__DOCUMENT RESUME - ED 109 344 CE 004 125 .TITLE , Aviation: Boatswain's Mate E 1 and,C;RateTrdining Manual. "INSTITUTION Naval Educatioii and Training Command,Pensacola, Fla. REPORT NO NAVEDTRA-10305-C PUB DALE . 74 NOTE 223p.. __AVAILABLE FROM Superintendent, of Documents, U.,S-,,..Government Printing Offi4e, Washington,'D., 20402 (Stokk Number 0502-L11-051-5260; No price given) . 1 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.76 HC-$1D.78 P/US POSTAGE . DESCRIPTORS Course Content'Emplayment Qualifications; Equipment .Evaluation; Equipment MaintenanCe; *Instructional' Materials; Job Skill's; *Manuals; Mechanical Equipment; Military Personnel; Military Service; Military Training; Occupational Information; Performance Specifications; Promdtion (Occupational); *Seamen; Skill1Development; Supervisory Activities , - IDENTIFIERS *Boatswains Mate E; Navy . ABSTRACT- . The rate training manual'has.been prepared for enlitted-r(ersonnel of the Navy and Naval Reserve who are studying for advancement in the Kviation Boatswain's Mate E rating. It is primarily based on, the professional requirements or qualifications for ABE 1' and ABE C, as contained'in the Matuarof Qualifications for, Adv'ancement'N'avPers 18068: (seriesChApter 1'discusses the various requirements'for,.advancement in .the toatiwain't Mate t rating., Chapters 2 through '8 consist of information on: leading 'petty o'ffiers; shop'supervision'and administration, steam' catapultsu , catapult deck gear and,accessories, shipboard arresting and barricade . gear, visual-r landing aids, and special tests and test procedures. 'Numerous illustrations and diagrams are interspersed throughout the docubent. A sObjeat.dndex is appended. (BP) . ., ;.( , - *****4***************************************************A************ * DocuMentsacquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished. * * . * materials not available from other sources. ERIC, makes every effort * to obtain the best copy available. nevertheless, items gf marginal * * reproducibility are ofteirencountered and this affect'thequality, * t* of-the miCrofiche, and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makesavailable * * via the' ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS)",EDRS is not * * * responsible for the quality-of the original document. Reproductiarns * * supplied by EDRS are the bett that can be made from the original. * ****************************************t***********.***************** U S DEPARTMENTOF HEALTH EDUCATION & WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE DF EDUCATION BEEN REPRO THIS DOCUMENT HAS DUCE() EXACTLY ASRECEIVED FROM oRGANIZATIONORIGIN THE PERSON OR VIEW OR OPINIONS AT ONO IT POINTS OF REPRE STATED 00 NOT NECESSARILY INSTITUTE OF SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL EDUCATION POSITION ORPOLICY .EE J1975 NAVAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING COMMAND [ PREFACE e This Rate Training Manual is one of a series of training manuals prepared for enlisted personnel of the Navy and Naval Reserk who are studying for ' advancement in the Aviation Boatswain's Mate E rating. As indicated by the title, the manual is based on the professional qualifications for ABE1 and ABEC, as set forth in the Manual of Qualifications for Advancement, NavPers 18068 (Series), Combined with the necessary practical experience, thisman ual will greatly assist the ABE2 and ABE1 in preparing for advancement exams. This manual 'was prepared by the Naval Education and Training Program Deyelopment Center, Pensacola, Florida, for the Chief of Naval Education and Training. Credit for technical assistance is given to the Aviation Boatswain's Mate School, Lakehuist, New Jersey, and the Naval Air Engineering Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: -1974,Edition , Published by NAVAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING SUPPORT COMMAND Stock. Ordering .0502,LP-05;4260 I- UNITED STATES ,,; *GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, - WASHINGTON, D.C.: 1974 I THE(MITE!)STATES NAVY GUARDIAN OFOURVCOUNTRY The United States Navy is responsible formaintaining control of the sea and is a ready force on watch at home andoverseas, capable of strong action to preserve The peace or oflinstant offensive actionto win in war. It is upon the maintenance of this control thatour country'S glorious future depends- the.United States Navy exists to make it,so. ,, WE SERVE WITH. HONOR c Tradition, valor, and victory are the N vy's heritage from thepast. To these may be added dedication, discipline iand v dance as,the watchwords of the present and the future. II At home or on distant stations we serveith pripe, confident in the respect of our country, our shipmates; and our amines. Our responsibilities sober us; our adver j.,ties strengthen Us. Service to God and auntry is bur special,privilege. Wserve with honor. 