Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1964 Daily Egyptian 1964 10-3-1964 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 03, 1964 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1964 Volume 46, Issue 10 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 03, 1964." (Oct 1964). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1964 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1964 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. rocae ,1 Councils' New Role DAILY EGYPTIAN Uncertain SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY ~~~~~What willCo~:ilsE~~~~~; be me role of the L. ________________________________Volum • .46 Ca.t.on4aI•• ~ mill.i. __________ Sa"rdoy, ~ ______October 3, ~ 1964 ____________________________________ Humber 10 ~ campuses now that a higher body. the University Student Council. has been organized? The Carbondale council met Goldwater Statement on Draft Thursday night to try to find the answer. The effort met with little success. Even William H. Murphy, chairman of the "super coun­ Draws Cheers From Students cil," which is composed of eight representatives, four from the Carbondale campus More Than 6,000 Greet and four from Edwardsville. could not answer the question. Campainer at Train Stop Purposes of the University StUdent Council. according to By Ric Cox the comments while passing Murphy, is to represent the GOP presidential candidate through on a whistle-stop tour SIU students in matters per­ Barry Goldwater hit upon a oflllinois. taining to student welfare, ac­ theme close to the hearts of Many students, among more tivities, participation in Uni­ SIU students Friday when he than 6.000 in the crowd, versity affairs. participation centered his .remarks on abol­ cheered when Goldwater said in University planning and ad­ ishing the draft. the only way to end conscrip­ ministration and student The Arizona senator made tion is to make the military opinion. This outline of purposes SIU Students Voice service a "prideful career." was the result of a two-day The SIU campus has been meeting between Murphy, Man R r the scene in past years of President Delyte W. Morris y easons .or demonstrations against the and several administrative compulsory ROTC program. heads. Snubbing Se nator Although the Republican Council senators had many Observers estimate that the ~:~d~~:~~sr~~~i:e~e ~:f!~~~d questions on the actual powers bulk of the crowd that turned of the present council. out to see Sen. Barry Gold- to Bobby Baker, the contro- How much student reo­ water Friday was students. versial former protege of resentation should there be But what about those who didn't President Johnson. he also under the new system of s:I.... 1iII go to see the Republican presi- found a soft spot with students government? How about the dential candidate when he when he said: ''I've always technical makeup of the Uni­ stopped here? found that the brightest !'!!u- versity Student Council? Why did they stay away? dent wasn't necessarily the Tnese questions were left .. Because I have a blister on one who got the best grades." unanswered. my foot!" said Linda Filippi, A lone, but loud, "Yeah'" Murphy hopes that by next Sterling, Ill. arose from the crOWd, then spring the new system will Here are some other com- other students joined in to have a constitution, or working ments gathered at theUniver- give the visiting campaigner (Continued on Poge 6) ~. ~-4"\.~_~ sity Center at the same time a loud ovation. WHISTLE·STOP SPEECH - GOP presidential candidate Barry Goldwater was speaking from Sen. Goldwater rolled into Murphy to Attend Goldwater spoke to more than 6,000 persons from his position on the rear platform of his train Carbondale amidst the fami­ the observation car that stopped briefly in Carbondale Friday. downtown: liar chant. "We want Barry." Photo below shows part of his audience. (Photos by Hal Stoelzle) "I did not w.mt to walk that The 22-car whistle-stop s(ltc­ President's Meeting far. Besides I had to have ial emerged from the south William H. i.1urphy, Student 1,000 Men Is Goal breakfast:' one student said. promptly at 10:15 a.m., as Council chairman, is in Wash­ Wes Bucey would "rather the crowds lining the tracks ington, D.C., today attending All in Retraining Class Get come to the Union and see parted--like the Red Sea--to the President's conference of pretty girls than go see let Goldwater pass through. student leaders from univer­ Goldwater." Plain-clothed guards, the sities across the nation. Jobs Belore Course Ends Jim White, Cambria, Ill. first off the train, quickly According to a letter re­ "J' said, "1 do not want to see scanned the area through