Vol. 22 No. 65 Wednesday, 14 October, 2015 Pages 8, Price 2.00 NFA NEWS BRIEF CAMPAIGNS IN FELKET Inhabitants of Felket administrative district, Afabet sub-zone, are conducting purposeful campaigns aimed at ensuring sus- tainable water supply for human and livestock consumption as well as for enhancing forestation programs. The inhabitants of the area indicated that they have been ac- SEMINAR FOR ERITREAN NATIONALS tively engaged in promotion of enclosures, construction of ter- races, embankments and check dams. RESIDING IN ABU-DHABI Commending the hard work demonstrated by inhabitants in Eritrean nationals residing in ducted a seminar on the 9th of Oc- in the Homeland. the task, Mr. Saleh Ali, administrator of Felket Administrative Abu-Dhabi and its environs con- tober about the objective situation District, stated that the efforts underway will be completed During the seminar, Ambassador soon. Osman Mohammed-Omar indi- cated that the external conspiracies Felket administrative district has over 10,000 inhabitants. NEW DAM BUILT IN ONA-NALAY, against Eritrea are being foiled by SEREJEKA SUBZONE the staunch resistance and unity of its people, and gave extensive brief- TRAINING ON BEE BREEDING ing on the experiences the Eritrean A new dam built at a cost of as enhancing irrigational agricul- people had to go through and the Training on bee breeding has been provided for 25 youth in around 9 million Nakfa in Ona- ture in the area. future national development pro- the Geleb sub-zone. The training program was organized by the Nalay Administrative District, grams. Ministry of Agriculture in cooperation with the National Union Serejeka Subzone was inaugurat- Noting that farmers and women of Eritrean Youth and Students (NUEYS) Branch in the Anseba ed on October 11. The new dam in particular have been travel- He further commended the par- Region. will have the capacity to irrigate ing about 5 kilometers to fetch ticipation of the Eritrean nationals up to 10 hectares of land. water, the Administrator of Ona- residing in Abu-Dhabi and its en- During the closing of the training, Administrator of the Geleb Nalay Administrative District, virons in the national development sub-zone, Mr. Ahmed Osman Fruj, asserted that a number of Mr. Zerit Tewoldebirhan, Man- Ms. Ghidey Tsegay on her part programs, and called for reinforc- programs are underway to improve the standard of living of the aging Director of the Central Re- stated that the community would ing participation with strong orga- youth and thus the youth shall exert the needed effort to this gion noted that building the new complete the remaining finishing nization. end. dam was part of the ongoing ef- tasks. forts to ensure social justice and The participants on their part Head of the NUEYS Anseba Region branch, Azazi bereketab, called on the residents to ensure The administrator of the Sere- expressed resolve to preserve on his part noted that the trainees need to develop the already its proper maintenance. jeka Subzone, Mr. Tesfu Fesse- unity and conduct staunch resis- acquired knowledge to next level and that similar trainings are hatsion pointed out 13 dams, 5 tance against external conspiracies scheduled in the near time. Head of Agricultural Infrastruc- ponds, 54 wells, as well as 28 against the Homeland. ture at the Central Region, Eng. hand water pumps and 18 motor Abraham Daniel said that build- water pumps have been set up in ing the new dam aimed to allevi- the subzone, providing over 86% ate the water supply problems for of the residents with potable wa- the people and livestock as well ter supply. WORKERS CONGRESSES The 4th Congress of Transport 21 November respectively. Eritrean Workers which will be and Communication Workers conducted in March 2016. SEMINAR ON UPGRADING Federation that started last week Moreover, the Vice Chairman under the central banner ‘Stronger called on the respective Federa- He further added that the NCEW COMPETENCE OF TOURISM Organization for Robust Union!’ tions to include their assessment has been actively working to en- will cascade to other federations of workers challenges in their hance the awareness of workers SERVICE PROVIDERS IN BARENTU and continue until next month reviews in order to present their on the labor code. To this end, it according to Mr. Tsegai Mogos, findings at the General Congress has opened various training cen- Vice Chairman and Head of Inter- of the National Confederation of ters throughout the country. A seminar on ensuring that tour- priority to hygiene and respectful national Relations at the National ism service providing institutions hospitality and stressed that they Confederation of Eritrean Work- deliver quality services to cus- should focus on upholding their ers (NCEW). tomers to owners and employees reputation rather than earning in the city of Barentu. revenues only. Mr. Tsegai indicated that the Workers Federation of Tourism Mr. Simret in the end said that The seminar was organized by Services and Agriculture will carry the