Ιί··Κ 7^Ι«β »Μ · 4I f .ΊΆ' «1 es ■ * m. w k. jaien Vol. 59 No. 3 | P h y s i c s in C a n a d a May / June 2 0 0 3 ] La Physique au Canada mai / juin 2003 f W b lP V . > V b M « A h - / A -, ' Mb <7b Dr. Pe-1-ei Piercy DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIC UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA OTTAWA ON Kl.N 6N5 CAP Annual Congress - Congrès annuel ACP University of Prince Edward Island - Université de l'Ile du Prince-Edouard Canadian Publications Product Sales Agreement No. 0484202 / Numéro de convention pour les 2003 June 8-11 juin 2003 envois de publications canadiennes : 0484202 Glassmcm. High Voltage. Low Profile. Perfect Fit. Compact size and Air Insulation—two things that go together with Glassman’s family of Low-height High Voltage DC power supply products. Featuring our I20W FC, 300W FX, l.2kW EQ and lOkW LQ, Glassman power supplies are known throughout the industry as being the most reliable DC power supplies available today and are exclusively provided with Air Insulation technology, which offer reliability and serviceability advantages versus competing solid dielectric technologies. W ith product Models ranging from 500V-l00kV output, Glassman power supplies feature: • High Frequency switch-mode technology • Low-stored energy • Over-current and overload protection • Advanced arc management circuitry • R.S-232 digital interface capability Visit Glassman's website at www.glassmanhv.com for more information about Glassman’s low-height family or contact us at 908-638-3800. Check out our new website 1 www.glassmanhv. com GLASSMAN HIGH VOLTAGE INC. Designing Solutions for High Voltage Power Supply Applications Glassman High Voltage, Inc., 124 West Main Street, PO Box 317, High Bridge, NJ 08829-0317 Phone: (908) 638-3800, FAX: (908) 638-3700 www.glassmanhv.com email: [email protected] In Europe, Glassman Europe Limited (UK) +44 1256 883007, FAX:+44 1256 883017 In Asia, Glassman Japan Limited +81 45 902 9988, FAX: +81 45 902 2268 University of Prince Edward Island injv_ euA iJftiM ie.í|u_p|.*nce.£ í|ouarí| H&M è 4 University Ave. 1 Belvedere Ave 1. WA Murphy Student Centre 10 Memorial Hall 19. Blanchard Hall 2. Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre I t Chaplaincy Centre 20. Food Technology Centte 3. Central Utility Building (Security) 12. Duffy Science Building pj Parking 4. Main Building 13. Marian Hall [Residence] 5. Kelley Memorial Building 14. Bernardine Hall (Residence) ^ Visitor's Parking (try Oie hourl 6. Cass Science Hall 15. Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall Designated Parking 7. Dr. Steel Building 16. Robertson übrarv Reserved Parking 8. Classroom Centre 17 ICC. Irving Chemistry Centre ★ Emergency Station 9. Dalton Hall 18 Atlantic Veterinary College Meaner Shelter Vol. 59 No. 3 P h y s i c s in C a n a d a May / J une 2003 La Physique au Canada Mai / Juin 2003 Table of C ontents / Table des matières 2003 CAP Congress Editorial : Physics Makes Traffic Flow, C o n g r è s d e l by J.S.C. McKee, P.Phys., Editor 2 ’ACP 2003 Éditorial : La physique et la circulation Maps / Cartes Inside Front Cover / par J.S.C. McKee, phys. rédacteur 3 Intérieur de la couverture avant Letters / Communications .................................................... 4 Technical Program Committee & Local Organizing Committee / 10 Future CAP Conferences Comité du programme technique et Prochains congrès de I ACP ................................................ 4 Comité organisateur local 10 Professional Certification professionnelle 5 Registration / Inscription 11 Book Review / Critique de livre Exhibitors - Sponsors / (Gerhard Herzberg: An Illustrious Life in Science) 5 Exposants - Commanditaires 11 Annual General Meeting - Draft Agenda Congress Information / Assemblée générale annuelle - Ordre du jour provisoire .... 6 Information sur le congrès 12 Medallists 2003 Lauréats....................................... 7 Special Events / Évennements spéciale 14 Prize Exam Results 2003 Résultats de l’examen . "7( Abbreviation Key / Institutional, Sustaining, and Corporate Members Code des abbréviations 20 Membres institutionnels, de soutien et corporatifs 8 Invited Speakers / Advertisements / Publicités.................................... 117 Conférenciers invités 21 Congress at a Glance / Sommaire du congrès Notice to Avis aux Detailed Congress Program / CAP Members membres de l’ACP Programme détaillé du congrès 30 Bring this free copy of the Congress Veuillez apporter cet exemplaire gra- Abstracts - Oral Sessions / issue to the Annual Congress at the tuit du programme au congrès, à Résumés - Sessions orales 50 University of Prince Edward Island. l’Université de l ile du Prince-Edouard. Replacement or additional copies will Des exemplaires de remplacement ou be available at $10.00 each. supplémentaires se vendront 10 $ Abstracts - Poster Sessions / chacun. Résumés - Session d’affiches 100 Author Index / Index des auteurs r FRONT COVER / COUVERTURE Advertising Rates and Specifications (effective January 2003) can be found on the PiC website (www.cap.ca - PiC online). Photo: UPEI Campus Les tarifs publicitaires et dimensions (en