CASS CITY CHRONICLE III ~K I' VOLUME 31, NUMBER 52. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1937. EIGHT PAGES. I ARRESTED ON BREAKING ~ARa~R~ PJ ~N ~n°°n ~i~ybyMrs. J' Ivan Niergarth of AND ~T~!MC- ~ARGF~ elO .nn TO Tllepnl n r ~L~ ~ L I ~'~e guests then adjourned to the @!LuUUU ° iU uUL In two cases heard in justice , :. f basement of the church where they court, the defendants, both arrested NORMALAGREA6E enjoyed a social hour at a tea spon- OPENSEASTER DAY on breaking and entering charges, sored by the Gagetown Study Club ANDSANILAI FARMERS were bound over to the circuit t which was in charge of Mrs. F. D. count for trial. [}F ~PR]N~ ~OPS j leau.Hemerickand Mrs. Alfonso Roche- IN GHURGHS Clair Blackmer of Millington was LON arrested on March 20 charged with Much credit for the success of iN FEDERALCHECI(5 the larceny of $80 to $90 from the day is due to the committee on Young People of Community rooms occupied by Vila Henderson i general arrangemer~ts, Mrs. C. L. in the same village, officers report. Reports Indicate Increase in Graham, Mrs. Patterson ~and Mrs. Funds in Soil Conservation to G~tther in M. E. Church Lawrence Kirby, 25, of Wisner Plantings of Potatoes, Soy Mildred Helmbold. Township was arrested on March Mrs. C. L. Graham of Cass City, Program Were Distributed Early Sunday Morning. 18, on the charge of the theft of Beans and Barley. I who has served the county fedora, by Officials Here. 275 pounds of barley from the tion as president for the past two m® granary of Ray Beach in that years, was tendered a rising vote k. EASTER MESSAGES AND township. Officers say they traced of thanks in recognition of her LESS NUMBER OF ACRES 1937 PROGRAM SIMILAR MUSIC FEATURES SUNDAY ,the barley to the Akron elevator efficient services. where they learned it was sold for TO BE DEVOTED TO BEANS Mrs. M. D. Hartt, president of TO THAT OF LAST YEAR $6.42. .the Cass City Woman's Study Club, served as chairman of the Resolu- The fifth annum Easter Sunrise Lansing~In keeping with good tion's Committee at Monday's meet- service for young people of the The Tuscola County Soil Con- agricultural practice, the farmers ing. servation Association officials have Cass City community will be held of Michigan are planning on a An invitation froni the Kingston ~t the Methodist Church on Sun- been engaged the past two weeks LABBEATIENDAN E normal total acreage of spring" Club for next year's meeting was in distributing: approximately $62,- day at 6:30 a. m., under the aus- crops this year. Reports to the accepted• pices of an inter-church committee 000 among the farmers of Tuscola :Michigan Co-operative .Crop Re- County• These checks arethe first of youth of whom the following are porting Service indicate that there members: Mary Jayne Campbell, NABKEDgONFEBENgE payments made here for the 1936 N i will be some shifting oats to conservation program and do not Charles Rawson~ Ella Mac Glaspie, corn, some increase in the acreages George Kennedy, Charlotte Auten, LESSTHAN II OF represent one-half of the applica- of barley, potatoes, and soy beans, Donald Allured, Evelyn Supernois Dr. Patmont Spoke Here Fri- tions made for conservation funds and no material change in o,ther and Shirley Lenzner. Rev~Pa~l last year by farnaers of the county. day on "America Facing crops from the acreages harvested Allured and Rev. Charles Bayless Payments were distributed last in 1936. Many acres of crops were IAXESRETURNED are acting as adult-counsellors. week to agriculturalists in Elkland, the Crisis." not harvested in 1936 because of Donald Allured will preside and Etmwood, Novesta, Kingston and drought losses and weather dam- Ellington Townships. age. The intended totM acreage Denmaxk Treasurer Has O~t- Checks sent out the past few BUSINESS PLACES CLOSE The first anniversary of the for this year will, if weather con- standing Record of Col- weeks~for the 1936 program repre- GOOD FRIDAY 12:0(} TO 3:00 Thumb Bible Conference held at ditions are nearly normal, exceed sent sugar beet, soil building and ,., ,.