Page 81 TITLE 36—PATRIOTIC SOCIETIES AND OBSERVANCES § 371 Sec. Hugh C. Willett, Los Angeles, California; Law- (c) Application for funds; access to rence J. Johnson, Boston, Massachusetts; Pat- books, documents, etc. rick J. Kelly, New York City, New York; R. Max (d) Authorization of appropriations. Ritter, Jenkintown, Pennsylvania; Fred L. SUBCHAPTER II—NATIONAL GOVERNING BODIES Steers, Chicago, Illinois; Williard N. Greim, 391. Recognition of amateur sports organizations. Denver, Colorado; General Douglas MacArthur, (a) National governing body; application; Tokyo, Japan; Joseph E. Raycroft, Princeton, notice and hearing. New Jersey; Frederick W. Rubien, Manhasset, (b) Eligibility requirements. New York; John J. Raskob, New York City, New (c) Period within which to comply with York; Frank P. Callahan, Schenectady, New eligibility requirements; suspension York; William S. Haddock, Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- or revocation of recognition. (d) Recommendation of national govern- vania; J. W. Mitchell, Little Rock, Arkansas; ing body as United States rep- William F. Bailey, High Point, North Carolina; resentative to appropriate inter- Herman J. Fischer, Chicago, Illinois; R. J. H. national sports federation. Kiphuth, New Haven, Connecticut; Edward 392. Duties of national governing bodies. Rosenblum, Washington, District of Columbia; 393. Authority of national governing bodies. Ben York, West Palm Beach, Florida; Seymour 394. Review. Leiberman, Houston, Texas; Paul Jordan, Indi- 395. Compelling compliance with eligibility re- anapolis, Indiana; Mrs. Lillian Y. Whiting, Des quirements and performance of duties by Moines, Iowa; A. Wood Hardin, New Albany, In- national governing bodies. (a) Written complaint; exhaustion of diana; Douglas F. Roby, Detroit, Michigan; Mar- remedies requirement; hearing; de- ion H. Miller, Kansas City, Missouri; Edwin F. termination by Corporation; proba- Schaefer, Buffalo, New York; James A. Lee, tion; revocation of recognition. Cleveland, Ohio; Robert C. Greenwade, (b) Replacement of incumbent national Blackwell, Oklahoma; Charles Gevecker, St. governing body. Louis, Missouri; Roscoe C. Torrance, Seattle, (c) Arbitration of Corporation deter- Washington; Louis G. Wilke, Denver, Colorado; minations. Doctor Barry J. Barrodale, Houma, Louisiana; 396. Jurisdiction of restricted amateur athletic Larry Houston, Los Angeles, California; C. W. competitions; national governing body sanction for international amateur athletic Striet, Junior, Birmingham, Alabama; Norton competitions. G. Pritchett, Charlottesville, Virginia; Dernell Every, New York City, New York; Vaughn S. CHAPTER REFERRED TO IN OTHER SECTIONS Blanchard, Detroit, Michigan; Major General This chapter is referred to in section 384 of this title; Guy V. Henry, Chevy Chase, Maryland; George title 18 section 2320. Edwards, Columbia, Missouri; John J. Fox, Larchmont, New York; Harold R. Gilbert, State SUBCHAPTER I—CORPORATION College, Pennsylvania; Frank Small, Bayside, § 371. Corporation created; principal offices; Long Island, New York; Colonel John T. Cole, Bell Haven, Alexandria, Virginia; Miguel de meetings Capriles, Pleasantville, New York; Alexis The following persons, to wit: Thompson, New York City, New York; Henry M. Avery Brundage, New York City, New York; Beatty, Cleveland, Ohio; Roy E. Moore, New Kenneth L. Wilson, Chicago, Illinois; Asa S. York City, New York; Mrs. Roberta Bonniwell, Bushnell, Princeton, New Jersey; Owen V. Van Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Harry Hainsworth, Camp, Chicago, Illinois; Gustavus T. Kirby, Bed- Buffalo, New York; Major General William C. ford Hills, New York; John T. McGovern, New Rose, Washington, District of Columbia; Major York City, New York; J. Lyman Bingham, Chi- General M. A. Edson, Montpelier, Vermont; cago, Illinois; Daniel J. Ferris, New York City, Clifford Goes, New York City, New York; Joseph New York; Thomas J. Hamilton, Pittsburgh, J. Barriskill, New York City, New York; Senator Pennsylvania; Thomas W. Herren, Washington, Peter J. Miller, Chicago, Illinois; Charles O. District of Columbia; Willis O. Hunter, Los An- Roeser, Lansdowne, Pennsylvania; Mrs. Elsie geles, California; Jeremiah T. Mahoney, New Veits Jennings, New York City, New York; Wil- York City, New York; T. Nelson Metcalf, Chi- liam C. Ackerman, Los Angeles, California; Rob- cago, Illinois; Charles L. Ornstein, New York ert J. Kane, Ithaca, New York; Mrs. Irvin Van City, New York; James A. Rhodes, Columbus, Blarcom, Wichita, Kansas; Jay Ehret Mahoney, Ohio; Albert Sigal, Atherton, California; H. New York City, New York; John Terpak, York, Jamison Swarts, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania; Eric F. Pohl, San Antonio, Texas; Albert F. Wheltle, Baltimore, Maryland; Robert Thomas F. Lennon, New York City, New York; A. Fetzer, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; Karl E. Dietrich Wortmann, New York City, New York; Leib, Iowa City, Iowa; Frank G. McCormick, Reaves E. Peters, Kansas City, Missouri; John Minneapolis, Minnesota; Alfred R. Masters, M. Harmon, Boston, Massachusetts; George E. Stanford University, California; E. L. Romney, Little, New Brunswick, New Jersey; Arthur E. Salt Lake City, Utah; E. Joseph Aronoff, Wash- Eilers, St. Louis, Missouri; James H. Stewart, ington, District of Columbia; Richard E. Cross, Dallas, Texas; Harry N. Keighley, Evanston, Illi- Detroit, Michigan; Charles L. Diehm, New York nois; Doctor G. Randolph Manning, New York City, New York; Ralph Furey, New York City, City, New York; Harold T. Friermood, New York New York; Harry D. Henshel, New York City, City, New York; Earl R. Yeomans, Philadelphia, New York; John B. Kelly, Senior, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and their associates and succes- Pennsylvania; Richard C. Larkins, Columbus, sors, are created a body corporate by the name Ohio; Fred C. Matthaei, Detroit, Michigan; Colo- of ‘‘United States Olympic Committee’’ (herein- nel Frederick R. Weber, West Point, New York; after referred to as the ‘‘Corporation’’). The Cor-.
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