S16,8 0 Sum THE· SUNFlOWER Allotted To Pay .....----------o_Ff_icia_l_stu-de-nt-Ne_w_spa-pe_r _.....;......;.___:..:;;.;;.;._.........;.,. ____ Initial Expenses University of Wichita-Wichita, Kansas January 11, 1951 . New Material Shortage May Slow Construction ist ·Named 1951 Colonel Of Planned Facilities Honorary A $1 6,800 loan which was approved by the Uni­ ROTC Honorary Colonel Dee Gist versity Board of Regents TS Candidate Monday night will enable the beginning of w or le which may culminate in iJns At Ball two new dormitories for the University. The loan, rna(le by tlle Com­ munity Facility Service of the Public Housing Aclminlst-ration. will pay for architectural fees The a n n u a 1 Military in planning for the proposed ~11, sponsored by ROTC, buildings. The flrms of Fors­ bloom and Park . and Glen G. :was the scene of the Davis and A. B. Harris will each ~rowni ng of Miss Dee draw up blueprints for one of Gist, Alpha Tau Sigma, as the dormitories. This, however, Is no assurance the 1951 honorary colonel that the dormitories will be 'of the ground and air bu!lt, a release from the office of President Hal'l'y F . Corbin units, Friday night. reveals. With the woi'ld. sltua• Bonnie Moore, last year's tlon as it i$ now. it may be some colonel, presented a military cape t ime before materials will be pd cap to Miss Gist during cere­ obtainable. monies In which Lieut. Col. 1£ the dt>1·m i to1·lcs are built. ,Bobln Montgomery, professor of they may be used for housing jjillltary science and tacl.ics, a· C>f milltui·y personnel ralller than ~ Col. John L. Walker, and students If the armed forces de­ Jimmy Dorsey participated. cide to use the University's facilities. • Colonel Montgomery made for:. President Corbin has offered :pal presentation of the commls­ use of the faciUtics to all three • A silver tray wllJ be pre­ armed forces for military t1·ain­ to Miss Gist at the annual ing, he told the board. lre said that the services are more lilceJy next fall. to accent H the school has hous• ::J)wrlng presentation ceremonies ing facilities. group of nine •ROTC members Flight crews trained at the ed an honor guard and pre­ University during part of World ted a shot·t saber drill. Cadet War II, and the trainees were t. Bob Pinkerton led the quartered jn fraternity houses 'P, and gymnasiums. There are now ~her cadets werti Perl.'y Rose, more colleges with housing fa. cilities available' than there were est Jorgenson, Stuart Engel, Sunflon·~r Sl4-tf Photo. during the war, !'resident Corbin oe Catudal, Bob Van Vr.ankcn, DEE GIST is escort-ad by John l. Walker through an arch of sabers to the bandstand where she added. Jin Mohr back er. Hamilton was crowned Honorary Colonel of the University of W ichita Reserve Officers Training Corps Friday. It is possibl , the president :$eard· ley, an·c: Mack Castrlsos believes, that the Jli e1·slty will Dee Gist, a member of Alpha Tau Si~ma sorority, was chosen from a group of six candidates. be granted material prioi·ities. ;pde Up the honor guard. since Wichita Is a defense area. Jimmy Dorsey, his clarinet, Dormitories would relieve possi­ and his orchestra entertained ble housing shortages in other lllOre than 300 couples who at­ 'Walk---Don't Run' Is Advice parts of the city, he noted. tended the sem,1-iormal event. Student Killed The federal loan will provld~ I2Webster Men In Plane Crash To Students From President (Continued on Page 5) loin Air ·rorce Avoid haste and act wisely- in a word, "Walk, A niverslty student, Jerry don't run"-during the present period of uncertainty Costello Is Next in On·e Group Dean Lehr, 19, and hJs compan­ and emergency was the crux of the adyice offered ion pUot, Ronald Grissom, 23, today by Pres. Harry F. Corbin to the University com­ • Twelve Men of Webster actives were killed Instantly when their munity. Forum Speaker tnlkted together in the Air light 1Jlane crashed in a field . 1n a prepared st.atement, the· Force last week along with an southeast of Augusta, December in the light of that need. All unalflliated student who wanted pres1dent declared: will serve, but one of your great• Bm Costello, Columbia Broad• 23. "It is heartening to see the casting System Far Eastern ex• :to sUck with his buddies. The est saflsfactions in life wlll be Air Force Recruiting sergeant Witnesses to the crash said student re pon e to a war emer• pert, who is just back from Korea. "'who processed the men is a that the aircraft. piloted by Gris­ gency. All of our men and women · to serve at the highest level of will speak to a Student Fonnn ebster alumni. are ready and willing to do what­ your capacity. Talk with your audience Feb. 13, replacing Larry som, was looping at approx!