INDEX TO VOLUME 9 PnrpanBr rv Eow. F, Hor,oBN Original articles are in bolil face type; abstracts and cross references are in ordinary type. To save space, only minerals described in more or less detail are indexed; titles of abstracted articles are not cross-indexed under authors' namesl titles of articles by two or more authors are given only under the name of the senior author. Agate, Vosges(Renck). 119 Borisov, P. A. 232 Alabandite, structure (Wyckoff) l2l Bornite as a lurnace product Albite, Katanga (Cesaro,BeIl.ere) 233 (Guilrl).. ., .....20L Rischuna (Krebs) ... 122 Boron, spectroscopic analysis Allactite (.A,minoff) 122 (Lacroix, de Gramont). 22 Alling,H L..... +.5 Boulangerite (Shannon) 140 Alnoite, monticel-ite- (Bowen) 42 Bowen,N.L ....... .. 42,2t1 '.. Alpine minerals (l(oenigsberger) 20 Braly,A..... M,214 Alum, structure (Valenton) 121 Brauns,R.... .... 158 Aminoff, G. .. 43, l2l, 122 Brookite, Bobrfvka (Ulrich). 176 Arnphibole, Japan (Marek) r/o Browning, Glenn .. 20 Andalusite from Cal., new use, Bruce. E. L. and Greenland, C. W. thermal properties (Peck) 66 I L.' Low iron epidote from Por- Andalusite, Vorarlberg (Cornelius) r19 cuprne 199 Anglesite, etc (Shannon) 40 Bryan, Kirk 198 Anorthite, Vesuvius (Kratzert) . 122 Buttgenbach, H. t40,173,212 Ansheles,O ZJL Antimony, native (Behre)... 99 ('ady, W. G. 215 Atomic volume isomorphism Calcite replaced by gypsum (Rett- (Wherry) .. 165 8er) 153 Augite; \resuvius, Etna (Washing- _ shangoinah I. (Parsons).. 119 ton, Merwin) 2l Campo-Lungo minerals (Miihlen- Ayres, V. L. Pyrite from Tucson 9l thal).. 215 Canbyite (Ilawkins and Shannon) 1 Bamberger,X{ .. 4l Carrollite, remingtonite (Shannon) 66 Behre, C. H. Jr. 99 Catalonia, minerals (Tomas). 233 Belgian Congo minerals (Butteng- Celestite, strontianite (Dravert) r97 bach) .. 140 Messina (Ranfaldi) 216 Belliere, M 233 Centrallasite; Crestmore, Cal. Berthonite (Ruttgenbach) 173 (Foshag). .. 88 Beutell, A.. 100 Ceruleofibrite is connellite (Hol- Biographicalnotices(Spencer) 122 den). ..... 55 Biotite(Grout)... .. 159 Cesaro,G..... 233 Blowpipe assaying (Hunt) 69, 145 Chabazite, gas absorption by Blowpipe reactions of oxides (-\acken, Wolff) . 100 (Braly) . .. 214 Chalcocite, action of Cu salts on Bdggild,O. 8.... 19 ('*'ells). ., . 68 Bohemian minerals (Jezek; On- Chapmanite (Walker) 66 drej; Slavik; Slavikova). 20, 197,233 Chinkolobwite (Schoep). 156 INDEX 1i1 Chirvinsky,P. N... 20 Debeaupuis. 2I4 Chirvinsky,V. N. 118,155 deGramont .... 22 Chlorites(Shannon).. .. 40 Dennis,L.M.... ... 2l Chloroxiphite (Spencer, Moun- Diabantite, etc. (Shannon). 40 tain).... .. 96 Diaboleite (Spencer, Mountain) 97 Chrysoberyl pegmatite, Hartlord, Diamond, inclusions in (Sutton) 42 Me. (Palache) zll Diaspore, libethenite (Cesaro, BeI- Cinnabar, Avala (Svetolik) 232 liere) 233 light-electrical proper- Dioptase, plancheite; Guchab ties (Rose). 197 (Hengtein) . 140 Clark,T.E.... ... .. 43 Doelter,C.... 4l Clarke,J.R........ .. 4l Dolomites (Harding, Dverman, el Clinozoisite; Lower Cal. (Rogers) 22r al)...... .. 20 Coats, blowpipe (Braly). I)ravert, P I97 Colemanite deposit (Gale) 99 Dumortierite; l\Iexico (!\-ittich' Colloids and mineralogy (Rinne) 216 Iftatzert). 