vigueur dès janvier 2003) se Provided courtesy of / Hommage de trouvent sur le site internet de La Physique au Canada (www.cap.ca - PiC Électronique). John Sylvester Photography Editorial PHYSICS IN CANADA L4 PHYSIQUE AU CANADA --Editorial / éditorial — The Journal of the Canadian Association Physics makes traffic flow of Physicists La revue de l'Association canadienne des physiciens et physi­ L a PHYSIQUE ET LA CIRCULATION ciennes ISSN 0031-9147 EDITORIAL BOARD/COMITÉ DE RÉDACTION Oh, what transport of delight?' [old hymn] Editor/Rédacteur en chef J.S.C. (Jasper) McKee, P.Phys. It is becoming more transparent day by day that in order to contribute effec­ Accelerator Centre, Physics Department University of Manitoba tively to modern society and its development, it is necessary for the educated Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2 (204) 474-9874; Fax: (204) 474-7622 citizen both to exhibit a talent and to possess a skill. The fact that the prob­ e-mail: [email protected] lems to be faced in today's world, and their solutions, are basically interdisci­ Associate Editor / Rédactrice associée plinary, makes a career in physics even more valuable than has previously Managing/ Administration Francine M. Ford been the case. c/o CAP/ACP Honorary Associate Editor / Rédacteur associé honoraire For too long, colleges and universities have been turning out concerned citi­ Béla Joos, P.Phys. Physics Department, University of Ottawa zens, acutely aware of many societal problems of an environmental or health- 150 Louis Pasteur Avenue threatening nature, but lacking the basic tools for tackling such challenges. Ottawa, Ontario K1N6N5 (613) 562-5800x6755; Fax:(613) 562-5190 Today, what the college graduate needs more than anything else is a mar­ e-mail: [email protected] ketable skill, and the ability to tackle real problems in the simplest possible Book Review Editor / Rédactrice à la critique de livres way. Physics stands alone in this regard, inculcating the ability to think cre­ Erin Hails c/o CAP / ACP atively and simply about complex matters, with a basic skill that makes prob­ Suite.Bur. 112, Imm. McDonald Bldg., Univ. of / d1 Ottawa, lem solving an art as well as a science. 150 Louis Pasteur, Ottawa, Ontario KIN6N5 (403) 912-0037; Fax (403) 912-0083 e-mail: [email protected] As an illustration of this fact, the many faceted problem of mass transporta­ Advertising Manager/ Directeur de la publicité tion, and its social implications, comes to mind. In particular how can traffic Michael Steinitz, P. Phys. Department of Physics congestion in major centres or even small rural towns be addressed as a mat­ St. Francis Xavier University, P.O. Box 5000 Antigonish, Nova Scotia B2G 2W5 ter of science and public policy? Are there models that can assist in the (902) 867-3909; Fax: (902) 867-2414 analysis of such a problem, and what scientific basis is appropriate or neces­ e-mail: [email protected] sary for a complete solution? For example, since the late 1950s a stream of Recording Secretary / Secrétaire d'assemblée Rod H. Packwood, P. Phys. traffic has been often regarded as a liquid flowing through a pipe, or more Metals Technology Laboratories recently as molecular flow in a gas. Interdisciplinary institutes and research E-M-R, 568 Booth Street Ottawa, Ontario Kl A 0G1 groups consisting of mathematicians, engineers, physicists, psychologists, and (613) 992-2288; Fax: (613) 992-8735 e-mail: pack wood ©magma, ca others, have worked together in England and the United States to understand and produce solutions to specific traffic problems involving a single stream of René Roy, phys. Département de pnvsique, Université Laval cars. Cité Universitaire, Québec G1K 7P4 (418) 656-2655; Fax: (418) 656-2040 e-mail: [email protected] Obviously, there is no flow if the road is clear of traffic; just as there is no David J. Lockwood, P. Phys. flow in a traffic jam. Somewhere between these two limits lies the maximum Institute for Microstructural Sciences National Research Council (M-36) number of cars for maximum rate of flow. For a start, it transpires that the Montreal Rd., Ottawa, Ontario Kl A 0R6 average driver takes no notice of another vehicle more than 60 metres in front (613) 993-9614; Fax: (613) 993-6486 e-mail: [email protected] of him or her. For shorter distances the driver responds to the car in front Henry P. Schreimer and generates an induced response by a car behind. As a result there is a School of Information Technology and Engineering minimum distance between cars necessary to ensure that no collisions occur, University of Ottawa, 800 King Edward Ave., Room 3-034 Ottawa, Ontario Kl N 6N5 in which case optimum conditions occur and can be predicted! (613) 562-5800 x2203 ; Fax: (613) 562-5664 e-mail: hschriem@site uottawa.ca Confirmatory experiments can be carried out in the case of a single stream of ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION / ABONNEMENT ANNUEL: cars travelling through a tunnel, and predictions of optimum speed and traf­ $40.00 Cdn + GST or HST (Cdn addresses), fic volume checked against measurement.
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