Needs GuideJune 2012 BROOKLYN SpecialFREE Family Where Every Child Matters Mobile mania Are they old enough for their own cell phone? Brand new father Surviving the first weeks Find us online at www.NYParenting.com BROOKLYN Family June 2012 FEATURES COLUMns 8 TTYL, Mom! 6 Mommy 101 When should your kid get a cellphone? BY ANGELICA SERADOVA BY RISA C. DOHERTY 18 Healthy Living 10 Planning a perfect play date BY DANIELLE SULLIVAN Follow these rules to make sure you and your little one have a great time 34 Death by Children BY CHRIS GARLINGTON BY ALEXANdrA ESPINALL 12 By the book 38 Ask an Attorney The Ezra Jack Keats bookmaking competition BY ALISON ArdEN BESUNDER, ESQ. encourages art and literacy in public schools 40 Good Sense Eating BY LAURA VAROSCAK-DEINNOCENTIIS BY CHRISTINE M. PALUmbO, RD 14 Unraveling the mystery of colic 42 Divorce & Separation Researchers find link to migraine-suffering moms BY LEE CHABIN, ESQ. BY KIKI BOCHI 46 Growing Up Online 16 Getting pregnant BY CAROLYN JABS One woman’s five-year-long struggle to conceive BY SANdrA GOrdON 48 Our Relationships 20 Heads up BY JOAN EmERSON, PHD What you should know about brain injuries and 50 The Book Worm concussions BY TErrI ScHLICHENMEYER BY KIKI BOCHI 54 Family Journal 22 Less stress, but more effective BY ROBERT MORTON Book offers new treatment program to kids with ASD 56 Family Health BY JOANNA DELBUONO BY DR. PrAMOD NARULA, MD 24 A time of transitions 58 Parents Helping Parents Helping your special-needs child prepare for the BY SHARON C. PETERS end of school BY REBEccA McKEE 60 Lions and Tigers and Teens BY MYRNA BETH HASKELL 26 Summer’s golden opportunity How camps can support the social development 62 A Teen’s Take of kids with special needs BY AgLAIA HO BY BRIAN FAUGHNAN 72 It Figures 32 Brand new dad BY CYNTHIA WASHAM Surviving the first weeks of parenthood 74 New & Noteworthy BY TIM PErrINS The hottest new products 36 Learning on the job One mom’s helpful tips for teens seeking summer employment CALENDAR OF EVENTS BY ALLISON PLITT 65 Going Places 44 Believing in miracles Take the family out and find out what’s Making a difference with the Miracle Project going on in your town BY AARON FEINSTEIN 52 Batter up! spECIAL SECTION The Bronx Museum of Art exhibit features history of baseball in the Bronx 28 Special Needs Directory BY TAmmY ScILEPPI AND SUSAN WEISS June 2012 • BROOKLYN FAMIly 3 Letter from the publisher CONGRATS TO OUR GRADS! know that during and with nostalgia, we is paramount and that our children their proof that they have completed this month many often conjure the vision need to “aim high.” another level on the steps to adult- I of you will have the of that baby we had, We must be there along the way, hood and its inherent responsibili- honor of attending the that little toddler, that to encourage, assist, tutor, and ad- ties. Snap your photos as we all do, graduation of perhaps youngster who first vise. There is little doubt that our but also take the time to really look your preschooler, your bawled, then crawled, job is ongoing, and that education at the ritual, to really look at your high school student, or then stood on its own begins at home, in the womb, in the child and at all his friends, also mov- maybe even your uni- two feet and took off, nursery, in the house, and that we ing up, who you also have watched versity daughter or son. away from us and to- are the first and foremost teachers grow to this point. Then, congrat- I know what you will wards the indepen- of our children. We set the tone, we ulate yourself as you congratulate be feeling. I have been there myself dence we knew was coming and had create the priorities. We either give them. It is your achievement as well many times, and each time, although trained it for. them confidence and direction or as theirs. It’s a huge job to be a good I think I am prepared emotionally, I There is truly nothing like it, noth- we don’t and they flounder. It is not parent. I know. am overwhelmed with waves of tear- ing at all that can match that feeling someone else’s job. It is ours. Our Have a great month. Thanks for ful joy and amazement. of pride and of completion, that in children will only succeed if they are reading. I am amazed at how quickly the spite of obstacles, the work has been encouraged from the beginning by time has passed and joyous at the done and your child has matricu- us, their parents, and informed from juncture and at the achievement of lated and is moving up. In this day the start that success in every way is my child. Proudly we watch as they of overwhelming competition and their destiny. graduate to yet another plateau, an- vocational