University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 7-13-1964 Kabul Times (July 13, 1964, vol. 3, no. 112) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (July 13, 1964, vol. 3, no. 112)" (1964). Kabul Times. 666. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ';:;':li==:;::=< ~'''''''~.-' - " ~ .?"".~~~.~""~~r.¥~~_ ~A"'"~~'=;!----~"';~~\ , t .. , " . -':,.---.-:;;.. -'\',::,"... - ·l , '. : .- -. -. - -. -..:..: : .. , . .i . ." '- -, .' : '. I '. '. 'J . ~ . I : _. p - .-. .' . :', .NEws STALLS,' . r ~J - I THE WEATHER = , Kabul besbavdabJ8 ab,:' . I '. Yesterday's Temperatures PAGE 4 , XABUL TIMES Max. + 3:1 C. Minimum +Ij•C. .'': Khybe1" Restaurant;' sptwu· ,.. i 01 JULY 12, 1961 Sun sets today at 7.02 p.m. , Hotel; Kabul ~Bofd; SUr+ Dr. Wardak -Named .' , Sun rises tOJllOi'row at -1·53 am. , .'\law nearpark.CiJi.~; Kabul' 1 WHO Envoy Tomorrow's Outlook: Clear . , .' . 'ln~jnatlOJW :~ , . ; Governor of Narigarhar USSR,Considers Indonesian FAT .' - , I' ,~ THE' CINEMA, , -Forecast by Air Authority : . , '---"'~~~~"",:", . ~olicy ,< 1 Against Malaysia' Just, For Afghanistan PARK CINEMA: . - n., 3'''''' SH )' ~ . PRICE. Ai.. i KABUL. MONDAY: JULY, '13, ',1964, (S~~IAN'~. 1 :''': " _' ~;;:..,......:"""::'....:........:c..:.::....,..,.---~-,:",- \'OL LlI, NO 112 - Auaien~e Dies In Scotland _ At 5-30, 8 and 10 n.m. American M·ikoyap Tells TV film: THE SPIRAL KOAD; starr­ nR-Yousut'~PRESS~S t.-~ To.1Za'ke,Appr~pri,ate, . -- . , . MOSCOW, July, 12, (AP).-,· ing; Rock . Hudson, flur~· ~ves, -can Commonwealth ,USSR .>. , " .}r:TOP Soviet, leader .said Saturday Moscow. conslcfers Indo- Gena Rowlands an'd 'Geoffrey Afrl APPRECINrION FOR ", ;' "A'TO 'f' I .. .' ,. Keen. -: . " ·nesia~s opposition to Malaysia 'to be "a just strUggle against KABUL'CINEMA: ' D~A~~~~lyS~~~$~lrrie :, $teps~1f ~R:I'.: .e~.~~~~ __.. '~~," .' ~_: _'. ~ an 'artificially created colonial state;." Members Want Positive UK· ,.',_,n,p ..,-~-_ ~_.:- l At ~ and '7-30 I:,m. Indiar, film;, 1'vll~ister ~LaterQI,Force PI,an':·:::~ FIrst Deputy Premier Anastas ..... -:-' ' has e.xpre·ssedservlce~ hiS appre- . Multi· '>: "' ..., :: :'. su~ -·-~f TUMSA: NAm DEKA, -tment On S. Rhodesl-a clatlOn of the - rendered ,'" : . ', _ '.' '. _ :" Mlkoyan said, Indonesia' is H NIB BEBZAD CINEMA: CommI bY' Dt. AILAhinad' I:'0pal. His,:\l.a· ,f, " '..' - :- ,_ . 1'~?SCOW. ~ti:ly-13! (AP):-.. - :_ '. portmg a fight against "il new po. ' orne ews n fIC I At 5 and 7-30 p.m English film; LONDON, July 13. (Reuter).- jesty's J\mbassador-deslgnate t? .. THE,SoviefUnion warned Sunday rnght that it and.lts allIes:.' " licy of colonial dominatIOn" that . I NIGHT BOAT"ro DTTBLTh'. c0":';Dlitme~~. ten~re-,o[.,office ,I'~~- ~ineasur~ Britam . had discovered in estal:i· KABUL, July 12,-A telegram FRICAN leaders insistence on a positive British B0!1n" durmg bls ld"i)--. forcci1, to take --''JjpproIiriate to'. ZAJNEB CINEMA: . A on southern Rhodesia faces the Commonwealth summIt as Mmlster .0J :EducatlO:: .. and ,wou,'e_ ti n" if .N!