99 Collophane, compn. (Rogers). 67 Duparc, Louis. 214 Coloration, artificial (Gautrert) .. 4l Colors at low temps. (Bamberger, Eclogites; NorwaY (Eskola). lZ0 Grengg) 4l Iiitel, W. 157 Connellite. .)J Dllsworth, H. V., see Poitevin, E. 188 Co Ni arsenides; Cobalt (Walker, 21 216 Parsons) 66 Ellsworthite (Walker, Parsons). 16 Conductivity of crystals (Rdnt- Elschner, I(arl 156 gen) . 198 Epidote in granite (DuParc) . 214 Cook, C. W. Marcasite; Racine, Epidote, low iron, Irom PorcuPine Wis. 151 (Bruce and Greenland). t99 Copiapite; Santa Maria Mts., Cal. Eskola,P. 120 (Schaircrand Lawson)....... 242 Everman, Irene 20 Copper, unusual specimens (Kraus) 23,67 Fairchild,J.G. 2l Cordierite, Korea (Komada). 214 Fassaite,cornposition(Zsivny) 215 radiated (Ansheles) .. 232 I'eldspars,composition(Seto). 40 Cornelius,H. P.. 119 Fichtelgebirge minerals (lVlieleit- Cornetite(Cesaro)... 233 ncr). 119 Correction(Lind).... 35 tr ield book of common rocks and Cosalite, Ontario (Walker). 100 minerals (Loomis) fbook re- Crednerite (Spencer, Mountain) 97 viervl 138 Croydon minerals (Davies). 20 Flink, G. 174 Crystal, at the surface o[ a Flint, El. 176 (Wherry) 45 Fluorite, color (Doelter; Geijer; Crystallographicnotes(Hawkins) 65 Sakao, Ilirose). 4l Crystal structure Ti, Zr, Ce, Th, formation (Wetzel). M Os (HuII). .. 197 Madoc (Wilson) 99 Cyanite, unusual occurrence oI Foshag, W. F. Centrallasite; (Wallace) .. ... 69,129 Crestmore .. .' 88 -- Freirinite, a new mineral 30 Davies,G. M... 20 Furnace Creek, Cal. .. 8 248 INDEX Foshag, W. F. Lavendulan; Joa- Halite, symmetry(Rosicky) t9 chimsthal. 29 Hallimond,A. F..118, l2l, 158,198 Obsidian Cliff.. 68 Haloes, pleochroic (Gudden)- A1 Priceite; Cal.. .. ll, 94 Harding,C. L... 20 .. 20,to1, 122,t40 Harker, A. Petrology [book re- Fourmarierite (Buttgenbach) . 212 viewl. 173 Freirinite (FoshaB) 30 Harmotone,Udo(Kinoshita)..... 214 Friedel,G... 215 HausmannitelArk. (NIiser,Fair- Friedel's law (Rogers). .. 65 child).. 2r Fuller, Margaret B. lYitherite at Hawkins, A. C, Crystallographic Many Glacier,Mont.. ... .. 154 notes......... .. 65 Furnace Creek locality (Foshag) 8, 11 - and Shannon,D. V. Can- byite.. 1 Gale,HoytS.... ..... 99 Henglein,M... 120,1+0 Galenobismutite (Shannon) .. 99 Heulandite,water in (Beutell) 100 Ganophyllite; Franklin Furnace (Scheumann) M (Larsen and Shannon) . ... 238 Hinrichs, Gust. (Keyes). 5 Carnet, miscibility (Eirel) . r.)/ Hirose, M al Ouessant (Debeaupuis) 214 Hisingerite, Parry Sound Gaubert, P.. 4l (Schwartz).... 141 Geijer,Per... +l 2 Germanite, mineralography of Hoegbomite, Va. (Wzrtson). 67 (Thomson) 66 Hoelite (Oftedal) 118 Germaniurn in samarskite (Den- Holden. D. I. Cause of color in nis, Papish) .. 27 rose quartz . 67, 75. 101 C,rms,H.C........ 158 Ceruleofibtite is con- Glass, effect of rays on (Clarke) . 4l nellite. 55 Glauconit' (Hallimond)... .118, 198 Sarcopside. 205 Gledhill,T. L ... l19 bookreview.... 155 Goldschmidt,V... .. 19 Hot Springs, Ark. (Bryan) 198 Gossner,B .. ... .. 40 Hull, A. W.. 158,197 Lehrbuch der Miner- Hunt, W. F. Blowpipe assaying; alogie[book review].... .. 155 Pb, Cu, and Ag ores .. 69,145 Graphite, origin (Clark; Alling; Improved Wentworth Winchell). 43 recording micrometer .. 