Kol K .I. June 2018 l Sivan/Tammuz, 5778 learn. inspire. grow. together. 16 Colt Road l Pittsfield, Massachusetts 01201 l 413.445.4872 l knessetisrael.org • Rabbi David Weiner l Len Schiller, President JTS in the Berkshires What’s Playing? Back to Nature: Jewish Encounters with the Natural World BJFF’s 2018 Summer line-up The Berkshire Jewish Film Festival, one of the longest-running film festivals in the United States, is proud to announce its 32nd season. Held on six Mondays from July 9th through August 13th in the Duffin Theater, Lenox Memorial High Once again, Knesset Israel, in conjunction literary, legal and liturgical—conceive of School, 197 East Street, Lenox, Massach- with the Jewish Theological Seminary of the world around us and our relationship setts, BJFF will present thirteen films hail- New York, will be partners in a four-part to other creatures? ing from the United States, Israel, France, education series at the Bernstein Theater Ireland, Germany, and Latin America. All On July 13, Rabbi Daniel Nevins, Pearl on the campus of Shakespeare and Co. at presentations are open to the public. Resnick Dean of the Rabbinic School has 70 Kemble Street in Lenox. Each season, chosen the topic Biotech and the Bible: This festival is the result of the work of an overall broad theme is interpreted by Jewish Perspectives on Genetic Engineer- a dedicated team of K.I. members, co- four different distinguished professors ing. Humans have been tinkering with ordinated by Judy Seaman, who work from their respective and diverse aca- lifeforms since the beginning of histo- to review and select the fine films to demic perspectives. The 2018 theme is ry, breeding plants and animals to suit be presented. Benefits go to support “Back to Nature: Jewish Encounters with their needs. Recent rapid developments Hebrew education at the synagogue. the Natural World.” Sessions meet at in genetic engineering have allowed re- 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. on alternating Fri- Turn to page 8 for ticket information and searchers and industry to improve crop day mornings in July and August. the 2018 Berkshire Jewish Film Festival’s yields, invent new medicines and ther- full schedule—including descriptions of Judaism’s complex relationship to nature apies, and increase the quality of life. each film. begins in Eden, where humans are com- Yet the blending of DNA from different manded to subdue and guard the earth. species also presents risks both physical The visiting scholars will reveal the diver- and ethical. Rabbi Nevins guides us in sity of Jewish perspectives on nature and the sacred realm. How do our sources— continued on page 8 In This Issue Member Mitzvahs & Mazel Tovs Member Mitzvahs & Mazel Tovs ...........2 From the Rabbi....................................3 n A second grandson has just arrived for n Elie Hammerling was awarded the From the President ..............................4 Marcie and Richard Simons, Yadin Zev, prestigious Person of the Year Bob Quat- born to Judith and Ariel Marks, (their trocchi Award by Downtown Pittsfield K.I. Gala & Show ..................................5 daughter and son-in-law), named for Inc. at their annual meeting on May 4. Calendar, Candle Lighting & Services .......6 Richie’s dad Bill Simons. The very proud Elie’s efforts to help revitalize downtown JTS in the Berkshires ..............................9 great grandmother is Marilyn Simons! for the last ten years have culminated in Mazel Tov. his project, Berkshire Lightscapes. This Berkshire Jewish Film Festival. .....10–11 organization is spearheading a cam- Musical Musings ................................12 B’nai Mitzvah paign to bring tasteful LED colored Yahrzeits, Funds & Endowments ...15–17 lighting to downtown Pittsfield—if the $50,000 matching grant from Mass. ....................................and much more! Funding is met by May 16th. The total donation, as of this writing, is $33,000. Mazel Tov on this well deserved K.I. Staff commendation. OFFICE PHONE 413-445-4872 n Rory Jo Frommer, was born to his RABBI DAVID WEINER Ext. 10 very proud parents, Sam and Stephanie [email protected] Frommer. Rory Jo was named for her DIANA MACFARLANE Ext. 10 mother’s paternal grandparents, Reeva Office Manager and Joe Grossman. Mazel Tov! [email protected] ED ROBINSON Anniversaries [email protected] MYRNA HAMMERLING Ext. 16 n David & Brandi Dahari ..................June 1 Director of Adult Education Georgia Raser and Programming n Laurie & Mory Brenner .................June 5 n Georgia Raser will be called to the [email protected] Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on June 9. Jenni- n Dawn & Gary Schecter .................June 6 CHRIS GOETZE Ext. 20 fer Carlo and Bart Raser, her parents, and n Carol Silverman & Facilities Director/Head Custodian Charlie, her brother will be there with her. Shlomo Silman .............................June 6 [email protected] Her grandparents, Marshall and Marian n HEIDI FERREN Raser will be