INHUNEPAMA Inc. Pl1ONERAMA INC . Photo Researcher' Ms . Michiko Sato Room 106, E7.m Umegaoka 3-49-9 Daita, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 155 JAPAN TEL :FAX (3414)9963 i)atE ~ : NnI,Pmk>pr fif 1992-- Mr . Woody Vasulka Route 6, Box ].00 Santa Fe New Mexico 87501 Mr . Vasulka : .,n behalf of the Urban I)esiyn Research Inc . (Tokyo), I am now researching on Contemporary Arts throughout the world . Actually, this research is for the "Art and Techno-- ScieIIQe which will be published from the Urban Design Encyclopaedia" so Research lnc . i n the future . This project has just begun that we could not inform you the date of issue, circulation, size and price .at this stage . Today, we would like to ask your cooperation to-offer some materials regarding to . your. big c ar een , - catalog of exhbition, data of their- works, personal history we are very etc ., anything is acceptable . But especially, interested in their works of . " ART OF MEMORY " it would be of r great help to us that if you inform u-,5 t possibility of qur request by fax . We are ready to pay for the materials if*-it is not. free . On next page, I have attached a list of a summary of the encyclopaedia which we are going to publish . Please be tree happy to ask any questions after you have read it . We are to receive your advise at any moment . Art and Techno-Science ,Fricyc lo aodia (BASIC. CONCEPT) Encyclopaedia which is convenient: and useful as a basic bibliography . (CHARATERI STZC ) Encyclopaedia containing all, Muscurus, Artists, Works and Events which models the image of Art and Techonology of 20th century . This took wi1], offer irtany informations to those research worker, enterprises and the common . (FORMAT) ;1 . 20TH CENTURY ART AND 'fl',1CF1N0 -(,;CIENCI DIAGRAM ,treading the path of flow of Art and Science from B .C . to 1000 by using the Chronology and Illustrations . 2 . THEME FILE 1) Space 2) Time Soma 4) Sense 5)-- -Material Medi um Machine g) Information 9) Y] ay 10) C0IMl1hni cation CLASSIFYING EACH 13ME INw 5 ITEMS 6) Medium . A . Media Architecture B . Malti°Media Theory C . media Technology D . Hyper. Media and VR E . Variation of Image QCT-~)-Ff ? 4 . T.MPORTANT THESES OF 20THTAkt AND TECHNO-SCIENCE Each thesis consists of 30,000 to 50,000 words . Totally, there will be 10 theses . THE UASULKRS .INC P .03 List of the Artists (Japanese are Omitted from this list) 1 . Alice Aycock 29 . Frich Mcndelshon 2 . Laurie Anderson 30 . Laszlo Moholy-Nagy 3 . Stephen Beck 31 . Eadweard Mybridge 4 . Dara Birnbaum 32 . Dennis oppenheim 5 . Norman Bel-Geddes 33 . Frei ntto 6 . Etirmes-Louis Boullce 34 . Nam Jun Paik 7 . John Cage 35 . Walter Pichler 8 . Jacques Carelman 36 . Ugo Pietra 9 . Pierre Chareau 37 . Man Ray 10 . J .G . Chernikov 38 . Rbighhew Rybozinski 11 . Marcel Duchamp 39 . Alexander Rodchenro 12 . Max Ernst 40 . Louigi Russoro 13 . Peter Fend 41 . Oskar Schlemmer 3.4 . Hugh Feriss 42 . Jeffrey Shaw ]5 . Richard Buckminster Fuller 43 . Nicolas SohoffCr 3.6 . Peter Forgel 44 . Takis 17 . Naum Gabo 45 . Nicola Tesra is . David Greene 46 . Woody Vasz'ka 19 . Ingo Gtinther 47 . Bill Viola 20 . Ron Herron 48 . Michale Webl) 21 . Gary Hill 49 . Bill Williinf* 22 . Jon Kessler 50 . Jean Tinyuely 23 . Frederick Kiesler al . Niki de Saint Phalle 24 . Piotr Kowalski 52 . John lleart_field 25 . Frit 7 Tang 53 . George Grosz 26 . Ivan Leonidov 54 . (MICA -TV) 27 . John C . Lily 55 . (Neural Net) 28 . Kasimir Malevich 56 . (Hindcmburg) 57 . Future Systems 58 . (Machine from "Ina Penal colorly") We look forward to 'hearing from you soon . We appreciato your gi.ving attention on this matter . Very truly yours, Michiko 'Sato(Ms .) Photo Researcher P110NFRAMA INC I TH E VAS U l KAS June 10, 1993 Yves De Peretti Mirage Illimite FAX # 33 1 40 29 03 14 Hello, I am trying to clear up a few lingering matters for the Vasulkas. We are uncertain as to whether or not Woody responded to your request dated February 13, 1992, about your publishing company and the monographs you were proposing to produce about video artists. You were interested in working with Steina and Woody in Santa Fe producing a work, in cooperation with the French Ministry of Culture and other European partners, for la Sept. The Vasulkas would very much like to know what has become of the project. If it was put on hold because of our negligence in responding, please tell us directly, and we hope you will accept our apologies. Thank you . Sincerely, Melody Sumner for The Vasulkas ROUTE 6 BOX 100 SANTA FE NEW MEXICO 87501 PHONE 505 " 471 " 7181 FAX 505 " 473 " 0614 ~MJRAGE ILLIM17'E Fax: 33 1 40 29 03 14 Woody and Steina VASULKA Flix : 19 1 ,505 473 06 14 From : Yves De PERI '1"I'1 Paris, February 13 th, Dear Woody arid Stchia, We meet twice, tile first ~tirlle in 1984, the second briefly when visiting Lily friends Pierre :' Lobsteirl and Teresa Werlnberg in Santa MIRAGE ILLIMIT1 ; is a tiieA' video publishing company who collection of Video initiate a Art an Iligli 'rechnology works . i This compan is ill the pr,,i n y .crss of producing a collectio of video artists nlonographs, incaucli~ ig a P0111-ail and a selection of works. i The collection will featuret sort'e of the prorl-rinent vide() artists from the world, you, Bill Viola and others, and Drench artists : Robert Cahen, Tllierry Kuritzcl . I . 1I Each portrait could include., VCry shorts extracts of tapes, will present the but mainly artists an - ,their work in a creative way. The selection of works, of I nurse, will be made ill collaboration the artists, and will with show 1~alaes from different periods, They ask tile to take in cb fge one portrait, and I really would like to do it with you, in Santa Fe.~ This portrait will be proclu~ccl with French Ministry of Culture arid other partners, arid possibl , broadcasted by the european cultural channel, Ia SP,1'T. ~ I I hope you will enjoy the i6ti . We need your initial agr6c .lent to develop the project, and further discuss about conditions to' to it, Thanks to fax your opinion1l I Sincerely yours . i MIRAGE ILLIMITE THE PROJECT of new r'cVU1t3t3Ut1 ' the clcveloppemcnt recent esthetic CIill plo}yed b)y '!'he of moving 'Ir11i19C technics of both the producticirt and reproduction elaboration of a project of Video Art brought. up the nccesssity of tile. Publishing . 