i : * ' Izf;- ; 't*' •. •• r . ' • •• 1 r a n e a M t by O. R Wentbof BoMau, NET PRESS BUN - JBhurtford. ; * AVERAGE DAILV CIROUIATION for the Month of Marche 1980 caondy tonlcbt ^ Thnraday; not 5,511 te Library— CkaRp. quite so cold toniji^t.- Btemben o f tlie AnOlt Buroon of CircaIntioBO ^XTEEN PAGES PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN.,\vEpNESpAY, APRIL 30, 1930 VOL. XLIV., NO. 180. (CaaSBlfled Adverttslnr on Page 14) SPOTS ON COAT AS DELEGATES REACHED U. S. Rm S PREPARE WORNBYWIKE FORMAYDAY M Y S m C O P S C E im T lO N TO PASS ON DRY LAW All W ork 1$ Sospeniled to Senator Jones, Militant Djty, Chemist Asserts They W ere Give Regents Chance to Fear May Day Riots Asks President to CaH Made hy Human Blood; Take Part in Ike Monster A ll Over the World Special Session of Con­ Suspects In Smith Case Celebrations Tomorrow. By Assootated'Press. -<&bon prohibited all Communist meet- gress, If Hoover Pro­ Get Another Hearing. Police authorities in many, parts;Inga while in Warsaw special pre- to i cautions were taken against possible Moscow, Ap'01 30.— (A P .)— Prep- gram Is Not Acted Upon; clashes between Socialists and Com- aratlons for M ay Day celebrations keep M ay Day ; munista Muskogee, Okla., April 30.— (A P) . ,, V. ^ « and in some cases forbid demonstra- ,| mumsts. __Alleged blood spots found on a are in full swing throughout the So-1 altogether. Moscow was aflutter with red Believe President W31 Viet Union today, all work ceasing, in paris the police, making their, bunting and numerous decorations coat worn by John W . Wike, one of at thrpe p. m., to give the workers usual preUminary^ roundups ex- as two traveling companions of George Consider Snggesdon. and David Smith, Connecticut time to participate in the fin al; P chargfed with inciting sol-1 The veterans o f foreign wars In capitalists, today added more mys­ plana for International Labor Day. j disobey mlUtary orders. ‘ New York planned to observe the Washihgton, April 30.— (AP)-— tery to the slasdng of the Smiths Millions o f yards o f red bunting, | communists in Madrid announced day as Dewey Day, w M e toeT Cfcm- Senator Jones, Washington, militant here Saturday night in a hotel. ence hundreds o f tiiousands of red elec- i (j,ey were planning huge demon-, munista planned to hola a M ay iJay Wike, whose home is ih Sharon, trie-light bulbs, and numerous .oth- | strations and police made prepara- deihonstratlon. P1m s _ were made dry leader, urged.President Hoover Conn., and P. G. Seeley, of Washing­ er decorations werr placed on all | tions to cope with any trouble. and accepted by both groups to today to call a special session of ton, Conn., the fourth member of government buildings, shops and j iphe autlmrities o f A th «w and lis - ' avoid any clash between them, Congress In the event that adjourn­ the automobile party whose visit to homes last night. ment is taken before the Chief Oklahoma ended in tragedy, are to Public squares on the larger Executi've’s law enforcement . pro­ be given preliminary hearing today streets displayed charts and o^er gram has been acted upon FARM BOARD HEAD exhibits of the five year industrial­ on charges of murder. Both deny [b a r b e d WIRE PEN The Senator after a morning con­ any implication in the slayings, as­ DEPLORES NKarr WORK ization plan, and portraits of revo­ HOOVER RECEIVES ference at the White House, said serting the Smiths, who were broth­ lutionary leaders in crimson frames. the President should insist on ac­ ers, were shot by two robbers who ASSAILS CHAMBER Starts Tonight tion on his law enforcement recom­ fought ^ th the victims in their ho­ The activities were to-begin to­ COPY OF TREATY ENCLOSES FE O N S mendations which were reemphasiz­ FOR WOMEN IN MILLS night with meetings in clubs, thea­ ed in a special message to Congress tel room. ^ a.,. .. Reports from Connecticut that ters and conference halls for lec­ two days.ago. Jones is author o f tiia George Smith, whose home was in Chairman Legge Says Busi­ tures on the labor movement and “Five and Ten Law” stringently Cornwall, Conn., and David Smith, labor conditions in capitalistic coun­ penalizing Volstead violators. Monnfarhirpr Savs Condi" MOVERS CASH IN tries, contrasting them with those Brief Ceremony When Offi­ Mutinous Convicts In Ohio who lived in Sharon, , had been Manufacturer bays una ^ STOCK CRASH He told the President that if Con­ warned against certain “hard char­ in the Soviet Union. gress failed to act upon his recom­ ness Men Failed in Pledge Tomorrow huge demonstrations acters” in Oklahoma, today added A re Being Placed In En­ mendations, the Chief Executive by civilians will take place in all the cial Doenment is Present­ another new phase to the investiga­ tions in South is Challenge; — - should call a special session the day leading cities of the proletarian re­ tion. P e o p le Who Lost Money in To Support Fanners. after sine die adjournment is taten. public. They will be preceeded by Brothers Warned. closure Today. ' A t the same time Senator Jones To Every American— Is Market Find It Cheaper to military parades. ed to the President. Wike, Connecticut dispatches re­ expressed hope that Congress would Many Dedications vealed, had attempted to dissuade Live in Hotels Now. act upon the five measures before Washington, April 30.