ceived by President Delyte All nine men in a class of opment specialist with the Of- him." binoculars. The biggest W. Morris, President Lyndon welders, the first in a pro- flce of Research and Develop- Van Adams, Litchfield, Ill., threat. seemingly, was the B. Johnson called this meet­ gram to retrain 1,000 unem- ment in West Frankfort, init- felt thatth~reare"muchmore cloudy sky. ing to talk to the "young played in Southern IllinOiS, iated the contact with A. O. important things to do than go G a I d w ate r 's appear- leaders who are emerging have found jobs even before Smith Co., through the Alton see Goldwater." ance was delayed shortly while from our colleges and to get the end of their 12-week train- office of the lllinois State Em- Jim Hibbard said, "Why go candidates for state offices to know them and their think­ ing course at VTI. ployment Service, and ar- see Goldwater when you can were introduced. John H. ing as much as lean." E.J. Simon. dean of SIU's ranged for members of the see the Scarabs tonight at Altorfer, Republican (andi­ The occasion begins this DIvision of Technical and 'welding class to go to Granite. VTI?" After seeing the senator date for Lt. Governor in 11- evening at a reception, at 5:30, Adult Education, said eight City Wednesday and Thurs- at the Springfield State Fair., linois, introduced Goldwater. by President and Mrs. John­ of· the men were to go to day for testing and physicals. Glenn Campbelldoesnotfeelit Emerging from an obser­ son; some remarks by the work Monday in Granite City. All eight men passed the is important to see him again. vat ion car at the rear at President, talks by Secretary Seven will be employed by practical application tests and "I will hear what he had to the train, Goldwater, tanned of Defense Robert S. Mc­ the A.O. Smith Co., and one made perfect scores on writ- say 5,000 times today. Whygo and dressed in a gray-green Namara, Secretary of Labor at the U.S. Steel plant. An- ten examinations. They had see him?" said Mike Rainey. suit, received a 'long ovation Willard Wirtz and U.N. Am­ other man left in the seventh completed ten weeks of train- Donna Feldman feels that from the crowd. bassador Adlai E. Stevenson. week of training to take a job ing in a 12-weeks course, the «If he becomes president we Despite a picket by the Stu­ Later the PreSident's as a welder with Allen Indus- first class started under the will be doomed. It is not dent Nor - Violent Freedom daughter, Lynda, will be hos­ tries. Herrin. area Manpower Development worth hearing him cor.tradict tess at a buffet dinner. Walter Matthews, jobdevel- and Training Act program. himself." (Continued on Page 6) I ___. __ :!..._ .........--fIII!" ...... ~~~~~"!~~~"...IIIII!"'~';7~.,~~~~~~I~~ A SEA OF PEOPLE AND SIGNS SWARMS AROUND CAMPAIGN TRAIN Micken Selects 10 for Student Council Posts Pat Micken. president of election commissioner. How­ dent welfare, John Huck. Chi­ the Student Council. has made ard Benson, Carbondale; com­ cago; Peace Corps. John the fOllowing ten appointments munication officer, Stan Nic­ Thomas; Association of Stu­ to council posts: pon, Chicago; ano interna­ dent Governments of the Educational commissioner. tional affairs. Joseph Shre­ United States of America. Judy Pope. Chicago; student movich. Berwyn. George Paluch; Spirit Coun­ rights. John Hawk. MOline; Other appointees were stu- cil chairman, John Rush, Ar­ lington Heights; and Parents' Day chairmen. Danny Crum­ baugh, Royalton and Judy Swick and Franklin Park. Play to be Given For Wesley Group Ginger Banks will perform the one-act pantomime••• Act Without Words" at 6:45 p.m. Sunday at the Wesley Foundation. The Samuel Beckett play will follow the weekly sup­ per scheduled for 6 p.m. in the foundation. After the play there will be a visit to Proscenium One for a special performance of uA Taste of Honey." Following the two plays there will be coffee and adis­ cussion at the Foundation con­ cerning religious and social interpretation of the dramatic arts. The Sunday program is open to the public. ~ab Organization PUPIL TALKS BACK - Mary)o Smith, as Eliza Doolittle, has a thing or two to say to her teacher, Robert Meyer, who plays Prof. To Meet Sunday Henry Higgins, in this scene from "My Fair I:.ady." The musical will be presented again at 8 p.m. today and Sunday in Shryock The first meeting of the Auditorium. Organization of Arab Students at sru is scheduled for 2 p.m. VARSITY LATE SHOW Sunday. Dances, Social Get-Togethers ONE TIME ONLY TONITE AT 1l:00 P.M. The meeting will be held in Room D of the University BOX OFFICE OPENS 10:15 ALL SEATS $1.00 Center.
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