\TO:carries· through' plans' for, a hshmg Malaysia.: has been sent on behalf of His At 5: and 'l p.m. EnJ,(h~h film;; . t t Ie Sec-ond' Deputy ,p-nme .MmlS!er.'. meet a new S1.t ua, 0 , ~,." ...., ' ~. ,,:., Male~ty Mikoyan spoke. on a televi5ion Majesty the Kmg to His 39 STEPS .BEFORE D~Al'H. confere'nce here as the heads of ~o\'ernmen 0 grapp In a Firman Issued "0: thiS: multi-Iateril nuclear_f0!Ce (~1LF!:, :. '. .' '" . report tq the Soviet people on hl5 King Ha!'san II of MatT JCCO; cC'n­ again todav with the Dower~keg Central Afncan Issue. regard. Pnme, Mimster Dr. .~ -. The" waining- was- contamed ~ll;.slmiIar., ~a- . recent viSit to Indonesia. India, gratulating him on· his birtrday. Delegates predicted that the - -- Moharnma.Q Yousuf· has. rec~n~d turday io the U¢red States; .Bobs,h. ltal~an, ·Dntcb. ,TuTkish Burma and Aignanistan. next tug-of.\\ar In the red dra\\· Assembly Approves \\'Ith appreciation the menton::, and Greek~embaSsies,ih.M~sco'w: .... ',' ,'" . He menti(med -that IndoneSian KABUL. July n-The Depart- Educato'~ mg room of l\larlbOl ough House- ous of Dr. Ali AhriJad·m ' _.. ~ -__ - The'note, continued ·the NATO. ' For.eign. Minister Subandno is ment of Royal Prctocol announ­ US Negro '. ' -Yugo~lav . deed that Prime Mmi5ter, Dr. Mo- the conference' chavoer.would Af::han' organismg and!"a-; S·' . ..... 'd C',·.;·, ,-, ... 'I' all,les- tha't :'should -:tli'e 'western-" " :.. now in :Moscow'but gave no m 1- " .' d b come when the Commom\ ealth ~ - tlon, 10 the, l:ountI:y. wh~, He ~.el?:! ",r.~~ :Bn '. n l~ , po;\'er" adopt the 1>Olicy:' of spreao- '. ~ r ; .' catIon whether further military or Hammad Yousu! '" as receIVe y Sliot"T~ Death~ leaders debate \\ hat they \\'111 say' the portfoho of e:ducaflon. :, --- - _ , ':.: ' :..:' l dmg nU,clear weawns· and _gt!mg .", • 'd to Indone'sla might HIS Males~ tfie KIng at Gul- 12 0 P'cp~al economic, al, .' , kh P I '- t .' about southern Rh',de,,;; const!· Cooperation Pact: The .Prime Mmls1er ,ha al,so C-rincernecf Abo_uf" " the .lWest ,Germ~) BunQ.eswehE KABUL,J uIy. ,- !1 a ,. v.> be d;~cuss--" durin" the visit ana a ace ."s e"enmg, th~ ~ WASHINGTON July, 12, (AP), tutlonal futllJ'e In the final com· express.ed hiS gratlflcatlOfl: .at tne . - . " " . ~-_ '. an acceSs to them; the danger of , n:ade by Mimstry of int.erior t:U Fo I and .tne approval given by His Mikoyan said that tlie pubhI' KABUL; July 12,-The Finance.. KABUL, July 12.-Dr, D. P. President JohnSon acted sWiftly '. mumque KABUL, July I~The NatIOnal cooperatIOn' extended b)'- Dc-P,?:: SE ·A·· E" ','" t '.._.'. 'a therm'anucIea':, conflfct '!,>:oull! associat,~ Saturday to spur an, investigation ThiS IS to be issued 011 Wednes· Assemhly ye~terday railfied the pal to him durl,ng the f0!'T!1er., ". .' ~', greatly,increase.". _ . 1ajesty the KIng, pro- and leaders of IndoneSia left n,o Budget -and Trade Cornmlss:on of Nath, WHO representative .to d~y .D~puty, sla·. yen .