VEGETATION SURVEY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA SHEET 7 SWAN 1 : 1 000 000 Vegetation Series MAP AND EXPLANATORY NOTES J.S.BEARD I UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA PRESS VEGETATION SURVEY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA I ,I .:i 1 : 1 000000 Vegetation Series I EXPLANATORY NOTES TO SHEET 7 I J I J. S. BEARD PROGRESS IN MAPPING AND PUBLICATION Jt! Published at 1:1 DOD DOD I ± I Published at 1:250 ODO Banksia low woodland near Reagan's Ford, Swan Coastal Plain, with Verticordia nitens in flower in the understory, and conspicuous Restionaceae. VEGETATION SURVEY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA SWAN 1: 1 000 000 Vegetation Series EXPLANATORY NOTES TO SHEET 7 THE VEGETATION OF THE SWAN AREA J. S. Beard UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA PRESS 1981 First published in 1981 by University of Western Australia Press Ned/ands, Western Australia PUBLISHED WITH ASSISTANCE FROM CONTENTS THE INTERIM COUNCIL FOR THE AUSTRALIAN BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES STUDY PART I: DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA Introduction 1 History 1 Agents: Eastern States of Australia and New Zealand: Botanical exploration 1 Melbourne University Press, Carlton South, Vic. 3053; Settlement 7 U.K. and Europe: Previous treatment of the vegetation 10 Antipodean Books, Methods of survey 17 79 Grosvenor Road, Muswell Hill, London NJ0, U.K.; Natvral regions 19 U.S.A. and Canada: Climate 24 International Scholarly Book Services Inc., Box 555, Forest Grove, Oregon 97116. Geology 35 Geomorphology 39 Physiography 40 Soils 43 Description of the natural regions 46 Formation of the landscape 60 This book is copyright. Apart frctm any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, 68 criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any Human influences process without written permission. Enquiries should be made to the publisher. Pre-settlement 1829 68 Post-settlement 73 © J. S. Beard 1981 PART II: DESCRIPTION OF THE VEGETATION Introduction 77 Beard, J. S. (John Stanley), 1916- Classification 77 Swan, I : 1,000,000 vegetation series. Plant formation and association 81 87 (Vegetation survey of Western Australia). The flora Bibliography. Physiognomy 95 ISBN 0 85564 094 4 Vegetation series 115 Vegetation systems 122 1. Plant communities-Western Australia. Some problems in southwestern vegetation 130 2. Botany-Western Australia. I. Title. (Series). The distribution of karri 130 135 581.5'264'099412 Some other eucalypt distributions The mallee region 139 Kwongan 144 Acknowledgements 147 References 147 Photoset by University of Western Australia Press. APPENDIX: 179 Printed and bound by Alpha Print Pty Ltd, Perth, Western Australia. Description of the vegetation systems V PLATES Verticordia nitens in flower in the understory, and conspicuous Restiona- ceae 167 18 Low woodland of Agonis flexuosa on coastal dune sand, Bremer Bay (understory of Acacia and Stipa) 167 19 Low forest of jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata). Denbarker area 168 PLATES 20 Thicket with Acacia neurophylla dominant, on dense laterite north of Beacon 168 21 Thicket of Mela/euca uncinata on sandy laterite soil north of Beacon 169 Frontispiece: Banksia low woodland near Reagan's Ford, Swan Coastal Plain, with Verticordia nitens in flower in the understory, and conspicu­ 22 Mature thicket of Acacia resinomarginea, 5 m tall, with heath under- ous Restionaceae story, on deep sand north of Bonnie Rock, on the vermin-proof fence 169 23 Mt Toolbrunup in the Stirling Range. Jarrah low woodland in fore­ Landscape in the inner wheatbelt (Meckering Upland). Dissected pene­ ground, grading to jarrah mallee-heath on slopes and mixed thicket on plain on granite, with tors. Relics of the original plant cover on fence the summits 170 lines, on rough ground, or as scattered trees in paddocks 159 24 Thicket on the heights of the Stirling Range, in flower iri October: 2 Wheatbelt scene. Relict trees of Eucalyptus loxophleba showing typical Isopogon, Dryandra, Banksia, Sphenotoma. Bluff Knoll 170 form .._. 159 25 Acacia scrub on shallow granite soil along the vermin-proof fence, 100km 3 Granite rock outcrop 'The Humps', Hyden: mainly bare rock with some east of Bonnie Rock 171 Casuarina huegeliana 160 26 Mallee, typical form, with Mela/euca understory, Ravensthorpe- 4 Profile beneath woodland and mallee in the Hyden district, showing Norseman track southwest of Peak Charles 171 indurated upper horizon underlain by pallid zone 160 27 Mallee-heath, with Eucalyptus marginata and E. ca/ophylla dominant. 