![Armed Soviet Intrusion Into Chenpao Island, China Exposes Soviet](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Articles, Editorials , Documents. and l laps Repn d from HSL THUA NE\"S AGE. CY PRODUCED BY THE INTERNATIONA LISTS china LOdges strongest protest wi t h soviet gover nment aga i ns t soviet frontier guards' intrusion into ar ea of chenpao isLand in china's heiLungkiang province, kiLLing and wou nding many chinese frontier guards peking, march third (hSlnhua) - - on march second, 1969, soviet f r ontier guards i ntruded into the area of chenpao i sLand, heiLungkiang province, china, and ki LLed and wo unded ma ny chines e f ro nt i er guards by opening f i r e on them, thus cr eating an ext remeLy grave incident of bLoods hed. however, aLL eging that the chinese territory chenpao isLand beLonged to the soviet union, the soviet government s Lander ous Ly charged chinese frontier guards with intruding into soviet t erritory and pubLished its so-caLLed "note of protest" to the chinese government. a spokesman of the chinese ministry of foreign affairs pointed out that even according to the sino-russian treaty of peking 1860, an unequaL treaty imposed on the chfnese peopLe by tsarist russian imperiaLism, .' chenpao isLand is indisputabLe chinese t erritory and it has aLways been under chinese jurisdiction and patroLLed by chinese . frontier guards since Long ago. the so-caLLed "nota of protest" from the soviet union is the fond trick of thief crying thief pLayed by the soviet revisionist renegade cLique; it is the gangster Logic of this cLique which has t aken over the mantLe of tsarist russian imperiaLism and pushed the sociaL imperiaList poLicy of aggression. the chinese government sent a note of protest to the soviet government on march 2. 19b9. exposing the true picture of how the soviet frontier guards intruded into chinese territory and carried out armed provocations. thus creating the grave incident of bLoodshed. the fuLL text of the note foLLows: on tho morning of mar-en 2, 1969 , soviet frontier yuurds lntl'l!, :~,j into t he ·.rea of chenpao island, heilungkiang .' ,'0'/ i. ,C", eh t na, 2nd k; II ed and rounded many chinese frontier , 1'(~1 oy ,,~ning fire on them, '('lUS croilti.ng an ox troma t y ~,''''/,) ', .•'l' .,' a,'nlcd con flict . ',qa1".; ( tills , tile minis t r y VI' f.,';l'Fl aHairs or the peoplJ's,- .iubt Ic of china is i,1s'(r I;i:ed to LOdge the s tro'iSv', t prates t "11t h the so viet (jovt.,', »rt, ilt 091 7 hours on march 2, L a r ~ e nunbers of fu l l y armed s ot o.ters , together with 'four arllloU('ed vehicles and cars , sent out by t he soviet frontier authorities "flil>j t'antLy intruded int o the area of chenpao isLand which i s indisputabl e ch i nes e territory, cdrried au t cl at al1, ,,1'0 fucations aga il')st the chinese frontier quar-ds ,Iho were 0:1 normal patr oL dut y and were the firs t t o open canno n and gun fire, ki Lling and woundi 1g ma ny chines e front ier gUilrds . the chinese frontier guardS wer e comp et Led to f i ght neck in s et f-defence when t hey r each ed the end of their f or bearance after their repeated war nings to the soviet frontier guar ds had produced no effect. t hi s grave i ncident of bl oods hed was ent i r el y and s olel y created by t he soviet authorities. it is anot her grave new crime perpetrated by the soviet authorities which have Long been deliberately encroaching upon china's territory, ca rrying out arme d provocations and cr ea t ing ceaseless i nci dent s of blOOdshed. t he chi nes e gover nment firmly deman ds that t he soviet government puni s h t he culprits of this incident and i mmediately stop its encr oachment upon china's t errit ory and its ar med provoca t i ons , and reserves the right t o demand compensation from the soviet s i de for al l the los s es s uffered by t he chinese side . the c hinese government once again sternl y warns the soviet governmen t : china's sacred territory brooks no violation; if you should wiLful l y cling to your reckless cour se and continue to pr ovoke armed conflict s al ong the sino-sovi et bor der, you wi l l certainly recei ve resol ut e countsr-ot.ows f r om the chinese peopl e; and it is the soviet gover~nent that mus t bear f ul l responsibility f or all the grave cons equences ar i s i ng therefrom. end item )v r evI jl rl ; t r .n ~IH" c c.r JI t , r gu r( > d (}'. n t l, Y u nl( I( , i I' ) r