CITY OF ROWLETT, TEXAS ANALYSIS OF OUTSTANDING DEBT AS OF: FISCAL YEAR 2016 PREPARED BY: 325 N. St. Paul Street, Suite 800 | Dallas, Texas 75201 | (214) 953-4000 | Fax (214) 953-4050 City of Rowlett, Texas Table of Contents A. Summary of Outstanding Debt 1. General Obligation Debt 2. Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Debt B. General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Refunding & Improvement Bonds, Series 2015 Limited Tax Notes, Series 2015 General Obligation Bonds, Taxable Series 2014 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2013 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2012 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2011 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2010 Combination Tax & Limited Surplus Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2006 C. Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Bonds Waterworks & Sewer System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2015 Waterworks & Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2014 Waterworks & Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2012 Waterworks & Sewer System Revenue Refunding & Improvement Bonds, Series 2006 Waterworks & Sewer System Revenue Bonds, Series 2005A D. Miscellaneous 1. Rating Reports 2. Texas Municipal Reports TAB A TAB 1 City of Rowlett, Texas All Outstanding General Obligation Bonds As of Fiscal Year 2016 (000's) $32,240,000 $1,235,000 $3,750,000 $7,910,000 $17,155,000 $9,000,000 General Obligation Refunding Limited Tax General Obligation General Obligation General Obligation General Obligation & Improvement Bonds Notes Refunding Bonds Refunding Bonds Refunding Bonds Refunding Bonds Year Ending Series 2015 Series 2015 Taxable Series 2014 Series 2013 Series 2012 Series 2011 September 30 Principal Coupon Principal Coupon Principal Coupon Principal Coupon Principal Coupon Principal Coupon 2016 2,145 3.000% 165 0.630% 100 3.000% 165 3.000% 1,495 3.000% 1,155 3.000% 2017 3,355 4.000% 175 0.840% 100 3.000% 170 3.000% 1,540 3.000% 1,180 3.000% 2018 3,295 5.000% 175 1.120% 105 3.000% 180 3.000% 1,595 3.000% 1,225 4.000% 2019 3,325 5.000% 175 1.360% 110 3.000% 1,640 3.000% 805 4.000% 2020 3,145 5.000% 180 1.570% 110 3.000% 1,680 3.000% 830 4.000% 2021 1,620 5.000% 180 1.790% 115 3.000% 1,340 5.000% 1,745 4.000% 865 4.000% 2022 1,705 5.000% 185 2.020% 120 3.000% 1,405 5.000% 1,820 5.000% 740 4.000% 2023 1,795 5.000% 120 3.500% 1,455 2.500% 1,915 5.000% 770 4.000% 2024 1,890 5.000% 125 4.000% 1,490 2.700% 2,020 5.000% 2025 1,985 5.000% 130 4.000% 1,530 2.700% 15 3.250% 2026 2,095 5.000% 135 4.250% 15 3.250% 2027 635 4.000% 140 4.250% 15 3.250% 2028 660 4.000% 145 4.250% 10 3.250% 2029 685 4.000% 155 4.250% 15 3.250% 2030 720 5.000% 160 4.250% 2031 755 5.000% 165 4.250% 2032 565 5.000% 175 4.250% 2033 590 5.000% 180 4.250% 2034 620 5.000% 190 4.250% 2035 655 5.000% 195 4.250% 2036 205 4.250% 2037 215 4.250% 2038 225 4.400% 2039 235 4.400% TOTALS 32,240 3,655 7,735 15,520 7,570 Next Call 2/15/2024 @ Par 2/15/2016 @ Par 8/15/2024 @ Par 2/15/2023 @ Par 2/15/2022 @ Par 2/15/2021 @ Par Adv. Refundable 44.6261% 100% 100% (Taxable Basis) 2.1691% 0% 12.5410% Dated Date 7/15/2015 1/20/2015 7/15/2014 12/19/2013 