• • • • • On Stage Tonight • •• • Scan as Says 'Get It Tog ,et er' By JUDY PEERSON "Get it together" is a Falls, Texas fr eshman, Beatrice favorite expression among the so­ Alberty, Idabel freshman, and called now generation. The up­ Larry Pearl, Hugo freshman. to-date colloquialism is now being Others included in the program used for the theme of the 72 Sav- ar e Sharon Lee,Hugo sophomore, age Scandals, s cheduled to go on Patricia Jones, Hugo senior, stage tonight at 8 p.m. in Mont­ Brenda Gully, Idabel freshman, gomery Auditorium. Lottie Sudder, Atoka junior, Rita Director Marshall Viney. Grego. Wilburfon junior, Paula Stringtown senior, commented on Jackson, Durant junior. Steve Til­ the theme of the show, "I'm ford. Anadarko senior. Crentha Butler, Hugo freshman, Francis • trying to do an up-to-date show with races together depicting sse. Wade, Elgin Juni or, Chuck Slack. We are trying to touch on a var­ Horsham . Pennsylvania freshman, iety of things, mod dances, variety James Buck, Ardmore junior, Den­ • of music, different types of songs, ise Bushers, Idabel senior, Wanda dramatics and skits." Elliot, Oklahoma City sophomore, The Scandals dancers will in­ Linda Spencer, Pawhuska soph­ clude, Tanya Underwood, Marie­ omore, Kenneth Lewi s, Idabel tta junior. Derest Price, Dallas sophomore, and Smitty Lorey, freshman, Wanda Huckaby, Dallas Wilburton freshman. • freshman, Mary Anderson, Dallas Music director will be Joe Bob Burton, Poteau senior; choreo­ freshman, Ruth Malniclt, Durant DANCERS WILL perform tooigbt at other performances In t:h future. junior , and Paul Fleeks, Hugo grapher is Secialue Porter, Okla­ Savage Scandals. The newly formed group hope s (Photo by Randy Kirk) • homa City sophomore. The show • senior• their first public appearance tonight \\rill secure • Also Courtney Dye, Red Oak is produced by the s tudent senate senior, Anthony Jeffrey, Okmulgee and fa culty sponsor is Katie Frank Slack. sophomore, Cllfton Rodgers, Ida Viney said, " The show is rWl- • sophomore, Clifton Rodgers, Ida­ ning smoothly and I have gotten bel sophomore and Alan LeBlahc, a lot of participation; I do not Los Angeles, Calif. junior. The Ebony Dancers include the forsee any diffi culties." Tickets for the pe rformance • Scandals Dancers and Charlie Tho· mas, Dallas, Texas freshman, La­ may be obtained through the Stu­ dent Senate at 5~ per ticket. verne Howard, Dallas, Texas freshman, Robert Richie, Wichita VOL. LI Du r ant, Qj~lah01n . 1, March 23, 1972 No. 23 • ' • • • 0 ••••• • •••••••• ~· ·.·.·.·.·~.· .·.·.·.· .·.·.·.··-=­ .·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·•·.·.·.·.·.•·•·•·•·•· .·. .. ·~· •..•........ Regents Okay • 59th Curriculum Contest Starts Activity Room , • Band Equipment Today For Area HiiJh Schoolers • By KAREN SLACK and those v.rith 125 or less enrol - pl~c~ cfppe~ ~~da\ . sse will be receiving some ne\\ lment are compting in Class c. c 0:0 s al en mg. t e curn<:ulun equipment and some pra.1se in the T he fifty-ninth Annual Okla- Ciassiiication is according to the me ~t IIH: iude ~l adtll, McAlester near future as a result of the homa Inte r - High Schwl Cur- 1970_71 enrollment. Spnnge r. Marlow. Panola. Ad, • March 16 meeting he re of theState ricul um Meet is in prog ress today Schools arecompetingonl} wi th tile. \'alliar.t Sor,er Lone Grove Board of Regents of Oklahoma on the sse campus. others in the same class. A Hugo. c.addo. C.1lera. Tha..: k- Colleges. High school students from over trophy v.ill be awarded in each ervtlle ..Ut ckson. Alll1£:rs. Silo an.' Purchase of a baseball score­ 40 schools in the 12 counties \\'h i··h" class to the school which recetves Holden\'tli"'"" · THE WAY ! ' SEE lT board was approved by the Board comprise the Southeast District the highest number of poin£s in the Also Caner, Manetta, Hart- By JIM McGOWEN as well as purchase of musical are participating in the contests. cur r icul um contest. These tro- shorne. Coll>en Atoka. Wilson ..·.·.·...·..·.......·. ·.·.·.·.·.·.·..... ·.·.•.·.·.·.·.·.·.·..............·.·.·.·..·.·.·.·~...- .....·.·.·.·.·.. · instruments for the s tage band. Eligibility for entering the con- phies a re awarded each year and Coleman .. Tushka. Boswe~ l, Wil ­ Estimated cost of the scor eboard tes t includes creditable work in become the permanent possession s~n , Healaton. Fox: Blue, Kmgston, You can tell its nearly spring is $2000. Band ins truments are a jWli pr or senior high s chool of the "'inning school. W~lburton. ~ e~rungton. Durant, break time because of the las t to cost about $ll31.50. in not less than three Wlits or Points toward school trophies Mtlburn. Piatnnew and Ardmore. minute studying, the spr ing fever Both the scor eboard and the three half -units for each student. and the general feeling of expec­ Schools are classifi ed on the wi 11 be awarrted on the following instruments will be purchased basis of s tudent enrollment in basis: lst place, 5 points; 2nd tation. from Student Activity fWldS. place, 3 points and 3rd place. Breadmania Grows Some s tudents will go through The Board also gave the go the 9th . lOth, 11th, and 12th grade5. 