Average Dail}^ Net Press Ran The Weatht;r For Week Boded Cloudy, scattered shoppers to­ Hoveuber M, 1S71 night; low near 40. Rata ending ta' a.m . becom ing partly sunny; high near 60. Outlook fo r 15,590 W ednesday . fa ir, c<4del-. Manchester—-A City of Village Charm VOL. XCI, NO. 84 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1972 (OtasaUled Advertising on Page 17) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Terrorists^ Mar Thai B52 Base B y PETEOl OT jOITOHUN U.S. officials in Bangkok and Thai personnel. More than 6,000 BANGKOK (AP) — Terror- Saigon refused to discuss the Amerlcauis are stationed at the ists invaded the ba^ ta Tliai- attack. But the Thai govern- big base, which is home for •land for B62 operations ta the ment said at least three terror- about 48 of the eight-Jet, $8 m ll- Indochlna war early today and ists slipped into the huge Thai- lion stratofortresses. Utapao is slightly damaged two of the big American base at Utapao, on also the base for a wing of American bombers, the Thai the Gulf of Thidland 90 miles KC185 aerial tankers which fuel government announced. southeast of Bangkok, and put U.S. Air Force fighter-bombers I Informed sources ta Saigon explosive charges under some over Laos and Cambodia, said there was no curtailment of the parked bombers. The infUtraUmi attack was of B82 raids on North Vietnam- The announcement said Thai the first ever made on the ese positions and supply routes guards killed one of the attack- utapao base but the fourth <m in Laos and Cambodia as a re- ers but did not identify the an American base ta Thailand, suit of the attack. “B62 oper- terrorists. All were the work of small ations are normal today,’’/ said ’There was no mention of cas- groups of terrorists who slipped the U.S. Command. ualtles among American or into the bases with explosive _________________________________________________________________ charges. In the other three, at bases ta northeast ’Thailand, a total of five American planes were damaged, one American and one Thai were killed and Bengali Sheik two Americans were wounded. The ta;gh-alUtude B82s Jotaed the w ar <xi June 18, 1966. The U.S. Air Force says none have ever been shot down, but seven Back in Dacca have been destroyed ta colli­ sions or while taking off oss (AP photo) DACCA (AP) — %eik MuJi- crowd at the Ramna race landing. Pint Nixon, accompanied by President Nixon is welcomed by dausrhter Julie and her son-in-law David Eisenhower Sunday. bur Rahman came home to a course after his arrival: In South Vietnam, the Saigon delirious welcome from his “I am not speaking to you as Rovemment was investigating Bengali people ' today after a -leader. I am your brother. grenade attack that caused more than nine months ta Paki­ “I told you the last' time here more than 100 casualties Satur- stani prisons. that your fight was for liber- night at a government rai- Pat Comes Home Among the greeted of the 61- ntinr. For liberty. You have ly the soccer stadium ta Qul P roud Humphrey Joins Race year-old president of Bangla- <]ane'it. But the price that you Nhon, 276 miles northeast of desh was senior American dip- have paid, that my brothers Salgem. ^lomat-'Herbert D. Splvack, the and sisters have paid, makes U.S. officials said they had From Diplomat’s Queen consul general in Dacca until heart heavy." reports of nine Vietnamese On the Primary Trail the Pakistan army surrendered ^he people of West killed and ill wounded, but 1®. Pakistan they were not respon- I s Gone By UCE UNDER “Had I been elected ta 1988, Spivack and Ws seven-man slble for “what your army has By FOBBBST EDWABDS Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey ’we would now be out ot that staff are among a number of done in my country, but I re- Tour of Africa formally announced his third war. I repeat that pledge." foreign misMons that have re- gret that it is not possible for Operations HONG KONG (AP) — The ud for the presidency today Humttarey, who was linked mained ta Dacca, although Bangladesh to remain with B y FRANCES LEWINE hangar. .The President went up once-proud passenger liner a^ call___ _____ for.______________ reconciliation with___ _______J<tanson__________ adnrtaistratlon______ their future status depends on Pakistan.” Normal the ramp to escort his wife, *f“ ***?