— (AP) — I Formal dedication of newly-built the Smiths from making the trip be­ Columbus, O., April 30.— (A P )- adjournment. Wrong In Every Way. Members of the Chamber of Com­ factories, power-plants and other Washington, April 3 0 .- ^ (A P )— cause of thjese “ characters,” and had New York, April 30-7-fAP)--^-i- The President’s five recommenda­ The men whpr-rua^j^i^mdving ; ■ enterprises wiU take place in Mos­ President Hoover today received the The barbed wire stbekage wiUiin said that “no one could tell what m i e o f the 'United^^^ tions which he urged Congress to vans are feellnr the’:-«£fect'of cow, Leningrad, Kharkov, Sver­ the walls of Ohio Penitentiary, they might do to a fellow." heard Chairman Legge of the Fed­ U. S. official copy of the London act upon in his recent message and Boston, April 30.— (AP) — The last October’s ,'Stock ^■^arket dlovsk and other large cities. To Announcing that they sought where mutinous convicts will be which twice before were trahsnut- employment of women and children eral Farm Board sharply rebuke the insure unimpeded passage to the naval treaty. more information concerning the crash at last—but with reverse confined'while their damaged cell ted in messages, include transfer to for night work in the mills of Chamber for f^ure “to take any various demonstrations, all traffic Secretary Stison, who headed the warning, police were trying to check English. the Department of Justice; meas­ between Moscow and the other prin- American delegation to the cpnfw- blocks are beinj repaired, was com­ all persons with whom the brothers southern states was condemned to­ The first of May,, which has constructive action to improve the ures to pro'vide relief for congested cipal cities •will be suspended he ence, presented the document to the had come in contact during the day by Eben E. Whitman, vice been eclipsed as New York’s farm situation after voting over­ pleted this morning' and the trans­ court conditions; expansion- o f the tween eight a. m., and five p. m. President on the south grounds of president of the William Whitman moving day in recent years by fer of about 400 prisoners to this Federal prison system; reorganiza­ trip. whelmingly in 1928 in favor of the The May Day committee in Mos­ the White House. State’s investigators last night Company of New York, in an ad­ the first of October, is a "busy enclosure will be made today. tion of the border patrol to prevent principle of co-operative marketing.” cow plans to organize so-called na­ Mi*. Hoover is anxious for the said that three spots found on dress before the National Associa­ season for the van men this The Ohio National Guard, under smuggling and illegral entjy o f tional carnivals. Theatrical com­ Senate to act on the pact at this ■ W ike’s coat had been declared by a tion of Cotton Manufacturers now year, for people who lost money Legge’s address threw into con­ command of Colonel R. S. Haubrich aliens and more effective prohibition panies of Ukrainians, Georgians, session and w m exp ect^ to send it chemist to have been made by hu- in convention here. Whitman's con> in the market-are moving how, troversy the hitherto serene sessions are rnllng the prison with an iron legislation for the District of Tartars and the other nationsdities to the Capitol soon. iQfm blood. pany has interests in mills of both at the expiration of their leases, of the eighteenth annual meeting of hand following the attempted break Columbia. making up the vast Soviet Union W ike told Philip K. Oldham, as­ the north and the south. from high-priced apartmentE’ tb' the Chamber.- A n eitirely different Brief Ceremony for liberty yesterday when the con­ The prohibition transfer bill is will ride through the capital on huge sistant county attorney, he was un­ “ The growth of this unfair and hotels. ' ■ view had been prepared by Daniel A. The ceremony of presentation was victs ■were repulsed 'with sliot that before the Senate, having been pass­ platforms erected on motor trucks, able to account for the spots, which selfish utilization of women and chil­ “ Some of our patrons,” said.
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