, ..... lle __.EADER ===~~ AUGUST-SEPTEMBER, 1933 VOLUME X Tl1e Artist Looks at Plant Life NUMUP.R 7 "'c:·\\ \Iuseum of Art j.; • THl Yor~ .~lc~.ropolitan continent .. , ''here nature could never have carried . ~ (lltit:l .._ .~ n e-xluhtt Plan~ Form' m Ornament," them unJ c,-, ~he had been aided by hum~n h d " ht'- h l'mbod te' su~~r,tton" of 111terest to .1ll Girl Scout . • ,, an 5, 1t . I" a 11t stor>: of ind ivid ual experience. Perhaps ~~ ·•·P"- The C\:hibit, hdd from \I:n 8 to St>ptcmher that 1s the most Important aspect of all. ~ I O!.t of u.., ll ', ' .urangrd b" the \let­ 't' t ) lv~; .l.tll l\ I lN'\Un, th<' "\ t'W kno.w that artist'i of manr ') <'Irk BM .mt~'. ll (~udt·n ..l!ld nat tons h:l\ c made each his em n u... c of motl\ e,c; ltke the th<- Rm~.,'kl ~ n Bot ani... Gar­ \ peon}', ro.;c, bamboo, cherry, ,l <'t' " . · h C>oopcr:uion from lotu,, papyrw., grape, laurel. the "'~ 1' York Puhli'- Li­ ac-anthu ._, oak, ltl), and oth­ br~ ' . Ji,t of book, 1nd l er-.; and that the cho1ce and ani ~. .l" ,m plant fomb in 1 u~e of moti\'e ~ arie<> accord­ orn. 1 .... :1: ) and t 1e.• \mer­ ing to the medium--cer­ Jean ~Iu-.eum ot "'.uural amics, glas:., ivory, metal, H :i-.tot) (an exhthttion of ~ton e , text iles. " ood. In ornam('nt d e r i v e d from th i~ exhibit one fin d.. mam pl::mt;;; b, high-school and lcs.:; familiar mot i,·e~ a.- ' ' ell, design-;;;chool children). in dozen ... of une-xpect ed The l\Ietropolitan e\:hibit treatments-pine, q pre..... con.;,i-.r:- of objf:'~h in the­ elm, mulberry, cactu-,, cah­ de.:-oration of whit..h plant.; bage, pepper, r.1di,h, turnip. predommate, "ho" n .;;ide br cucumber, potatu, tomato, ~de ";th thf:' lh in;.! plant~. and even the humhle .. kunk 1n the C'enter of the room a cabbage. larg-e pool permit;; the e"\hi­ 'Vhen accompan) ing chil­ bition of aquatic plant,, dren to a mu~cum e\:hihit, Such a di,-pla\• a:' "Plant adult~ c;;hould be careful to Forms in Orname-nt'' tells a avoid giving the impre-.,ion diHerent .... tory to each per­ rhat any particular concept, son ,'\"ho ~ee... it. It i.; a hi.. - no matter how beautiful, i .. tory of art, !>howing a plant a final word, that it 'prnng rnori' e adopted by one peo­ into being and into reco•g ni- pl~ pas.-ed to another, ever tion at the 11:-.. t tn. '' :\h changing at the hand" and child rcn dr:m .. uch qut>cr uccording to the concept.. of T lw; C hmtlt' I S/IJ 'cu/111} t'mln01Jrn 1111 f ilii// c 111 bo.h·.( ,, flower.;.,'' a --chool tt·a\·hl" r each new g-roup. 1t j, :t J/Jf.:U/1 ,l(raptr m e• .lcHg/1, compl.linetl to an e'\perienct"d political hi~tory, through ih teacher of de... ign. But the mdications of migrating tribe.;;, and of armie... penetrating queer fhm l'f'- tho~e dtildrcn had drawn were \'aluahlc, not unkno" n continent--. It j, a hi,tory of man's derh•a­ onh a-, the indi,·idual e\.pr6sion of each .nti ... t . hut hecau't' ti' es from and influence on nature, indicating how the\ were actually more ch:uacteristic of tlw fhm er-, than fruit and flower wer.e transplanted across ocean.; and "en.• tlw -,chool tt•adter's drawings. ----~ CoNTH.l\-TS: ~' 'fhc Arti!-.t l..,ooks at J>Jarlt Life . ....... , .... , ................. , .... , ......... , , . , . .. , , . I ,'1 The Sunflower Troop. A Typical Court of 11 on or Jl!Ntinu ....... .. ............. i\l \RH Ali l'RJ:ll'll 74 A Few Notes About Badge-:: Business Tf7 oman: Piouur: Scholarship: Star Finder . ..........•..... •.... 7b 7b 0 'r\1ir1ner of tl1e Garden Scholarship . ... 0 ...................... ...... ~ • • •• , • ••• • '" •• • •• • • •• • •••••••• • • A I\1agic Cnrpet to "Our Chalet" ............................. .. .......... VIROINI\ LoutsE PoWFLL 76 1.,here 1~ No Nature Here! A StorJ' of a Gill' Square .. ·: ............•................ .. .... ......:-.: 77 Editorial I tcm": From H eadquartas: Central.: Intr.rnattonal . • . 7~, 79 A l\1ade-to-1\1easurc Tray ......................... .... ................ ... HRr.t~ ~FRR\ ,l't'RTIS so \~> .... Around tht' ']"'oad;:.tool. E.\'lt•miou Brownie Parks ..........................•.... HhLI'"\ \\ \Rn S·11 \1 "\s $4 f'\ ,-, ~md Note' of thr National Itquipment ScrYil'C ..... .............. · .......... •... ... , . , 0 'l'IIR CIRL Sr~· o U'I' 1.1-.A IJI~N T l1 e S tJ tJ f 1o w e r Troo _p J\ Typic.tl Court of llonor Meeting By M:u·it.