6/1/2022 10/1/2011 Coupon Dates February 15 August 15 February 15 August 15 February 15 August 15 February 15 August 15 February 15 August 15 February 15 August 15 Maturity Dates February 15 February 15 August 15 February 15 February 15 February 15 Insurer None None None None None None Arbitrage Yield 2.3997% 1.5694% Taxable 2.4048% 2.1030% 2.3812% Paying Agent US Bank Amegy Bank Bank of New York US Bank US Bank US Bank Purpose New Money & Refunding New Money New Money Refunding Refunding Refunding Color Legend Non-Callable Callable and Advanced Refundable Callable and Partially Advanced Refundable Callable and Not Advanced Refundable Public Finance Department City of Rowlett, Texas All Outstanding General Obligation Bonds As of Fiscal Year 2016 (000's) $10,825,000 $26,280,000 General Obligation Combination Tax & Revenue Refunding Bonds Certificates of Obligation Year Ending Series 2010 Series 2006 September 30 Principal Coupon Principal Coupon 2016 1,025 3.500% 1,105 4.250% 2017 1,060 4.000% 2018 935 4.000% 2019 975 4.000% 2020 1,015 4.000% 2021 1,050 4.000% 2022 760 4.000% 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 TOTALS 6,820 1,105 Next Call 2/15/2020 @ Par 2/15/2016 @ Par Adv. Refundable 5.5770% 100% Dated Date 6/15/2010 6/15/2006 Coupon Dates February 15 August 15 February 15 August 15 Maturity Dates August 15 August 15 Insurer None MBIA Arbitrage Yield 2.9387% 4.6808% Paying Agent US Bank US Bank Purpose Refunding New Money Color Legend Non-Callable Callable and Advanced Refundable Callable and Partially Advanced Refundable Callable and Not Advanced Refundable Public Finance Department Aggregate Debt Service $10,000,000 $11,000,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 $9,000,000 $0 All Outstanding General Obligation Debt As of Fiscal Year 2016 City of Rowlett, Texas Principal Interest Public Finance Department BOND DEBT SERVICE City of Rowlett, TX All Outstanding General Obligation Debt As of Fiscal Year 2016 Period Ending Principal Interest Debt Service 09/30/2016 7,355,000 3,011,143.84 10,366,143.84 09/30/2017 7,580,000 2,772,340.00 10,352,340.00 09/30/2018 7,510,000 2,483,775.00 9,993,775.00 09/30/2019 7,030,000 2,182,930.00 9,212,930.00 09/30/2020 6,960,000 1,892,977.00 8,852,977.00 09/30/2021 6,915,000 1,598,728.00 8,513,728.00 09/30/2022 6,735,000 1,291,348.50 8,026,348.50 09/30/2023 6,055,000 1,006,292.50 7,061,292.50 09/30/2024 5,525,000 757,890.00 6,282,890.00 09/30/2025 3,660,000 564,501.25 4,224,501.25 09/30/2026 2,245,000 436,158.75 2,681,158.75 09/30/2027 790,000 364,858.75 1,154,858.75 09/30/2028 815,000 332,602.50 1,147,602.50 09/30/2029 855,000 299,133.75 1,154,133.75 09/30/2030 880,000 260,602.50 1,140,602.50 09/30/2031 920,000 216,927.50 1,136,927.50 09/30/2032 740,000 176,915.00 916,915.00 09/30/2033 770,000 140,602.50 910,602.50 09/30/2034 810,000 102,702.50 912,702.50 09/30/2035 850,000 62,752.50 912,752.50 09/30/2036 205,000 38,090.00 243,090.00 09/30/2037 215,000 29,377.50 244,377.50 09/30/2038 225,000 20,240.00 245,240.00 09/30/2039 235,000 10,340.00 245,340.00 75,880,000 20,053,229.84 95,933,229.84 Jul 27, 2015 12:58 pm Prepared by FirstSouthwest (mas) (Finance 7.012 Rowlett:AGGGO) BOND DEBT SERVICE City of Rowlett, TX All Outstanding