![1953-01-29, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Thursday, January 2g AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR S. COMMERCE MOTORS BUY WHERE INTEGRITY COUNTS —CLtVELAND’S VOLUMEjNASH DEALER. (FORD) 13608 ST. CLAIR AT HAYBEN EAST END It MU. 1-4000 wheel of FORTUNE MU. 1-4000 NASH 1951 1951 Fora Ford $1595 Fordor Station $1595 Wagon; Green. radio, heate: radio, heater. 1951 Fordomatic 1951 / ' t_GlANT WAREHOUSE SALE!_J Ford 2 Dr. Ford $1295 $1395 WlTr* Po!i Green. Green, factory radio, heater. overdrive SH 1843 19511 1951 Chevrolet 4- Chrysler STATESMAN WE'VE GOT LOTS OF GOOD 2-cir., Blacx $895 $1295 Windsor Sed tie factory black, equipped 1951 1951 heater USED CARS Plymouth Plymouth ” $1295 4 Door AND WE LOVE TO TRADE! Club Coupe $1395 factory Rock Bottom Prices MANY Black, radio, •quipped heater MANY Real Deals Top Traders OTHERS OTHERS aa,e. We'ro overloader! with aurpiu* used cara of all makes and mooela. JUST SEDUCED TO Wa re clearin* our deck*—all depart­ ment* ar* being mobilised to mova WHEEL OF FORTUNE used ear*. For th* balanc* of thl* week, *1! ear* will be moved to our dant used car olt and to our beauti­ ful new ear showrooms. We ar* SATISFACTION GUARANTEED J emptying our warehouse of all used DON’T PAY cars to display them at our 3 bit OR MONEY REFUNDED location*. Prices Smashed Every car must be sold—Drastic Reduction! ! ! MORE NASH VALUES FORDS, WE HAVE PLENTY MERCURY5 STUDEBAKERS 1948 Kaiser 4-Door Sedan? beautiful grey finish, motor RALPH STEWART 1953 Amba .sedor sedan, 1950 De Luxe Tudor —795 1951 Mtrcomatle sedan...*1798 1980 C9om..:on *edan, ov rdr.v*--——8 os- recently overhauled; very clean interior; good We're Cleaning Hydramatle —.*2398 1950 custom Tudor .,-- *>298 1949 Custom 4-door ——*129* ONE OWNER 1983 Statesman sedan, 194« D* Luxe sedan 298 1931 Ccnm.inder »t*te overdrive 1949 Da Lux* sedan ,* 695 m de! aedan. V-8 1948 Fordor de luxe ... a 39* •thine. lew mile* —*1493 •olid body; don't pay more----------------------------- WVvV .981 Rambler atatlon TRADE- INS 1949 Custom station OLDS 1880 Cl a mi Ion Regal 1947 Dodge 4-Door Custom Sedan; radio, heater, House! wagon .*109* C7QC wagon, beautiful .51198 de ice convertible, 951 Rambler Custom 1981 ”88" eldb coup*, ov .drive —81091 Fluid Drive, green finish; don't pay more---------- $ I v V convertible ——81298 IBM D* Lux* Tudor . .5 398 Must Sell These Can 1947 Buick Special few mile*. 1950 Rambler Custom 4* luxe club coupe—I 391 1349 Plymouth Club Coupe Special Deluxe; one CQQC Sedan; QUAG convertible .8 895 Hydramatle -818*8 This Week To Make Room 1949 Statesman aedan . .8 595 HUDSONS, 1948 "98" sedanetta, d* owner, spotless, radio, heater; don't pay more — yvvw PRE-WARS radio, heater •... V® ■ ** 1950 Statesman 2-door .8 898 luxe, Hydramatle. MAKE AN OFFER new paint *128* 1949 Chevrolet Deluxe Fleetline 2-Door; radio, heater; Im­ For More Clean 1950 Ambassador sedan, low as, *5.00 Dowa Hydramatle .8 999 1*47 De Lire sedanett*. 1*42 Nash ”66o" aedan . 