mirk. STERLING CI-ALT. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR ESTABLISHED OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY TERMS-81.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE VOL. XXXIV EMMITSBURG, NIA_R-YEA_NID. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1912 NO. 20 TERM SECRET ....4, fIf'r HUGHES BEATS SMITH WEEK FOR A THIRD "***:7 A 'I.,- IS GOV.WIL‘). ON BU Y FROM Au,4) l%labj, ,. op In 1910 Lawrence F. Abbot THE Result in New Jersey a Wil- A BIGOT? LNDIDATES .11/11h ,ki-w- ,-,.....,,....„,,...... , Wrote 'In 1908' NI .4-471"•"( I e---04e. y son Victory 4,14 1it el 41 Ma#' 1 t QUESTION ANSW RED APPE LING TO VOTERS 3, 1 ,m) i egazoo-t . Y'' r 410141.04 ,'. AtIncii• OIL I ,,,,,..„acc SMITH CARRIES HOME DISTRICT IN HIS BIOGRAPHY OF COLONEL 11 INSINOWilr AllitN kimprmakicw. Vill11110Adinaan".,,,.., t'Ulvirn67''irip. What His Record, Sp eches Wilso i Answers Colonel's Future When He Ariemisgaia Governor Opposed Selection of Form- Had No Thought of roverrivi: and Appointments E how 'ree Trade Cry Furnished Sketch For Encyclopaedia ‘40 Im111114p ,v—e V4*Sintu #4ff./ er Boss, His Old Political Adver- Brittanica. Arle,••• 40- %%up:f,..•• sary.—Light Vote Polled. HAS PRAISED CATHOLIC( HURCH TAFT CONFERS WITH LEADERS On the 4th of March next I shall have Returns from the primary election in served three and one half years, and New Jersey on Tuesday indicate that Views Taken by Unquestioned Author- Colonel, Speaking to Bryan Admirers,. these three and one half years consti- Friday. have the financial support of Daniel G. Judge William Hughes, a former Con- ity on Catholic Matters.—Leading Attack I Wilson's Party Regular- tute my first term. The wise custom Frederick Pinkus, millionaire linen Reid, chairman of the Chicago, Rock gressman, defeated ex-Senator James Roman Clergyman Do No Be- ity. —The Pot Still Calling which limits the President to two terms manufacturer,was sentenced to 10 days Island and Pacific Railway Company, Smith, Jr., by more than 2 to 1. lieve Wilson Prejudice( the Kettle Black. and several of his associates. According Hughes, on whose candidacy the Wil- regards the substance and not the form in the work house on Blackwell's Island, "There is only one way to Iiandle in- The week has been a strenuous one to the report options have been obtain- son supporters had concentrated their . and under no circumstances will I be a New York, because he tried to kidnap sinuations and darkly spoken slanders for the t tree candidates for the Presi- ed on a large number of independent to- forces, after several other prospective candidate for or accept another nomina- Miss Elsie Hunter, a pretty little dress- and that is to drag them into the sun- dency. ..'specially has this been the bacco companies in all parts of the candidates had dropped out of the race t i o n .— Announcement by President maker 22 years old, on Broadway. light and destroy them with the Truth." case with Wilson and Roosevelt, who country. The present plan, it is said, so as to prevent the ex-boss from slip- Roosevelt at the White House on Nov. 8, At the Denver Auditorium Colonel This is the sentence that siands out have bee i devoting their time to speech 1904. is to manufacture all forms of tobacco ping in, ran far ahead of Smith in all Roosevelt, in a radical speech declared in an open letter 1 y James making, but Taft, too, has had his and to make a specialty of cigarettes. but a few counties of the State and Immediately after his election he his willingness to have the recall ex- Charles Monoghan, of Bayonn(, N. J., hands ful1, mostly in conferences with gave Smith a hard run in Essex county publicly declared that he would not ac- tended to the Presidency. Waldorf Astor, son of William Wal- to Hon. Michael J. Drummond, of New his leaders. and in Newark, his home stronghold. cept the nomination for the Presidency Two men are dead, dorf Astor and member of the British York City. Mr. Monoghan I as been Out in McAlester, Okla , the streets five other men There is nothing in the State law in 1908. —Encyclopaedia Britannica. Parliamentfrom Plymouth and is study- Professor in the University of W isco n- were cro vded as they had never been are seriously injured and 20 others hurt As_ which compels the Legislature to select Article Theodore Roosevelt, by Lawren- ing the pasteurization of milk. Mr. sin, George Washington and Notre before w ien Theodore Roosevelt enter- as a result of an explosion in the open- the candidate successful in the Fall ce F. Abbott. tor is chairman of the Tuberculosis Dame Universities, St. John's College, ed the city, and 25,000 persons tried to hearth department of the Cambria Steel primaries to the United States Senator- When Lawrence F'. Abbott, nineteen Committee of Parliament and has de- Brooklyn; received the Laeta e Medal hear ,him speak, many of them unsuc- Company, at Franklin, near Johnstown, _ ship, but the precedent established by months before Col. Roosevelt announcedPa.fromvotedted hilfhimself to bills tending to im the University of Notre Dame in cessfully. Gov. Wilson in calling upon the last himself as a candidate for third term prove the public health of England. 