General Obligation Debt As of Fiscal Year 2016 Period Annual Ending Principal Interest Debt Service Debt Service 02/15/2016 7,255,000 1,557,281.34 8,812,281.34 08/15/2016 100,000 1,453,862.50 1,553,862.50 09/30/2016 10,366,143.84 02/15/2017 7,480,000 1,452,362.50 8,932,362.50 08/15/2017 100,000 1,319,977.50 1,419,977.50 09/30/2017 10,352,340.00 02/15/2018 7,405,000 1,318,477.50 8,723,477.50 08/15/2018 105,000 1,165,297.50 1,270,297.50 09/30/2018 9,993,775.00 02/15/2019 6,920,000 1,163,722.50 8,083,722.50 08/15/2019 110,000 1,019,207.50 1,129,207.50 09/30/2019 9,212,930.00 02/15/2020 6,850,000 1,017,557.50 7,867,557.50 08/15/2020 110,000 875,419.50 985,419.50 09/30/2020 8,852,977.00 02/15/2021 6,800,000 873,769.50 7,673,769.50 08/15/2021 115,000 724,958.50 839,958.50 09/30/2021 8,513,728.00 02/15/2022 6,615,000 723,233.50 7,338,233.50 08/15/2022 120,000 568,115.00 688,115.00 09/30/2022 8,026,348.50 02/15/2023 5,935,000 566,315.00 6,501,315.00 08/15/2023 120,000 439,977.50 559,977.50 09/30/2023 7,061,292.50 02/15/2024 5,400,000 437,877.50 5,837,877.50 08/15/2024 125,000 320,012.50 445,012.50 09/30/2024 6,282,890.00 02/15/2025 3,530,000 317,512.50 3,847,512.50 08/15/2025 130,000 246,988.75 376,988.75 09/30/2025 4,224,501.25 02/15/2026 2,110,000 244,388.75 2,354,388.75 08/15/2026 135,000 191,770.00 326,770.00 09/30/2026 2,681,158.75 02/15/2027 650,000 188,901.25 838,901.25 08/15/2027 140,000 175,957.50 315,957.50 09/30/2027 1,154,858.75 02/15/2028 670,000 172,982.50 842,982.50 08/15/2028 145,000 159,620.00 304,620.00 09/30/2028 1,147,602.50 02/15/2029 700,000 156,538.75 856,538.75 08/15/2029 155,000 142,595.00 297,595.00 09/30/2029 1,154,133.75 02/15/2030 720,000 139,301.25 859,301.25 08/15/2030 160,000 121,301.25 281,301.25 09/30/2030 1,140,602.50 02/15/2031 755,000 117,901.25 872,901.25 08/15/2031 165,000 99,026.25 264,026.25 09/30/2031 1,136,927.50 02/15/2032 565,000 95,520.00 660,520.00 08/15/2032 175,000 81,395.00 256,395.00 09/30/2032 916,915.00 02/15/2033 590,000 77,676.25 667,676.25 08/15/2033 180,000 62,926.25 242,926.25 09/30/2033 910,602.50 02/15/2034 620,000 59,101.25 679,101.25 08/15/2034 190,000 43,601.25 233,601.25 09/30/2034 912,702.50 02/15/2035 655,000 39,563.75 694,563.75 08/15/2035 195,000 23,188.75 218,188.75 09/30/2035 912,752.50 02/15/2036 19,045.00 19,045.00 08/15/2036 205,000 19,045.00 224,045.00 09/30/2036 243,090.00 02/15/2037 14,688.75 14,688.75 08/15/2037 215,000 14,688.75 229,688.75 09/30/2037 244,377.50 02/15/2038 10,120.00 10,120.00 08/15/2038 225,000 10,120.00 235,120.00 Jul 27, 2015 12:58 pm Prepared by FirstSouthwest (mas) (Finance 7.012 Rowlett:AGGGO) BOND DEBT SERVICE City of Rowlett, TX All Outstanding General Obligation Debt As of Fiscal Year 2016 Period Annual Ending Principal Interest Debt Service Debt Service 09/30/2038 245,240.00 02/15/2039 5,170.00 5,170.00 08/15/2039 235,000 5,170.00 240,170.00 09/30/2039 245,340.00 75,880,000 20,053,229.84 95,933,229.84 95,933,229.84 Jul 27, 2015 12:58 pm Prepared by FirstSouthwest (mas) (Finance 7.012 Rowlett:AGGGO) TAB 2 City of Rowlett, Texas All Outstanding Waterworks & Sewer System Bonds As of Fiscal Year 2016 (000's) $12,330,000 $4,825,000 $8,525,000
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