uncertainty, there is little Congratulations to all of you who other level in their development and doubt that graduations are neces- in these weeks will sit and watch Susan Weiss-Voskidis, Publisher journey in this life experience. Sadly sary; that continuing to be educated your children collect their diplomas, [email protected] STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION PUBLISHER / EXECUTIVE EDITOR: ADVERTISING: WEB OR PRINT ADDRESS Susan Weiss (718) 260-4554 New York Parenting Media/CNG PUBLISHER / BUSINESS MANAGER: [email protected] or 1 Metrotech Center North Clifford Luster [email protected] 10th Floor SALES MANAGER / ADVERTISING: Brooklyn, NY 11201 Sharon Noble CIRCULATION (718) 260-8336 www.NYParenting.com SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT: [email protected] Tina Felicetti SALES REPS: Lori Falco, Sharon Leverett, EDITORIAL Stephanie Stellaccio, Jay Pelc (718) 260-4554 ART DIRECTOR: Leah Mitch [email protected] PRODUCTION DIRECTOR: On Man Tse LAYOUT MANAGER: Yvonne Farley The acceptance of advertising by New York Join the conversation on Facebook. Parenting Media does not constitute an endorse- WEB DESIGNER: Sylvan Migdal New York Parenting Media has been recognized ment of the products, services or information for editorial and design excellence by PPA. GRAPHIC DESIGNERS: Arthur Arutyunov, being advertised. We do not knowingly present Charlotte Carter, Mauro Deluca, Earl Ferrer any products or services that are fraudu lent or New York Parenting Media is published monthly misleading in nature. by New York Parenting Media/CNG. Subscription rate is $35 annually. Reproduction of New York Editorial inquiries, calendar information, adver- MANAGING EDITOR: Vince DiMiceli Parenting Media in whole or part without writ- tising rates and schedules and subscription re- ten permission from the publisher is prohibited. ASSISTANT EDITOR: Courtney Donahue quests may be addressed to New York Parenting All rights reserved. Copyright©2012 Readership: th COPY EDITOR: Lisa J. Curtis Media, One Metrotech Center North, 10 Floor, 220,000. 2012 circulation audits by CAC & CVC. Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. CALENDAR EDITOR: Joanna Del Buono New York Parenting Media can also be reached CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: by calling (718) 250-4554, emailing family@ Risa Doherty, Allison Plitt, Candi Sparks, cnglocal.com or by visiting our website, Laura Varoscak, Mary Carroll Wininger NYParenting.com. 4 BROOKLYN FAMIly • June 2012 Letter from the publisher CONGRATS TO OUR GRADS! know that during and with nostalgia, we is paramount and that our children their proof that they have completed this month many often conjure the vision need to “aim high.” another level on the steps to adult- I of you will have the of that baby we had, We must be there along the way, hood and its inherent responsibili- honor of attending the that little toddler, that to encourage, assist, tutor, and ad- ties. Snap your photos as we all do, graduation of perhaps youngster who first vise. There is little doubt that our but also take the time to really look your preschooler, your bawled, then crawled, job is ongoing, and that education at the ritual, to really look at your high school student, or then stood on its own begins at home, in the womb, in the child and at all his friends, also mov- maybe even your uni- two feet and took off, nursery, in the house, and that we ing up, who you also have watched versity daughter or son. away from us and to- are the first and foremost teachers grow to this point. Then, congrat- I know what you will wards the indepen- of our children. We set the tone, we ulate yourself as you congratulate be feeling. I have been there myself dence we knew was coming and had create the priorities. We either give them. It is your achievement as well many times, and each time, although trained it for. them confidence and direction or as theirs. It’s a huge job to be a good I think I am prepared emotionally, I There is truly nothing like it, noth- we don’t and they flounder. It is not parent. I know. am overwhelmed with waves of tear- ing at all that can match that feeling someone else’s job. It is ours. Our Have a great month. Thanks for ful joy and amazement. of pride and of completion, that in children will only succeed if they are reading. I am amazed at how quickly the spite of obstacles, the work has been encouraged from the beginning by time has passed and joyous at the done and your child has matricu- us, their parents, and informed from juncture and at the achievement of lated and is moving up.
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