190 Gr:ry,O.J.. ... M book reviews 16, 138,173 Greenland, C. W., see Bruce, E. L. 199 Hydrocerussite (Spencer, Moun- Greig, J. \Y. 211 tain).... .. 98 Grengg,R..... 4l Hydrotalcite group (Foshag). 2l Grout, F. F. Notes on hiotite. 159 and Thiel, G. A. Stilp. Tcecrystals, habit (l{alb) t2l nomelane. 228 Identification of minerals (Gray) 44 Gudden,B...... la Inclusions, liquid (Nacken) . 43 Guild. F. N. Bornite as a lurnace Index ol liquid, method product. 201 lor check- ing(Rutherford). ... 207 Gypsum, crystallography (Ros- Iridosmine crystals (cledhili). 1t9 icky). t9 Iron hydroxides (Willmann). M Haas,J. O. )n sulfates (Scharizer). 22 INDEX 249 Isomorphism(Widmer)......... 215 Lawson, C. C., see Schairer, J. F. 242 Lazulite, Georgia (Watson) .. ... 100 Tuxtla statuette (Wash- Jade, Lead sulfates, etc. (Jaeger, Germs) 158 ington). 214 Lehrbuch der Minera;logie (Goss- F. M .. .. 158 Jaeger, ner) [book review]. 155 .. Jakob,J. .. 140 Leiss, C.. 158 mineral analyses(Shib- Japanese Levison, W. G. (obituary notice) 195 ata,Kimura).... 39 Liesegang,R. E.. 216 Jefierisite, Ti-; Westclifte, Colo. Lillianite, galenobismutite (WaI- (Waldschmidt).... ll3 ker, Thomson) B 176,197 Jezek, Lind, S. C. A correction 35 A.. 42 Johnsen, Linneite, Katanga (Schoep). 120 KaIb,G...... 121 Lohest, Max .. 216 Kaolinite, detn. in soils(Matejka) 234 Longchambon,L... 233 Katangaminerals(Lohest)...... 216 Loomis, F. B. Field book of com- --t radium at (Schoep).. 120 mon rocks and minerals [book Kempite (Rogers). 66 reviewl . 138 Kerr, P. F. Detn. opaqueminerals Lubeckite (Morozewicz). 39 byX-raypatterns..... .. 65 Rotationapparatus... 169 Madagascar minerals (Kunz). 121 Keyes, ChaS. Gust. Hinrichs . 5 Marcasite from Racine, Wis. Kimura,K. .. 39 (Cook).. 15i Kinoshita,K. .. .. 18, 214 Marek,M. J.... t/o Kochite (Kozu, Seto, Kinoshita) 18 Margarite, Cr-colored; Md. 194 Koenigsberger,J. ... ... .. 20 (Shannon) Komada,I....... .. 214 Martens, J. H. C. Scorodite Kozu,S.... .. 18 from N. Y... 27 20 Kratzert, J. 99,122 Mason,O'Neal... Kraus,E. H. t'nusual specimens Matejka, J. .. 234 of coppet. 23, 67 Mayaite (Washington)... 18 -bookreviews ..... 154,172 Melilite atLazio (Millosevich) . 100 Krebs,Berta. ...... t22 Melon,Joseph....... 2t6 Kunz,G. F..... .. 121 Mendipite (Spencer, Mountain). 97 (Chirvinsky)...... Kurskite 118,155 Merrill, G. P. Quartz in meteoric stones 1t2 Lacroix,A. ..... 22 42 Mineralogie de Mad- Merwin,H.E..... .. 2l agascar[book review]... 155 Meteorites, catalogue (Prior) Lansfordite;Atlin, B. C. (Poitevin) 225 review]. 16 Larsen,E. S. and Schaller,W. T. lbook .. 156 Variscite, peganite, and luci- Meyersite(Elschner).. nite... .. 69 Micrometer, improved Wentworth (Hunt). 190 _ and Shannon, E. V. recording . Wardite Mieleitner, K. lt9 Ganophyllite, Mikroskopische Physiographie Franklin Furnace,N. J... .. 238 (Rosenbusch-Wiilfing) [book Lavendulan; Joachimsthal reviewl. ..... ... 172 (Foshag) Millosevich,F.. '. 100 250 INDEX Mineralogical Society of America Palache, C. Chrysoberyl; Harh annual meeting 56 ford,Me .. 217 by-laws,amendment to. ..... Pegmatites, Maine 68, 217 election of officers and fellows. 50 Papish, Jacob .. 2L
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