British Columbia Geological Survey 129°10' Open File 2018-3 Grid north COL ISH UM Turnagain Lake IT B R IA B Magnetic Preliminary bedrock geology of True north 490,000 mE north G the McBride River area E Y O E 6,460,000 mN V L R O GICAL SU PzJCC 129°05' Location map Magnetic lJTs declination Parts of NTS Sheets 104H/14,15; 104I/02, 03, 06 19° 11.40' E Previous mapping in the region YT Convergence Atlin angle YT Terranes (after Nelson et al., 2013) Bram I. van Straaten and Sebastian J. Bichlmaier 0° 4.26' W This study CC Ancestral North America 58.5 ° 104J/10 104J/09 104I/12 104I/11 104I/10 104I/09 Intermontane terranes Dease Lake Approximate mean declination 2018 van Straaten et al. (2017) Stikinia (ST), Cache Creek (CC), Quesnellia for centre of map Dease Lake (QN), Yukon-Tanana (YT) and others Annual change, decreasing 17.2' Logan et al. (2012) Recommended citation Coast plutonic complex van Straaten, B.I. and Bichlmaier, S.J., 2018. Preliminary bedrock geology of the McBride River area. British Columbia Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, British Columbia Geological Survey Open File 2018-3, 1:50,000 scale. ST Insular terranes van Straaten et al. (2012) 104J/07 104J/08 104I/05 104I/06 104I/07 104I/08 58°15' Stewart Outboard terranes 58°15' Evenchick and Thorkelson (2005) mJHMUvm 500,000 mE Geochronology data 0 2 4 km 1400 37 Gabrielse (1998) QN Sample Easting Northing Unit Age (Ma) Type Mineral Sample description Source Smithers 104J/02 104J/01 104I/02 104I/01 58 ° 104I/04 104I/03 Read and Psutka (1990) AN-78-467 493616 6434342 JMRgd 166±8 U-Pb Zrn Hbl-Bt-bearing granodiorite Anderson et al. (1982)* Prince Rupert 1:50,000 scale Prince George t lJTgw AN-78-467 493616 6434342 JMRgd 184±8 U-Pb Zrn Hbl-Bt-bearing granodiorite (re-analysis of AN-78-467) Anderson and Bevier (1992)* l Read (1984) u AN-78-467 493616 6434342 JMRgd 186±13 K-Ar Hbl Hbl-Bt-bearing granodiorite Stevens et al. (1982a)* a Universal Transverse Mercator Projection, North American Datum 1983, f 17BvS-6-36 491425 6432627 JMRgd In prep. U-Pb Zrn Hbl-Bt granodiorite This study 1600 Anderson (1983) 1200 Zone 9 North, 20 m contour intervals CC a 11BVA31-232 478755 6434626 MJTSgr 169.1±0.8 U-Pb Zrn Hbl-bearing Bt monzogranite van Straaten et al. (2012) ST o 104G/15 104G/16 104H/13 104H/14 104I/15 104I/16 h 21 Read (1983) GAD 67-132-3 477914 6443782 MJTSqm 159±8 K-Ar Hbl Leucocratic Hbl-Bt-bearing Qtz monzonite or granodiorite Wanless et al.(1972), Anderson (1983)* c 1800 e 128.5 ° - -130.5 ° -129.5 ° l 11BVA35-276 480640 6439273 MJTSqm 169.0±1.1 Ar-Ar Bt Hbl-bearing Bt Qtz monzonite to monzogranite van Straaten et al. (2012) h 11BVA35-276 480640 6439273 MJTSqm 169.0±1.3 U-Pb Zrn Hbl-bearing Bt Qtz monzonite to monzogranite van Straaten et al. (2012) QN e K AN-79-719-1 480471 6435640 MJTSqd.fg 150±4 K-Ar WR Fine-grained quartz diorite Stevens et al. (1982b)* Kamloops C’’’ 128°55' Legend (for detailed unit descriptions the reader is referred to van Straaten and Bichlmaier, 2018) 47 King Salmon fault 11BVA42-332 479794 6436014 MJTSqd.fg 173.2±1.4 Ar-Ar Hbl Fine-grained Hbl-Bt