11 the first collection of creative 11, this context., MIARGE ILL1td1ITf: pubishes Such as Video, 2D and 3D works dealing with new image! ~ teeh(lologics infography and exp6rinletit.a l ! ;movies. I .rnler a l ;trge public aitd assembles This collectionn is intended tc , ; ludicrous or research picces.f' Virten Collection bringing togathcr Our airl) is to create the. ldeaiistic .ed artistical creations . classical or innovator int.crna~tIionally recogni7 longer works dealing with I'lle focus is on rather short. me piece, monographs . a specific activity, and artist ; and orl tlle collection will be a The respect of the original wic rks preseined constant care of ours . 11 :i particular editing and presentation . Each piece of the collection Nvill have, i for each piece, of Furethermore, the original pr ductfons created presented work . collection will be harmonize '11 with the I I f GRAND!-CANAL TEL No .40290314 FEV .17,92 11 " 43 F .U2 lffilmmmi., LE PROJET L' editio video d'oeuvres artistiques est nee de la necessite e rendre compte des bouleversements esthetiques pportes par les techniques de production e de reproduction de 1'image animee . MIRAGE, ~ILLIMITE edits La premiere collection d'oeuvres de~~creation ayant trait aux nouvelles technologies e i'image, telles quo la video, 1'infographie ~2D et 3D et le cinema experimental . Cette collection destines a un large public, propose des `ealisations a caracteres ludique, pedagogique t de recherche . Notre objectif est de constituer uge videotheque "ideals", rassemblant des creations1 artistiques classiques ou novatrices, reconnues sub* le plan international . La politique editorials me . en-valeur les oeuvres de courts duree les sujets the ~xiatiques autour d'une activite commune dun mettle pays ou dune meme culture, ainsi que les imonographies d'artistes . MIRAGE I'j~L IM ITE veillera au respect des oeuvres pre"s .;nt6es dans cette collection (qualite de 1'image et du, : on, diffusion integrale) .Une mise en page originals; sera conQue pour chaque numero. De meme, le pro et suscitera des productions originales en harmonie ~vec les oeuvres presentees . Rd1tint? TH E VAS U l KAS Z~ . 2 i 199 3 ild~a.~~r~adnncw~ (25E-a~ 12"' S11seZk- Ny, Ny laoo3 Enc,lcn%a , a~sz. col m-% . x rnr\o~.s~q^s a.~G. via ~+ ~aw"s w i L~ 4Z-- vo ~~ 2. x 0 u ~ J~s( t~r~. sv\x, 6V~ 1'~'S ho'i' ov` nn v sa_. ~A.. mc~st.~v~S a~o i s, N o r~asLJ~ ~c red-.~n ~o~nn . As S. ma,4.100.41 svt-~ *aoro . ROUTE 6 BOX 100 SANTA FE NEW MEXICO 87501 PHONE 505 " 471 " 7 181 FAX 505 " 473 " 0614 --I~ w o.41~V - Y6Y~ ~ (A) S-i-~~.a 19 8 3 b7 rJ July 21, 1993 SteiIla Vasulka FAX Box 100; Rte 6 : 505/473-0614 Santa Fe, NM 87501 Utar Steina, Enclosed is the slide of I'he West '~1~zseum you requested. If the Dei;vcr tart does decide to use the '~-tc~t image for their catalogue, L.AFIL .a ~11or please have them s; .jwk:.os contact Marla Misunnas is S1~1t1C}NIA Rights and Reproductions office (her telephone number is 415/2.52-41RI) 0?rely -Carol Nakaso kvit~dia Arts Enclosure 7 slide-The : West (1983) CC Marla Misunas, Registration THE 21 ~9Q ~~ VASULKAcS 1 /`~t~ C~ `T i C) " CUI~1 GL--~, L"~ Y- t~~ V--v 41D CA~VNC V--Yly~ ~J ejv VxKnIlIl- rc-LCt 15 ~~V\A.% cv~ ~ 77 4~,~CA AA Y-<2- C) Qro'T utt~---,a YV\ &Z- 044x,,-~ VC721TV GNI,- (505 ) a~-,o , 621~ ' p ~~®lill®/~e11~QtMN "Rwwwwnrrer Eowwmwwweoe d t / ii W ORit ow orar w or a rloerAoaqmines Wwr~" " w~MRRRIRIWW.-1W E ~~"w~ww~rtrrR "ne"weewmetr t t C I '" ni"i"Z"iS x'14,4 111010840waawi t r,Z fQ S"s"S",S K-% OlmopoaqwrAo*4aa J ,~~n~~]~lr7 ~t[7 4 11 aV,' 'Rt'AOp,p%a4'+`, C.
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