/PJ5* .‘V’.v- - ■■ ■ ■ j' '•.^ ’ • \ ‘' 'i, 3. v'P'/ i - ■ 'S' \f ■%\- I 7 ••^' ' • /M .|v ■ ' '.\.’' *'• » ••'•>■ \> • ' ' - * ■ V ‘,. .'■.'lV„lv''» ' V'/'vi-W.-;..-;' .- , ■, \ ‘.’ .U "c,v^'^^■ 'f'. - j ' ',... • ■• ' .. ' *■' r - T - - ; --------------------- r - “ i JTRIHAy, march 29, 19671 f I Tho Wosthor" V :> '1/ ' '3 Y ■ •»'* ;'- / ‘‘ -V' :•' ■ ■, '-, •■ ■“■■';, A re ra g o DipUy N e t ^ rc o t R un, rotscoot at U. S. Weathqr Barsn* ‘■ -■^yAGE TW ENTY ■'♦.■.•(■ p' : ^ lEttCtttng Strain For the Week Ended - . >'Mareh-*f. 1857 y- ' Pair odd allglitly ooolar V cooklt mint, nolel tea and assort-r ■ night Low M to 88. S*sday..falr week celebration to --be held thf now being erected at 138 Main St. the day Grand 'Knigbf Graven r Sunset Rebekah Lodge will meSt . Or..veU also announced,, in a noted that a epecial membership Scouts, Brownies ' id sandwich, were deli'vered t<^. X'12,545 w ith seasonable tresporotwes. Ifon^y at Sipjn. In Odd Fellows KofGWiUlVot^ second week in September in ion- troop cookie chairmen, -adulta con* Junctlon Yvlth the completion of religloutly related aspect tw the committee, heeded by Herbert J. Member of the .Andit .J^gh^BO-55. About Town Hall; a t which time the lodge will Carvey,^ and With- the assistance Receive Cookies .nected with each troop who ar? 75th Aijniversary the CouncU’e new home. occasion, th at'all members of the Bureau of .Ctreolktloa ' 7 liancl^er^A C U y of Village Charm . ' " ' y ' honor Ma past noble grands. Enter­ council will receive 'Holy Com­ of the entire Council, would im­ I handling the gale for that troop. .. -r. ■ tainment will be in charge of. the The committee, under the gen­ ,X. The-a..w 0girla ..— will— g-pick--- up — the ---copklest , And«raoii-ShcA Auxiliary, No. eral chairmanship of Pest Grand munion *at their respective pariah mediately' start a concerted drive i gUtt reWmtmeMmtb'Mflfl~r afrAMf-. sort, VTW, W in hold a setback present officers, and refreshments ^-Campbell Council, No. 578, Over Jo,060 boxes^ Girl Scout' from the troop chairman’ and start Knight Charles J. McCarthy,^ will Church on Sunday-in a spirit of for new members. The first goal of (ClM<lfled Adr^rtlabig on Pai FRICE FIVB CENTS ty this evenlr^ at the Post adll be served by Mrs. Florence KnighU o'f Columbus, is notlng^iU tiiif committee, keep' g t|ie 75th cookies, for delli^ry by ;G lrl UVS1T«S^delivery thisfcS*S« weekend.yr They are (FOURTEEN PAGES) M a n c h e s t e r ,'C O N N ., S a t u r d a y , m a r c h 30, 1 9 5 7 ' U) have the responsibility of com­ thankfulness for Ihe health and urged■ to ’Veturtt ■ the-------------- moneyto . the VOL. LXXVI, NO- 153 ’ ■ . xfoinSSJi I. t^wyinc Iwgln at 8:30 MieUner and Wish Pauline Beebe, 76th anniversary this year. , ■: strength of the Council and for. the anniversary in mind, ia to obtain a Scoujs and Brownieg to those — i , III. I-.....,.i p.m. PrwsiKwlU bs awardisd and co-chairmen, and Utteir committee. piling a souverder program ahd chairmen as early aa possible. jpotSkw i In commemorating -the event, brochure containing highlights and cooperation and help extended to minimum of 75 candidates for the people from whom they have or­ r^rbshmsnU served. first series of degrees to be held A few more cookies are avail-, v. •’’z- / Giknd Knight Joseph J. Graven n history jOf the Knights of Colum­ the Knights of Colu ubus in 'ts ac­ ders,-arrived, in town today.. able and may be obtained by Con^ , The rehearsal of the Bucking tivities by townspeople of gM this year. ’Ihe degrees will take Mian Bernice Juul of the Weldon todajt announced' the appointment bus in Manchester. ’The brochure The cookies, of Vrhich there are tactlng tHa neighborhood pookle ham Congregational. Chundi choir of a cbmmlttee to prepare for the will ge'iyVas a IisUHg ^memento faiths. t place on April 8, April 29, May 3 Beauty Studio attended the Revlon ’To complste the observance of and May 5. five klndST vanilla, chqcplate, chairmen. ' ^ . -■If ■ Ships Move Beauty C^lo., of cosmetology, will be Weld tortjorroW at 7:80 p.m. formal ^dlcationiaiid open house of the d e d i^ io n of the lew hobie Wednesday at the Shei^n-Ktm- instead ,of this waning. A poUuck " %aU Hotel, Sprtngfleld. supper tonight a t 6:30 will be fol­ lowed with a showing of pictures Agfiin over y ''- /■ Cbnflmatlcm classes will meet of the Itoly Land by. the Rev. Maid- ' tomorrow ft 10 aia.