I WAverly -3-9207 ■ 8 ENT AJB1,1HHKI) 1M4 OFFICIAL NgWHFAPKW OF T HE TOWNSHIP AND SCHOOL DUTtlOT OF HILLBID1 p i XXXIV—N ov-jf§8 HILLSIDE, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1958 PRICE 10 CENTS Celebrates 100th Birthday Posts $500 Bajil On Dash-Crash-Hash! Mr M ane Wackerman, w ho Narcotics Cliargfe w as born in California and spent part of her lifetime In France, South 13th street, East. Orange, was released i s . $500 bail last •celebrated -her 100th birthday, at Thursday on a charge o f posses^ a patty m her honor last Sun- slon of narcotics by “Magistrate day. Her birthday actually took Henry Goldhor. He posted an | place on Monday. additional $100 bail oh a disor­ I Mrs. Wackerman has been liv- derly conduct ch a rg e .— Hilton and two companions, 1 ing with iter- daughter Mrs. -Gel Albert Bohr, 39, o f 42 Osborne ]Tine-Sehlfigel-at-the-hdme-of-Mr. terrace, ' Newark, trnd William Land—Mrs.—John—Dzoba at 284 R.1 jBBft.nr.iinr ftt-Wesit Palm Rondy An enthusiastic group of twen­ Florence a.v.enuc lor the past ten Fla., were picked up for ques­ ty volunteers are busy repairing years. ' tioning August 5 at North Broad and repainting tire new PAL itKgt'Sutf M em Avenue;-2*— headquarters In the form er Civil I The party was arranged /by Bahr and Russell were released Defense Headquarters back of the Dzobas and their daughter, in custody o f" their attorney, the old Municipal Building at Celine, and many cards and gifts Heman Distler of ' Newark," oh 1284 North Broad street, and ■were-recelvedr Among-the-guests disorderly..charges.. The trio are scheduled to be arraigned in to get it ready as w ere Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lein- inger and family, Mr, and Mrs. equipment and take^other steps lan Alois Stier, who ■S;-Lelninger-a«d -M rg.-Kl9in, M r- Baseball Outing to prevent a recurrence of the (ed Monday on full time as and Mrs Smaliacomb, Mr. a n d | p Q g ’nai B’rith accident that took the llfe 01 an itoE -oL'-R A Jis IsaiUng h mil M rs. Sidwa. Mr. and Mrs. H. : . employe on May 19. __... number ol hospitalized v Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. Sorrentlno supplies and funds to make erans from riearbv veteran’s h *' This was announced this week and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. K ai­ center thoroughly useable by— pltals will go along as guests by Richard J, Sullivan, chief ser, Mr. and Mrs. Ziegler, Mr. and the teenagers for whom it Is in- ; 3 when Hillside Lodge of. B’na: the State Bureau of Engineering Mrs. Funk and Hleee," and Mr. tended. Needed urggr.tly at once j B'rlth conducts its annual base and Mrs, Bittl, and Safety, following a board of are a desk,' chairs nad couches.- ball outing next TueS&y evening Mrs. Schlegel and her century-1 -Inquiry hearing into the indus­ Other equipment such as a pool Members attending will witness old mother are in good health, table ■ and .TV set will also be the .Stonkee-Cleveland gamp a' trial fatality. although Her mother is not 'able needed. ' : Yankecr^tadium. ■ Harry-H-tilr-ST, o f lg5 HiHeWe- ltd -get around how. According to Police Commis­ Bu.ses leave from" the Sins avenue, Newark, died from burns Recalls Indians Off-Duty Cop Nabs Dr. Lyons Elected sioner William Sural, PAL is al­ Building, 1531 Maple avenue a Mrs. Wackerman was born In , received In a flash fire caused so looking for some generous in- : 6;3Q p.m. A .number o f tickets .Downevllle, California, and _spent-| by the Ignition of dust from the dividual to donate the use o f a are available to non-members a Bottle Throwers To National Post a hhjhbdil-of. years tiler#.- Her cork processing operation. larger em pty building suitable $4.00, which Includes^ reserved parents ran a prosperous brew­ An off-duty patrolman, Jamas I Anita F. Ly HillsideDr. Walter Mitchell,: personnel di­ for affairs and meetings with a Zimmerman Photo seats and round-trip transporta ery In Downeville. She retails Silva, left his home iast Wed­ school , psychologist rector, and - other company offi­ larger area than the old Civil . Photo sh ow s Mrs. Celine Schlegel and her mother, Mrs. Marie tl£m. In charge of -reservations the Indians In that area, and says nesday night for a successful elected National Division Repre cials conceded that the firm has Defense quarters. Wackerman. w h o became 100 years old this week. are Bob Rosenberg, W Averly 3- they were quite friendly. Her search of a car from