1 THE FUTUREOAF THE NOY .00 ! . IThe Navy will always ysemploy new weapons, techniques, and greater power to protect and defend the Unitell-Sttes on thesea, under the sea, and in the air. V* , i . Ift-: , Nowand in the'future, control of the sea givetthe United Statesher greatest advantag&for the maintenanceof peace and for victory in war. Mobility, surprise, dispersal, and offensive power are the keynOtes of Ahe new Navy. The roots of the Navy, lie in a strong belief in the future, in continued dedication to our tasks,. and in reflectionon our heritage from the past. t me , Never have-our-opportunities and our responsibilities beengreater:' ti CONTENTS , 1 Page Ch a pte r t. 1 _, I. Aviation Boatswain's MateE rating A 2. Leidirig petty 'officers_ 11. - 3. Shop supervision and administration -19 4. Steam catapults 46 5. Catapult deck gear and accessories 06 6. Shipboard arresting andbarricade gear . 7. Visual landing aids l'79 8. 'Special tests and test procedures 197 lixtex '215 t,..rCrt 1 t CHAPTER l AVIA 19N110ATSWAINIS MATE E RATING This Rate Training Manual. is designed to Navy: and Naval Reserve personnel may hold assist thAE2Be and El inperforming the service ratings. ta,sks associated' with it rates and to,aid then, in preparingfor advcementthe ABE2 to - ABE RATING ABE1 and the ABE-1o ABEC. It is primkrily based on the profesOoftial requirements or quah- The ABE rating isa service rating and is acations for ABEL and ABEC, as contained in included in Navy Occupational Group IX (Avia- the Manual of QualifiCations for Advanceinent, tion). The general rating, AB, applies at the E-8 NavPers18868(Serifes)..To° prepare for an and E-9 leveg. advancement examination,' this Rate Training Figure 1-1 illustrates all paths of advancement Manual should be studied in conjunction with for an, Airman Recruit to Master Chief Aviation Military Requirements for Petty Officers 1 & C, BoaisilVain's Mate, Warrant Officer (W-4), or NayPers 10057 (Series). The latter covers the Limited Duty Officer. Shaded areas indicate Military.Reepiirements for all first class and chief career stages where qualified enlisted personnel petty officers. ° may 'advance to Warrant Officer (W-1) and . I 'selec ed Warrant Officers may. advance to Lim- .ENLISTED RATING STRUCTURE ited Duty Officer. Personnel in enlisted rates and warrant ranks ndt in a shaded area may advance e The present enlisted' rating structure includes only as indicated by the lines. two types of ratings. general ratings and service The Manual of Qualificatibns for Advance- Tatingsi ment, NavPers 18068i(Series), states that ABE's GENERAL RATINGS are designed to provide are responsible for the operation and mainte- pats of advancement and career development. nance of catapults, barricades, arresting gear, A general rating identifies a broad occupatiorial arresting gear engines, and associated equipment field of related duties and funtetions requiring ashore and afloat.. similar aptitudes and qualifications. Central One or more ABEC's are generally assigned to ratingsprovidethe, primary means tise4 to the catapults aboard' a eyarrier.' An ABE1 is identify billet requirements and pirsonnel quali- normally assigned to each catapult as catapult fications. Some general ratings include service aptain.Senior ABE's assignedto catapults ratings, others do not. Both Regular NaVy and pervise lower rated ABE's and nonrated men Naval .Reserve personnej may hold general rat- the operation and maintenance of the cata- . ings.` ults and associated ecluipmentz . Subdivisions of certain general ratings are An ABEC is assigned as arresting gear chief identified as SERVICE RATINGS. These service and.is in overall charge of the operation and ratings identify areas of specialization. within the 'maintenance of arresting and barricade gear,and. scope of a general rating. Service ratings are/the operation of visual landing aids. The arrest- established in those 'general ratings in which ing ,gearchief isgenerally assisted by ;two specialization is essential for efficient utilization ABE one who supervises the operation and of personnel. Although service ratings can exist maintenance of the arreiting,gear, and one who at any petty ,officer level, they are most coal- supervises the operation and maintenanceof the mon at the P03 and P02 levels. Both Regular barricade gear. Either one of these men may 4 t 1 \ g g AVIATIO OATSWAIN'S.MATE E1 & t , - i WARRANT OFFICER W-1 5. I APPRENTICE .. E- 2, WARRANT OFFIER INPUT TONE LOO -4,1 OUT ZONE- AB:1 Figure 1-1.Paths of advancement. -4.41 S e l. .r,' r. ...! g, .. ... f. ChapterlMIATION,BOATSWAIN'S MAT, RATING supervise the operation of the- visual landing Florida, as'a Technical Writer to assistin the aids_Maintenance of landing aids is normally-40, preparation of'Rate Training Manuals andNon- performed by personnel of the IC rating. resident Carer Coupes (formeirly called Enlisted In order to properly perform
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