Public Hearings October 5, 1 00001 .-;-:~--;-:;;:-;---;:'_...,,,------:,.------::--:-OOOO4 1 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1993,3:00 P.M. 1 Sitting to my immediate left is Jim Canaday. He Is one 2 ~Oo- 2 of the Steff Envlrorvnental Specialists. Steve Herren;, and 3 MR. DEL PtERO: L.cIIe. and gentlemen. If yOY would be 3 Steve Is In the back of the ro«n right there. he III ow othefo 4 kind enough to take yoUI', we wil begin. 4 Staff Environment. Specialist alltstlng us on thie fj·,atter. 5 Good afternoon. My name Is Marc del P\ero, and we .... 5 We have two Staff Engineers. Mr. R1ch~ Srtkowsld and 6 here today to convene a polley ....ion on behalf of the Stat. 6 Hugh smith. who Is the gentleman collectir19 the h~» c·,.·cl~ 7 Water Resources Control Board to discull the '"ue of water 7 outside, and then my good friend, Chief CounH! for tl'clllf 8 diversions from Mono Lak•. 8 heartng to my Invnedlate right, 0 Frink. 9 I am currently Vlce-Ghalr of the State Water RelOurce. 9 The State Water Board • ch ged with tM i>:'\i,~ c, 10 Control Board and thl. matter I. a matter that w. held polley 10 amending the City of Los Angeles' Wat~'f A1ghtl!l ~, ;,~':'m &;dn 11 hearings on yesterday In the City of Lo. Angeles. We wll be 11 to include tenns and conditions necessary to prCl"":lt t(·H. 12 conducting those policy hearings today. 12 fishery resources In the affected stream.:.. The ;:;tiitCi W(l~f!f 13 When I get done with that, tho.. who wish to make polley 13 Board hn 81so Wen ci'larged with the t'~~k of conlll<ietrii'19 H~ 14 statements. we would appreciate it very much If yOY would be 14 effect of wat. d~s on public tru:lt relsourcoll in t~ 15 kind enough to fiH out a blue card outside. One of 0Yr ateff 15 Mono BuIn and ~ootlngt"''''H publle trust rell",jU('\l~~ I<'hM\1 16 people will make sure it i. brought In and presented to u•• 1 6 feaalbla. 17 And with that. let me go into the opening atatement. and 17 The .-1d taak iwolv.s the difficult Job of b"'=bY,l tM 18 then we will get to the gist of this a. quickly a. w. c..... 18 public int..... IerVed by the City of Los AnQ.s· v.atot 19 This i. one of three "ilion. being held by the Stat. 19 diverslona 8QeInat the .ffect of tho.. div,nsioflll <iH th.,., 20 Water Resources Control Board f« recelvlng policy statement. 20 public: true! re~sof the Mono Basin. 21 from individuals and organization. In iI_. 21 Considerable information regarding tl1C iJackgro:K',4 of ·'hi. 22 related to water diversions In the Mono Lak. Balin. 22 prOClll8dIng. the iI_s to be conakler"~ byHW! Stoltt> B"llrrJ lUIC 23 As I indicated. I am Marc del PIero, Vlce-Ghalr of the 23 the Bon's hearing procedur•• Is provid&cJ ;,;, the Jum; Yol. 24 State Water Board. I am here today on behalf of the fuI 24 1993, Haering Nota and at.o In the Supplement~ fW.Iticti that 25 Board. Our Chairman. John Caffr.y and other Bo...d members 25 WIIS pubbhed on September 2 of 1993. --=-_~__--::-:--:-__:"""":"__.,,..--:---:,........__00002 00006 1 wish to extend their appreciation to .. of yoy for you' 1 As .xpIained In tho.. notices. the formal ClvidentlZH1' 2 attendance here today. 2 heerlng wil begin ,:.n October 20 In Sacramento. I wi! ~o 3 But before I continue on with the prep...ed statement, I 3 be the hearing ot:'tl'M for the evidentiary portion of thl" 4 need to do the same thing that I did yesterday In Lo. Angeles. 4 process. The Pf'C'i"OIied t.atlmony and exhibits for ti'Ml 5 Some individuals don't know what the Stat. Water Resowc.s 6 .~ntlary haarili9 ware reClUlr-d to be submitted to tt'~ 8:I!t-s 6 Control Board is or how it Is that the Stat. Bon ultimately 8 Bo&.~ by Sept~22 of this ye.... 7 becomes a responsible party In rendering a decision on water 7 In contrm .~, ,he .vldentlary hearing. the hear\ro~ 8 diversions in the Mono Lake Balin, 10 If yoy wil Indulge me 8 ...~~ today Ie t;"j rJfQvIde an opportunity f« preil8l1tY.1.:m of 9 for a moment, I wiD describe that, and we wll get that out 9 non-,,,,,,,-:.:t,,,,,r.:~tY r>O:fuy wtatement•• The preM\'1tatlon of ~ <:'~'i 10 of the way so those question. aren't left In ybody•• mind. 10 stllt""IWiI~' wil1:>h'Jbject to the folowlng conditicyp. 