T ' . f Vt R ’;.- ■■ THURSDAY, JDDY 9, 1970 PAGE TWENTY-POUR \Avef*sre Dally Net Pleas Run T h e ' W i t h e r Ett^nUtg 1|^ralb > ■ For Hie Week Ended 1 dime 27, 1966 Warm, humid; shower, thun- derahowem tmdgfat. Heavy II- Dr. Spaulding alsp stressed thimderstorms possible accom­ the need to Involve | sis many panied by gusty winds. Satur­ Fall Ecological Forum 1 1 5 ,6 1 0 town agencies as iwsslble. "We day cloudy, chance of ahoi|ven. hope to develop a sensitivity to Maneheeter-^A City of VUhtge Charm Planned Oct. 7 ,1 5 ,2 3 the problems of conservation,’’ LIVE MAINE r he said. "We want to show that / Ihvolvement of Interested v ^ c h Laurence Rockefell^er is the Conservation Oommlssltni VOL. LXXXIX, NO. 238 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1970 (CSaseifled AdverUslag on Fngie 17) PRICE TEN CENTS citizens and town agencies was chairman. has problems to face and that iOBSTERS *L69 . ^ 9 ''“% the major goal cited by the Om- The commission dlscusse^ the it needs the help of the other servatlon Cwnmisslon last night posslplUties of getting films and town organizations." in planning for a Fall Ecologi­ well-lmown speakers for the Town groups who are Interest­ cal Forum in Manchester. three-part forum. The members ed in the forum. Dr. Spaulding U.S. Library present agreed that It would be *nie Forum, scheduled for said, should contact the com­ Dodd Moves Step Closer Oct. 7, Oct. 16, and Oct. 28 at better to limit the number of mission’s secretary,' Mrs. Mil­ , the .Senior Citizens Ceider on speakers and to open the forum Red CEfca^^reei^ Bishop Walsh; dred Schaller of 218 Parker St. Surveillance inehurst M y^ e St., will try "to focus on to questions and comments Buckland expressed the idea To Ruiming Independently oonservaUem subjects related to from citizens. that conservation is "every- Manchester’s conservation and Leslie Buckland, a commis- one’s^roblem.’’ 'The forum, he Denounced HARTFDRD, Ckmn. (AP) — Thomas 1. Dodd moved a step closer to running for re-elecfion as an independent today. ecological needs,” commission BAon members stressed the need said, can bring together "both chairman Dr. Frederick W. to "excite people’s minds so the older 'people and younger Ry GEORGE L.ARDNER JR. Three aides to the senator were at the Secretary of the Spaulding said. fiiat they will work for conser­ The Washington Poet State’s office to pick up petition forms and leam about other re­ U.S. GeneraJ^Still Missing in War GUARANTEES IT people who are concerned about Dr. Spaulding noted that the vation, not only at the forum, environment.” LIMITED QDANIITT-ABBIVINO THVIISDAT MIGHT WA0HINQTON — Sen. Sam quirements the senator must flilfill to get on the November Idea of a forum, similar to the J. Ervin (D'N.C.) denounced baUot. but in the futui^.’ ’ Dr. Spaulding added that Mdvin Lm , who seBtctod those Ter'Vogetcible one qie commissitm is planning, Thursday the efforts o f.^ .S . Dodd has declined to elaborate on his plans since his an­ The commission felt that the there a re, many decisions that Specials, soys they ore attractive enough in was recommended In a report HIGHLAND PARK MARKET Treasury agents to ti^cli down nouncement June 12 that he would not seek renomlnatlon from ' Interning tone of the forum must be kept must be , made concerning con­ his own party. (General’s Second Prisoner to President Nixon from the "llt^t,” so that people will feel SIT illghlaiid St., Manchertei^-Phone 616-4277 book borrowers because of what fniee and quality to woiunit fop posifjflp in our Citizens Advisory Committee servation, and "we (the com- With Dodd out of the field, the Democrats then endorsed Richard J. Lombardo received free to express themselves. In mLislon)! want to be able to in­ they read. He sa to'^ e practice od this week. , on Environmental Quality, of this way, the program will pool smacked of tyranny- Stamford,,J)uslnesaman Alphonsus Donahue, for the nomination. ’ Copter Reported Suicide his doctor of medicine deg^ree fluence, ' these decisions, and Donahue now faces an Aug. 19 Democratic primary against from the New Jersey College of ideas and be a "learning fo­ help direct the decisions.” Chairman of the Senate sub­ FRESH. CRISP. GREEN committee on j constitutional two other Democratic Senate hopefuls, the Rev. Joseph Duffey Ci*ashes HONG KONG (AP)— Medicine and Dentistry, New­ rum.” and State Sen. Edward L. Marcus. NORTH CAROLINA ark, laist month, and is current­ rights, Ervin demlEmded an ex- Red China released Roman planaUon of the project from Dodd’s three aides, who Included Joseph Barbarette, chief SAIGON (AP)—Ameri­ Catholic Bishop James Ed­ ly serving a one-year intern­ Police Log spokesman