5 Breakaway marking the boundary between sandplain and valley, Stirling Range at the foot of Mondurup 172 Southern Cross district, with Eucalyptus wandoo at the foot of the break- 28 Mallee-heath with Eucalyptus tetragona on plain adjacent to the Barren away 161 Ranges 172 6 Coastline in the Barren Ranges, looking east from Point Ann, with 29 Scrub-heath in early stage after fire: general cover re-established, shrubs mallee-heath in the foreground 161 of taller species beginning to rise above the general level. Hyden- 7 Effects of salinization: dead salmon gum trees in a bottom land (Moora Norseman road 173 district) 162 30 Scrub-heath in advanced pioneer stage. Grevi//ea excelsior and 8 Karri tall forest (Eucalyptus diversicolor). Pemberton 162 G. pterosperma rising above smaller heath plants. Great Eastern High- 9 Tuart tall woodland (Eucalyptus gomphocephala). Ludlow 163 way, Koorarawalyee 173 10 Unlogged prime jarrah forest (Eur::alyptus marginata). Pemberton area 163 31 Scrub-heath in spring, near Newdegate: Grevil/ea hookerana, Verticordia 11 Lower-grade jarrah forest (Eucalyptus marginata) previously logged. acerosa and V. roei 174 North Bannister 164 32 Scrub-heath in the Barren Ranges, with Hakea victoriae, Eucalyptus 12 Low woodland: Eucalyptus falcata and E. flocktoniae, typical 'marlocks' sepu/cralis an.d Nuytsia floribunda 174 occurring in patches in the mallee southwest of Lake Magenta 164 33 Scrub-heath component of the Le Sueur vegetation system, on sand. 13 Woodland of wandoo (Eucalyptus wandoo) in state forest west of Bever- Jurien Bay road 175 ~ IM 34 Heath component of the Le Sueur vegetation system, on ironstone gravel. 14 Woodland of York gum (Eucalyptus loxophleba): an apparently undis- Badgingarra 175 turbed example near New Norcia 165 35 Low scrub on granite boss, Point Gordon, Bremer Bay 176 15 Woodland of salmon gum (Eucalyptus salmonoph/oia) north of Bonnie 36 Sedge swamps bordered by paperbarks Me/aleuca rhaphiophylla·, merging Rock 166 into jarrah low forest. Denmark-Mt Barker road 176 16 Low woodland, Callitris columel/aris and Acacia spp., Karroun System, 37 Sedgeland: reed swamp of Cyperaceae and Restionaceae with scattered along the vermin-proof fence 166 Xanthorrhoea and shrubs near Mt Chudalup 177 17 Banksia low woodland near Reagan's Ford, Swan Coastal Plain, with 38 Spinifex steppe: hummock grass of Triodia scariosa beneath mallee of vi vii PLATES Eucalyptus sheathiana, on red sand. Jackson area near- the Die Hardy Range 177 39 Woocted succulent steppe: saltbush A triplex vesicaria with scattered Euca­ lyptus flocktoniae (adjacent to Lake Hope) 178 40 Succulent steppe, unwooded, eastern margin of Lake Moore, looking south 178 FIGURES J 1 Key to component 1 : 250 000 map-sheets of the Swan area xii 2 Botanical provinces and districts in the South-West according to Diels (1906) 12 3 Botanical provinces and districts in the South-West according to Gardner and Bennetts (1965) 15 4 Botanical provinces and districts in the South-West according to Beard (1980) 21 5 Comparison of the positions of the boundary of the South-West Botanical Province according to Diels, Gardner and Bennetts, and Beard 23 6 Rainfall map of the Swan area from Commonwealth Bureau of Meteoro- logy 1962 27 7 Ombrothermic diagrams for recording stations representative of the four major climatic zones: Albany, moderate mediterranean; Perth, dry medi- terranean; Kellerberrin, extra-dry mediterranean; Coolgardie, semi-desert mediterranean 28-9 8 .Climatic zones according to Bagnouls and Gaussen {1957) classification, based on the average number· of dry months per annum 31 9 Period (in months) during which average rainfall exceeds effective rain- fall, calculated with the Prescott fotmula 32 10 Relation of average annual rainfall to length of dry season in eastern and western climatic sectors 34 11 Natural regions (based on Clarke 1926) and their physiographic divisions 36 12 Drainage 41 13 Diagrammatic cross-section of landscape on the Yilgarn Plateau 64 14 Diagrammatic cross-section illustrating Jutson's theory of the Old and New Plateaux 65 15 Land occupation in the southwest at 1977, based on a map in Jarvis (1979) 74 16 Profile of Eucalyptus diversicolor (karri) tall forest from a measured ). strip 100 x 2m in the Pemberton area 97 17 Profile of Eucalyptus marginata-E. ca/ophyl/a forest (jarrah-marri) 98 18 Reconstructed profile of original Eucalyptus gomphocephala (tuart) woodland in King's Park, Perth 100 l9 Example of height and form of Eucalyptus loxoph!eba (York gum) wood- land 101 viii ix FIGURES 20 Profile diagram of Eucalyptus salmonoph/oia woodland from a measured strip 200 x 20 feet, 42km south of Hyden on the Hyden-Newdegate road 101 21 Profile diagram of Eucalyptus transcontinentalis woodland from a measured strip 200 x 20 feet 102 22 Profile diagram of Eucalyptus platypus low forest from a measured strip 50 x 10 feet near the Phillips River southwest of Ravensthorpe 103 TABLES 23 Profile of Banksia low woodland from a measured strip 70 x 2m in the Pemberton area 104 24 Profile of Eucalyptus marginata low woodland from a measured
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