THE SATURDAY EVENINC POST 63 After football fame with the L.A. Rams, this intimidating 275- pounder has tackled everything from sports broadcasting to "Lit- tle House on the Prairie" to his current television triumph, "Father Murphy, " byS.LaMarWade or 15 years, Merlin Olsen Fmade his living knocking peo- ple down. As a 6-foo(-5, 275-pound defensive tackle for the Los Angeles Rams, his hiis weren't recorded by statisticians; they were monitored by seismologists. He never had his name sewn on his jersey—just a "Do Not Feed" sign. Now, instead of getting paid to knock people down, he gets paid to uplift them. He's been doing that for the past five years as Jonathan Garvey on NBC's "Little House on the Prairie" series. And in addition to his National Football League broadcasting chores, he's starting his second season as headliner of his own show, "Father Murphy." In a role that draws on his pastoral per- sonality and rural West upbringing, Olsen stars as an unpolished Dakota goldminer who strikes it sentimen- tally rich, impersonating a priest to help save a group of orphans from the clutches of the harsh state work- house. This TV season he has shed the robe, having married the or- phanage's schoolteacher and be- come the orphans' legal guardian. "We had a great deal of fun originally with the idea of Father Murphy impersonating a priest," says Olsen. "But we found that that started to get into the road as we progressed. It was so difficult to ex- plain to people who had missed the pilot episode why Father Murphy had to dress up as a priest. I'm hap- py with the new situation." It may seem out of character to see this behemoth hugging children instead of crashing about on our TV screen. But not so, considering a re- mark made by one of his former NFL rivals. Former Green Bay Packer Bill Curry once described Olsen as a "magnifying glass and a pile of leaves," threatening "to burst into flame all the time." So Father Murphy despite the transition from an in- timidating athlete to a Paul Bunyan of pioneer America, Olsen is still propelled by that intensity. 64 THE SATURDAY EVENING POST November '82 "It's a tremendous contrast from strength of the show is its simplicity. sacking quarterbacks and hand-to- "My great grandparents came out hand combat," he concedes. "In on the wagon trains and settled in fooiball, I knew what my responsi- Utah," says Olsen. "And survival bilities were, and I knew what I was the key. Like in the show, the needed to do to be good. I wanted important thing was not that the that kind of intensity and concentra- house was beautiful, but would it tion when 1 went into acting. I don't survive the winter? Sometimes we think that part of my personality is try to put our own kind of complexi- gone. Some of the things Jonathan ty into the situation. But we ought Garvey and the new character, John to remember those people were out Michael Murphy, do are pretty vio- there trying to survive." lent. You have to remember that On a broader spectrum. Merlin back in the days of 'Little House' Olsen is concerned about wbat sort you had to fight to survive." of morals television is molding for This switch from strength to sen- today's youth. timent didn't really involve any "We've kind of gotten lost a little wizardry for this Merlin. "Anytime bit," he says of the television indus- you deal with honest emotions, you try. "We do have a responsibility to see it," he says. "That's one of the young people who spend a lot of time things I've learned through Michael in front of ihe TV and accept what Landon. You don't have to be they see. TV has made a greater im- macbo to be manly. It's all right to Olsen, AM-American al Utah State Uni- pact on us than anything in our cry. It's all right to care about kids versity, has now been inducted into the society. We're not exactly sure just and dogs. Besides," he chuckles, Pro Football Hall of Fame. what impact TV has had on us. But "I've always been more comfort- we do know kids spend more time able with kids and dogs anyway." within months after my retirement sitting in front of the TV than they So, is Jonathan Garvey—or John from football. And I knew I'd have do reading and talking to their Michael Murphy—the alter ego of to go back and see (my football parents and doing their homework. Merlin Olsen? "Not purely so," he friends) when we did the broadcasts. It's almost like a sleeping pill; you has decided. "But we share a lot of And I was a little concerned how can sit there for hours without doing values." they'd react," he recalls. "But they anything. There's no response re- quired." They actually have quite a bit in loved it I Some of these big guys you common. Merlin Olsen's formative think chew nails came up to me and He gives an example. "What years were very much like those of said, 'Hey, I sit down with my kids scares me is here in California, there Jonathan Garvey and John Michael and watch the show.' Most of the was a bank robbery within sigbt of a Murphy. Olsen is the second oldest reaction has been positive." school. The robber ran out of the of nine children born to mother In fact, that's a major reason, bank and was shot and killed. .all Merle and father Lynn Olsen of says Oisen, that "working with 'Lit- in front of the children," he re- Logan. Utah. And he grew up in tle House' has been such a good ex- counted. "And there was almost no surroundings not unlike Walnut perience." Explains Olsen, "I have response from the children. I guess Grove. three children"—daughters Kelly, they'd seen it on TV too many He worked on a farm in northern 17, and Jill, 14, and son Nathan, times. Maybe we've been desensi- Utah's Cache Valley, caring for nine—"and here's something I can tized by TV. If we're doing that to dairy cattle, baling hay, doing some say, 'Look, kids, I've been working people, we've done a great dis- construction work and serving as a on something, and I'd like you to service." As for the contribution of hod carrier. He sometimes hunted see it.' How many shows could you "Father Murphy," Olsen says, deer and elk for family meals and do that with? I think (hat's a tribute "There are so many shows that deal even helped out by peeling potatoes to Michael Landon and the kinds of with life in the fast lane. If all you and canning peaches along with his ideas he's been able to put on TV." see on television are people who brothers and sisters. And his family Yet he realizes that some critics drink, use drugs and go racing knew the importance of religious in- think "Little House" is too syrupy around from bed to bed, you begin struction as dedicated members of and charming to be realistic. And be to believe what you see, that every- the Mormon Church. has caustically been labeled a body lives like that. We sbow another style of life. We help to And that's precisely why Michael "graduating member of the 'Little House' Mafia." But he's not even the scale. I don't know if tele- Landon, executive producer of both vision really molds children's "Little House" and "Father Mur- bothered by any of that. "Some people would rather watch a show morals, but I definitely feel there's a phy," considers Oisen a natural. He role there." says he's capitalizing on Olsen's that'll give them 30,000 thrills in a real-life disposition and experience. half-hour. But that's not the way He's troubled that this same ir- Surprisingly, Olsen found his life is," Olsen figures. "Because of responsibility has spilled over into football colleagues responded to his the framework it's in and because college athletics. Laments Olsen, "I new role not with guffaws but with young children are going to be think something sad has happened. encouragement. watching it, you have to keep the We've changed the structure of "I started doing Jonathan Garvey show rather simple. But I think the athletics today, and athletes are THE SJI7URD/IY EVENING POST 65 becoming lazy. There's too much "Being an athlete doesn't qualify wasn't coordinated. 1 couldn't stand willingness to compromise. One of you to be anything other than an up straight on a flat sidewalk," he the responsibilities a school has is to athlete," he stresses. "Like (Miami recalls with a laugh. "And the make sure the athlete is getting an Dolphins' Coach) Don Shula said. coaches would tell me, 'We're trying education. By eliminating personal 'Winning is never final; it just to prepare kids for the high school responsibility, we've allowed the means you've been there.' Hard team, and you're just in the way athlete to remain like a child. work and preparation are what will here. Why don't you go out for the "The athlete gets a cusby summer keep you there.
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