I E —----------------- - -------- ». ■ «»Mixiiw i i' PRICE Sí 41 X i * 7 9 <5O®wfr 4— » VOLUME 33, NUMBER 37 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1965 PRICE TEN CENTS V? ¡éi St / f Bias At Memphis State Hit Hard She Was Able By VERNON SCOTT I PI Hollywood Correspondent Blow By NAACP HOLLYWOOD - iUPIi - The The hard - hitting Booker vigil on the sixth floor of St. John's Wcshington Warriors handed Memphis branch of the NAACP this week called on Memphis Hospital was a lonely one for Maria Cole, the more so because Carver Cobras a shocking 70-54 State University to "remove all traces of racial discrimination she didn't know how much longer defeat Tuesday night of this from all activities and permit its Negro students to enjoy a natural she must keep it. week and now the befuddles and normal college experience." In a private room with round- Carver must win over Douglass the-clock nurses her husband, Nat tonight (Thursday) to claim full Tlie request was in the form of a King Cole, link fighti.ig lor his letter addressed to Dr. C. C. Hum­ life. rights of the City Piep League phreys, MSU president, and Johnny ' Friend*, were not admitted to tlie Alexander, YMCA general secretary. championship. Negro History In room. Only doctors, nurses, lab The letter was signed by Jesse H. technicians and, of course, Maria Wariirgton. now 12-2. has com­ Turner, president of tlie local Cole. Sometimes the famed singer pleted lt< schedule and Carver Is NAACP, and the Rev. James M was sedated to ease the pain and 12-1. Lawson Jr., chairman of the Spotlight This relieve the tensions that follow the Washing:on’s smashing victory NAACP’s local education committee. harrowing sbrgery of lung cancer. over Carver in itched another Tues­ Copies of the letter were sent tn day night uns ’t on the cullege level Through it all Mrs. Cole sat re­ Governor Franw kClement. Mayor Week Al LeMoyne assuringly at his bedside, where which saw the Magicians of Le- William B. Ingram, City Commis­ she had stationed herself for two Movnn difeat Bethune - Cookman sioners Armons, Lane, Moore and months — since early last Decem- from Daytona Bearn OMi. Sisson; Anthony J. Ce’ebreeze of the ber when he entered the hospital U. 8. Department of Health and Carver’s record stood al 12-0 on for "observation." the weekend alter the Cobras de­ Welfare, Rov Wilkins, national di­ MRS. COLE COMPOSED feated Melrose, 65-51, before an rector of the NAACP, John Hannah and Commissioner Howard Warf. overflow crowd in tlie Wildcats' Mrs. Cole came out into the Here is the complete text of the ridor for a few minutes. She gym on Wednesday night of lust letter: dressed in a tan sweater, “After six long years of waiting week. slacks and wore a gold band around to be allowed to participate in the LEON BIBB, the talented singer of folk sonqs, ballads and Broad­ her neatly groomed, jet black hair. The Cobras got off to a successful fitll academic program at Memphis She was composed hut her eyes but somewhat shaky start on Nov. way show tunes, will appear in concert Monday night, Feb. 22 at fate University. Nearo students are reflected fatigue and strain. 30 when they sneaked by Washing­ 8:30 in Bruce Hall on the LeMoyne College campus. again beihg denied the' opportunity ton, 61-59. to learn swimming in classes of­ "Nat's. sleeping now," she said. I . fered; by the university. “They've gi/en him a sedative so Their secohd genie on Lkm 2jc<Ui he,can get; close t$o, bm tldey mr.n:i!FrtWtuin _. wtiy-sponsored swim­ ming classes are held at the Y. M. fW1 back Douglass, 50-47 “I want to Lbe ....in ™tfoe With him C. A., but this great Christian or­ when he wakeitert up. Thatthat means a By the time Christmas holidays ganization still holds on to the great (leal to him. I’m here every had rolled around, Caftrer bait de unchristian and unmoral nolicy of day, almost all day long. Once in (Continued On I’a^e Four) barring Negro students from it's a while when I have business to '«acred waters. Instead of being attend to somewhere else Nat gets BIBB CONCERT lhe beacon lisht to guide the way terribly upset.” to bettey racial understanding and Maria; still in her.3os and a band brotherhood, this historic religious The long awaited concert by Leon Bibb, the singer cf folk singer herself before marrying Cole, Two Lectures In organization that denies Negroes a songs, ballads and Broadway show tunes, will take plare Man- p pc 1 •• ' ! ° nf rest in it’s metropolitan (Continued On Page Four) I Artist day night, Feb. 22, at 8:30 in Bruce Holl on the LeMoyne College facilities, has taken the narrow DR. CHARLES GOMILLION position of going along with the campus. LeMoyne Library local status quo and closing It’s A three - day program celebrat-, HOLLYWOOD—(UPI)—Cancer Monday took the life of velvet; ing Negro History Week is under­ Bibb, who is being pretenied to In the span of a few short sea­ waters to it's black brothers and Mrs. Armstrong ' voiced Nat "King" Cote, an Alabama-borrt Negro whose unique William Tate Whitmat', Cand- way on the LeMoyne College camp­ ir sisters. ¡singing style and gentle personality made him one of the enter­ ler nrofwsnf of economics at Em­ Mempliians by LeMoyne’s Cullum) sons, (lie popular artist Inis «.