1981 commodor* “8" Hydramatle 8 •** M maculate inside and out; 1 careful owner; fl^QAE 1947 Dodge Deluxe >948 "600” sedan - 8 395 sedan —81298 1948 De Luxe aedanette, 1941 Nash ‘‘600" 2-door es ••• this today; don't pay more------------------------ USED CARS >94S "600” »ed»n * 195 194* Commodor* "8" Hydramatle 8 398 1940 B> ck Super aedan. B9 Two Door; C7QC .948 Ambassador sedan - • 495 BODY MAN'S SPECIAL radio, heater . .. •edan —.8 79B 1942 Ct. 'rolet 2-door „ V ■ **** 1*47 Super *'6'’ aedan 8 398 PLYMOUTHS 1942 Ct vrolet 2-door __* BUICK CLEAN-UP 1933 Ch-yrol-t 2-d00l 1947 Chevrolet I boor; good motor, good tire*; 1952 DODGE 1949 Special De Lux* 1940 Do ige sedan 1950 Super sedan, KAISERS .8 998 you can really save on this one-------------------- $445 1948 DeSoto Custom Dynafiow *11»5 sedan 1941 Hl ison sedan 4-Door Sedan 948 Super sedan .8 795 1948 Special De Lux* Sedan; COCA 1951 Custom aedan, be«»- convertlole — » (9B 1942 Ol s 3-dor.r, 185! Merenry CHb Cpe. £AE 1946 Super sedan .8 395 H»ir»matlc l»Sfl Fw! VB Cwtoe Automatic tran«mb*ion, radio tiful llaht brown. 1947 Special D* Luxa HJoor: radio. heater — v I IPfV 2-Tane; spotless iJlWV radio, heater ... 1942 Pa bard aedan 89 heater seat covers, 9000 actual CHEVROLETS, very clean -------------- *1698 aedan .8 698 134? Plynouth sedan 1937 Plynouth sedan 16 1941 Ford V-8 Custom ftGAfi 1952 Dodge JDr.; radio, »<8 YAK miles. Special. 1952 Virginian Custom 1947 Special De Lux* heater; 6800 miles $ I f WE RE LOADED s-dan Hvdran atl8. atatlon wagon I 2M 1940 Plymouth aedan 59 •Door- mrfta Water____ IJW-VV 1948 Buick Roadi ’> Continental spar* 1945 Special D* Lux* Many ot er nre-wars on display $1795 951 De Luxe sedan. tlr*. 2-tone —.*2298 Sedan 8 398 Visit ou; slant used ear lot. 1956 Dodg* *-Dcx» Ftaki »1 5*QE 1950 Nash 4 Doon 4 AE Dynafiow Sed.; CA-flE Powerglide -----------.51398 Drive; radio, hooter-----V I 2-Tone; like new V* ■ >350 De Luxe 2-door, radio, heater ... yvvJ Pouerghde ____ _ .31195 19Si ’’b.v’-ote* Power Gild. 1848 DeSoto Club Coupe; 1949 Chevrolet 4-dr. 1950 De Luxe 2-door .* 995 Watch our Cleveland Press Ads and listen to radio station WERE programs daily 1949 .. « 895. radio, boater: beige deluxe sedan... $ 945 19<8 Sedan delivery $ 395 for news about our giant warehouse sale. Hundreds of used cats must be moved. No reasonable offer refused; we re trading high. We offer Clevland most liberal $1495 1981 Chevrolet 2-Do« C1AQK 1917 De T.uie Club COUP* $ 4. 3 1950 Chevrolet 2 Door 1946 Beaan .. ___ ... * 235 tewns. We O.K. your credit Immediately. Today’s finest selectka of used cars at Deluxe Special w ■ 1950 Chevrolet deluxe Many otaer Chevrolets on dlap.aj 1951 F.ymoufh LDoor* 7A5 Styleline; ClfiQE today's lowest prices at our 2 big locations. Jpw miteage ’’’**? clean 0 ■ “ 4-dr. sedan .... $1395 1851 Plymouth Savoy (Station heater, etc. V*Uvu CHRYSLERS, 1981 Plymouth e 4 CAE •Tom. radto Into _ V IWU $1685 1946 Chrysler Royal FINAL CLEAN UP 4-dr. sedan ... $ 745 947 New Yorker club 1950 Dodge Coronet coupe, immaculate R9S Sedan; mftE 1948 Town and country 100 Car Selection 1947 Chrysler Windsor ynnyertlDie .. S3S radio, heater . V ■ Vvv 1950 New Yor&er eedan, 4-dr. sedan $ 895 few miles *1795 + Big All "Makes and Models it Most :947 Windsor sedan • 695 1946 Dodge Custom CUSTOMER Satisfaction is our FIRST 1944 Windsor 2-door One Ownet * All Reconditioned * All Guaran­ $ CONCERN NOW as ALWAYS 4-dr. sedan .... 