Qtz diorite van Straaten et al. (2012) 1400 17SBI-10-60 495568 6426021 mJBLcg In prep. U-Pb Zrn (D) Medium grained sandstone This study Stratified rocks 17SBI-16-88 496183 6435581 mJHMUvf In prep. U-Pb Zrn Felsic tuff This study Overlap assemblages Vancouver 17SBI-37-301 498815 6431164 mJHMUvf In prep. U-Pb Zrn Flow-banded Pl porphyry This study 117c, 118b, lmJHMMv, Flow-banded maroon Pl-phyric volcanic rock, grey Aug-Pl Miocene-Pleistocene, Tuya Formation 119b, SphRhy 493980 6429991 EMJf(?) 191±9 Rb-Sr WR crystal tuff, grey Aug-Pl-phyric volcanic rock, spherulitic rhyolite Erdman (1978) Victoria 17BvS-19-159 481756 6441786 lmJHMLvf In prep. U-Pb Zrn Felsic lapillistone to lapilli tuff This study MPTvm Olivine basalt 1600 55 17BvS-25-238 498661 6447266 lJTLcg In prep. U-Pb Zrn (D) Polymictic conglomerate with limestone and volcanic clasts This study Cretaceous, Sustut Group 17BvS-25-242 500472 6447222 lJTLsv In prep. U-Pb Zrn (D) Feldspathic arenite to volcaniclastic sandstone This study AN-79-718-1 481553 6434837 LTrCHqm.le 142±53 K-Ar Hbl Leucocratic Hbl granodiorite Stevens et al. (1982b)* KSs Undivided sedimentary rocks 1800 E AN-79-718-1 481553 6434837 LTrCHqm.le 185±28 K-Ar Hbl Leucocratic Hbl granodiorite Stevens et al. (1982b)* 34 m unconformity 0 128°50' 0 0 I100 , 11BVA38-304 481362 6439991 LTCHgr 216.2±1.2 U-Pb Zrn Hbl-bearing granodiorite to monzogranite van Straaten et al. (2012) Stikinia 0 1600 1 5 Middle Jurassic, Bowser Lake Group 1 1 4 1 * Location digitized from 1:100,000 scale map (Gabrielse, 1998, Figure 14) 6 0 mJBLs Sandstone, conglomerate and shale 8 0 0 0 0 PzJCC 88 1400 0 Wade Lake 6,450,000 mN 26 I093 I101 mJBLv Mafic volcanic rocks Fossil data Lower to Middle Jurassic, upper Hazelton Group lmJHMMv lJTLv Middle Jurassic, Horn Mountain Formation ePli Location F F lPli Sample GSC number Easting Northing accuracy* Unit Age Fossil descriptions Identified by Source lPli 64 F lPli mJHMUvm F lJTgw n/a 95019 498997 6441623 moderate mJBLs early Bajocian Poorly preserved inner whorls of ammonite (Sonniniids? indeterminate forms) H. Frebold and H.W. Tipper Gabrielse (1998) Upper mafic volcanic rocks 39 64 n/a 95018 499468 6441405 moderate mJBLs early Bajocian Fragment of ammonite (indet., possibly inner whorl of a sonniniid) H. Frebold and H.W. Tipper Gabrielse (1998) Impressions and poorly preserved fragments of ammonite (sonniniids, sp. indet.), bivalves mJHMUvf 45 F lPli lJTLsv n/a 95024, 95023, 95020 498788 6441830 moderate mJBLs early Bajocian H. Frebold and H.W. Tipper Gabrielse (1998) Upper felsic volcanic rocks F F ePli (Myophorella sp., Trigoniids, other indeterminate forms), indeterminate corals Indet.F 68 Ammonites (Fragments and distorted specimens of Chondroceras spp. indet., fragments and poor ePli n/a 95016 502494 6439876 moderate mJBLs early Bajocian impressions of Stephanoceras s.l.), various brachiopods, pelecypods, gastropods H. Frebold Gabrielse (1998) Lower to Middle Jurassic, Horn Mountain Formation E In prep. C 0 m F lSin-ePli 0 0 mJBLs Toarcian to 0 2 493048 6444024 low Belemnites (indet.) J. A. Jeletzky Gabrielse (1998) lmJHMMv Middle maroon volcanic rocks 0 n/a 95241 In prep. 0 , 31 1 or lJTL early Aptian 0 0 8 4 lSin 4 C 0 0 75 mJBLs late Pliensbachian to 0 1 In prep. 0 58°10' 24 0 lJTLcg F 0 n/a 95240 493583 6444607 moderate Belemnites (Nannobelus?), indeterminate pelecypods, indeterminate brachiopods J. A. Jeletzky Gabrielse (1998) 0 F lPli 58°10' or lJTL early Toarcian 1400 6 F 0 58°10' 8 A’’ F lmJHMLvm Lower mafic volcanic rocks 6 D 1 1 lPli-Toar lPli(?) D In prep. 8 40 128°45' EMJm 1 0 H. Frebold, H.W. Tipper, G. 15 35 lJTLsv 1 n/a 95025, 95026 481195 6439799 moderate lmJSPs Toarcian Ammonite (probably Hildaites sp. ind., other gen. et sp. indet.) Gabrielse (1998) 0 1200 Jakobs 1600 4 uTrSls ' 40 5 62 1 Ammonites (Peronoceras verticosum?, Zugodactylites? sp. ind., Harpoceras?, sp. ind., lmJHMLvs 1 I009 Lower volcaniclastic sandstone ° n/a 95093 481159 6441653 moderate lmJSPs middle Toarcian H. Frebold and G. Jakobs Gabrielse (1998) 1 1800 9 Phymatoceras? sp. ind.) 2 8 lSin 40 1 lJTLcg F 72 0 n/a 95251 482474 6441083 moderate lmJSPs Toarcian? - Bajocian Belemnite (Belemnopsis sp. indet.) n/a Gabrielse (1998) Lower to Middle Jurassic, Spatsizi Formation lmJHMLvm 0 EMJm.po lJTLv C In prep. n/a 95098 499935 6449077 moderate lJTgw late Pliensbachian Ammonite (Arieticeras cf. A domarense (Meneghini)) H. Frebold Gabrielse (1998) 1 28 lJTLv 0 7 Fragments of ammonites (Amaltheus sp. Margaritatus Group, Protogrammoceras spp. indet.), 1 lmJSPs Argillite, siltstone and sandstone 0 n/a 95021 501627 6448949 moderate lJTgw late Pliensbachian H. Frebold and H.W. Tipper Gabrielse (1998) 2 0 bivalves (Weyla, trigoniids, others), corals 0 lndet. F unconformity 0 lJTLsv Ammonites (Protogrammoceras spp., Arieticeras cf. algovianum (Oppel), Amaltheus spp., 1 1400 F lSin(?) n/a 94994, 90991, 94986 501834 6447339 moderate lJTgw late Pliensbachian H. Frebold and H.W. Tipper Gabrielse (1998) 4 Triassic, Stuhini Group 1 Aveyroniceras spp., Leptaleoceras aff. accuratum (Fucini)), bivalves (trigonids, Weyla?) 0 1 2000 8 0 6 26 lJIs Ammonites (Protogrammoceras?, or Fuciniceras? sp. indet., poor impressions of whorl fragments, 0 n/a 95258, 95257, 95268 494106 6448453 moderate lJTgw late Pliensbachian H. Frebold and H.W. Tipper Gabrielse (1998) 0 F lSin 17 0 lJTLcg Prodactylioceras aff. P. italicum (Meneghini), Prodactylioceras aff. P. meneghinii (Fucini) Mafic volcanic rocks 0 1 1800 TrSTvm 1600 eToar(?) F 6 F I010 Ammonites (Arieticeras spp. indet. impressions of small specimens, Protogrammoceras spp., 0 lSin n/a 94995 494096 6448922 moderate lJTgw late Pliensbachian H. Frebold and H.W. Tipper Gabrielse (1998) MJTSqm dactylioceratid impression of inner whorl, Amaltheus sp.) 0 38 Devonian-Permian, Stikine assemblage 1600 MJTSgr 53 lJTLs 17SBI-25-149 V-003872 500357 6448252 high lJTgw early Pliensbachian Ammonites (Tropidoceras) T.P. Poulton Poulton (2017) lJTLv Ammonites (Coeloceras? sp., Phylloceras spp., derolytoceratid?, Gemmellaroceras sp., 1800 mJBLs F lPli-eToar n/a 90992, 95269 498494 6449118 moderate lJTgw early Pliensbachian H.
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