-tn St. John’s will V. PanParry of West Hartford. ^ Church. ' - F, \ Suez Canal The British American Club will X’ 'Hr. and Mrs. William R. Mc­ hold l]ta ^nual meeting with eleC' K. Mullen and their daughter, Mrs. tion of officers tomorrow at 8 p.m Port Said, EgyW Marclv 30 Edwin t>. Foster,, who spent last a t the dubhous'ev^. with dinner fol­ \ (jip)_Two ship convoys were week at Orlfado, Flai, In the heart lowing. Members are reminded that A No outfit is 'complete without moving through the Suez of the orange belt, are presenUy dues for 1957 should bo paid in or­ Canal today, marking a ,maj- at Daytona Beachj der to attend this meeting. ■ a lovely Spring ; or step toward resumption of Mrs. Gertrude Rayner fnd Mrs, X. itiwmal operations in the 103- Visa Clark? of the MancheaUr Mn and Mrs. Leslie C. Burnett, 11 Edward St., have returned af­ mfle w ater^y. Public I|e«dth Nursing Assn.r at­ A S-natlon. 2-*hlp convoy which Ike P en iesl U Doesn’tI lAideBlockk tended the monthly , regional con­ ter spending the winter months at their home in Islamorado, Fla. entered-the canal yeaterday from ference of the OMmecticut Public « ♦ ♦ Siiez at the aouthern reanmed Xealth Nurseb on March 27 at the X Ita voyage at dawn aftpr being iCare to Patchl Norwich State Mental HoapttM. The—Green Thumb <5ub will Our new collection of E aatitjnil- meet Monday at 8 p.m. at the :IL^ atalled by . a severe qand storm. iThe morning session included' a linerjc. is unquestionably the ^Another 5-ship' convoy entered tour bf the hospital and the ob Community Y. .The subject for Splf^ with Ike discussion will be “Let’s Plan a Yes, where else Hale's smartest and most flattering we Uw^esnat today at Sue*. They \ aervatloh of patlv>ta under treat were the ttrst to V begin {Ssmos^ ! Truth Drive \m ent. In the afterpoon there wpa Garden." Mrs. Pauline Marks„ 4«4 have ever shown. They are priced since Uib ^ waterway , 'was blocked He’ll Resign New York, March 30 <,D— k conference with the doctors of Woodland S t. will Inform the •F.ormer President Harry S. do yoiKfinjd the loveliest Spring from i during the- October-November tlie hospital concerning the method group as to the newest varieties Bi-itlah. FreilCh.^ and- Israeli -at­ Washington, Maixk 30 (/P) "riuman said yesterday "i just Washington, March 30 (/P) aniiFt^ype of treatment. of annuals and perennials. A so­ don't give a damn" about —Leaders of organized Labor cial time will follow. Refresh­ tacks .on Egypt.'- — House Speaker Sam Riw^; ^ , ^ . ^I^ter collection of clothes Some Indlrtdual -vshipt hava strained relations between him today • awaited w o rd <m The Manchester Girl Scout ments will be -served. $ | . 0 0 , o J | 5 - 9 * transited the wiaterway-since lim­ burn (D-Tex) reportedly ha and President Eisenhoiver. Council will meet Tuesday night at ited operation was resumed. told President Eisenhower Truman made the comment whether .Dave Beck’s Team- I 8 o’clock a t the home of Mrs. accessories? O ur eighty years experience is your Pay Toll* to Egypt ' that i£ lie makes g personal \ he arrived' at Perinsylyania .aters will back him or dump Frank Horton, 63 Princeton St. MILLINERY IlEPT— 2nd FLOOR ation in answer to a news- Both convoys' entered the chnal reiiuest for "temporary presi- j h!m in the wake of his bus* FOR RENT on strictly Egyptian terms, pay-; niatCs query if he had any pensibn. as an AFL-CIO cjhief- "Peaco at BeOiany" is the title a and 16 mm. Movie Projectors V ^ararttee that you always Ing tolls to the nationaiized Sue* - dency” legi.sjation, people will ! plan^to make up with Eisen- of a play to be^resehted by the hower.x ta in . ♦ ♦ —sound or silent, also SS mm. Canal authority. ! think he piahs to give up j Beck; president of the giant Tyler Circle at the W8CS meeting slide projectors. I The nine shlpa-r the largest 1 active pre.side. tial service. I "It's ajl on one side. I t’s of the North Methodist Church not on my-,nart. I Just .don’t Team,stera Union;- gave every ap- . receive the utmost in quality for what you pay — when you among them only 7,064 torn—re­ 'An informed source, who de- ■ pearance of being determined to Monday night at A o’clock. All WELDON ORUG CO. sumed their voyage after spend­ J dined to be quoted .by name, said give a. dfimh^ about the situa­ women of the church are welcome. Hey, Elvisl Here’s Cuehall Clip tion." said THiman. fight It out.' •01 Main St. ^el. Ml 8-58X1 ing the night at the Great Bitter , j totlay Rayburn told this to Elsen- His troubles mounted oh th« iTie Brewster Circle will Serve re­ s|iop at Hale's.
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