Republic of Kazakhstan Landscape Restoration Project ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK (ESMF) October 20, 2020 KAZAKHSTAN LANDSCAPE RESTORATION PROJECT ESMF TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Abbreviations and Acronyms ................................................................................................... 2 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 3 2. Background Data ........................................................................................................................ 8 3. Description of Administrative, Political and Regulatory Frameworks ......................................... 30 4. Potential environmental and social risks and impacts ................................................................ 43 5. Management of Environmental and Social Risks ....................................................................... 47 6. ESMF Implementation Arrangement ......................................................................................... 53 7. Public Consultations and Information Disclosure ....................................................................... 68 Annex 1 - Environmental and Social Risks and Impacts and Mitigation Measures .............................. 72 Annex 2 - Risk Categories and Related Environmental and Social Instruments ................................... 76 Annex 3 - Environmental Screening Checklist.................................................................................... 77 Annex 4 - Environmental and Social Screening Results ...................................................................... 78 Annex 5 - Summary of Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report ..................................... 79 Annex 6 - Contents and Format of ESMP .......................................................................................... 80 Annex 7 - Environmental and Social Checklist ................................................................................... 82 Annex 8 - Complaint Log Template ................................................................................................... 91 Annex 9 - Integrated Pest Management ........................................................................................... 92 Annex 10 - Suggested Structure for Pest Management Plan .............................................................. 95 Annex 11 - COVID-19 World Bank ESF/SAFEGUARDS Interim Note .................................................... 97 1 KAZAKHSTAN LANDSCAPE RESTORATION PROJECT ESMF List of Abbreviations and Acronyms CERC Committee on Environmental LGMC Local Grievance Management Regulation and Control, MEGNR Committee CMR Complaints Monitoring and Reporting LLP Limited Liability Partnership CPF Country Partnership Framework LMP Labor Management Procedure CPS Country Partnership Strategy LRP Kazakhstan Landscape Restoration CSO Civil Society Organization Project M&E Monitoring and Evaluation DAS Dry Aral Seabed MEGNR RK Ministry of Ecology, Geology, and EA Environmental Assessment Natural Resources EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and MIS Management Information System Development MSMB Micro, small and medium-sized EE Environmental Expertise business EHS Environment, Health and Safety NGMC National Grievance Management EIA Environmental Impacts Assessment Committee ESF World Bank Environmental and Social NGO Non-Governmental Organization Framework O&M Operation and maintenance ESIA Environmental and Social Impact ODE Oblast Environmental Department, Assessment CERC ESMF Environmental and Social Management ODNR Oblast Directorate of Natural Framework Resources and Environmental Control ESMP Environmental and Social Management OP Operation Policy (World Bank) Plan OTIFW Oblast Territorial Inspectorate of ESS World Bank Environmental and Social Forestry and Wildlife Standards PAP Project Affected Person FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations PCB Polychlorinated biphenyls FMG Fertilizer Management Guidelines PDO Project Development Objective FWC Forestry and Wildlife Committee, PF Peasant Farm MEGNR PFA Kazakhstan Country Partnership GDP Gross Domestic Product Framework GEF Global Environment Facility PIU Project Implementation Unit GFP Grievance Focal Point PMP Pesticides Management Plan GIIP Good International Industry Practice RGMC Regional Grievance Management GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism Committee GRP Gross Regional Product RK Republic of Kazakhstan GRS World Bank Grievance Redress Service RK MOA RK Ministry of Agriculture HF Household Farm RMR Risk Reduction Regime IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction RPF Resettlement Policy Framework and Development / World Bank RSP Resilience Support Program IDA International Development Association SEE State Environmental Expertise / World Bank SEP Stakeholder Engagement Plan IE Individual Entrepreneur SFF State Forest Fund IF Individual Farm SNFR State Natural Forest Reserve IFC International Finance Corporation SNNP State National Natural Park INDC A term of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate SNR State Natural Reserve Change that commits state parties to ТА Technical assistance reduce greenhouse gas emissions. WB World Bank IPM Integrated Pest Management WWF World Wildlife Fund IPV Index of Physical Volume of Production LDN Land Degradation Neutrality 2 KAZAKHSTAN LANDSCAPE RESTORATION PROJECT ESMF 1. Introduction The Kazakhstan Landscape Restoration Project (LRP) is a part of the Resilient Agroforestry and Rangeland Project under the Sustainable Forest Management Impact Program on Dryland Sustainable Landscapes financed by the seventh replenishment of the Global Environment Facility Trust Fund (GEF-7). LRP will be part of the program, which supports Central Asia countries to implement the Astana Resolution via the Resilient Landscapes Program (RESILAND). The objective of this program is to avoid, reduce, and reverse further degradation, desertification and deforestation of land and ecosystems in dryland areas, through the sustainable management and restoration of degraded landscapes, including forest and pastureland. The project is relevant to Kazakhstan’s Country Partnership Strategy (CPS), Area of Engagement 3: Ensuring environmentally sustainable development and achievement of high priorities of the environmental protection and low carbon strategy. In line with the CPS, the LRP will support efforts to pilot good agroforestry practices and provide recommendations for reforming environmental permit systems, monitoring and enforcement systems. The World Bank’s Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for 2020-2025 is aimed at supporting efforts of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) to essentially increase the competitiveness of the economy by means of interventions which will create preconditions for establishment of a modern, effective, climate-smart and entrepreneurial society. The project is of particular relevance to CPF Objective 2 of promoting market-led agricultural transformation and Objective 6 of enhancing natural resources management. LRP meets the CPF’s selectivity criteria of: (i) contributing to the inclusion and shared prosperity agenda; (ii) improving conditions to attract private investments or mobilize additional resources (Maximizing Finance for Development); and (iii) contributing to regional or global public goods. This project will also contribute to implementation of the World Bank (WB) Group’s Climate Action Plan, particularly Objective 2 (Drive a mainstreamed, whole-of-government programmatic approach) of catalyzing impacts on a large scale and the particular reference to the prioritized solution in the high-potential area of integrated landscape management. Under the Bonn Challenge, the RK committed to restoring 1.5 million ha of forests by 2030 and thereby increasing the forest cover in the Republic from 4.7 to 5% and reducing land degradation. Kazakhstan is in the process of setting Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) targets. Under the Paris Agreement, the RK pledged to pursue greenhouse gas emissions mitigation policies which cover several sectors (energy, agriculture, waste, transport, buildings), including land use and forestry. In its INDC, the country committed to reducing emissions by 15% from the 1990 level. Kazakhstan’s Climate Action Plan’s goals are to integrate desertification combating measures into economic and social development, combat and prevent lands from desertification and maintain their enabling and sustainable condition. The project will operate in a macroeconomic situation that has worsened past few months due to fall in external demand for crude oil and manufactured goods as well as the COVID-19 quarantine. In Kazakhstan, like in other parts of the world, the COVID-19 crisis is disrupting livelihoods and communities. The pandemic may pose a serious threat to food security and nutrition of vulnerable segments of population. The GDP growth is projected to slow down to at least 1.0 percent or lower in 20201. Prior to COVID-19 outbreak the draft budget for 2020 assumed a slight increase in the deficit, but now considering significantly lower oil prices and standstill in economic activity the deficit is likely to be much higher. Inflation is likely to move up above the Central Bank target on the back of Tenge depreciation, which lost almost 15 percent of its value against U.S. dollar as of March 2020. The deeper shortfall in tax revenues from economic fallout might
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