of _L I ( ') ( ,,:,r ,) ) 1(1, '", I ' l l' nl , )v ... :, , 1 , Itl J re, ilL' 'g 1) G 1 '-~l; , Or A r c':> '~in9' c'l , 11r cJ ( , ) 11 r' 1 2 ,v (, ' .r n r 1 '3 C- , J] I. .r d o "'Of 'j 0 j i" I] " j g ,01 ,I, r- , ,'j .l.' ue ( c - . " t , J , ce I _ - - ~s ·i .:. s JC.l,( L- I. - " 1 ' r , -' . r ouuo "i ;} 0 'ct:ock 01 , ,,'ch s econd, LClrge 1"lJ{ ber-s of ru t Ly d rned ot o t s , t0J~th'r lith t..o ~ mour-eo ven.tct os, a Lorry id co ta n d c r , sent by the rvLet frontier aut hor iti s , f La~r a n t L y Lntruded into the area of c',elp~o isLand whi ch is indisputabLe chinese territcry, and carried out provocations a qaLnst the chines e tr-ontLer guar ds who rer e on normaL patroL duty on the i sLand. at t hat time, with very great restraint, the chi nes e f r ont ier guards gave r ~p eat ed warnings to the intruding s oviet soLdiers and ordered them to s t op th eir provocations and wi t hdr aw from t he chinese t erritory. however, the intruding soviet soLdiers t ur ned a deaf ear to these warnings and became even more trucuLent. at nine seventeen hours, the intruding soviet soLdiers outrageousLy opened cannon and gun fire on the chinese frontier guards. the chinese frontier guards were compeLLed to fight back in seLf-def ence when they reached the end of their forbearance, giving the intruders, who carried out provocations, punishment which they deserved and successfuLLy safeguarding the sacred territory of our country. this ext r emeLy grave ar med confLict created by the soviet r ev 'sionist renegade cLique is by no means an isoLated incident. for a Long time, t he soviet revisionist renegade ct rque, i gnol' i ng the r- eoea ed war ni ngs of the chinese government, has cons t antt, y encr oached upon china's t erritory and her air space and creat ed incidents of bLoodshed on many occasions. during the f rost seasons in the more than t wo years betwe en january 23, 1967 and march . s econd of this year, soviet frontier guar ds intruded into the ar ea of chenpao isL and on sixteen occasions, and on severaL occasions woundi ng chinese frontier guar ds who wer e on nor-mat patroL duty and Looting arms and ammuni t i on. " between the end of november, 1967 and january 5 of 1968, the soviet revisionist renegade clique sent soviet frontier guards on 18 occasions to intrude into the ar~a of chiliching island, north of chenpao island, heilungkiang province, china, disrupting chinese'people's production and on many occasions killing and wounding chinese people who were engaged in productIve labour. soviet frontier guardS also intruded into the area of kapotzu island, south of chenpao island, heilungkiang province, china, on many occasions. and, on a still greater number of occasions, soviet military planes intruded into china's air space pver heilungkiang province. the crimes of the soviet revisionist renegade clique in deliberately encroaching upon china's territory and creating One incident of bloodshed after another have glaringly exposed the hideous features of the clique, which has for a long time collaborated with u.s. imperialism, frenziedly opposed china and practised social imperialism and social fascism. these grave crimes of the clicue have aroused the utmost indignation of the chinese armymen and civilians. the chinese people sternly warn the soviet revisionist renegade clique: the seven hundred million chinese people, tempered in the great proletarian cultural reVOlution, are not to be trifled with. China's sacred territory brooks no violation. if you should wilfully cling to your reckless course and continue to create armed conflicts along the sino-soviet border, you will certainly receive resolute counter-blo~ from the seven h~ndred million chinese people ~ho are armed with marxism, leninism, mao tse-tung's thought ! end item · "peopLe's d iLy" and "Li beration ar my daiLy" editoriaL: down with the new tsars ~ peking, march thir Chsinhua) -- foLLowing is the fuLL t ext of the editoriaL "do wn wi t h the new tsars !" in the " ~ eopLe's daiLy' and "Liberation ar my daiLy" of march 4: on march the second the soviet revisionist renegade cLique sent armed soL~iers to fLagrantLy intrude into chenpao isLand on the ussuri river, heiLungkiang province, china, and kiLled and wounded many frontier guards of the chinese peopLe's liberation y by opening cannon and gun fire on them.
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