Garnock Valley Locality Partnership 6th September at 7pm at Garnock Campus, Glengarnock Business Item Subject Pg Ref Officer No 1. Welcome and Apologies Cllr Bell 2. Action Note Pg4 Enclosed Elaine Review the action note and deal with any Young outstanding items Stagecoach Overview of Work in 3. Verbal Sam Greer Garnock Valley Receive briefing and discussion STANDING AGENDA ITEMS 3. Locality Co-ordinator Update Pg10 Enclosed Christina Receive update Pieraccini 4. Locality Plan Progress Pg11 Enclosed Christina Receive feedback from sub-groups Pierraccini Verbal • Moving Around updates All • Facilities and Amenities Members • Work and the Local Economy 5. Community Investment Fund Pg14 Enclosed Christina Receive update on progress Pieraccini OTHER BUSINESS – TO INFORM LOCALITY PLANNING 6. HSCP Locality Forum Update Verbal Dr Janet Receive update on progress McKay 1 7. Participatory Budgeting Pg22 Enclosed Thomas Garnock Valley Grounds Maintenance Reaney/ Sarah Archer 8. Locality Youth Forum Update Verbal Cadely Receive update on recent work Paton/ Christina Pieraccini OTHER BUSINESS – DECISION REQUIRED 9. Grants Pg24 Enclosed Bernadette Consider grant applications Anderson 10. Festivals and Events Funding Verbal Christina Update on process Pieraccini 11. AOCB Cllr Bell • Please note the Locality Conference takes place on Saturday 15 September at Saltcoats Town Hall from 9.30am to 2pm. Please let us know if you can attend. 12. Date of Next Meeting 4th December Distribution List John Bell – Councillor (Chair) Robert Barr – Councillor Anthea Dickson – Councillor Joy Brahim – Councillor Todd Ferguson – Councillor Donald L Reid - Councillor Elaine Young – Senior Lead Officer (NHS A&A) John McKnight – Lead Officer Christina Pieraccini – Locality Co-ordinator Catherine Wigzell – Community Council David Dickie – Interim Community Representative Heather Grossart – Community Council Audrey Mason – Community Representative Ian Shaw – Community Representative James Waite – Community Representative Dr Janet McKay – HSCP Kaileigh Brown – TSI Edward Kenna – SFRS 2 Jim McMillan – Police Scotland 3 Action Note Meeting: Garnock Valley Locality Partnership Date/Venue: 11 June 2018 – Bridgend Community Centre, Kilbirnie Present: Councillor John Bell (Chair); Dr Janet McKay (Vice Chair), HSCP; Depute Provost Robert Barr; Councillor Anthea Dickson; Councillor Joy Brahim; Councillor Donald L Reid; Elaine Young, Senior Lead Officer (NHS A&A); John McKnight, Lead Officer, NAC; Christina Pieraccini, Locality Co-Ordinator, NAC; Audrey Mason, Community Representative; Ian Shaw, Community Representative; James Waite, Beith Community Council; Sheena Woodside, Dalry Community Council; Allan Wright, Kilbirnie & Glengarnock Community Council; Edward Kenna, Scottish Fire and Rescue; Jim McMillan, Police Scotland; Alison Allan, Education and Youth Employment, NAC; Bernadette Anderson, Performance/Grants Information Officer, NAC; Angela Little; Committee Services Officer, NAC Apologies: Kaileigh Brown, Third Sector Interface; Heather Grossart, Dalry Community Council; Catherine Wigzell, Kilbirnie & Glengarnock Community Council ACTIONS No. Action Responsible 1. Welcome and Apologies The Chair welcomed everyone to the Garnock Valley Locality Partnership meeting. Councillor Reid, and Beith Community Council Vice Chair, James Waite declared an interest in relation to two grant applications submitted by Barrmill Jolly Beggars Burns Club due to their involvement with the club and left the meeting for those items of business. Councillor Dickson, declared an interest in relation to a grant application submitted by Garnock Valley Pipes and Drums and left the meeting for that item of business. 2. Action Note The Action Note from the meeting held on 6 March 2018 was discussed with the following points raised:- Actions involving working with Stagecoach are being pursued by C. Pieraccini the Moving Around Working Group; Page4 1 of 6 Action Note Noted. 3. Locality Co-ordinator Update Christina Pieraccini submitted a report and provided an update work undertaken in the Garnock Valley Locality. Discussion took place on the following areas:- Successful Parklife events that took place in Dalry, Beith and Kilbirnie; Big Fit events proposed for Dalry, Beith and Kilbirnie to promote the benefits of health and fitness through walking and other activities, such as a Big Fit cycle; Work that is underway on the Stoneyholm Mill film; and A pilot Activity Agreement for the Garnock Valley that will begin in July 2018. Discussion took place on establishing a pictorial collection of the various events that have taken place and that are planned, the implications of GDPR, and the use of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. The Partnership agreed that the Locality Co-ordinator investigate and C. Pieraccini report to a future meeting. 