T he L ibrary of a merica & T he a merican P oeTs P rojecT The Library of America fosters appreciation and pride in America’s literary heritage by publishing, and keep - ing permanently in print, authoritative editions of America’s best and most significant writing. An independ - ent nonprofit organization, it was founded in 1979 with seed money from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Ford Foundation. Browse these titles online at www.loa.org. For details on titles in the American Poets Project series, visit www.americanpoetsproject.org . The Library of america The Debate on the Constitution: Part One: September 1787 to February 1788 multi-author anthologies The Debate on the Constitution: American Earth: Environmental Writing Since Part Two: January to August 1788 Thoreau Reporting Civil Rights: American Journalism American Fantastic Tales: Terror and the Uncanny 1941–1963 from Poe to the Pulps Reporting Civil Rights: American Journalism American Fantastic Tales: Terror and the Uncanny 1963–1973 from the 1940s to Now Reporting Vietnam: American Journalism American Poetry: The Seventeenth and Eighteenth 1959–1969 Centuries Reporting Vietnam: American Journalism American Poetry: The Nineteenth Century, 1969–1975 volume one : Freneau to Whitman Reporting World War II: American Journalism American Poetry: The Nineteenth Century, 1938–1944 volume two : Melville to Stickney, American Reporting World War II: American Journalism Indian Poetry, Folk Songs and Spirituals 1944–1946 American Poetry: The Twentieth Century, Slave Narratives volume one : Henry Adams to Dorothy Parker American Poetry: The Twentieth Century, henry adams volume two : E.E. Cummings to May Swenson History of the United States During the The American Revolution: Writings from the War of Administrations of Jefferson (1801–1809) Independence History of the United States During the American Sermons: The Pilgrims to Martin Luther Administrations of Madison (1809–1817) King Jr. Novels, Mont Saint Michel, The Education American Speeches: Political Oratory from Abraham Lincoln to Bill Clinton American Speeches: Political Oratory from the john adams Revolution to the Civil War Revolutionary Writings 1755 –1775 The American Stage: Writings on Theater from Revolutionary Writings 1775 –1783 Washington Irving to Tony Kushner The Civil War: The First Year Told By Those Who james agee Lived It Film Writing and Selected Journalism Crime Novels: American Noir of the 1930s and 40s Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, A Death in the Crime Novels: American Noir of the 1950s Family, and Shorter Fiction — 1— Louisa may alcott charles W. chesnutt Little Women, Little Men, Jo’s Boys Stories, Novels, and Essays john ashbery john cheever Collected Poems 1956–1987 Collected Stories and Other Writings Complete Novels john james audubon Writings and Drawings Kate chopin Complete Novels and Stories james baldwin Collected Essays james fenimore cooper Early Novels & Stories The Leatherstocking Tales: Volume One The Leatherstocking Tales: Volume Two William bartram Sea Tales Travels and Other Writings hart crane saul bellow Complete Poems and Selected Letters Novels 1944–1953 Novels 1956–1964 stephen crane Novels 1970 –1982 Prose and Poetry elizabeth bishop richard henry Dana jr. Poems, Prose, and Letters Two Years Before the Mast and Other Voyages Paul bowles Philip K. Dick Collected Stories and Later Writings Four Novels of the 1960s The Sheltering Sky, Let It Come Down, The Five Novels of the 1960s and 70s Spider’s House VALIS and Later Novels charles brockden brown john Dos Passos Three Gothic Novels Novels 1920–1925 Travel Books and Other Writings 1916–1941 raymond carver U.S.A. Collected Stories frederick Douglass Willa cather Autobiographies Early Novels and Stories Later Novels Theodore Dreiser Stories, Poems, and Other Writings An American Tragedy Sister Carrie, Jennie Gerhardt, Twelve Men raymond chandler Stories and Early Novels W.e.b. Du bois Later Novels and Other Writings Writings — 2— ralph Waldo emerson Lafcadio hearn Collected Poems and Translations American Writings Essays and Lectures Selected Journals 1820–1842 William Dean howells Selected Journals 1841–1877 Novels 1875–1886 Novels 1886–1888 james T. farrell Studs Lonigan: A Trilogy Zora neale hurston Folklore, Memoirs, and Other Writings William faulkner Novels and Stories Novels 1926–1929 Novels 1930–1935 Washington irving Novels 1936–1940 Bracebridge Hall, Tales of a Traveller, The Novels 1942–1954 Alhambra Novels 1957–1962 History, Tales and Sketches Three Western Narratives f. scott fitzgerald Novels and Stories 1920–1922 shirley jackson Novels and Stories benjamin franklin Autobiography, Poor Richard, and Later Writings henry james Silence Dogood, The Busy-Body, and Early Collected Travel Writings: Great Britain and Writings