-merg­ us. Activities Committee, Is expected tn ed «s one ot the outstaiuling new ory University in Atlanln, .W-fl lee "University officials must also tainment world's greatest stars. balladeers and folk .singers on th« Dr. Charles G. Gomillion of Tus­ ture at LeMoyne College, Thurs­ attract a dear - capacity audience share in the guilt, for it . is their kegee Institute in Alabama was sche­ Mother Of For more than a quarter of a day and Friday, Feb. 18-19. Tickets to the concert mi" lx concert, scene. dutv to provide physical education His recordings and television op-, duled to address an assembly of century, Cole was a show business purchased at LeMoyne’s business facilities for all students. In spite ,The public is invited to both lee office and Goldsmith's central tic pearances have further augmented students and faculty in Bruce Hall t legend — a top niglit club and re­ of the many proud statements rtf at 10:30 on Thursday morning of kec office. They .also may be bought his following. the president and other members of cording star and a frequent per­ this week. former on television. NAACP Workshop at the box office on I he night ol Bibb has appeared severe) times the administrative family at MSU; Tea honoring Dr. Gomillion was the performance. on tlie Ed Sullivan and Sieve Allen in spite of sworn statements given Mrs. Gertrud« Johnson Armstrong His records sold tn the millions. set fcr Thursday afternoon at 4 in Bibb, who owns a magnificent shows. in a local Federal Court; in spite of 1032 South Lauderdale, mother the Alumni Room of the Hollis F. : He entered St. John's Hospital baritone ♦Aice, will be nccompaniril. His most recent recording is of I he recent signing of a Federal of Mrs. Jewel Gentry-Hulbert, died On Anii-Poverty ft ■ Price Library. i m nearby Santa Monica last Dec. by a fine young guitarisi, Stuart ‘Cherries '•n-i plums." a Liberty pledge stating that the school is Scharf. ■ Records release. 8 for tests which disclosed a mali­ void of racial discrimination. Nè­ Allen Bates, announcer for WK gnant tumor in his left lung. Sur­ gre students at Meftiohis State are NO-TV, will read Negro poetry at geons removed the lung just three still being harrassed by the stu­ 10:30 Friday morning’in the Brown­ weeks ago Monday and his post­ dents, persecuted . by the faculty lee ledura hall. , operative condition was reported STUDENTS TO FOLLOW members, discriminated against by The Anti-Poverty Workshop spon­ the administration and banned from The week of activity got under­ satisfactory. sored by the Memphis Branch NAACP will begin at 9:45 a. nt. the pouls Try that- great world-wide way Wednesday morning with a At no time would physicians make bastion of Christianity, the Y. M special chapel service sponsored by Saturday morning, Feb. 20, in the MAGICIANS’ TO FISK U a prognosis as to eventual recov­ Hollis F. Price Library on the Le­ C. A. LeMoyne’s Student Christian Fel­ ery, however. "This is a situation I hat will no lowship. Dr. Paul Hayes, professor Moyne College campus. LeMoySe's Magicians close their regular schedule this week­ longer be tolerated by the Memphis of philosophy and religion at the On the weekend, Cole’s condition Tlie workshop will be conducted end with Iwo contests on foreign soil. college, was speaker. worsened and he died early Mon­ (Continued On Page Four) by Herbert Hill, national NAACP day with his wife, Maria, by his labor secretary. Mr. Hill will dis­ They meet the Fisk University phis floor, Den. 15. Dr. Gomillion is pt'ofessor of so­ bedside. • The LeMoynites are almost sure ciology at Tuskegee Institute and cuss, "Negro Workers and the Bulldogs on Friday night at Nash­ NAACP Labor Program." Dr. Vivian ville and then ring down the cur­ of a berth in the SIAC basketball was recently elected a member of The hospital said its records tain Saturday night at Jackson tournament slated for Feb.
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