which Lot-1 had no organized safety pro- Extra space, will actually be 3015; Sam Gaines, MUrdock 8 sentative to the American Psy parents had come to California ties were thrown at two young­ gram. M u -n d e t em ploys 140 heeded fo r Indoor activities, to 1753, and Lute Share, W Averly chologlcal Association, it Was an b y horse and wagon during the sters on Long avenue. I kers. show movies, and to arrange for 3 i 4 8 9 a l l Turley And Rizutto To Star Gold Rush. I One o f the two was a nephew nounced this week. She repre S. Charles Rothmann, board pool tables and ping pong tables, I of Patrolman Silva. While the A t the age o f eight, she* and LOUIS HAWTHORNE sents the National Division o of Inquiry chairman, said the Gural Says numerous individuals nephew and a companion were her parents established their Funeral services were held School Psychologists. company has been directed to have expressed thqlr Interest In Ijvalking In Long avenue, a car In B’nai B’rith Baseball Night residence in. Alsace, France. She Monday evening for Louis Haw­ Slje will be a member o f the I install a dust control system, es- the plans to keep teen-agers busy drove by and bottles w ere tossed 3ab Turley, the great Yankee' lived there through the war of. thorne, 77, o f 63 Hollywood ave­ national council composed of rep- j tablish a Safety committee and and have offered their coopera­ at them. When Silva got the call pitcher n ow on -his way to an 1870 and W orld War I, while her nue, who died Saturday in York resentatlves o f the various "fields organize a fire brigade to Combat tion, Gural declared the residents mentator and producer, - will from his nephew he picked the all-time m ajor league win-record, parents were ML the. hotel -Busi­ Hospital, York, Pa„ following a of psychology which establishes I minor blazes that occur periodic- are endorsing^ the plan to ehan- j serve as moderator. pair up In his car and they went ness. long Illness. Services were held regulations , In the respective ally during the cork processing nle the energies and enthusiasm and Phil Rizutto, one of the great looking for an auto reported to Turley 'and Rizutto will be However, In the year 1919 she at the Ziegler Funeral Home, fields. operation. o f youth into health activities. shortstops o f-a ll time, wffi-head- be without lights. - asked to comment on such ques­ moved back to the United States. Manchester, Pa. Interment was Dr. Lyons has also been re- j ——-— **— -------- Although some teen-agers in the . The,car was eventually located elected editor of Kappa Delta Pi , B fci "Baseball Night” program ! tion s as "breaking into big league T o prove her citizenship, Mrs. in Graceland Memorial Park In -past’ have objected to too much in Liberty avenue, Silva pulled at-the August general meeting o f baseball", “reserve, clause", "e f­ Wackerman had to get a letter Kenilworth. News. Letter for 1958-59,,p«m- Ii|cnV|»r K IlF a lP r supervision,-now they look for­ alongside and, ordered, the .oar cation of the Graduate School of i * ward to being on their own Hillside Lodge of B'nki' B'rlth fect of travel on-family-Sfe-’ and from her birthplaee’il’i'Galifornia) -Hawthorne; -who was both In to the curb, but Instead the driv­ Psychology o f New York Uni next Monday night "disappointments in big league and this message was brought Bradford, Pa;, lived In’ Hillside through PAL-directed events, er . took off, A chase ensued verslty. baseball.” over by pony express. for 45 years. He had retired as Commtssioner Gural said, the fie m eeting, to be held at the through several local streets un­ For Sports Car fast Mrs. Schlegel worked f o r sev­ an engineer for the Johns Man- next step will be to send letters ■Sinai Building, 1531 Maple- ave- til -the fleeing car struck a utili­ Sports, cars made b y an ■ old ba ll and no-windup, * Turley is en years in the linen room of -iffii Co,, "New York, several years’ to civic and fraternal groups nue, will b eg in prom ptly at 8:30 ty pole at North Broad street J German car manufacsturer, fam- one of the leading major league Bristol-Myers, leaving the com ago. asking them to name one o f their pan. and is open to members and and Hollywood avenue. Extend Season I ous for IIts racing cat■s, will soon m ound performer this year, Hlll- pany about ten years ago., r His wife, Mrs. 'Lulu . Haw­ members to a Board of Trustees their guests.
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