America Collected Travel Writings: The Continent robert frost Complete Stories 1864–1874 Collected Poems, Prose and Plays Complete Stories 1874–1884 Complete Stories 1884–1891 john Kenneth Galbraith Complete Stories 1892–1898 The Affluent Society and Other Writings Complete Stories 1898–1910 1952 –1967 Literary Criticism: Essays on Literature, American Writers & English Writers Ulysses s. Grant Literary Criticism: French Writers, Other European Memoirs and Selected Letters Writers, Prefaces to the New York Edition Novels 1871–1880 alexander hamilton Novels 1881–1886 Writings Novels 1886–1890 Novels 1896–1899 Dashiell hammett Novels 1901–1902 Complete Novels Novels 1903 –1911 Crime Stories and Other Writings William james nathaniel hawthorne Writings 1878–1899 Collected Novels Writings 1902–1910 Tales and Sketches — 3— Thomas jefferson William maxwell Writings Early Novels and Stories Later Novels and Stories sarah orne jewett Novels and Stories carson mccullers Complete Novels james Weldon johnson Writings herman melville George s. Kaufman & co. Pierre, Israel Potter, The Piazza Tales, Broadway Comedies The Confidence-Man, Billy Budd, Uncollected Prose jack Kerouac Redburn, White-Jacket, Moby-Dick Road Novels 1957–1960 Typee, Omoo, Mardi sinclair Lewis h. L. mencken Arrowsmith, Elmer Gantry, Dodsworth Prejudices: First, Second, & Third Series Main Street and Babbitt Prejudices: Fourth, Fifth, & Sixth Series a. j. Liebling arthur miller The Sweet Science and Other Writings Collected Plays 1944–1961 World War II Writings john muir abraham Lincoln Nature Writings Speeches and Writings 1832–1858 Speeches and Writings 1859–1865 Vladimir nabokov Novels and Memoirs 1941–1951 The Lincoln Anthology: Great Writers on His Life Novels 1955–1962 and Legacy from 1860 to Now Novels 1969–1974 jack London frank norris Novels and Social Writings Novels and Essays Novels and Stories flannery o’connor henry Wadsworth Longfellow Collected Works Poems and Other Writings eugene o’neill h. P. Lovecraft Complete Plays 1913–1920 Tales Complete Plays 1920–1931 Complete Plays 1932–1943 james madison Writings Thomas Paine Collected Writings john marshall Writings — 4— francis Parkman capt. john smith France and England in North America: Writings, with Other Narratives of Roanoke, Volume One Jamestown, and the First English Settlement of France and England in North America: America Volume Two The Oregon Trail, The Conspiracy of Pontiac Gertrude stein Writings 1903–1932 edgar allan Poe Writings 1932–1946 Essays and Reviews Poetry and Tales john steinbeck Novels and Stories 1932–1937 Katherine anne Porter The Grapes of Wrath and Other Writings 1936– Collected Stories and Other Writings 1941 Novels 1942–1952 ezra Pound Travels with Charley and Later Novels 1947–1962 Poems and Translations Wallace stevens Dawn Powell Collected Poetry and Prose Novels 1930–1942 Novels 1944–1962 harriet beecher stowe Three Novels Theodore roosevelt Letters and Speeches henry David Thoreau The Rough Riders, An Autobiography A Week, Walden, The Maine Woods, Cape Cod Collected Essays and Poems Philip roth Novels and Stories 1959–1962 james Thurber Novels 1967–1972 Writings and Drawings Novels 1973–1977 Zuckerman Bound: A Trilogy & Epilogue 1979– alexis de Tocqueville 1985 Democracy in America Novels and Other Narratives 1986–1991 Novels 1993 –1995 mark Twain Collected Tales, Sketches, Speeches, & Essays William T. sherman 1852–1890 Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman Collected Tales, Sketches, Speeches, & Essays 1891–1910 isaac bashevis singer The Gilded Age and Later Novels Collected Stories: Gimpel the Fool to The Letter Historical Romances Writer The Innocents Abroad and Roughing It Collected Stories: A Friend of Kafka to Passions Mississippi Writings Collected Stories: One Night In Brazil to The A Tramp Abroad, Following the Equator, Other Death Of Methuselah Travels The Mark Twain Anthology: Great Writers on His Life and Works — 5— Lynd Ward The american PoeTs ProjecT Gods’ Man, Madman’s Drum, Wild Pilgrimage James Agee: Selected Poems Prelude to a Million Years, Song Without Words, John Berryman: Selected Poems Vertigo American Sonnets: An Anthology American Wits: An Anthology of Light Verse George Washington A. R. Ammons: Selected Poems Writings The Essential Gwendolyn Brooks Kenneth Fearing: Selected Poems eudora Welty Stephen Foster & Co.: Lyrics of America’s First Complete Novels Great Popular Songs Stories, Essays, and Memoir Ira Gershwin: Selected Lyrics Kenneth Koch: Selected Poems nathanael West Emma Lazarus: Selected Poems Novels and Other Writings Amy Lowell: Selected Poems Samuel Menashe: New and Selected Poems edith Wharton Edna St. Vincent Millay: Selected Poems Collected Stories 1891–1910 Edgar Allan Poe: Poems and Poetics
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