department would strive to the Department of Studies, Re- out their congress from 16-17 Oc- put strong controlling mechanism source Monitoring and Agitation tober, the Service rendering insti- in place. at the Gash Barka administration. tutions from 6-7 November while, Mining, Chemical, Construction Seminar participants on their The head of the department, and General works from 13-14 part promised to work hard for November and Textile & leather Mr. Simret Gebremedhin called better hospitality and efficient Processing Federations from 20- on the institution to give utmost services. Eritrea Profile, Wednesday 14 October, 2015 2 Eritrea’s Foreign Ministry Statement Delivered By Ambassador Girma Asmerom During The Informal Interactive Dialogue With Security Council Committee Mr. Chairman, to regional and international peace dently, included in its report forged local laws or provisions of Resolu- Permanent Representative of Eritrea Distinguished Delegates, and security. Nothing less, nothing and fabricated information that it tion 2023 (2011) had been broken to the United Nations, in 2014 and more! has received from countries such as or violated”. The 2% RRT is col- 2015. Several meetings have also Eritrea deeply values this infor- These issues have long been Ethiopia and Djibouti. What would lected in a transparent manner on the taken place between the SEMG and mal interaction with the Sanction proven as untenable and non-exis- one expect from these countries basis of Proclamations No 17/1991 the Eritrean Mission in New York. Committee. In this regard, I would tent. The SEMG, both in its previ- that openly pursue sinister agendas and 67/1995 which is already in the like to thank Ambassador Rafael ous report as well as in the current against Eritrea? This approach does hands of the SEMG. Tax evasion is During the current mandate of the Darío Ramírez Carreño, Chairman one, has concluded, clearly and not only violate the principles of re- a serious felony punishable by law SEMG: of the Sanctions Committee, for giv- unequivocally, that it “did not find porting concrete and verifiable evi- – mostly entailing imprisonment – • Eritrea participated in ing my delegation the opportunity any evidence of Eritrea’s support dence, but it also politicizes the is- in all UN Member States. These good faith in two video conferences to address the Sanctions Committee to Al-Shabab” in Somalia. sue. More than often, SEMG reports punitive measures have never been that were facilitated by the Chair- and for facilitating constructive in- are replete with hearsay, insinuation, construed as intimidation or scare man of the Committee on 31 March teraction and dialogue between my Eritrea-Djibouti border dispute outright factual misrepresentations, tactics for any country before. In and 21 August 2015. Each session Government and the Somalia Eri- conjectures, unsubstantiated accusa- the event, Eritrea fails to understand took more than two hours of inter- trea Monitoring Group. I also appre- The Djibouti Eritrea issue does tions and unwarranted conclusions. and is intrigued why the SEMG action. ciate the role of the United Nations not constitute a threat to regional These obvious flaws can only cast considers Eritrea’s legal administra- • Eritrea has submitted Secretariat. Let me now proceed to and international peace and secu- doubt on the professionalism and tive measures, that are taken against comprehensive and timely written present, very briefly, Eritrea’s views rity; both in terms of the magnitude impartiality of the body, and, the the 2% RRT evasion, and that do not responses on 01 April and 04 Sep- on the SEMG report. of the problem and also because the validity and credibility of its reports even include imprisonment, as “in- tember 2015 to the questions raised UN Security Council has endorsed and recommendations. timidation or scare tactics”. by the SEMG. Eritrea wishes to un- Eritrea was provided with condi- the ongoing mediation process by e. The revenue collected derline that some issues raised by the tional access to the SEMG’s current the Emir of Qatar. The Qatari medi- Mr. Chairman, through the 2% RRT is not substan- SEMG, such as the conflict between report. This happened by allowing ation process was agreed and signed Distinguished Delegates, tial and is properly and effectively Ethiopia and Eritrea, the situation its delegation to visit the UN Secre- by the Presidents of Eritrea and Dji- Eritrea has not violated any of the utilized for supporting Martyr’s in Yemen, as well as the request for tariat to read the document and take bouti. Eritrea is engaged in good provisions of the Security Coun- families and war disabled veterans. budget documents and investment notes on the spot. As we had empha- faith, and remains fully committed cil resolutions. In light of this fact, It is an alternative source of financ- agreements constitute infringement sized in previous occasions, Eritrea to, the Qatari mediation process.
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