WAGON TRACKS s;=~r~ ~ ;=~ ~ ~ ~;~:I~ ;=~ss[=][== = VOLUME 2 NOVEMBER 1987 NUMBER 1 HUTCHINSON SYMPOSIUM "Do you know the way to MEMBERSHIP AT 500 & Over 350 participants enjoyed Santa Fe? I'm going there RENEW ALS DUE SOON the second Santa Fe Trail Sympo­ in '89." The goal of having 500 SFTA sium at Hutchinson, September Composed,& sung by Paul Bentrup members by the end of 1987 was 24-27. Activities and presenta­ 1987 Symposium, Hutchinson achieved on November 2. The lat­ tions received attention in state est additions are listed within. A and regional news media. Evalua­ NEXT SYIY1POSIUM roster of all members will be dis­ tion forms completed by those at­ IN SANTA FE tributed early next year. Several tending indicate that all programs have paid 1988 dues and everyone were highly successful. Further A total of five locations made else is invited to renew member­ information about the conference bids to the SFTA Board to host fu­ ship by January 1. Two member­ is in the President's Column, page ture Symposiums: Overland Park, ship forms are enclosed with this 2, and photos taken by Joan Myers Santa Fe, Arrow Rock, La Junta/­ mailing. Please use one to renew appear inside. Bent's Fort, and Las Vegas/Fort your membership for 1988 and use A few comments from evaluation Union. Symposiums are held in the other to recruit a new member. forms follow: "I was inspired to odd-numbered years. Since the If every membe'r signs up one new learn more about the SFT and all Santa Fe Trail Center at Larned member, the 1988 goal of at least early trails." "I'm a newSFTbuff sponsors a Trail Rendezvous in 1,000 members will be met. The and was impressed with the fine the spring of even-numbered viability of the Association program and delighted to be inthe years, Trail enthusiasts have a depends on your membership. company of so many friendly and get-together available annually. interesting people." ''The trail The Board voted to hold the next NATIONAL PARK SERVICE lives on ... now let the high Symposium in 1989 at Santa Fe. PLANS FOR HISTORIC SFT adventure begin." "Compliments The host institution will be Santa to Barbara's efficiency, good Fe Community College and the pro­ National Park Service plans fot humor, grace and presence.1t "I gram coordinator will be Dr. implementing the requirements of would like a session for people Adrian Bustamante. The Board, the law creating the Santa Fe Na­ who are unfamiliar with the looking ahead, selected Arrow tional Historic Trail have begun trail." ''Trail buffs are' warm out­ Rock/Marshall as the 1991 site with a series of public meetings going people." "PLEASE, no more and La Junta/Bent's Fort for 1993. along the Trail during November concurrent sessions, please!" (see Trail Calendar on last page AWARDS CEREMONY for dates and locations). A plan­ NAME CHANGE ning newsletterwas issued in Oc­ For a second time a highlight of tober. If you did not receive a The Board of Directors of the the Symposium was the presenta­ newsletter or have any sugges­ Santa Fe Trail Council atits regu­ tion of awards following the gen­ tions for the NPS Trail plan, lar meeting in Hutchinson on Sep­ eral business meeting. Seven in­ please write to Santa Fe National tember 24 voted, after considera:'" dividuals and two organizations Historic Trail PlanningTeam, c/o ble debate, to change the name were recognized for their efforts National Park Service, Southwest of the organization to the Santa to preserve, protect, or promote Regional Office, P. O. Box 728, Fe Trail Association. The central the historic Trail. Santa Fe, NM 87504-0728. argument was that the word "as­ The honorees were Isabel D. Nominations for the advisory sociation" presented a clearer im­ Campbell, Larned, KS; Jack D. Rit­ council will soon be solicited in age to the public than the more tenhouse, Albuquerque, NM; Mary the five Trail states from organ­ restrictive term "council." A sec­ B. and Leo E. Gamble, Springfield, izations that "have an establi­ ondary considerationwas that the CO; Pauline S. Fowler, Indepen­ shed and recognized interest in new body being formed by the Na­ dence, MO; Roe Groom, Council the trail." The advisory council tional Park Service will be called Grove, KS; Grace Collier, Hays, should be established by May a trail advisory council which KS; The Santa Fe New Mexican; 1988. The NPS expects to have a might be confused with our group. and the OI'egon-California Trails draft Trail Plan ready by Septem­ It was noted that since the Associatio'"l. ber 1988 and hold another series bylaws were being adopted this In addition two individuals were of public meetings during Novem­ would offer the last easy oppor­ named official Trail Ambas­ ber 