· Lesuem· who was orig inally The men enlisted, a spokesman mately 500 feet when It nosed to ever Is necessary to meet the counselors, get the facts, dis­ forbe the group said, because they demand of the time • While cuss the variQus alternall ves scheduled for the lecture. lleved they would all be called !,he ground. The plane was based there is deep concern, our, stu• A Phi Beta Kappa graduate Jnto service and they wanted to at Augusta. dents are not afraid, and quite with your families, then with from the niverslty of Minne- ~y toaether if possible. Lehr was a freshman In the a few have chosen to enlist. This confidence and poise - walk - • 'l'he ~ebsters, who expect to College of Education. He entered is a courageous net, for our don't run-to make your contri­ ~ve late 1n january, are: Ted· the University ln the fall of 1949. armed forces need men. bution to a free world." :oung, John LaFever, Larry Grissom was employed by Boe­ "We mu$t k e e p In mind, .. on.es, Ray Dombaugh, Duane ing Aircraft Corporjttlon. f.mlth, Jim Taylor, Ralph Crosby, however, that the nation's great­ f:elvln · Smith, Jim Wiley, Ralph Lehr is survived by his parents, est need Is for highly trained Woody Herman 08rumback, Jerry Biven, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lehr of men capable of exercising lead­ \!Ith Harrell. Augus ta and Grissom Is survived ership and independent judg­ .lllRoyce Ha\ey, an unaf£lliate, by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred :,VU enlist with tl)e Websters. ment. It J1as been evident for Grissom. also of Augusta. To Play Rere !9ster Sergeant T. G. Alexander. some time that students who .,. the Recuillng Office was a . rank in the upper GO per cent Bulletin lnernber of the fraternity before Preliminary arrangements ~ng .the service. Inside Index of their class might be given an we1·e completed Tues(lay to Tlie men· will go to Kansas opportunity to continue their bring Woody Herman aml his . for theli: physicals and will education. Herman Herd to the Ne,v e their basic training at Lack­ Parnassus Schedule "A willingness to stick to the Moon, Jata. 31, to play for this d Field, Lackland Texas, 10 task of prepnratlon e,·en as the year's :.>arnassu s dance. es from San Antonio, Texas. (See P age 2) l'Umbllns ,tets Louder and louder Ycai-booL Editor Bob Olsen T\\•o other men 1n the fratern- is a mark of conl!dence and 11_!iave either enlisted or will poise. You may well be doing annqunccd &.hat the ·student ....t in the . near future. TheY. Intramural Cageball yonr country a service by pre­ Council w 11 1 co- ·ponsor t he • Dick RuU1 and Ray "Keg'' paring yourself for higher Jovel dance, a seml-fo1·nlal affair at rrell · (See Page 6) duty. · which no corsages will be al­ "I encourage all of you to l•Hved. Admission pdce, tlle think beyond the excitement of sponsors agreed Monday, will Plays the moment to tbe time when be $3.50. 'Uncle' Calls (See Page 5) you will be called on for your Candidates for Pa r n a s s u s Bill Cost.ello highest and best contribution Qne!ln wlil be aunou.nced n ext and to evaluate your education week. ' sow., Costello has psent 17 years ntacf Deans In the Pacific studying Amerlca·s :AU students who are called problems in Asia, f.il'st as a news­ f the draft or who plan to Final. Examination Schedule paperman and in more recent t should .notify thei'r rel - years as cblef of the CBS news tlve deans and withdraw staff in To,kyo. Monday , Tuesday W ednesday Thursday He came home late Jast spring DI their cow-ses, according HOUR January 22 January 2lJ January 24 J llll 113ry 25 Dean L. HekhuJs, College of for a brief holiday, but when the bei-al Arts and Science. 7-8 Communist a rm l e s marched across Korea's 38th parallel in .Fauure to do this may be 10 'l.'T ous. as students will be 8-10 9 ~nVP 11 MWF 8 MWF J une, he was flown to his post ted absent fron1. classes 10-12 10 MWF 8 TT 9 T'J.' 12 'l'T in the East and has been in ancl 4 may bo given failures J.or out of Korea covering th.e fight· eJr courses, Hekhnls said. 12-1 ing there throughout the tragic '.rbose students plannil)g to 1-3 12 MWF 11 TT 1 MWF 2 TT months since, giving his radio should take tbo1r ~ rues.
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