675 DODG1S, teed < AH WinterUed ★ Easy Terms * Your BUY WITH CONFIDENCE WE RE OVERLOADED 2 BIG LOCATIONS Present Car May Be Down Payment 1951 Dodge 2-dr. :r Sedan_____________ t 3«8' •OHIO'S LARGEST NASH DEALER sedan .... $1395 RALPH 1947 2 door * 495 3 948 Clur, coup* * 595 NEW-USED CAR SHOW ROOM OPEN GTANT7SED (?AR LOT 1950 Coronet club COUP*. 1952 Dodge Coronet Ovrcmatle ... *1598 13529 Euclid — LI. 1-5300 TILL 16229 Eu«id — LI. 1-5309 '■i IBM Cus’-m club eon- Henry Canning, Inc. 4-dr. sedan ... $1995 STEWART 9:30 LL 1-5308 __ <25M 1946 DeSoto Deluxe MBECT FACTORY DEALER — DOC . f and 2-dr. sedan $ 495 BUICK PLYMOUTH CARS — DODGE TRUCKS DIRECT FACTORY DEALER WWEST HPOSSTBl^^ FJUCES-r BUY WHERE INTEGRITY COUNTS 14401 Euclid — 2 Lots — 14422 Euclid 1947 DeSoto Deluxe St. Clair at East 125th CpK?- EVENINGS — Across from East Cleveland City Hall 4-dr. sedan $ 795 CALL GL 1-5300 1950 G.M.C. %-Ton Pickup $ 695 DCIkl'C BODY & DE.H 3 FENDER 1946 Ford deluxe For Advertising Call GLcmille 14383 Fordor $ 595 22305 Lakeland Blvd. WL 3-2130 Looking For A Good Deal SOLID AUTO PAINTING On A i 1949 Ford Custom BODY & FENDER REPAIRS VALUES Fcidor $ 995 1953 HUDSON? 1880 BUICK 4 Doo» 1947 Plymouth deluxe Than S«* DYNAFLOW. $1395 4-ar $ 695 Radio, Heate* — Open Mon.. Wei, FrL GOOD BUYS How To Protect 1949 FORD Custom 1947 Plymouth Spooled 2 Door, Radio. GOOD BUY$ ON till 9 P. M. ON deluxe 4-dr $ 795 Your Heater ■ - _$995 DESOTO > PLYMOUTH 1947 Plymouth Spec, deluxe Car's Chrome 1949 OLDSMOBILE, WAGGONER-BEACH, INC Radio, TRADE-INS USED CARS Station Wagon . .$ 775 _$895 DOBNEB'S ARE your chrome bumpers, AUTHORIZED DIRECT FACTORY HUDSON SALES efwf SERVICE Heater . 1952 Plymouth Cranbrook grill work or trim beginning 1951 Chevrolet 1950 Plymouth Special 481 East 185th St at Lake Shore Blvd. KEnmore* 1-6696 TRUCK SPECIAL Club Coupe $1795 deluxe 4-dr. $1045 to RUST? Remember we're 1947 DODGE 4 Door going to have snow and Open Every Evening Till 9 For Your Convenience Panel ______________ $395 Radio and Heater 1951 Kaiser 4 Door, 1951 Plymouth Cranbrook SALT. We advise every car USED We Rove v e# radio and heater .$1395 $1395 4-dr. sedan $1525 owner to use the FAMOUS SNOW PLOWS EHW FORMULA especially r^a 1951 Plymouth Club OK 1947 Pontiac 2-dr. WE NEED CARS prepared fa CHROME. tor Jeep*, Few-Wheel Drive Coupe $1395 1950 Chevrolet $ Headquarters sedan 745 JLafe Model Ffck-tip* and Station Wagaae Tudor; Radio, Heater, 1950 Plymouth Club Directional Signals This pTOtecttv* eoattag wffl not dis­ 1939 Studebaker color. IT REMAINS TRANSPARENT, AUTOMOBILES Coupe 7.51200 $1295 4-dr. sedan ... $ 145 AND WILL NOT CHIP, CRACK OR PEEL.
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