for the senator in recent weeks, said they were to ship at St. Elizabeth Hospital Secretary of the Treasury Da­ can troops set out again to- ward Walsh today after CUCUMBERS vid S i. Kennedy. pick up consent forms, which must be submitted to town clerks.' in Elizabeth, N.J. The consent forms would allow Dodd workers to begin collect­ 'day to reach the wreckage nearly 12 years in Commu­ ARRESTS Investigators from the Inter­ He is the son of Mr. and Ready?... This is THE ONE ing the 6,000 signatures of registered voters he would need by of the helicopter that nist captivity. But the Chi­ Henri J. Knlpper, 26, of nal Revenue" Service’s Alcohol, 5 for 34c Mrs. Carl Lombardo of 28 Haw­ West 'Haven, ^charged with Aug. 31 to qualify for a place on the ballot. , crashed into a mountain nese announced that an­ thorne St., and is married to the Tobacco and Firearms Division, —W.y abandoning a motor vehicle. He T he "second step,’’ Barbarette said, would be to secure with Maj. Gen. George W. other American prisoner, former Miss Sandra Haag of You're Looking For! an arm of Treasury, have been FRESH from neaihy local farms was arrested yesterday after­ the petition papers from the state officials. Casey and six other Amer­ Hugh Francis Redmond of Cranford, N J. They have a visiting public libraries over the Barbarette said that Dodd has been "deluged" with appeals noon. Court date July 27. past two months In an effort to icans aboard. Yordeers, N. Y., committed daughter, Terri Lyn, l)om Jtme to run as an Independent. He said Dodd is doing very well In The wreckage was spotted 26. secure names of people who suicide three months ago. NATIVE SQUASH 7° ACCIDENTS recuperation from a May 18 heart attack. from the air Thursday. Ground Dr. Lombsu-do pursued his check out books on explosives Border sources said the 79- A car operated by Richard troops tried to reach It but were ZUCCINI fGieen) or SUMMER (Yellow) medical studies imder the Na­ and other purportedly "sub­ year-old prelate from Cumbeiv W. Lata, 29, of 87 Mather St., pulled out at darkness. Ifilitary val Reserve Ensign Medical versive’’ topics. land, Md., "walked across the _ 4 for 25c ^ struck the rear of a car oper­ sources said there were no signs Student Program. He was pres­ "Throughout history,’’ Ervlh border bridge unaided and ap­ ated by Elizabeth A. Taimahill, of life In the wreckage. ident of Alpha Rho chapter of protested in a letter to Kenne­ { In Beating Case peared In fair condition conoid- ' Great big oversize fresh Native Blaeberries are now 478 Woodbridge St. yesterday Phi Rho Sigma medical frater­ dy, "official surveillance of the u ------------------------------ ^— The UHl Huey helicopter was ering his age and the ordeal he morning while It was stopped at here, along with Native Hot House Tomatoes, Rare­ nity, and on the yearbook com­ reading habits of citizens has piloted by (^ ey , commander of lias undergone." a red light on N, Main St. ripes, New Beets, Radishes and Boston Lettuce. Cus­ mittee. been a litmus test of tyranny." the 1st Air Cavalry Division. It A U.S. Consulate spokesman tomers teD us “pinehurst” has the largest heads of Dr. Lombardo received his Judge Rules Against crashed Tuesday, but the U.S. said Bishop Walsh was being An unknown, vehicle struck a His stance pitted him against fresh Iceberg Lettuce in town. BS in 1966 from Trinity College, SALE Sen. John L. McClellan (D- Command withheld the location given a medical examination car driven by blames L. Perry where he was named a Capital Ark.), who said he saw nothing to prevent the enemy from and "we will not know his real Jr., 26, of 429 Center St. as he Vine Ripened Cantaloupes, Watermelons, Native Area Scholar after graduating wrong with the investigation and Police in Bridgeport reaching the site first. condlUon unUl after that." Green Beans, Lemons and Limes are here, and a from Manchester High School in was preparing to leave his Casey, 48, of North Scituate, The spokesman said he doubt­ driveway last night. indicated that It was prompted spedal on 1962. As an undergraduate, he by a subcommittee under him BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP)— car continued more than 400 feet Mass., was flying to a military ed that the bishop would be was secretary of Brownell, a EXAMPLE; Select 2 Pairs of Shoes — You Pay The Regu­ “ I don’t think It invades any- A Spanish-speaking Bridgeport from the point of collision before hospital In Vietnam to visit made available to talk to report­ COMPLAINTS FRESH, SWEET social club; manager of the body’s privacy," McClellan told man who claimed two police- hitting a utility pole.
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