• E. Aftt·cith '1'/u• illt•w/J,,. uj tlu .\ atioua/ Fldd ,\tajf , /.nir;unl /f1 1/u• I limcrfllllfl RriJI'J/1 ''R0Bl-:\ . nnd "Dnttnll\ht-'' llll' tht• l'llptain cll\d lic•utt'll,tllt of tit(' Sunflcmer Tro ~J p . ..Vlc(:ting with the•! patrol le.Hin ... fnr n S:nutdny mtu nin1r. ht·t•akfa .... t at tlw hotnt' of tlll'iJ troop coJ.nmJttcc dw~rman, they IJ.t~n to nnd .t"i't "ith the troop\ plnn ... fot '-t'\t•ral montlh' wotk, All lt·aclc·r~, and parttculnrlv all new lr:~dcr, Will be int<-re,tt>d in thi-. ('ight-Wrt•k troop pl.m, whit•h shows wh.tt mn~t troops nrrd nnd how they plan. CIIAR \ C11 RS: · RoRr' ·· ~hiiTH, C.tpt,ttn AvuRI' l'·\l\JPBT J.LJ ScnrJct Cup Patrol Leader ' DuR\Wl Sl • HI 'R\ ' r it•ntt·n.lnt h, Ll/ ·\BI 'l 11 Po\H.RS, Oak Tree 1'111 rol Leader 'I \R\ \'\'\ \Y\liJRs, ~t·~tet.tn L<H 1s1 TIIOMPSON Lobelia Patrol Leader l'P,S\ \'\DRI\\s, t"n,\'\lfl'l . 1 "SHOR'1Y" S .\JJJH, \iolet Patrol Leader f { l I I ' pI I I R:-.0'\ , \hoppt•r i\hs. Auu RT Jou~soNJ Troop Committee Chairman ( 'l'hr lilt rting opens a/IN· hrmkfa.a, in Jl!rJ. lolmson's rert rntum rtJfJII/, ) Euz \Un1'H. That troop meeting l~bt week wa .. dw lw .. t 1 LouJSh. \Veil, that was a good cause; I think we ought fir.... t met· ring \'e C\' <'1' had. "t.> to f<·cl pretty proud of it. :\IARY A'\'\. {Lookinq ova ht'l' minutes)) es; dividing it D<>IC\1 o us 1:. \Ve certainly should ; l\:1 i o:;s Green said she into indn idunl patt ol meet in!!:' did giH· e\ crybody :t chance to exprt•,.., hrr... clf, I gue""· didn't know of any girls who enjoyed camp more than tho .. c two. Er.r;.r ABhTH. The) ccrt.1111h did e'\pn'"" thcnbclvc..;;. SltOR'IY. \Veil, I'm glad to hear that! The two girl~ the Thrct• new ~irl ... in my patrol! Nice kid ... , <til of tlwm. But l likt• C'ourt of Honor nwcting tlw lw-.t of all Butt<'n:up Troop "e.nt hoth got homrsick :uu.l had to J!O home. ht·ctthc lwre "e "·nn reall) gt't do\\ n to hu ... me,s. ROLU'\ . Did ) ou all bring your note-boob and pe~1cils? CISS\. \V c sound like thistle:-. in ... tead of sunflowers; let's F 1 1/,\R 1:1 11. I 'vc got a ptecc of papcr but no penctl. get do" n to work. RolnN. \Veil, of course, the depleted trca~ury brings up SIIOR'fY. Here ) ou arc! ) our patrol should change ib • name to Orchid Patrol, you parasite! one poult. • Eu~ABETH. P:trasitc nothing. \Ve\e got more ideas IIrLJ·N. It certainly does, but before we 5tart discussing than a bag of hornet ... nnd I can remember tlwm all, I \!otc that we use the registration envelopes again too, without havin~ to write them down. this J car because my father says the depression isn't over \ et! Rom!~:. \Viii the Court of Honor plea.. e come to ord<'r? Did everyone go to Chicago this summer? .l\ I \R \ \.~ 1\. I'll second that; i::. it unanimou ... ? F\·Z.R\BODY. Yes. l\IARY A~~ ~. I'll ~;n "c did, and "ith a four-) car-old brother; and if · my character didn't get built that CISSY. \Veil, there goes part of the ~eventy-~even cents. \\ cek 1 don't know what did! Doe" an} body want I kne\\ )ou'd spend it, Helen. to hear the minute.. of the i\ lay meeting? I wrote II liU ?\. Keep the money circulating, dearie, "e're 'till them exam week, as clear a" off the gold standard. Robin, :.hall I order two during so they're not do7cn? they mighL be. AuDRh\'. Let's omit the minutes. I don't want to be '\IRs. ]OllNSON. I think the troop committee would like reminded of t'Xam week. those this } ear, too. \Yill vou order ft\'C for u.;;, too, llelen? · Ronrx. Everyone agree? All right; "e can refer to them later if we want. How about the Treasurer's A llDRL:v. Did you all kno"· that the troop committee report, Cissy? members are preparing for the 'l'enderfoot test? You Crssv. \Vell, I'll break the news gently; we have C'.actl}' should sec my mother tie the sheepshank. And poor seventy-seven cents in the trea::.ury. ·rarsr, our cocker, didn't have a chit nee to mm·e all SuOR'J Y. But we had almost fifteen dollar:; in 1\tiay. summer \\ ithout l\Iother's making ~ome not~ about What did we do with all that? a cocker's characteristics.
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