11 The State Water Resource. Control Bo d • an 11 PolIcy 1It1!t~:i'~~ ..,. not obliged to bto Jll'e","lt·' ,;, ;,;M 12 organization that was created by statut.1n 1967. It was 12 oath. P«ao!'r;,i '"i'~,g poley statements lJI'I: ilOlll,It*·)to 13 created by a atatute called the Porter-Gologne Act and some 13 cro'ii!!"xW1IlnatIon. How.ver, In M';' cap!:"':k;, I:)\:: M~';;',t: 14 ancillary law. passed along with it. 14 officer. I am aIowed to ask qoo,)l:;-.xl. In c;...·w tt: ,,!lIfif't ~M 15 The Board is made up of five individuals appointed by the 16 poaltion of the ~.Ifthe o/J~M ha.~ flO~ ~'" clo1;!!!f', ,:'; 16 Governor. The five individual. are appointed to categoric. 16 least to 1M. 17 positions. Each one of the individuals I. required to have 17 Third. ~y statements nY':Y ~ l¥'.a.:l tf! ()::1e,*,0;1 ';\'4' vi _,': 18 certain quaUf"lCatlons. The current Chairman of the Board. 18 and poaltJone ef the apeaker U:' tilt> aeene\, lwl'"Ig ;~j)\.,~,,;~ .. :~' 19 John Caffrey, fill. hi. position of Water Quality Spaclallst. 19 but they wlI M:i be c:onaIciend !i6i ftlC'l:ual ~'\I\4"Y", 1lI~ ~u·; '" 20 Prior to hi. service on the Board. he served a. the Deputy 20 the.vIdentIary~. 21 Director of the California Department of Water Resowce•• 21 Laat. II dc~ and other ~antrles ~'fJ r~""rved 22 The pUblic member. Mary J_ Forst•. She prevIoU8Iy 22 only for the heati1g @Hlc«. It mak{,~ the M.'."lntl (jO aIot1Q 23 served on the San DIego Regional Wat. Qu.IIty Control Bo.-d. 23 much more qu:ddy and much more ~~li:lou"';" we If yow "'~(A 24 and also was employed In Orange County Wat. DiatrIct. 24 be kind enough to honor tNt personal request of mne, i "':ouk! 25 We have one c/vll eng~ on the Bo.-d. HIe name Ie 26 appncIate. very much. and we wll try to get .. mlinY (!',;(';,t-r· ~_.,....._..,.......,..,,....- .,,..,. OOO:'G: --:-----:-...,.----=-__-:-:---=-_---.,._..,...---:,....-:--......,... 00003 1 John Brown. Mr. Brown has ba«11n the private MCtOl' fOl' at 1 through U. ~ • poaalb6e. 2 least three decades, and • rec;ognlzed statewide .. an .xpert 2 We have an afternoon _lion today. We wll g(llll"lt~ 3 in agricultural irrigation systems. Addltlon.ty. _ have 3 6:00 o·cbdt. We wII braalt, and then we w!l come back h<tr~ 4 another engineer - we have one cIvlI eng__ and one other 4- ';;.7:00 0·;:4J.. c,iml promiM Y'1-"..2~,m I will t'li' nw;,; ;<lIlof1g 5 engineer. His name is J_s St~. »Ol 8erVed for 'Ill'" 6 III you ...."'1 ,).'oJ <-~YWI of the ~;:~~ IlIIow rm,; h' t~ ere 6 as the General Maneger and Chlaf Exec:utIYa Officer for both e atII peopU '<t~~ iu ~ policy ataten-tts on:il 7 the Santa Barbara County Rood Control and Wat. Conaervatkln 7 t.stlmony. 8 District and the Santa County Water Resowces Agency. 8 In onM:f W Blow .. many ~ to talk today iMI 9 And then, there Is me. I am the Vlce-GhaIr of the Bowel. 9 posalbla. I have Mked, and In ttMl Notice w. no~itbd ""'<."--yt>;W 10 as I indicated before, and I serve In the .. the 10 tNt each speaker wil be Blotted not more than trve mlro!.lt"'... 11 attorney on the Board. 11 for their preaentlltlone. 12 My background i. that I served for 11 ya.. on the 12 If you wlllh to ... and you have not fIIb:l ~ut 'I !'l1¥J 13 Monterey County Board of Sup«viIorI. I 8erVed on the 13 card. and I think most of you Nw.,j, ~~auN Y.'fit "'11"':0 1: ',"'';o!e 14 Committee that wrote the guidaIinH fOl' the Monterey Bay 14 ~ of them hera, and If you 11·:· .. ·~ !m<,~:t :~;';'J! t;:.,Mu" 15 Marine Sanctuary and I also served for 11 ya.. on the 16 cards, they _ in the back of tt'.e~. tl '';.)1_1 '.'i<"!J.'; ~',., ~:~'."J 16 Monterey County Water Resources Agency that operates two 1~ ~h to til one out, w. wll ba hflppy to cas. Nt V··;~· 17 reservoirs and a very, very I...g. water syatam. I at.o served 1'1 A tran8Cript - I forgot the mc:l'llt important 01",.' ~, fr.,;· i ,.""'. 18 for 11 years on the Monterey Bay UnIfied Ail Pollution Control 18 Ms. AlIce Book, who Ie 0Yr couri. r.l>POrter. Ap"\~ii.l~;(, 19 District. So, I have a certain degree of expertise In both 19 allowed fOl' her. Nothing happci',,;~ without Ms.
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