~.. fe-sor Dr Mohammad Omer War- doubt 'that It 15_ tbe SOVlet Unlpn s the Aighan NatIOnal Assembly Aighanistan, died in an Edin­ into lhe shotgun slaying of 'a at the c1o,;e of a seven·day "Teement on exoandmg and j tenure of office 'as Sec.ond Tlie' Soviets.. called the l'.1LF,' , ~'~engthen·lng J~y, ~ o dak, Admirustrative Deputy Mi- right' to. b'e included: among Asia yesterd3.Y discussed the Bill £In burgh hospital July !J, accol'ding Negro educator, in Georgia. meeting economic and trade PrIme' Mmlster. "' -' : 'RAN.GQON;' Burma, ,.13::[ plan a means'.of carriaUfiagmg 0 .' French,Photo~pher, rAP),~Ch:nese- nister of EducatIOn. has been and Af~can natIOns scheduled to banning certaIn imports and en: t d d h : Conference sources said ,J had co-operatlon between Afghams- Premier. Choir, en- {the fan that West" Germany 'bas "ppomted Actmg Govern()l' ,of ~eet. m Ainca, 'flext Ma:ch. haclng customs duty on . certam 0 wor receive ere yesteretay_ I JohiJson was nOllfied by Sec- been Bntaln's hope th3t agree' tan dnd YugoslaVia T Publish PictOri:i1 .'... Lal -a:n:d Burmese· T~voluti~ma~v..been aG:tuaITy- givert_.,!n a'cces!i to , .'. N~ngarha:r Chalr~an': ~ ·.~e I'rovillce, Chma .has ()pposed t!tis, callmg other I..... ms. Mr., Z,iai. -Deputy Mi- Dr, Abdul Rahim, Minister of retary of J Defence Robert S. ment could be reached on a fNm ' 0 _.' " .. _. COllncll, GenE?ral l"nuclear we.apons-." " :. ,',' :, ~ t Lt General Khan Mcha."ilrnad, the SUOVI¢ n!on an "'~"'·'?opean nister ""of Fmance, folhwed by Pubhc fHealth. D Non, h heari,ng, the M<:.Namara tha.t Leml;1el A. Penn., ,,1 words stat109 tha, the southern The plenary sessIon of the as- I Book_On Afghanistan ','\\ in are ,determme~, to. seek "\' The. Sov:iet 'go"vernment .noted.•'._ the prevIOus Governor of Nan- nation. Indo~esla ~as ~een public- Mr. Mohammad Sa:rwar Orner. news 0 r, at s death, expres- j Du:ector of ·VocatlOnal 'High RhodeSian que,tlon had been diS' ,,,mbly In \\hlch 14-1 deputIes f KABUL, July 13-,Mlss-, ~omr: peaceful =ettlerrj'ent to: the: d~ that. ac<;ordmg to'plans published-' ..,. garhar Provm~ IS to be pested ly neu.tral bu.t MIk oyan quoted Mm'15ter of COTnmercf'. appe-red sedd hhiS, deep k sorrowAi hand descnb- Schools 10 Washi';.......17ton', was kill- cussed and that the vanous dele- \\ ere present was held un~er the! nlque DarrOl5, the .pr!?n:nnenr ten~Jl'atIng Southeast !\~'.~n· ';It~il'C I10 . the west. ,West German crew.s " ,:. el'ewhere, I' --, 'aJ karta newspaper comment after ' before fhe CommiSSIOn.,. to ans\'!cra ,e. 15 w.or" m g anistan' as ed e.arly ,Satur'day by """-"otgun gatlons "vIews could be considered, chall manshlp of Dr Abdul Zahlr. I French photog:-apher and auth~r !ion,: tlie Burmese,fo:"Ign oillce. for the nuclear equlp'p~d sJirlac;e , i his visit as ev~dence of support for a number 'of questIOns mentonous , blasts from another car as h(l'was But Afncan delegates told Reu· The agreement \\as smged be· IS basmg a volume of Photogta-l announced S.unday .. '.. _.- ' -fleet would be. second m SIze to the Soviet stand.
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