1988. The final Trail Plan is tunity to undertake a name sadors: Les Vilda, Wilbur, NB, scheduled for completion by July change. The matterwas presented who drove a covered wagon from 1989. Because each national his­ to the general membership at the Missouri to NeVI Mexico this year, toric trail has a distinctive trail business meeting the next day and Paul Bentrup of Deerfield, KS marker design, a design competi­ and, 'following heated discus­ who continues his unflagging ef­ tion for the Santa Fe National His­ sion, the change was approved by forts to locate lost sites and toric Trail marker will soon be a narrow margin. <J promote the Trail. <J developed. <J PRESIDENT'S COLUMN SFTA owes a special debt of the SFTA support local efforts to thanks to John Tarabino for handl­ preserve the site, now up for sale, It is difficult to see how the Hut­ ing al1 the complicated paperwork and it passed unanimously. chinson Symposium could have associated with incorporation come off any better. At least and our application for tax­ PIONEERS STATUE that's the impression I got from exempt status with the IRS. the many people who told me how UNVEILED AT WESTPORT pleased they were with the entire Soon we will be putting together the committees that will carry on A new statue, "The Pioneers," program. Barbara Peirce and al1 together with a giant terrazomap the sponsors deserve our sincere the work of the Association. These will be announced in the of the three wagon trails that thanks and heartiest congratula­ began in western Missouri were tions for a job wel1 done. next WT. Meanwhile everyone can contribute to the organization in dedicated in special ceremonies Some important items of busi­ several ways. (1) Renew your at historic Westport on October ness were accomplished, too. membership for next yearprompt­ 10. More than $150,000 in con­ They included the revising and ly. (2) Bring in at least one new tributions was raised for the acceptance of our bylaws, copies member and try to enlistmore. (3) project by the Westport Histor­ of which will be mailed to all Visit a bookstore ormuseum sales ical Society and the Native Sons members, along with a complete desk in your area and see ifthey of Kansas City. Speaking at the membership list, at the end of the will be willing to sell our new dedication-were KC MayorRichard year; a name change for the organ­ publication, Rittenhouse's Trail L. Berkley, sculptor Tom Beard, ization (see story on page 1); of Commerce and Conquest. Com­ Santa Fe city councilman John T: selection of future Symposium mercial discounts are available Egan, and SFTA member Gregory sites; and the presentation of re­ and profits go toward the work of Franzwa. ports by National Park Service the SFTA. (4) Purchase some ofthe The statue, located in an island officials regarding plans to be items offered through our Last park now called Pioneer Park at carried out under the National Chance Store. Many ofthese have Broadway and Westport Rd., fea­ Historic Trails Act. the old name of the Council and tures three figures: Westport Further, the SFTA's marker fund will soon be collectors' items founder John Calvin McCoy, Santa grew by several hundred dollars amongTrail buffs. Again, the prof­ Fe and Oregon trails freighter as a result of the book raffle. A its benefit our organization's Alexander Majors, and mountain nice contribution was also made programs. man and Westport resident Jim to the fund in memory of Amelia It was great visiting with so Bridger. J. Betts of Baldwin City, KS who many of you in Hutchinson. Let's worked long and valiantly to pre­ keep up the spirit shown there and serve trail markers and to launch LOGO CONTEST the SFTA will definitely continue an organization such as we have to flourish. A contest to design an official now. -Marc Simmons logo for the Santa Fe Trail As­ Also, a new Board ofofficers and sociation will be held during the directors was selected. We are TWO SITES NEED HELP coming year. A $100 prize has very fortunate to have Joseph W. been donated for the successful Snell, Executive Director of the Tlie SFTA Board received a plea designer. SFTA President Sim­ Kansas State Historical Society, for help on behalf of Boggsville mons will appoint a contest com­ serving as vice-president. Ruth from the Pioneer Historical Socie­ mittee and detai 1s of the competi­ Olson will continue as secretary, ty of Bent County, CO which owns tion will appear in a later issue. now with the added duties oftrea­ the site and is attempting to sta­ surer. Other positions include: bilize the two historic buildings, Wagon Tracks is the official publication Michael E.
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