--~ the Baptist Church in Cass City that harvested last year by one per lecting 97 Per Cent. soil diversion payments. In ,the di- Window cards have been Friday was marked with a large cent although actual plantings may version program, lands formerly placed in business places in Cass attendance at aP ,three sessions. be two per cent less• devoted to crops which depleted City announcing that they will At the evennig session, the audi- For the country as a whole, indi- the soil were put into clover and Posed by Loretta Young. Out of the total tax roll of $340,- be closed on Good Friday (to- torium was completely filled, and cations point to an increase of 87 other soil conserving crop land. 40 people in the Bible class room at In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day per cent, or nearly 10,000,000 acres, 653.86 in the 23 townships of Tus- day) during the hours of 12:00 of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the cola County, township treasurers "The 1937 soil conservation pro- m. to 3:00 p. m. the rear of the church building and of spring wheat over the 11,212,000 gram is quite similar to that of 75 in the basement were able to sepulchre. acres harvested in the drought year returned $36,822.86 as unpaid to And behold, there was a great earthquake; for the angel of the Lord County Treasurer Whittenburg. last year with slightly larger pay- listen to the program through a of 1936. Nearly M1 other crops ments for soil building this year," Mrs. E. W. Douglas will give a public address system. Even utili- descended from Heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the This shows an average of less than door and sat upon it. i show increases, some of which ap- 11% of taxes returned as unpaid. said John M. Reagh, president of short talk appropriate to ,the oc- zing these extra rooms, all were. pear large; but with s,upplies on His countenance was like lightning and his raiment white as snow. Last year the avel:age was 15% the county association Wednesday. casion. Detbert Henry is the pian- unable to secure seats and some farms reduced by drought and And for fear of him the keepers did shake and became as dead men. returned. "Payments in Tuscola County for ist. left without hearing the program. the demand for most fan,m, products And the angel answered and said unto the women: "Fear ye not; for Walter Bierlein of Reese, treas- the 1937 program will be about the The dev(~tional service will begin One-half of the number at the three i showing definite signs of recovery, know ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. urer of Denmark Township, has an same as in the previous year." promptly at the hour announced, sessipns were delegates and visitors the intended acreage does not ap- "He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place outstanding record of collecting $63,128 to Sanilac. and will be followed by a simple from points in the Thumb of Michi- pear to be abnormal. With the where the Lord lay."--St. Matthew 28:t-6. better than 97% of the taxes as- breakfast served at cost to those san district. exception of spring wheat and hay, Last week was payoff week for sessed in his ,township. partaking of the same. (Cost is At the election of officers of the the intended acreages are below 900 Sanilac County farmers with estimated to range from ten to Here's the record of the 23 $47,208.11 in government checks conference, Rev. Richard Nyburg of LEFT SCENE OF ACCIDENT; the 1928-32 average for each of the twenty cents per person depending Deckerville was chosen president treasurers: being distributed among them by upon the amount of food con- PAYS FINE, COSTS OF $123 leading, crops. Total Tax Rot. Tax and Rev. F. W. Dean of Brown FIVEPARTIER WILL . } Michigan growers, who experi- Frank Sweet, chairman of the Sani- sumed). City, secretary-treasurer. Both suc- Akron ............ $ 21,041.87 $ 815.26 lac County Soil Conservation pro- The devotional service and the ceeded themselves in these offices. Walter E. Hodges, 49, of Flint, I Turn to page 5, please. Almer ............ 15,123.87 1,712.50 gram. breakfast following are open to all Dr. L. R. Patmont, world traveler driving in Vassar Saturday night I Arbela .......... 4,677.85 607.60 I The checks which arrived Mon- who care to attend. APPEARON BALLOT collided with Oliver J. Topham's~ Columbia ...... 29,113.54 2,615.69 day from Chicago, brought ,the and lecturer, showed pictures on Dayton .......... 5,577.26 727.36 Russia at the evening session. In car smashing it badly. In Justice Hundred Women total amount already sent to farm- St. Mary's cou~t Monday, Hodges Denmark ...... 15fl91.63 314.18 Presbyterian Church~Paul 3, Al- his address, "America Facing the Elkland ........ 24,872.99 1,076.75 ers of the county to $63,128.95. lured, Minister. Sunday, March 28: Crisis," Dr. Patmont portrayed Demoeratic, Republican, So- paid:a fine of $100 and $23 costs, at wounty zv~eeung Ellington ...... 7,174.75 1,255.78 Previously 300 farmers in five Morning worship and church He was charged with leaving the townships had split a $15,920.84 graphlcalIy what he .termed a very cialist, American, Common- Elmwood .....
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