1908, is a member of the Ki ights of At eve y small town at which he stop- One of the most daring robberies ev- Legislature to obey its pledge and elect as President,wrote the statement quot- Mrs. Harriman, widow of Edward H. Columbus and the Ancient (rder of ped crow Is far exceeding the popula- er perpetrated is reported to have talt- James Martine, is expected to control. ed above in his biographical sketch of Harriman, the railroad magnate, and Hibernians. The letter was i ot writ- tion of the towns themselves cheered en place between Pensacola, Fla., and More than ordinary interest was the Colonel for the Encyclopaedia Bri- Miss Bliss, daughter of the late Cornet- ten or published as "campaign litera- him as h . addressed them briefly from Flormaton, Ala., Wednesday morning, manifested in the primaries because of tannica, did he unconsciously reveal a ius N. Bliss, former treasurer of the ture," but was printed in the / merican the car platform. This astonishing re- when $70,000 was removed from pack- . the active opposition of Gov. Wilson, knowledge possessed by himself, and Republican National Committee will be Catholic "Who's Who" for the enlight- ception a nd manifestation of friendship • ages containing $75,000, and magazine the Democratic nominee for President, possibly other close personal friends of excused from testifying before the Sen- enment of its readers. The le ter, like and appr Ival on the part of the voters paper substituted in broad daylight, to the candidacy of Mr. Smith. Both the Colonel of the mental reservation in ate committee investigating campaign all other honest investigations into the marked olonel Roosevelt's first day of On the last day of Governor Wilson's from the stump and in statements is- Colonel's announcement of Nov. 4, 1904, expenditures, matter, only serves to vindicate Gov- campaigning in a southern and Demo- Western tour, which has brought him in sued to the voters the Governor had which left the public unaware that the ernor Wilson's attitude and pi rge him cratic territory. contact with about 200,000 voters in In- Sunday. voiced his disapproval of the former Colonel meant to limit himself only to of the vile accusations, implie d or ex- He ma le Governor Wilson the target diana, South Dakota, Minnesota, Mich- Gen. Thomas J. Shannon, past nation- Senator. Owing to the active part two "consecutive" terms? This ques- pressed. The letter, in part, f( llo ws: of his attacks, referring to the report igan and Ohio he heard again the fa- al commander of the Union Veteran's taken by the presidential candidate, his „ thin was put to The New York Times My dear Commissioner Drummond: that .the present Democratic candidate miliar story that he is a sure winner in Legion, organizer of Encampment 111 hold upon his party in New Jersey was and The Times sent to ask Mr. Abbott "I was deeply interested in your let- for the iresidency had not supported the last state he has visited, of the legion and principal examiner in considered to be the real test of the about it. ter of August 5th with regard to Gov- the Democratic ticket in 1896 and de- the United States Pension office, died in voting. "Did Col. Roosevelt approve of the The robbery of the mansion in New ernor Woodrow Wilson of Nev Jersey. claring t at the Democratic party rep- biography or even read it before it ap- York of J. P. Morgan Jr., while Mr. Washington. Bad weather prevailed generally "It is especially embarras1 ing and resents itandpatism, boss control and peared in the Encyclopaedia?” Mr. Ab- Morgan and his 40 servants slept, has Led by a woman, auto bandits, rival_ throughout the State during the day - unjust that there should be ar y neces- the beneficiaries of special privilege, butt was asked, been confessed. The police say the ing in boldness the taxicab robbers of and evening and to this fact is attrib- sity of stating the within facts, because Bryan is strong in that section and the "He did not," was the renly. "The burglary was performed by John Bern- Paris, and the perpetrators of similar utek the light vote. no Governor has ever been so eminently reference to Wilson's opposition in the biography was written by me, and not ouer whom they arrested.
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