™ ^ and rebirth and a pledge to end war pMlcles, lost to Nixon ta whether tl»ir°^vcrnir^^ rec- Police had to hold back the WASBINCrXON (AP) — OlV- carrying a bouquet of red t a t o ^ 8M »ton liKtoer^r by the war ta Indochina. i968 but carried Pennsylvania ogntae the new iBengaU nation. huge crowd that surged toward some Vietnamese authorities tag hta wife, a oeremonlal, roses, to a ceremonial dlas. ^ and explota^, «our urgent immediate need by 169,000 votes out of 4,728,000 "It’s good to see you back," fauMS-pIltytag w elcom e hom e aa the plane shouting “Jol iBang- put the count at 12 killed and Whm his schedule would not capsised toJtoy ta Hong Kong ig to end the war—and do it votes cast ta a three-man race Spivack told MuJlb as the Ben- la”—^Victory to Bengal—the ral- d 5 wounded. Among the “m iA iro Ambassador,’’ Preai- permit him to attend the In- harbor halfway around me now,” the 61-year-old former that included George Wallace, gall leader stepped from the lying cry of the Independence •wounded were several govem- she did a bet- auguralico of President WU- world fix^ the Atlantic see/ yJog president said ta announc- Humitarey, considered Mus- British air force Jet that had movement Sheik MuJib ment officials, including Ool person^ Tolbert of libeila, Nixon lanes riie once ruled. Jn^ JJls candidacy at Phlla- ide’s chief adversary, has brought him from Londm and spawned. Nguyen Van Chuc, the newly ap- rqire|M^ative than he would |,e promised to send “a "aie over and ^ed,’ delphla’s Poor Richard Club. strong su{^>ort ta Uie state, par- New Delhi. MuJlb’s 90-year-old lather, pointed cMef of Btah Dtah have done. substitute.’’ said a Marine Department Minnesota’s Junior sensttor, tlculariy among old line party “It’s good to be back,” MuJib sheik Luttfar Rahman, was one province and mayw oi Qul H aM aa a success by Nixon, After seeing news coverage ipokesman 'Ot the ouUytag ^i^pho lost the Democratic presl- leaders and organized labor. the ^fat lady’s trip to Liberia, replied,. smiling. 'Hiere was no embrace the ar- Nhon, who had called the stu- ta and • - _ . « ™ welcome his w ife re- dentlal nominatimi to John F. Neither Gov. Milton J. Shapp trace_________ of bitterness______ .... ___despite,__ , ____pastnvimr riving nero hero. rmi But lua his wue wife w waited dents together to rally them ta the three countries. former Kennedy ta I960 and the’White nor Philadelphia Mayor Frank u.S. support of the Pakistani.-. ---I for him at their cottage ^ against the strong Viet Cong in­ Vice PiJaskPiJerident T. Agnew _ _ prwrtdsnt said, "I realised of tae O u n ^ Une was House race to Richard Nixon ta Rizzo, both Democrats, were government. The Unit^ States Dacca suburb. fluence ta the province. He had t0 'Pred|^‘ an election-year fu- ^||g substitute was doing a UiM present at the announcement. has not yet recognized Bangla- _ alroort a motor- wounds of Ms lega and -of ftirtlMr «plomacy niudi better Job than the prih- for finoMne- iinivoniitv f<v^OmiMnan Pennsylvania’s April ShaJq*, elected ta 1970 on a desh, formed fbllowtag last ^ ^ sheik MuJlb through face, but was reported ta good *“*’• ^ c^pal would have done." rafopm ticket, was a close month’s India-Raklstan war. SSck ciw ^ "We hope that this may be Nixon —id his wife’s trip College cf Orange, Oallf. other nine announced friend of Humphrey’s through About a dozendiplom ats------ The ‘Seawise Universltv as -------*"—^ I, .-w-w. course to speak to his ex- Authorities ta Qui Nhon the beginning of other and demonstrated 'what I know ev- th rip l^ e n S S d w^ candidates, with the exception fte latter’s yearn as vice presl- were 1^ ^ there on blamed the attack on the Viet more-frtatful enterprises that dent. airport. lying on her side, her one re­ with Strivack, among 7 that the sheik sounded Cor,-; underground, but some of- you ,may undertake," Agnew But Shapp, a mllUonaire who them representatives d paid.; maining funnel Just above the tils call fo r a civ il diaobedience ficia ls in Sai^ron said it m ay cimtrlbuted heavily In post FramJe, the Soviet Umon»Union, xi^ campaign agfainst Pakistani have been a local political plot A Mg homecoming c rowd of Reunion Time water line. The other funnel Campaign more than 1,000, Including ■■■■■■■■■■■ coUapeed earlier In the fire. D em ocratic cam paigns, broke goelavla, Nepal, Japan, Poland pj^^gi^jent Agha M ohammed b y rivals o f Chu. many school children, turned ery person ta dds country Firefighting officials said Growing with Humitarey over the In- and India. Yahya Khan’s regime. And it The U.S. Command reported I \ out on a rainy Sunday night ta would want tp: that we have a they believed no one died ta the dochtaa war. As a delegate to Conspicuously absent were ^^s-there that Pakistan’s miU- its tiilrd so-called protective re- a Jebslie hangar at nearby An- feMtag of friendritip and aftec- the 1968 convention, Shapp oast the heads ^ the Iranian and commander in the east, action air strike into North ^ « Sens.
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