR Ffr.l|CAM EU3nW _ passenger count was one higher The Public WOrka chief said Uanheta. ter, UAC president ber 1968. R quoted Russo as saying he Glenn Griswold of 80 Ridge St there has been about 20 pteoea Between now and assiuning ty, Huntington, W. Vei in 1968, ring bell, thed k^p your shhl than originally reported. PAloe officers reported "You heard only portions of Jfd tw lce^t three or lb s. Flwenoe Flttt, 828 Main hla hew assignment. Beach wUl and in 1966 from the University on while I get my pants on.’' of equipment plowteg and sand­ some wires down and power fragments of the conversation ™ Mtvice station The FAA said the plane took S t ing since yesterday afternoon hilfUl sTv^cial corporate assign­ of Virginia Law School, where ^ w: snattAosTODAy^oMLYsiJi^ next at 64 Bunkers" off from Mat’acaibo at 6:38 a.m. fallutea In som e areas. Fire­ since you were In and out the manned by 88 men who worked ments. He will be^succeeded Im­ he was a member of the edi- Nashville Wharf. boimd for Caracas from the oil men In both departments stayed RANGE room?” asked detanse lawyer Memorial Tenqile, Pythian manned by 88 men who worked mediately aa corporation coun­ torlai) bpard of ttw Virginia Law SpMc IflHih ig III center about 350 miles west of on duty In the fire hotwes all F. Irvin Dymond. Itointing out the mistakes as OtSUjru, will meet tomwrow at tiirough the night. Re aaid the sel by Edward W. Large, assist- Review. Before Joining UAC In Smashed hy the capital. Pilot Vladimiro Fer­ night and members of the Ver- “ That’s right. ’They talked. I detailed by Russo, defense law­ Cars and trucks block the northbound lanes of Guard employes to remove over 2,500 cars still stall­ '8 p.m. at Odd Fellows Hall.
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