View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Elsevier - Publisher Connector Kidney International, Vol. 20 (1981), PP. 389—396 Clinical and pathophysiologic spectrum of acquired distal renal tubular acidosis DANIEL C. BATLLE, JOHN T. SEHY, MELVIN K. ROSEMAN, JOSE A. L. ARRUDA, and NEIL A. KURTZMAN Sections of Nephrology, University of Illinois Abraham Lincoln School of Medicine, and the Veterans Administration West Side Hospital in Chicago, Illinois Clinical and pathophysiologic spectrum of acquired distal renal tubular derniers malades indique que Ia pompe était capable de secréter des acidosis. Urinary acidification was studied in nine patients with hyper- ions hydrogene dans des conditions de stimulation maximales. Cette chioremic metabolic acidosis. The aim of this study was to investigate modalité est previsible chez les malades qui ont un deficit sélectif et the mechanism(s) of impaired distal acidification by the systematic isolC d'aldostérone et qui sont aussi capables d'abaisser Ic pH de leur administration of sodium sulfate and neutral phosphate. No impairment urine en presence d'une acidose metabolique systémique. La modalité of proximal acidification was apparent because all patients had a d'acidification particuliCre du dernier malade qui Ctait en méme temps fractional bicarbonate excretion below 5% at plasma bicarbonate con- hyperkaliemique peut Ctre expliquee par un mécanisme dépendant de Ia centrations above 22 mEq/liter. All patients except two were unable to difference de potentiel. Cette situation peut étre reconnue par Ia lower urine pH below 5.5 despite systemic metabolic acidosis. The two constatation d'un désordre portant a La fois sur Ia secretion de ions patients who lowered urine pH normally were hyperkalemic and had hydrogene et celle de potassium. selective aldosterone deficiency. Six patients failed to lower the urine pH below 5.5 with sodium sulfate (6.04 0.16)and were unable to achieve a normal urine minus blood (U-B) Pco2 gradient with neutral phosphate (2.8 3.5mm Hg). Control subjects, the two patients with It is useful to divide patients with renal tubular acidosis selective aldosterone deficiency, and the remaining patient lowered the (RTA) into two main categories based on two major patterns of urine pH below 5.5 and increased the U-B Pco2 gradient above 25 mm bicarbonate excretion [1—101. Patients who excrete more than Hg in response to sodium sulfate and neutral phosphate infusion, 15% of the filtered bicarbonate at normal plasma bicarbonate respectively. The abnormal response to these agents exhibited by six patients strongly suggests that the mechanism of impaired distal acidifi- concentrations are said to have proximal RTA [6]. Patients with cation was that of secretory failure of the proton pump. The normal distal renal tubular acidosis (DRTA) excrete less than 5%ofthe response of the remaining three patients indicates that the proton pump filtered bicarbonate at normal plasma bicarbonate concentra- was able to secrete hydrogen ions normally under maximal stimulation. tions [61. Patients with proximal RTA may be able to lower This pattern is totally predictable in patients with isolated selective aldosterone deficiency who are also capable of lowering the urine pH urine pH below 5.5 when plasma bicarbonate falls below their normally in the presence of systemic metabolic acidosis. The distinctive tubular threshold for bicarbonate reabsorption [5,61. Patients acidification pattern of the remaining patient who was also hyperkale- with "pure" DRTA are unable to lower urine pH normally in mic can be explained on the basis of a voltage-dependent type of distal the presence of systemic metabolic acidosis regardless of its renal tubular acidosis. This type may be disclosed by the findings of impairment of both hydrogen ion and potassium secretion. severity [1—121. Overlaps between proximal and distal RTA occur as shown by the fact that some patients with significant Aspects clinique et physiopathologique de l'acidose tubulaire distale bicarbonate wastage are not able to lower urine pH even when acquise. L'acidification urinaire a été étudiée chez neuf malades ayant they are profoundly acidotic (type III RTA) [1, 61. In both une acidose metabolique hyperchlorémique. Le but de cc travail était proximal and distal RTA, impaired acid excretion results in d'étudier le mécanisme de l'altération de lacidification distale par l'administration de sulfate de sodium et de phosphate neutre. II nesthyperchioremic metabolic acidosis and often is complicated by pas apparu d'altération de l'acidication proximale puisque tous lespotassium depletion [1—10]. malades avaient une excretion fractionnelle de bicarbonate inférieure a It has been widely accepted that the mechanism responsible a des concentrations