1 point. a major change in two days. Sleep­ ahead to President Leon Hibbs in Those sc hools with 250 or more Medals v.rill be awarded as ing late, catching fish or just let­ the setting of a cont ract for the students are competing in Class follov.·s: 1st place, gold medal; As Concert Nears • . ting books collect dust v.rill be Student Activities Building. Hibbs A, those \\ith 126 to 250 inclu- 2nd place, silver medal; and 3rd the usual routine for two weeks. siv e are competing in Class B The musical groupBreadissch­ explained to the Board, " This need ~dul ed to appear at the South ­ The worst thing about spring was mentioned as far back as break is the fact that you have to easte rn State field house Monday, • the Leadership Conference and April 24. come back when it's over. But I feel it is a worth while project." that's not so bad for some of us The group's fi rsl hit album Hibbs expressed hope that the "Make It With You" was a hit because we know it will be the facility can be completed by the last go-roWld before graduation. in late 1970. They try to sche­ 1972 fall semester. He said the dule their appearances a round the No matter what you find to new building would be administered entertain yourselves, I hope that weekends to keep from doing long by the Student Senate with possibly s tretches on the road. The}' feel • the spring vacation will serve a part-time activities di rector • that if they do more than !\Ito or some wor thwhile purpose. If In other action the Board nothing else, that will be nine days th ree appearances weekly the} approved a request for leave of would be making thei r audience • you won't have to hWlt a parking absence for Doris Simpson, chair­ place. suffer. After these appearances man of the speech department, and it is back to their base in Holly­ Last week I*** had the privilege Jorge Morales, Spanish instruc­ wood for recording sessions and tor. Both \\ri ll be on s abbatical • • of attending the meeting of the other maners . Board of Regents of Oklahoma Col­ leave while doing graduate s tudy. David C~tes ~s been playing leges. I feel that two congratula­ Four other faculty members voilin and pian:> since he v.-as a were approved for tenure effective • tlons are in order. One goes to child. When he attended Will Rog­ Steve Barker and Dr. Hibbs for September 1, 1972. They include ers High in Tulsa he dated Leon inviting me. The other goes to Charles GQss, Sidney Jenkins, Paul Russel's sister. The first band the Regents themselves for their Landua and Homer Welch. he put together, to play at Y dances, concern in sse and \heir friendli­ The Board also agreed t ~ com­ included Russel on piano. ness to Steve and me. mend the sse drama department Gates plays Ute guitar, and also cast of "Of Mice and Men" for qualifies on the electric piano, Well, my c***olumn wouldn't be their recent accomplishments organ, Moog and percussion. complete without a sour note, so which include being invited to . James Griffin was playing gui­ I feel something should be said of Washington D.C. tar at 12 and piano before tbat. the concerned students who "aired He s tudied the classics as a child their grievances'' a few weeks ago. grov.ri ng up in Memphis, Tennes­ I can't help comparing their sit­ BULLETIN see n and soon s v.ritched to rock • uation to that of the international 1.0bb Royer played clarinet as President Leon Hibbs and \ student who was stabbed in Dur­ Steve Barker , s tudent senate a kid, added guitar as a teen and ant. Seems those who have the president, have caught spring then piano, but all was incidental most to gripe about are happy to feve r like many other stu­ to plans for acting. He was a go through proper channels and dents. They will be out on theater arts major who wandered " into music by accident. • those who have no real reason to the lawn in front of Morrison complain make the biggest noise. Hall at 1:30 p.m. this after­ LOOKING OVER HER Easter basket full of goodii!S is Beth Wilkett, Mike Botts joined the group Since my column has been cal­ noon to enjoy the warm spring Calera third grader. Easter will be a time of anticipation and fun after their first album.
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