4. Locality Plan Progress Christina Pieraccini submitted a report on the updated Locality Plan and provided a verbal update on the feedback received from sub-groups as follows:- Moving Around A travel needs analysis is planned; Continue to try to engage with SPT; and Leap Car Club, a not for profit community car hire scheme, have been invited to the next meeting. Facilities and Amenities Social media training is being explored; A Communications and Marketing campaign to promote the Garnock Valley; and A What’s On event planned for October. Work and the local community The Chair of the Work and Local Community Working Group advised that the group has met on five occasions. He provided a report from the sub group, highlighting the following areas:- Migration driving down the economy; Page5 2 of 6 Action Note Provide the right opportunities from existing projects or the expansion of projects to keep people here; Create a structured training scheme that meets the needs of employers; and The potential creation of a Social Enterprise Company that encompasses training’ volunteering opportunities. The Locality Co-ordinator provided some further information in respect of:- Training and volunteering opportunities for young people and a mapping exercise undertaken to identify support services for young people and their mental health; Contact that has been made with the Council’s Employability Officer Work that has been done around volunteering in schools; CAHMS links with the Attainment Challenge and schools; and Involving the Youth Forum in the Communications Strategy; E. Young Elaine Young advised that she has a link with the Chamber of Commerce, in respect of young people and will forward this information to Christina Pieracinni. Discussion took place on the need for a Communications Strategy that would give the Garnock Valley the most exposure. The Partnership (a) welcomed the link of the HSCP priorities to the Locality priorities and commended the good work done by a range of organisations and local people to drive the projects forward; and (b) agreed that the Locality Co-ordinator contact the Council’s C. Pieraccini Communications Team for guidance on marketing. 5. Community Investment Fund John McKnight submitted a briefing on the Community Investment Fund, (CIF) which provided details on the purpose of CIF, the process to be used and where Locality Partnerships should start. An application was submitted for funding of £28,000 from the Garnock Valley Men’s Shed for roof repairs, rewiring and general building works to the premises The Men’s Shed delivers a variety of community-based adult learning, health and well-being initiatives and addresses loneliness and social isolation among men. The Partnership discussed the issues around water connection to the building, which is still being negotiated with the relevant providers. It was noted that the building had been surveyed and a report was available. The Partnership agreed, in principle, to put forward a fully detailed plan J. McKnight from the Men’s Shed to Cabinet for approval. Page6 3 of 6 Action Note 6. HSCP Locality Forum Update Janet McKay provided a verbal update from the HSCP Locality Forum:- Social Inclusion workshop that will be held on 13 June 2018; Strategic Plan was approved by the IJB and a proposal for the Chair of the IJB to attend meetings of the Community Council; A review of how locality groups are working; Information that will be available following the What Matters to You Day that took place. Noted. 7. Locality Youth Forum Update Christina Pieraccini provided a verbal update from the Locality Youth Forum:- Travel survey to identify travel issues for young people; Year of Young People; Supporting the Youth Festival; The development of a Skatepark in Dalry; and Links with the Scottish Youth Parliament. The Youth Forum is in transition, as a number of young people have moved on and new ones have joined. Cadley Paton, Garnock Campus, represents Cunninghame North at the Scottish Youth Parliament. The Partnership agreed that an invitation be extended to Cadley Paton, C. Pieraccini MSYP to attend the next meeting. 8. Roads Maintenance Programme John McKnight submitted a report on the Roads, structures and street lighting maintenance programme for 2018/19. The Partnership noted the Roads Maintenance Programme for 2018/19 and acknowledged the work done by the Roads Teams during the past year. Noted. 9. Street Naming John McKnight submitted a report on proposed street names for the new sheltered housing, bungalows and housing office at the former Watt Court, Dalry. The Partnership agreed the street names as:- Watt Gardens; and Burns Club Gardens. J. McKnight Page7 4 of 6 Action
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