SA YEARBOOK 2007/08 | COMMUNICATIONS The aim of the Department of Communications is to develop information communications technology (ICT) policies and legislation that stimulate and improve the sustainable economic development of South Africa. 111 5 SA YEARBOOK 2007/08 | COMMUNICATIONS The department also oversees state-owned • broadening participation in the economy entities, such as the South African Broadcasting • improving the State’s capacity to deliver Corporation (SABC) and the Independent Communi- • contributing to creating a better world. cations Authority of South Africa (Icasa). In February 2007, Cabinet approved the National South Africa is committed to the global vision of Information Society and Development (ISAD) Plan. building an information society, and gathered with According to the ISAD Plan, different departments the rest of the world in November 2005, in Tunis, will initiate programmes according to their Tunisia, to reaffirm its support for the Geneva mandate. The Department of Communications will Declaration of Principles and Plan of Action. launch a programme that supports a strategy and plan to bring initiatives that contribute to building Telecommunications an information society in South Africa under one South Africa is a leader in ICT development in Africa, banner - ICT for All. and the 20th-largest consumer of information The department has identified the following technology (IT) products and services in the world. strategic objectives to achieve its mandate: The country has a network that is 99% digital • Broadband Strategy: Pivotal to achieving the and includes the latest in fixed-line, wireless and aims of the department is the availability of a satellite communications. As such, it has the most reliable, cost-effective and easily accessible ICT developed telecommunications network on the broadband infrastructure. To this end, the continent. department participated in the New Partnership Several international corporates, recognised as for Africa’s Development (Nepad) ICT Broadband leaders in the IT sector, operate subsidiaries from Infrastructure Network for Africa, which includes South Africa. the Eastern Africa Submarine Cable System South Africa's ICT and electronics sectors are (EASSy) project. The EASSy cable will link South expected to continue strong growth in the future. Africa to Sudan, and provide for landing stations in countries along the coast of eastern Africa. The Policy cable will be connected to adjacent landlocked The Department of Communications’ mandate is to countries through terrestrial fibre optic links. The create a favourable environment, ensuring that EASSy cable will be 9 900 km long with an South Africa has the capacity to advance its socio- expected lifespan of 25 years. In July 2007, economic development goals and support the government announced that it would be building renewal of Africa and the building of a better world. a West Coast marine cable to link South Africa to This mandate puts the department at the forefront Europe, and another cable to the Americas. of government initiatives to bridge the digital divide • Broadcasting Digital Migration Strategy: South and provide universal access to ICTs for all South Africa has been actively participating in the Africans. radio-communications sector activities of the The core functions of the department are to: International Telecommunications Union (ITU), as • evaluate the economic, social and political per the World Summit on Information Society. In effects of implementing relevant policies particular, it has advanced the process of • exercise oversight of state-owned enterprises migrating from analogue to digital broadcasting. (SOEs) The Cabinet announced that the first terrestrial • fulfil South Africa’s continental and international digital signal would be switched on on responsibilities in the ICT field. 1 November 2008, and the analogue signal The department’s strategic direction is based on switched off on the same date in 2011, giving five key focus areas: the country a dual illumination period of three • achieving higher rates of investment in the years. economy • Universal Service and Access Policy and Strategy: • increasing the competitiveness of the South The Universal Service and Access Agency of South African economy Africa (Usaasa) was established in terms of 112 Section 58 of the Telecommunications Act 1996 digital migration. The strategy does not preclude (Act 103 of 1996). The agency promotes universal the introduction of new licensed operators to service and access to ICTs and services for all provide novel and enhanced services. Therefore, South Africans. It also facilitates and offers government will initially focus on establishing guidance in evaluating, monitoring and imple- two national frequency networks in relation to the menting schemes, to improve universal access ITU Regional Radiocommunication Conference and service. In addition, it is involved in setting up (RRC) 06 Plan. telecentres, which provide ICT services, especially • ICT Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) Charter: in rural areas, on a cost-recovery basis. In terms of the charter, several BEE and job- The agency manages the Universal Service creation initiatives are planned by companies in Fund. The fund, with monies appropriated by the sector. These includes empowerment Parliament, is used to provide infrastructure for initiatives by Naspers and MultiChoice. the universal service-area licensees (USALs). It • Additional community radio stations: The also provides telecentres and school cyberlabs department has paid for the signal-distribution (computer laboratories) with ICT equipment, cost on behalf of 14 community radio stations for which enables access to the Internet and four years. An additional five licensed community multimedia services. radio stations have been included in the four- • Department of Communications 2010 Strategy: In year subsidy. relation to the 2010 FIFA World CupTM, South • National Emergency Communications Framework: Africa will be one of the few countries where By mid-2007, the department’s pilot project on the every game will be shown using DVB-H national emergency number 112 was being technology. South Africa, with Finland, Germany, implemented in the Western Cape. About 90% of Italy and France, are all in the trial stage of this the Western Cape emergency calls were routed via cutting-edge technology, which has yet to be the centre to the relevant authorities. commercially launched anywhere in the world. The 112 centre also forms part of the Western • Stakeholder Management Policy Framework: Cape disaster-management agenda. The The strategy facilitates the attainment of the department has completed a public-private department’s vision and its strategic objectives. partnership (PPP) feasibility study for a private This strategy has been developed to enhance entity to run the centre and establish a second economic growth and employment creation. It is 112 centre in Gauteng. The results of the final based on a review of best practices locally and outcome of the PPP were expected to be globally and the involvement of stakeholders in announced in 2007/08. the work of the Department of Communications • Active participation in the World Radio to improve service delivery. Communication Conference (WRCC): South Africa • E-Cadre Strategy: In terms of the E-Cadre participates in international organisations such as Strategy, the South African Post Office (Sapo) the ITU, African Telecommunications Union, launched an e-cadre pilot programme that aims African Union, Universal Postal Union (UPU) and to use IT graduates as volunteers in educating the Pan-African Postal Union. The WRCC is held the public, and where necessary, Sapo staff, on every three to four years. One of the main focuses the use of these technologies, particularly in is to ensure the harmonised and effective use of Sapo outlets. the frequency spectrum. The next conference • Spectrum Management Policy: According to the was to be held in October 2007. Broadband Digital Migration Strategy, • Nepad projects: The Department of Communi- government will prioritise the introduction, cations has placed itself as a strategic partner on development and licensing of both digital the continent, taking part in various forums in television and radio in the country. The current support of the African Agenda. The department Icasa Spectrum Plan provides a commitment to has an engagement model for strengthening adequate frequency allocations for digital relations with countries in the region. television and radio transmissions. The Electronic The department continues to be involved in Communications Act (ECA), 2005 (Act 36 of various Nepad ICT projects, such as the E- 2005), creates a technological neutral-licensing Schools Project, as well as implementing policies framework, and provides a range of licensable aimed at building an Africa that is part of an sector services that are related to broadcasting inclusive global information society. 113 5 SA YEARBOOK 2007/08 | COMMUNICATIONS South Africa is participating in and co-initiating the broadcasting and communications in order to Nepad-led effort to build an affordable broadband perform its functions. network. As part of this initiative, South Africa is Over the Medium Term Expenditure Framework working with 22 countries in southern and eastern (MTEF) period, Icasa will focus on licensing new Africa to build a terrestrial and submarine broadband players in the telecommunications and broad- network. The E-Africa
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