de bicarbonate plasmatique supCrieures a 22 for DRTA is the inability of the distal nephron to develop and mEq/litre. Tous les malades saufdeux étaient incapables d'abaisser leur pH urinaire au dessous de 5,5 malgré l'acidose metabolique. Les deux maintain a steep hydrogen ion gradient between the extracellu- malades qui abaissaient le pH de l'urine a des valeurs normales étaient lar fluid and the tubular urine [1—4, 6, 9, 12]. Hence, DRTA is hyperkaliémiques et avaient un deficit sélectif d'aldostérone. Six ma- also referred to as gradient limitation RTA (synonymous terms lades n'ont pu abaisser leur pH urinaire en dessous de 5,5 avec Ic sulfate include type 1 RTA and classical RTA). This notion was de sodium (6,04 0,16)et ant etC incapables de rCaliser un gradient de challenged by Halperin et al, who suggested that DRTA results Pco2 normal urine-sang sous phosphate neutre (2,8 3,5mm Hg). Les sujets contrôles, les deux malades ayant un deficit d'aldostérone et Ic dernier malade ont abaissé le pH de l'urine au dessous de 5,5 et augmentC le gradient de Pco2 a plus de 25 mm Hg en réponse aux Received for publication May 16, 1980 administrations de sulfate de sodium et de phosphate neutre, respec- and in revised form January 5, 1981 tivement. La response anormale des six malades suggCre fortement que le mécanisme de l'altération de l'acidification distale est un défaut de 0085-2538/81/0020-0389 $01.60 fonctionnement de Ia pompe a protons. La réponse normale des trois © 1981 by the International Society of Nephrology 389 390 Bathe eta! Table1. Clinicaland biochemical features in patients with hyperchioremic metabolic acidosis Plasma SNa SK s SHCO Anion Blood Patient Renal disease! creatinine gap Blood Pco2 UrineFEHCO3b no. associated conditions Age/sexRace mg/dl mEqihiter mEq/hiter pH mm Hg pH % 1* Nephrocalcinosis/Htn 64 F C 1.5 139 3.4 110 16 16.4 7.27 36 6.80 0.60 2 Liver cirrhosis, unknown 54 M C 2.0 135 3.4 110 17 11.5 7.29 35 5.75 0.88 nephropathy pancreatic insufficiency, hypoproteinemia 3 Renal transplant/Htn 41 F B 1.7 140 4.7 113 15 16.0 7.29 34 5.97 0.36 4 Renal transplant/Htn 27 F S 2.0 140 4.2 110 16 18.2 7.33 32 6.44 0.85 5 Neurogenic bladder/DM 52 F B 4.5 141 4.3 116 15 14.0 7.31 32 7.56 4.20 6* SC Hemoglobinopathy/Htn 50 M B 1.9 140 5.6 116 11 18.6 7.26 24 6.05 0.70 7 Toxic interstitial nephritis 59 M B 3.9 136 6.0 108 15 19.0 7.28 32 6.24 0.28 (?)/Htn 8 Hyporeninemic 53 M B 1.7 141 5.7 111 21 15.0 7.28 46 5.04 0.02 hypoaldosteronism/DM 9 Hyporeninemic 70 M C 2.2 138 5.8 108 18 18.0 7.32 36 4.79 0.02 hypoaldosteronism/DM The above values were obtained during spontaneous acidosis or ammonium-chioride-induced acidosis (indicated by asterisk) in two patients. Htn is hypertension; DM, diabetes mellitus; B, Black; C, Caucasian; S, Spanish. bThefractional excretion of bicarbonate (FEHc03) was obtained on a separate occasion when plasma bicarbonate was above 22 mEq/liter except in patients 8 and 9. from an impairment of hydrogen ion secretion rather than frombicarbonate of 15 mEq/liter or below) in seven patients. Two of an inability to maintain a steep pH gradient between blood andthem (patients 1 and 6) were further studied after an oral acid urine [13]. Experimental studies using membranes analogous toloading test with ammonium chloride (0.1 g/kg of body wt daily the human collecting duct have provided conclusive evidencefor 3 days). The remaining two patients (8 and 9) lowered the that mechanisms other than a secretory failure can also result inurine pH below 5.5withspontaneous metabolic acidosis as they deranged distal acidification [14—16]. had isolated hypoaldosteronism (see below). Fractional bicar- Based on animal models of defective distal acidification, ourbonate excretion (clearance bicarbonate divided by clearance idea was that the mechanism of DRTA could be characterizedcreatinine x 100) was measured in all patients to rule out a by assessing the response to sodium sulfate and neutral phos-proximal leak in bicarbonate reabsorption. When proximal phate administration [17—22]. A normal response to eitherRTA is present, the fractional bicarbonate excretion usually sodium sulfate or neutral phosphate would indicate that theexceeds 15% at normal plasma bicarbonate concentrations [6]. distal mechanism for hydrogen ion secretion is sufficientlyAll our patients had a value of fractional bicarbonate excretion intact to respond to maneuvers which stimulate acidification.below 5%, which, thus, excludes a significant leakage of Failure to lower the urine pH with sodium sulfate and thebicarbonate from the proximal nephron. In addition, a bicar- inability to elevate the U-B Pco2 gradient with phosphate wouldbonate titration study was performed in two patients (6 and 7).
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