swelling with pride when Dale & Richard Charkow ..............June 8 Hebrew School Administrator Georgia ascends the bima. n Bonnie & Alvin Edelstein .............June 8 [email protected] Georgia is a young lady of many accom- n Ann & Dave Krawet ..................... June 10 ELISA SNOWISE plishments. At present, she is in grade n Kayla & Evan Bellmore .............. June 13 B’Nai Mitzvah Teacher /Coordinator 7 at Lenox Middle School where she is n Ruthie Frommer & [email protected] an honor student. As well, she is on the Ken Amron .................................. June 13 BRANDI DAHARI cross-country running team and the track Youth Advisor team. Another interest of hers is tennis. n Mona & Peter Lanzer .................. June 14 [email protected] Her generous spirit and compassion are n Joyce & Eric Glaberson .............. June 15 LIZ DEMARCO, Web Administrator, evident because she actively supports her n Gayle & Herman Rotenberg .... June 17 [email protected] community. She has organized a clothing n Brenda & Barry Leeper .............. June 18 drive for the Salvation Army. Georgia has n Susan & Robert Scherr .............. June 22 KNESSET ISRAEL joined in to feed less fortunate people 16 Colt Road, Pittsfield, MA 01201 at the First Baptist Church. Raising mon- n Caryl Diengott & 413-445-4872 ey for temporary shelter for hurricane Evan Pressman .......................... June 22 413-496-9378 (fax) victims through the sale of raffle tickets for Rotary International is another of her knessetisrael.org projects. Anniversaries & Birthdays cont. page 11 2 n KOL K.I. • JUNE, 2018 • SIVAN/TAMMUZ, 5778 From the Rabbi Community Changes Acknowledgements, accomplishments, thank yous, and farewells As the school year draws mands from his burgeon- el of preparation, they emerge from her to a close, Knesset Israel is ing insurance business are classes having taken many steps forward preparing for changes in drawing him away from in their journey of Hebrew learning and both professional and lay the presidency of the con- Jewish education. Esther addresses the leadership. I think it’s im- gregation, I look forward needs of every student, from those who portant to acknowledge to his continuing leader- need special education to those who their service and the im- ship with Shirei Shabbat, excel academically. She cares deeply pact several people have the Purim Band and the about each one. Esther has also been a made on the community. Hebrew School. personal friend and support to me and In some cases, we’re sim- Judith. Although we will miss her, we ply saying thank you; in As of the deadline for this also wish her well. others, it’s thank you and article, the nominations farewell. process for the new board Over the course of eighteen months as Rabbi David Weiner of directors and officers K.I.’s Hebrew School administrator, Eve Jonathan Denmark became was not complete, and I don’t want to Edwards set up an organizational struc- president of the congregation with some mention some people by name and not ture that is second to none: scheduling, very concrete goals in mind—among them recruiting new members, rebuild- ing K.I.’s programming for families and Saying thank you reminds me of how much we children and helping renew leadership of the congregation. His persistent lead- achieve when we work together towards ership enabled us to progress in all of meaningful [common] goals. those areas. Almost every board meeting this year has included a vote to welcome one or two new member households. others. We will thank all of these lead- payroll, student rosters, curriculum and Over the last few months we have ini- ers, including those who are leaving the programming are organized in an intui- tiated “K.I. Families Together,” a context board, at the annual meeting. tive and sophisticated way. Her dedicat- for introducing new programming for ed service, above and beyond, has made parents and children that integrates with After eight years in the community, a difference to our students and teach- Hebrew School and youth group. And Esther Benari-Altmann is moving on. ers and set the stage for the next sever- at our annual meeting, we will welcome Many of us know first hand how deeply al years of the K.I. Hebrew School. I also several new board members. I am grate- dedicated Esther is to her students and appreciate Heidi Ferren, who filled in for ful for Jonathan’s service. Although de- their learning. No matter their age or lev- Eve on Saturday mornings over the last few months. KOL K.I. Publication Notes My friend, Rabbi Josh Breindel, will be Editor: Susan Miller • Production: Liz DeMarco • Photo Editor: Nan Bookless • Printer: Aldam Press leaving Temple Anshe Amunim and the Berkshires this month for his next con- gregation, Congregation Beth El of Sud- DEADLINE: THE FIRST OF EVERY MONTH bury. As partners in serving the Pittsfield Copy will not be accepted after the deadline to ensure our publication date.
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